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(By "ARGUS.") FIXTURES. Angnat 15, 17—Metropolitan Trottine OloK <ugust 16, 18—Canterbury Jockey Club. NOMINATIONS. Auguet 3—Canterbury Jockey Club. HANDICAPS. August S—Canterbury Jockey Club. ACCEPTANCES. August 3—Canterbury Jockey Club. Aufjuat B—Metropolitan Trotting Club. August 13-Canterbury Jockey Club. Disdainful appeared to have a lucky escape from her fall at Riccarton on Saturday, as she walked quite soundly afterwards. Later in tbe day, however, she showed signs of soreness, and it will ffo necessary to ease her up for a. few days. Tho break in her preparation has conio at a bad time, leaving small chanco of (the filly being at her best for tho Winter Cup, and she was withdrawn from that event at eleven o'clock tin's morning.

F. Christmas has just taken Partisan in hand after a spell, and will get. her ready for spring engagements. The daughter of Glenapp and Kris has been a disappointing performer so far, though she has shown more than once that she can muster up a good dash of speed.

Daytime has been in steady work for some time past, but he has been an afternoon visitor to the track. He made his first appearance with A. M'Avtlay's morning contingent on Saturday, and thr/.igh looking somewhat in the rough yet, he bowled over half a mile in an attractive manner.

Battle Eve. who has been spelling for a few months at Little River, has joined P. M'Grain's team, and lie will be prepared for another season's racing.

According to present indications, it Booms pretty certain that Kisher will be sent to Rieearton to fulfil his engagement in the Grand National Hurdle Handicap next month. Flo was Strongly fancied for the Groat Northern Hurdlo Handicap and was going well •when a faulty jump brought him down at the last hurdle. His jumping is not perfect, but lie is woll_ recommended as n stayer, a very desirable qualification, as .the, It ice ar ton race is run over two miles and a half.

Alter his two good perfonnances at TrtMit.liam tho prospects of Crib as a candidate for tho Grand National Steeplechase came in for favourable notice. Now that tho weights have made their appearance, however, he. is not receiving so much attention owing to doubts regarding his owner's intentions. Tho Sant lllario gelding is also in tlio Grand National Hurdle Handicap and tnere is an impression abroad that this race may be his mission, instead of the cross-country event.

St .151 mn is one. of the most discussed horses in connection with tho Grand National Steeplechase. Despite the facit that some of his recent public form has been disappointing, he has lots of admirers for the big cross-country race at Rieearton. for whioli ho has already received solid support, at shortt prices. On his running at Ellerslie last mouth, when he was second in tho Great Northern Hurdle Handicap and third in the Great Northern Steeplechase, he must fid classed much above the average, and if be is landed at the post- in his best form he is just the sort of horso who might win the Grand National Steeplechase very easily.

The speedy mare, Chakwana, an inmate of J. W. Lowe's Trentham stable, met with a nasty accident last iveek. She got caught in the head chain in her box. and nearly bad an eye pulled nut. The accident left a nasty wound, but it is healing in a satisfactory manner.

The Taranaki-owued gelding, Glenroy, is still at Trentham, but he will probably be sent home without making a trip to "Rieearton, where be has more than once proved very expensive to his admirers.

Kew lias been purchased by a, patron of T. W. Scott's stable nt Trentham, and he will probably visit Rieearton for some of the jumping events next month, accompanied by Rongor.i and Bloomine.

Heeltap, Parisian Diamond and Marconi are among the visiting horses still located at Trentham, but they will probably bo shipped to Rieearton early this week.

Mystic Light, by MystificationSearchlight, was schooled over two hurdles at Trentham lafit week, and gave a satisfactory display. Pie is owned by two Trentham ladies.

The three-year-old filly. Rose Pink, by Kilbrorey-Madder, has gone into A. Goodman's stable at Trentham. This leaves C. Pr'tchard without any of Mr H. Whitney's horses, after an association between them, as trainer and owner, extending over many years.

Tt is understood that B. Doeloy will shortly leave for Australia, where he will remain for a few months. Pie will probably do the riding on Mr 0. 1). Greenwood's horses in their Australian engagements.

