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SUNDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS. SOCIALIST PARTY, ALEXANDRA HALL, 8 P.M.. IUOV H. .1. (i. CHAPPLE. WOMEN'S GREATEST CUKSft: MILITAiaSAii ANi) WAU. OAII) a mother to a soldier: "Do you he.liovo in full freedom for women?" Hiud the goklior: " Women can't bear" " No," luiaworcd tho mother; " women bear ii.nnioal" " I forsooth! Suvo tho babies! J-* What, for? Wlutt. cn^. ita.iat tunl Imperialist idon.l is bohind tins mock philanthropy? Hotter tho bahius die in lnlanr.y than hccomo uddiera to dio in tlu> trfuiehea and souk tho enrth viUi tlioir blood mid tcrtiliHti tho Koill SAfi.) iNnpo.oon: "Tho finest woman in is tll(! OHO who b'SUVB tllO 111 Ort t, eoijs!" Whut for? Cimnon fodder, <>; courso. Militarist States always detrude women to the breeders of m<m for Hohtiei*. i;*xxl uonnin knows that, t.'io loce -J Unit puts liuniiuiity lieforo tin* ntiUon is fur Mipenor to tho lovo that put u 1 h<_■ r.ution beloni lmmnni Iv. " rpil K horrora 01 \v:<r aro hidden its dazzling dro-s, its pomp and circninHtiu!c(\ 'i 110 tnio intuit: 01 wnr i:< tho ."hnelc of tho nowiy wounded and tho faint i;Hn;n <-t ilio dyini;."—licv W. V.. Chuimin;*. J JX'l UKI'l: " Women's Curses: ,Mili-■t-J tnrij/n mid War!" .li.'C.) DI.JIMAM ~~ fiTRKIfT (Jill'ltCU. 11, Eov b\ Copelumi; G.BO, Rev l'orc> Knight, H.A., fiuht An Army of VuluntocrH." At this Service special refon'iico w.ll bo mndo to tho death of Airs G. ,). .Smith, wife 'of Colonel (i. 1). Smith, of llio \'c."-v Zc 11 hi ml Expeditionary Forces. Anthem,

"What are these. arrayed in v:liito robes','' ■Solo, Mrs Kruost Filth, "15ml Shall V/ipo all Tears from Their Fyea " (Sullivan). The Advcrtis-.oment in tho morning papers if. coiled. 3Dti VTAL TRIGGE Misi-ion, Cambridge! Terrace ' Motiioclint Church, II arid (>.30. ~.3'i, Yoiin;- I'copVs Kervic-. 8 p.m., Olii-fafhiou-cd Love J'fMißt.. Will do yen <>ood to bo there. Mi.-Kioi) Services Monday .'did Tuesday. Lecture mi "My Lilt: .Story," by .\iisfuuiior, on Wednesday. Tickc'a Is. Durham Street South—ll, Mr liar I lett; 6.30, Rev S. Lawry. Madmn Street —Reopening Services after Renovation: 11, |{ev 'W. Hooper (Soloiat, Mr (Molliicr); 6.30, Rev C. K. Ward tSoRudd), C7!l GRAND THEATRE. SUNDAY NIGHT 3d 15.9 lON. OWING- to tho widespread intn.-.-r,!. main fitted liy the public of Chnf-tchnreii in this Aliiwion it has been decided by the Management to Continuo until Further Notice. Subject for SI" NDAY NIG JIT, " I« Sunday tho Sa.bbath ?" Its claims 41:1 n, f<ee,r<d <iay examined. A question for .ill ChriM iana. Ooor.s open at 7 o'clock. M.iolinn coniniance 3 ni 7.15. Singing by tho Clio;*. Building Comfort übly Heated. Speaker, T. V.'Jl J'JTLE. 3'2J ruMiTiTTixfH TERICACE au-tiiwii-.!. Church—Viil Triygo Mission, 11 aml tVio. Love. Fcai;t 3 p.m. MMii.V l'l'Y Congregational Church--l!ev •* Harry Johnaon, Morning and HvoMiu;. il a.m., ' Hindrance* to Religion in liiuniK'as "; 6.30, "Tiio Problem of Temptation."' VisitonMYelcomod. 