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PUBLIC NOTICES. fi AS FITTINGS AT LOW PIttCES v* AT l";ONO REVE'S. Gjib Penilwu!:i from His Gd' (o £7; Ga® Brncknt.s f roxu an Gd to iiO.s; (las Iron a from lis; (iiin i{il1{is 23 Oil, 3s, 3s Gd; Cius Grillers 17e Gil to aSc. Globus, Chimneys and. Mantles iti great variety. two ;-:i*i:c:ralj lines. Just nnivi',l. Now shipment of tho Wonderful INTERN ATl< >N AL SELF-IIEAT-IIs(; SAD IltoN. im- no eqii.ii for Economy, Eflieiiriicy I'.ri't General Excellence. ' PHLCE :10s. Also tho CHAMPION INCANDESCENT Eii.N, en tulle-power. I'JtICE -KM. Durable, Weatherproof, Reliable. Inspection invited. Agents: W. CONGKBVB AND SONS, LTD.. X Colombo Street^ 71 J'ALT; Winter Summer by Buying jSi. Gr:imopbon«. I Guineas up. Mora unci Co. O ADDLF.IiAGS nn(l Mohnir Velvet Suites O irt iCp t"11; Burl Chests, XI 2» C<lj 'i i!<:cl-ljar■ k WiinlisllSh. At Atkinson fl. llaii-paid Sak". _ _ " FA Mil .Y i >o~ t J'rush. Min.ion'ti liavo a A. niiTiiii;; Hl:ii:iti(,' Hiiihli tor ]•< A pure JioiV. ic.vwcd haek bargain. X „ MATCH r.S :>ro <-xpensiv<>, y«vc. iiicni. Buy U!1 Aut tie ! .i'-'litf r. elenn. eftfo nnd cure. T.imU for veur-. duo Kliillins each. Mason. Htnithri? and Co. Lid. QENi> I'i ir.t.-c-: 1 . i'i! t«.r F.r.'inifeti > . Rodda,, O in 0: I'!')''"*!!wt.'-M, Si.'f.Owi'irst M., S-. A I . ; '>ch\ 2 ',* l TATOITES sre ejcpfisnive. *«*<» them. Buy I'll an **A tit ■ ' in Lighter. ck-ivtl. safo und nirn. La lit:, (or vents. Out* Shilliut: ouch. Mutton, Strut)i>rs n*.-•! Co. Ltd. fi OTf.EY'K M.-.i'-it Air-drying Kiln is \J. t.lio only lVrie.-t Way of Seasoning Timber. X2 ' W'Ti'' I)•■-('lo-.'!!!:. Cutlery, Hard, "criu'ts. Ktii\<«, Fork'., Sp«_>o n«.„, ft'} f; free to pur. BUTCHER'S 18-cf. <• o'tl WoculitifT Kit!;,':'. \'|('!!()!.!,S !•'()!! Kl i\l ,\ r ITU Rll. YVrANTHI') to Hoi!, 1 Seetioitf praiMicnlly il iscw iloti.'c. i reo'ii?, .1' 125 • bargain. Nicholls. Aucticvin'f-.r, KB. MaiiehuFtcr Street. X NTF.D—BUTCHEi'i'S Froo Wctldini? r;iffm aiv tho e:i.y "t tbo unmarried. Buy Bi'-tcbcr'a IS-et. Cold Wedding Ilixigi aid r-ei'Uix* one yournrli. Colombo Street, ..,ip. Bank of New /c:t.htiul. _X "WE hold Laud Auction .Sales every SatY t imlov. in our Iticiins. See us personally. P. S. Nioliolli. Auctioneera. Manchester Si rf'-'t. X

WANTED TO SELL. Ni w fur S»l<\ >'"> i;-. :-1, jijefcrvln«ii>-s>' siiJtl i.'jn!"'; Kkatu QIC ATI'S <;' i all ovc; h.iuli-d ami r«- > > j.aiivl, ileal iUiHthlnii, uulib faction OKATES K> t i>#vt that money Luiy. hV » :u: ln"del. O K A'l ES for :-•<>, i.rt.iiv*', aluminium * } !i d JI o-.I'll;' :i p. V KA'I'IX(I J! .'>f Sale, very little uaed, ' -' rill u;> 10- I| !!!.•': ' i 'i'. _ A'l J' Ko..- ran l;i' h;>.» Irow \V. 0. Anv.-' 1 Kt. .\ll Sf. TfU'ELYN CLAIIK, KO B! X.-'O'isf ATT 1) CO., J.J Xoiv Brighton, iM'iic.i (•voryciKi in indiftoreu! h'-u'lli, to 'Onm U-> Brighton, <vlu»ro they ivi'.l >-oo;: bo restored to . full .i.-o .r h?;h : ;i. 