Nominations for the New Zealand Trotting Association have closed, with the unusual result that there will bo no election, only the necessary if.imbcr being nominated to fill all the seats. The board will consist next season of the following members: —North Island, M>r,-%sr.s C. V. Mark and R. AY. Short? South Island. Messrs A\ r . H. Denton, AY. J. Hopkins. H. AY. Kitchingbam. H. F. Nicoll, J. M. Samson, P. Selig and .!. If. AYilhams. There is only one change from the present constitution, Mr T. T. Ritchie being replaced by Mr J. M. Samson who, like hi.s predecessor, is a resident of Dnnedin, and a steward of the Forbury Park Trotting Club.

AYhile motoring hoTno from the Tren-t-ham races, a ear containing the North Tsland trainer. J. M. Cameron, and several well-known horsemen, went over a bank near Palmcrston North, but fortunately no one was hurt.

The yearling filly by Athenic—Culprit, in T.'s stable; at Hastings,, was recently kicked on the hock, and it has boon found necessary to spell her. Considerable interest attaches to this youngster, who inherits more than the average amount of speed. Her sire. .an Australian-bred horse, by Traquair,_was a particularly brilliant galloper, who won big races at two and three years, while his dam ranked with the best New Zealand performers of her day over short courses.

Tho Athenic—Maude colt, sold at Hastings last month by his breeder (Mr AV. J. Douglas) has been returned as the purchaser was not .satisfied with him. The youngster has now joined J. Munn's stables at Hastings. It will be interesting to see how Mr Douglas names the Athenic colt. Last time he had a. horse thrown barton his hands) ho called him \Yhakahoki, which is the Maori for repudiation.

Amongst the horses nominated for the Metropolitan Trotting Club's mooting > s Prince Warbeck, who ha.s not raced for some considerable time, and

who must now bo a back number, as ho is seventeen years old. Another old timer on the list is Aberfcldy, who is in his fifteenth year.

The rising four-year-old. Dinna Ken. who was raoing well in the early part of this season, but trained off in the autumn, has been turned, out since competing in the Champion Stakes at Addington last Easter. He is to bo put into work again at the conclusion of the August meeting. If Dinna Ken trains on "satisfactorily ho will he racing at November.

D. Mahoney has evidently got the. West Oast paced Dillon Eddy back to his best form again, as the horse is pacing in resolute style in his training work. When at has best he is a capital pacer, who should win a good race early in the season.

I have seen Tamarisk work a good deal better than he is doing at present. The "Wild-wood Junior horse, although looking well, does not seem to go with much determination and is still pulling and boring badly.

H. Reay has Tommy C working very well at present. The spell necessitated, owing to a slight filling of one of his fore legs, has done the Oamaru-owned oncer a, lot of good and he is standing up to his work in rare style.

J. Smith, who leased the Australianbred trotter Win All from his owner, has got. the horse going really well in his work. Ho was responsible for a good workout on the New Brighton course on Saturday.