2721 r |"MSNN Y.SOX .Street Conftrogaiiiniai Church. Rev William Tanner, 11 a.m. subject, "Tho Involution of a Soul " ; (I.Ill) p.m. !.ui>icct, "Jesus, Rudciha ami Theoyophy." Yisit£>i 3 cordially welcomed. " 333 /"IXFORL) Terrace IJaptiit Church—ll Rev J. J. North, Christian Doctrine.; plainly put unrioit. Subject- "Tho Holy Spirit." C.3u p.m., Rev i'orcy Knight, 15.A. Subject: " The Crowning Glory of Christian"VTAL TRIGGE Mission, continued Sunday, * Monday, Tuehday. " Missioner'a Story of llit< 1.it0," U'ednoaday. A U.MAG 11 Street If all—Sunday o'clock. JvTr Roborf, 0. Grubb v.-ill (D.V) proneh tho Goapol as teen in the Tabernacle, Gcd'r, dwelling place in tiio midat of Ilia people, Imae!. Illustrated by Jurgo din(jnwn. A Jicarty Welcome to all. Sunday School —,'t o'clock. 11710 DATTTjR for Bonis."—Salvation Army, 1J Fitzgerald Avenue, Linwood.—Six daya' Campaign conducted by Adjutant Huidison, oomtuencoa Sunday, «t 7 a.m., 11 a.m., il p.m. and 7 p.m. welcomo. A. S. I'odmor, Captain. Timea at Val Trifjee Mission, 11 and lotc J'Vast ;i p.m. Cc.m;ear'y! ./ CHRISTIAN Pcienco Service- First. Church , Christ fcinontist, J;a-!iiner Square. ject, " lnf«." Snndny Sehoo.l, 2.t, r . p.m. '.r.'.u |) HO IDS' Hall, St Albans Street.—Mr A. C. Kleiuiti" will (D.V.) continue the Prophetic Acidrc.s:ie3. illustrated hv chart.. Subject.--" War in JlauVin." Sunday ScJnol •'! o'clock. £7O/ T\;J OORIIOUSH Avenue Church of Christ. — Mia» of the famous Ilaniabai will bn tho speaker «t Toinorrov/ evening. Como and hoar about thin wonderful work anions tho nativoi of India. Collection in aid of mission. ~X J.KXANDEU'H iiymnH— Powerful Sri vie «h Triggtt Mipiiou, Cambridge Mothodist, (,'hurch. ' p AH LI A .M E N T Pulp^tho " Phari - of J'ublia Life. Tho claim* of li'iio lioh'pioii Mid tli. Rcoiir.inio Question.'' Mr No/'ontnylor. .Sunday niudit. 7, Trades Hall, Gloucester Street. Collection. "The 'Wisfo know tluit, foolish Icj-ialaiion is a rope of f.nnd--t'iat thr> State must follow and not lend tho character mid progress of the Citizen.' 1 --Kmersin'a "Politic;.." ''.1709 "I) 11)(!LKY HAIvL, lfl~, Armaifh Street, Ciiristchureh.—Holicvcra gathered in tho riftmo of tho Lord Jeans Christ meet i7l the above ball km imd.-r ; Kach Lord's Day: For tho of tho Bread, 11.0 a.m.; School for tho Inßtruction of tho Younn 1 , 2.3,') p.m.; tiio (loapel of tho Grace of God, 0.30 p.m. Tuesday lvvenin«*s, a.t, 7.45, !siblo Roadinj.'. An carnei-.t invitation ts extended to all. Hymn liooko uro provided. Thorn aro no collection:.. "O'IORY of ?.[y liife," Vni Tri!»<;e.—Camhrirlfro Terraca Church, Wednesday, 7.30. Tickets) Is. 1> IDG LEY HALL, 187, Armagh Street, J Chrifdciiureh.