'i'lny have several well fiti-uisdu-d h«>u«t h nt low r« u'.aß Evelyn Clark, llobim-on ui il <!<>., NVw i'!ri..'litoij. X \A<" AXTKD Si-H, i:i-K'.>.-.nic«l Country Hold * ? Lea*! 1 : !:iki i - J'-M |X'r v.Teli. CuNll'V and Yiii.cs, »!i} it.■ I'.iiori Shippim* Coy. X •iyAXTKO <" s Tal.lo "L'otatocs, V » I iiikuki, SV/IV'I :;; clump. ■). Harvey :■':■:l Co., •!:>, Tmim St. < M!'i'll 1)UI(I iITO, prael iciillv on tha ■«-' iii'iuh, i(1 o! vof E.tplin.iufo, and .5 minnlrii fn<;» train • Aim*:"-: N«;-.v 5-tooir.ed Btinyalow. Only .v'Jt'.".. Clioapivt Property on 1 li,■ market, c.ud v.-r.rth i'loO. CJeary oml Yates, 1f,7, * iain-ln-ider St. X QXUt'J, CloFcs lloidiiij', 45 Acres; grov.-s O potv.-in.!ttt, oatH, etc. Largo 0toemed home, I'p'cmli.l, Sub-.Hant ial outAlmul miles out. I'ric« flO per acre. l"urt.ieii'tira, A. J. '.iWiMiit, ls't), Cafiiir] St to Soil. Artistic Bungalow, 4 * V roO.lla, i'iio deposit. P. S. Xicliolls. Auctioneer. liM. ilancheiiler Street. X AX TED ."-Ml, Tobacconist near \\h M ;ij•. ht■, 'a Tl'.o.iiro (Ki!HerV); .■ ploniliil <-li:,ncs * snort man. VOI, Manchester St. 3.U i'ainfeil 'lVi.njcs in Ferfcct Ooniiition, 80s. a. j. \VHni- 1 ,, r/rr». WAXTi:i) lien!, tor ra.-ni, .i-a-rooirifd 'Kuri.iMhtd 1111u?;<i, r;t-0.l Walif.v. (Ic-my \i>d Ya!'-:!, niiii'Hii,! I'iiiMii ;-hi[Oii;i;.; C<jy. X \\rAXTEJ). Huyci- Artistic T'endn 11 on BmiVV 7 roniiia. one 25 x '25, i: 1-100. NichollH, Auulioneor, Kit. Mar: chest or Street X__ XhT A X'i k"l) l'i l-'oll, (.'hfuip, u. l'V.'w Tom; of \l i C.:'.v llnrvi.-y ami C<>., ■lO, Tinm St. X TVyoW in the Tinio )« Eir.- Warm Slipperi i\ «ih'. (l;.it.-rs, !.<'•' f'liot-. Slano-y'.s. X ?"H)lfXTitY l_i: i.t: hi ih :i' Knit-hold Jinm v.,' ni'f.M, -1-li'io:.!'d lloi-.- o, 5 Acres; fivoItolA l.'i i'i, iilook, etc., at vuh.ntion; or ;;«> a. f.'oiiu; cor.oi ni, ()v.r,i-r ilrmvii in ballot Oi : aiy and Vatop, c) jKfiiti> Union Shippixi < '"• -" v jrlAiii'ilOl.i) Dairy rViri, na poinK cotlJ i'.:-rn, lia::'!'.' to Citv JMid train, milk ."old dt door; Partii'ulu! . A. .1. Tanan.t, Cnnho] Si. UJ A:."i'K.D 11' Soli, I'liii." Tab'!-.-«)ni'>iw. Karr.: : ni|iM, Swodi-.;; cUeap. J. llaivcv Pfd Co.. '!ii, T-iani St., AXKW liri-'ii ton bar'..;:u r..- -Tiirec rooniMl turniHhrd, fw<l 1 oa.d i i k)i ta t fe.'ici'd. (>'■"■ A rar ■ ndiblo at 1 'lO. Terms. Evelyn Clnrk, Kobiiteon und Co,, New Uriyhton. _ \ITANTED, Buyer for iibaoluto bargain. 9 Yv |{ n.r.ip, all ciMHUnienooH, 8 milnitoi from Ca'lir-dral. All main looms bountiful|v ijtipil'id; A iaic.ii l l o'ir(il»|.'-boilio for'tin- ] lire t.f n colta;.;e; Govt, i-nt i'l 10!.'. Miiiinjr and Co., Ltd \VJ"A.'\TEI> t«. Svil. Early Si-ed Potatoes, \ lloati'v <■; 11 oliuoi ; ]>rimt> aamplo. J. 11 ii v'.cy and Cm., 40, Timm St. WAXTED to Sell, llmiealoiv, 5 stroam front-ftfe. £575, dopotit £6O. V. ,S. Nicboli'i. Am.-'ioii'ior, 33-1, Street. . XTI'.Vv Hrii;Ut<.n. —A cheap property, in tho I.M ceil!to' of Urmhtrm, of r> rooms, porc/.tain br< Mi, o-ppcr, tulm, i'lva'ory brifori, v. ii 11 furtiiitlii'd. I'lico only .