I American papers just, to hand civo accounts of the sale of Mr C. K. Billinfis's stfad farm. For a good many years the owner has boon one of thifl l>ost patrons of the sport, and madn it a practice of purchasing only the host horses. He owned Uhlan, t-lifi fastest trotting in tb o world ; The Harvester, the fastest trotting stallion until last year, when T-iee Axworthy pained the coveted honour: Lou Dillon, the fastest trotting mare ; nnd William, the world's fastest pacer, in addition to a groat many other high-class trotters and a few high-pp'ade pacers. A few years ago Mr Billings decided to establish an extensive stud farm and go in. for breeding on a big scale. A very large property was purchased in Virginia. and named Curio's Neck Farm, and the first sale of ' young stock took place two years ago. Much to the surprise of those interested in the sport, Mr Hillings decided recently to sell out his stock, with one or two exceptions, and the sale took place on June 6, Ono of ithe reasons given for tho Kale was that Mr Billings Mould, in the future, devote ail his attentions to the galloping sport, while another cause was that, he had offered his farm as a roc raiting ground for soldiers, now that his country had gone into the. war. AHJhough great interest was centred in tho sale, the war is stated to have caused prices to be much lower than they would have been had normal conditions prevailed. Previous to the sale many experts predicted that the great stallion Tho Harvester would bring £IO.OOO. but he was sold for £6oi>o to Mr Paul lvuhn, ono of th e oldest and most, experienced breeders in the country. Five years ago Mr Billings gave £10,200 for the horse, and a- little time after purchasing him received an offer of £15.000 from the Russian Government, which ho refused. The, horse is twelve years old and his young stock have shown exceptional speed on the urack, ono writer stating that tho performances of his offspring last season were such as to fairly sft the trotting turf afire, and they made liim the most talked of. sought after, and highly lauded sire in America. The seven-year-old pacer William, with a record of lmin 57isec, was purchased by his breeder and former owner, Mr A. K. Vanatra, for £I6OO, and the four-year-old Peter Dillon 'JminJ-lisee. by Peter tho Great, reached £7BO. Referring to the sain of The Harvester an American paper says:—The price paid is the highest ever realised for a trotting horse at auction ;ut Madison Square Gardens, the previous high-water mark having been £6OOO lor Todd, in 1908. Not since 190-i has a trotter anywhere brought moro than The Harvester under tlie hammer. In that year £6400 was paid for Bingen, tho sire of Todd. Af'tcr that time more than £OIOO was paid for Bingon, hut the purchase was not made at auction. The highest prico on record for a trotting horse at auction in New York is £B2OO, by Mr JO. 11. Harrimnn, for Staniboul, 2min 7Jsec m 185)2. With two or 'three exceptions tins is the highest price ever paid for a trotter at auction in th e United States. II was exceeded in 1889, when Bell Boy 2mill lfJjsec was sold ait Lexington for .C 10.200 in 1891. and again in 1891, when An too 2min 16iser; sold for £71.000, and within a week was resold for £12,000. , NEW ZEALAND METROPOLITAN TROTTING CLUB. The following handicaps have been doclarcd for the first day of the New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club's August meeting— IMPROVERS' HANDICAP (in saddle), oi ISO sovs. For unhoppled trotters. Class 5.2. Two miles. Commander Belle scr. CraiWood . Usee Treasure Seeker .'ifee Orattan Chimes Usee Trustanini . Usee Red Ball . I'2m?c Kirikiriroa. . 3sec Albcrtoria . v . 12.SCC Havarma • 4scc Mapeey • l-! spc KaikarAu . Fairy Whispers l'l^cc Armamcntcr . Secc "Winiata - 13sc.c Gemma . Ppcc .Springbok . ISspc Win All . Bscc Patarrl . Macwood . !)scc Marvolo . 15scc Jcasio's Dream Ofecs Arcadian . I-jso: Bow Hells . lOseo Pa.ddy liyud . losoc Dubosc « lOtec Jtludsti* . loscc