--The Goapol of the draco of God, will, God willinjr, bo proclaimed in flu) above hall on Lord's Day next, the 2'Jnd. in'.tant, at G. 30 p.m.; s,ubj< et, "Who Js Your God?" An earnest invitation is e-xtended to nil anxious on en. Hymn books and lliblc.i provided. There are 110 collections. rpirrcOROPITICAL Society, f; G. Arma.c;ii JL Street, Yictoria Suuarn. Sunday, 7 o.rn., address by Miaa Ilawley, ".llcw VYo May Master Our Fate." Lotus Ch«.-«. 3 p.m. 0708 OPiIUTUALISW ChiTrclTT TVorcr^ter Street—7 Tra,nco John I'apje, "Tiio Need of .Spiritualism" (continued). Also Clairvoyant description*, floor Collection. L\ceuni, 3p. 11.. Yif.itora Welcome. \'f7"HY Did Clirist Die? A Public Lectin'.: * on this m'oinc!, v/ill bo in the ChriMndclpliiau Mci:t Place, Hiblo ) 1::! 1 Madras Street, City, on Sunday .Mveniic vt, C..30, r;<) '' \J Y T/ifo Slorv," !>y Yal V/edne; »-'■*- dav, ''.un'oridi'O 'rcrrnco Church. Ticketn !'•. I'.t'i IVTEV/ Zenland Kationnliflt AH':ociat:.-,, >■y Caledonian Hail, \V.,yc.»sto: Street- Mr YV. W. Collinw will lecture 'o-rnorrow. Sub. ject: ''Tho Anniversary of tho Great Fivn-h Revolution : F.uronean Detrioer.-icy from to 1017." Coininencinrr at 7.1 fi. Questions niiHwored. Adminsion froo. Collection.

PUBLIC NOTICES. Builders and Others—xY quantity of Grates, Tiles, Interior/a, Don- Grates, and Chimney Pieces ---must be cleared. A. J. White, Ltd. 1 T"»VEll-NU." —First appear™"™ Tii" NVv ■'•J Zealand oi the gr:>at liiwcr Destroyer. Guaranteed effective. r j7i\ T E7{A r U~ 7 ~<]e»;7r^7".inif" l^ -I-J and Dry Rot in Pianos, Futnitiiro, Houios, and nil Wooden S'ructure.i. " 'PVER-MU" nbjwiut.»ly proven t.i d<*-a f-'ii/nifl ;n-;, and «.ffact>!>]y preserves wood indefinitely. Jj^ VER-.NU " Lnvo.i worry VerandaliH, i'nnr.o end To: t. 1 ;? rap.'a Pes to, Foundation* of Wooden HuiWiuKu, I'ic.rß. etc. EVER-NU " pres-ervoa Woc-rl fr.'iu ravages of all Insoc.s, vVr.-inn GrowJiH. • by a7j7 E. Keoce, Ltd. Lewis and A:;d';r? 'ii. Solo agent, 2-IC, St Asaph St. Tcienho/.'oa, jeno and '2013. " 47 BARGAIN Lots arc Everywhere at iioo.'.h's Sale. IPCI _ DUKHHitAKING— -Wanted, nn Apprentice. Apply Miss Muir, 20.), Cambridge Terrace. 257 DIA.MONDS, Wctclics, Furniture, Cycle.-), Sewing Jlnohiuoß—all in Friday's SurprißO Packet Day. 30,000 Prizes. 335 FRIDAY Next, 80,000 .Surprise Packets— Gold Watch, Diamond Ring 1 , Oak W.irdVoho Lady's Cycle, Sowimc Xr.achino. LADIES' Combinpp, mado up in any atyle. Reading, llairworker, opp. Band Rotunda. . 257^ HAIRDRESSER wanted, constant employment to good man. Apply M.0.0.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 12065, 21 July 1917, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 12065, 21 July 1917, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 12065, 21 July 1917, Page 12