£l~.i. l',\'ft!yn Clark, Kobi'.if.on -md Co., Xc-,v Brighton. X LAXEY'S for Worm .SlipporH and Gaiters. HotliJf.ed l'ricxju. Next Kcitc'd, Colombo Si. X WANTED to Sell, St Albnnd HunKolow, 5 lyruo looHif.. tiled roof, motor I'. S. Xii-.holb, Auciiomx-r, 131, Mancheater Street. _ X ■'} io. SKC'I KiX, Malcolm Avonuo, U (ucjii. • CK.'d:mer<j; ieucod. J. in.",. < aalie! SE X _ \S rA.XTr'I) lo '•>:!, Enrly Sned I', V 1:,.-iui V <if lle'r.rr.n; prim,> sample. ,1, 'i:-.;ve\- iiOo Co.. -'.O, '!'u:n;l OXUG TTobtiiirr, milea out. and a trood lO iiluco; land rmwa iiotatoen and other root crops. Small housi\ atablcn, etc. £'.lj pt.r aero. Piirticiihrs. A. J. Turrant, 18ti, Ciis'liol Street. 218

i TVTKW I'iiij/liton.—A dainty, nearly noir JIN 11 ui)!■ a!«jv.-, 4 rooms, vivandah, close aoa j n,n<l car, Hiinny dido. A gift a l , .C'llh. Kvolyn I Clurlt, Hob in *i/n and Co., New Brighton. X ! •f' I ITANTF.I) s«l!, 7-pif«f> Sutfo, green moVV fju-tto., r ",t .','ll. £lO. T. VVbitmoro, >72', f.' Sf. "4 =( /"A."',' I I'.I) !•> Scii, <'"!ich;j, Few 'i'oim of \ \ Good Cow IIi;v. .1. llarvc-.y and Co., Tuun St. _ X A] KV/ r " Brighton.—V/o havo pcvera' cheap IN Sc.ctioiii'j cloi, boh and few minutes' wiill; of '. a in, at . cvi easy twos. Kvelya Cljtk, ii< bi'it 's;-; :>.:•<] Co., New Brighton. X VK'V lln"!:!or..---A Firot-c'aps, nearly new ,i> Bungalow, close n<sa ami car, in tho Btro"f in Mrk'likm. Price only ff>3o. Kviivn Ciar!i, Kobinuou and Co., I*«ew Brignlon. X •ORIfHITON OnrTflinn. —Esplanade South- .»> 'l'hrt; Adjoining cohcns, 27 pufcho* each. £2i> cu'-h or £'.>s for the lot. Terms I'iw'n. Grand memiiulion, will bo worth (i,-u.b!o or treble in a year or two. Brighton South is going ahead. Geary «tid Yates, IC7, Mauchtstor St. •nillLnU!-'rknidals a lit'lo bolter and V' 'I - '■ cbi'i'-'ir-'- a' Burl's, <"a;-hc! St, A ]?G A i S in Warm .Slippers n;u"l Gaiters ' D ,i', Is..tColombo St., next Reooo'j I x ; QPP.J2 YDO!*—t Acri-s Good Land, 2-roorr.fcd j r.'::bl". ..T;iO. f-'oll on easy terms ; or e*chango <'.qi;,iy, i.'2o!), for Cottage. Geary | Oiul Yatc-\ 167 _Mn!ichoi-.t.?r Kl X I "ijUJIt SAiiTv-fU Acre;:. All Flat and in j J. {food IvsgMslt grasses, fi paddocks, main i road fronlnK'.'. 1 mil-- fi-jm town, >j-milo from | {■.lctovy, fiiii'.'iv'id Hairy Fartr.. Good .l-iooni- I od House, orchard. 9-hail cowshed, concrcto j floors. trapshed. man's v.-ljaro. Price I'GO ! per aero. App!v I'. J. Bibby, Kfr;, Wood vi He. | 42C7N I BARGAINS a) .Slaiicy's in S'.ipperw and Gaiters, Call aid See. Jfext Recco's. X White and Coloured Turkish Towels 9d, Is, Is Md, Is Gd» Is lid. A. J. WHITE, LTD.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 12065, 21 July 1917, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 12065, 21 July 1917, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 12065, 21 July 1917, Page 12