TRIAL HANDICAP (in harness), of 200 fiovs. Class 3.30. 1 One mile and a half. Harold J'un. . scr King Lear . 6seo Dillon .Maid 3sec Bridgewood . Gseo Annie K. . 3.=ec Neigh . 6s«o Lady ltothsoon Bank Note . 6seo Allies Chief 3sec Gladeye . Tseo Peony 3sec Willowvere . 7seo Lord Minto 3?eo Darkness . 7sec Erin's Queen . 4sec Papeete . Tseo Cliaos 4sec Glsn Mavis . Vseo Prince Warbeck 4sec Erleen . . 7seo Chid 5?<>tC Energy . Tseo Tho Linnet 5FOC Quincey Belle . Vseo Red Prince Gsec Loo Bell . "sec Mahinga . (isoc Gipsy King . 7seo Rialto Bsec Lady Moth • Watchman 6sec General Wylio 7seo Albert Wallace 6scc Maud 'i'racey . 7sec Nancy Stair 6sec Miss Havoc . 7aec. Silver Quick . 6sec AUGUST HANDICAP (in harness), of 3-50 bovs. Cla ss 4.38. Two miles. AdmiraL Wood scr. Princess Ag.athos 6se-c Sherwood . llwo Tommy C. 7sec Reggie Huon . llseo fAdela-ide Dir-ect 76CC St Kevin . Ilseo Emilins 7sec Childsdale llsco Kvelyn . 8scc John Dillon . ilseo Oinako . 8s&c Capriccio . llsca Match light 9sec Persuader . Ilseo Moneymaker 9sec Stanley's Child llaea Soda 9sec General Link . 12seo Cora Dillon 10s ec Master Perk . 1 Ilseo Tamarisk . 13sec QUEEN MARY HANDICAP (in saddle), oi 150 80V8. Cla-ss 4.57. Two miles. Bell flower . , scr. Sweet Pet . 16?eO' Pax 5sec Neigh . . l'iseo Captain Stanley Ssec Galindo Belle . ITseo Chaos lleeo Waiteranui . J7seo Korke's Drift . Usee Glen Mavis . ISsec Red Prince 14sec Great Britain . lHsea Chelston 14soc Willowvere . ISseo Albert Wallace 14sec Darkness . 18seo Kcrnlelgh 14sec Mystic Bells . 18?ee Zfira 14sec Pit Aroa. . ISseo Inwood 14sec 'J'rooper Dillon ISseo Mahinga 14soc Erleen . 18seo Wood Drift . In sec Stormy Way . J9=eo Goldstrcam. l'jsec Schnapps . I'jseo Energy 1 Gsoc Dainty Dillon 19s?o Lucky Chance . Ifiscc Planet Child . 19seo Sympathy 16«ec Mopey . . 19s«« Branston 16sec STEWARDS* HANDICAP (in harness), o<! ]7.i sovs. Foi • nnhopplcd trotters. Class 1 4.54. Two miles. Red Child scr. Lady "WilWhispering Willie scr. mington . Sseo Hardy Wilkes . lsec Auckland Girl . fisea Clive 4sec Wild Tree . 'lsec Red Heather . 4sec Truganini . lOseo Paul Huon 4sec £ol . . Ilseo Galician Bsec JNorval King . Ilseo Woodchild 5sec Todd Bells . ]3=ec Michael Galindo 5sec Billy Parole . 13sec Annie K. 7sec Lady Patricia . 14 wc Louie Drift 7spo Syrie . . 14neo Commander Belle i 7sec Gay Wilkes . 14-ec Olive L. 7 sec Bon Ami . 14seo Eruption 8?ec Theseus . 14see Imperial Crown 8scc INTERNATIONAL HANDICAP (in harness). of 200 sovs. Class 2.90. Onfl mi.« and a quarter. Admiral Wood .scr. Frandocia • Author Dil-on . 1 sec Eccentric . Ssec Adelaide Direct 2 <5 ec Glendakmeh . Ssea Emilius 'iseo Cora Dillon . oseo 1 Tommy C. 2 see. Wallace Wood 5seo St Kevin 3sec Cello Sydney Erin's King "pec Wilk-es . fiseo Ev.alyn 4s ec Master Park . 5&?o Childsdale 4sec Antonio . 5seO General Wilkes 4foc Ariadne . isec Moneymaker 4scC Litt'o Kauri . Sherwood 6sec Tamarisk . ftseo Princess SherSungcd . 6fco wood 5 sec St Urania . <isec Jewel Chimes . Ssec SPEEDWAX HANDICAP (in harness), of' 150 sovr. Class 2.21. One mile. Nancy Patch srr. Li.'idetla . .lsec Disappear scr. Gold Crest . 3sec The Whip lsec Huia Grey ( . 3«6c Lord Dillon 1 SCO Woodvero . 4soo . .loan of Arc Iseo 'J'rix Pointer . 4scc ' AberMdy 2sco Kothamc. . 4sco : Specification Jun Annie Dillon 2 ; cc Harold Devon . 4seo' 3sec Huon i'atcli . .-jec Sir Fulham 3sec Blackford . -Iseo Sceptre • ."sec St Michael . -Iseo Prince Poole 3se.c ELECTRIC HA N'DICAP (in saddle), of 150' sovs. Cla=s 2.21. Ore mile. Mint-son scr. Promotion . fir«o General Wilkes 2sec Iciclo . . Hseo: Dunspey 4 sec O.l.C. . . flseo : Law Chimes . 4sec Willie Lincoln 8seO; Mountain Rose fisec Red Child . «seo lrvsir 6s ec Gold Crest . !)seo Disappear fisc^ Huia Gray . 9seo Jack Ashoro 7sec Sceptre . . 9seo Grander 7sec Winston M. . 9seo Bright . . 7sec Woodvere . lOseo Lndestar 7?ec Seychelles . lOseoLord Dillon . 7sec Huon Patch . lOseo; Huon Drift Vscc Wingatui . lOseo ■ Lady Tempest . Ssec Salcombo . lOseoj McConnacliie 8sec Celtic . 4 lOseo 1 Queen Tracey . lOseo ' Lady Teddmgton Ssec

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 12066, 23 July 1917, Page 6

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SPORTING GOSSIP. RACING AND TROTTING. Star (Christchurch), Issue 12066, 23 July 1917, Page 6

SPORTING GOSSIP. RACING AND TROTTING. Star (Christchurch), Issue 12066, 23 July 1917, Page 6