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wHUS^r IHK TsiTiKoimi. fmx Bit A, llironwia ■HrW nH JamPßgr Dear Slr-r was infferinj from »j«m« MMW ■SB IHttk. «old which bo affected my Toic»»j» mi VBHw HH TgnTJiWht «P'»kine. painfal and eiagin* an «tt dfln 888 l^HUUi^k the opening of the OhriitoW«k Indn% £B^^A ■^H MbWßm Exhibition, bnt twenty-four honra ml fIBB^BA ISJiHIi <ffi^ JTOrtW <o that CTent >t teemad impot rible f«va MS&MKKk BfJMM/|BBHB|Pif tofolfillmypr<mii»». lobtaJnsdsbad flßirmft BBBm ef your P«e^ora«»i«, and after taUmg aft M^7 VHBB ■■■■BUM doiei I wai to far benaitod astoM $M 'Ik m m AUBinnA t« tint; with more than wvalmeMM. ALL OTHERS -aggSgfg?— >

•' ' . / • Business Notices. GOODS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. TO THE PUBLIC,— In presenting the following Quotations from our LATEST PRICE LIST we lies? to draw nf f«i+{ nn +« +i **«" i. .an, orrc^mSnT "" "** W to **» C ™ t ™ "* M *-Ss^Jffi^^^WlJ^^of^'iaSffi CEU^K^^ GOODS in RETAII, QUANTITIES at LOWER PEU'.ES FOJi CASH than^ othe7 Importe?s cZ afford to <pll j£i ?e £ T"? to SKM, OUR seen that in.supporting us the Public are SAVING MONEY, and directly benefiting themselves. Wholesale Parcels at. Thus it will be • Finest Millaquia Fugar (no higher price)... 2Jd Finest Cream Tartar, per lb Issd TT?A ' mi? A V mn 4 Colonial Candles, per lb« 5d Nfeave's Food, per tin ... 1M iEA ' TEA. TEA. English Wax Candles, per 1b... 6Jd Robiuson's Patent Groats, per 'tin '" '" 8d ORIENT BRAND w»r 1b o Sg£3Z£-Z*z z ::. « «Sffi teJl r'-. li *»'S :: b% *^^$^Z M ,u^ Fresh Herrings (flat tins) \... 6Jd Dome Blnck Lead, per doz "' m HIMALAYA (Mountain Brand), por lb ... IsBd Finest Tapioca, per lb .!: lid Oakey's Knife Powder, per tin 5d PUEE CEYLON, per lb ... Is fid 2a 2a.^. Finest Sutra, per lb ... lid Oatmeal, 251 b bags "' 2s 9d STATION TEA Tier lh 1. 01 f,, '" Best Currants, cleaned, per lb 4d Lunch Biscuits ... ... . . 2id £<a ' per lb , • Is2d,ls4d Best Sultanas, cleaneJ, per lb . s|d Ginffernuts... '.','. „', "' 5^ — Good Valehtia Raisins, per lb . „. ;... / S|d Mixed" .... ..; ;.. ... ." "' 4^ TWTt t * /-vttt-»t oi-r« . -r. Muscatel Raisins, per lb ... ... w Sd Sardines ... 4d undid MILLAQUIJT SUCrAR. Finest Sheeps; 'l'ongues,.llb tins ... ... , . 8d French Plums .;. „ ... [ „, 8d No. 1 Quality. Finest Shpops' Tongues, 21b,tins ... ... laid Dried Apricots-. ..; ... ' " '10d 2iD PER LB ■- Best Brands Kef osene, (is tin, 12s case " 21b QIaES Jars "K" Jam Is2d 2U PER CWT WA&DELL BROS. & CO.

!>\^>*fc. \Afc«ST kSSORTM£NT OF REPAIRS BEST K [TP|IP ?ThJT3 5 . OW-THE • \ IQSJfICM ST eHßlSTC^\mC>fr^J . ~" \ ! 1896. SPRINa. 1896. — — — —— 1 TUST TO HAND DIEECT FEOM THE • ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL MANUFACTUEEES NEW DRESSES, • NEW BLOUSES, ' , NEW JACKETS, NEW HATS AND BONNETS, , NEW * MILLINERY , '■ A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP NEW BLACK GOODS. ' 1 READY CASH DRAPERS AND CLOTHIERS, 210, HIGH STREET. NEWS FOR COKPULENT PiSQPLEj | PHYTOLACCA TABLETS AND JUICE. i A SAFE BEMEDY IN THE TEEATMENT OF OBESITY OB COEPULB^CT^ ( NOT A PATENT MEDICINE. : From time immemorial it has been noticed that birds feeding on the Phytokcco Berries became vcrj ( leaji, yet retained tbeir health perfectly. I r The earliest mention in Medical Works we can find of the remedy* ij in Vale's "New Bemcdie?," - n. 561 : — " I once nifrgestod the Phytolacca as a remedy in fatty degeneration of the heart and y heart (birds which feed On the terries lose all their adipose i.isbtiel." To DrW, M. Griffith, a regular prnctitioner in Pen3Bylvnnia, belongs the honour of having introduced j J the remedy in practice. In 1889 he published an article on the subject in the " Medical Summary," ufl 1 ; . Philadelphia, and expresses surprise thai; the Phytolacca Berry Treatment of so distressing a condit onj '• " • continues- to be neglected. From this paper we extract the I'ollovring : — ''• " The dose is one to two tablets befo>« each meal, sometimes increased to four. They diminish that '• ; . appetite to some extent. In some aioea the reduction of weight is remarkable, as much as 15 to 20 pounds) , { a. month. The reduction is frequently apparent the first week : n feeling of liglitm es and comfort follows) ; their administration,. One patient lost 40 pounds in three months, and suffered no inconvenience; (lift ■ average is from 10 to 15 pounds a. month. • • * 1 hid nomewhnt surprised that this treatment has not received the attention it merits. Phytolacca seems analogous to lodide of Potash, and acts in chronic j < rheumatism similarly. I have found it elflcaniou-i in tiiat. painful form of rheumatism of the arms and | ■ shoulders, of which so many complain. It docs not. constipate ithe bowels, but rather acts as an u;>crieut. 1 * '.It seems to have the power of causinjr Rbaorption of adipose tissue in a ureat degree." , I - PHYTOLACfiA BEERY TABLKTS AND JUiCifi have jessed through thiir experimental stage. ! ißead what Dr Wise has to say about this remedy :— ; f "My experisnee is that about 75 per cent of corpulent people who taka it reducs their weight. All : j corpulent people are more or )es» in danger ot apoplexy and lienrt failure, ie, hb "ell as from rheuma- j f tiffm, are clumsy and heavy about the joints and limbs. Now, Phytolacca will every, time reduce tUa ! , fatty degeneration about the heart, thereby facilitating a free circulation. It has the power of disßolr. i - lnfT the fat, and thereby the patient will feel light and active. It will often euro rheumatism that has > reels' ed treatment for years, particularly the kind that affects the shoulders and arras Personally, I can report reductions of flesh that would seem almost incredible. For instance, I knew ;. ,«<an who weighed 3501 b reduced to 1801 bin three months, i also know of a number at laAlea who fcaro reduced their wrust measure 9 to 12 inches." PHYTOL4CCA IS AN ABSOLUTELY BAFE REMEDY ] It in K>H fa Tablet* price 2a «d % box. AlsothePur* Jniee, 2a 6d and 4b C a Bottle X1829 SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS IN I NBW ; ZBALAN.D. *. ■ !

KJAMS AXE THE PUKES^. St ' ... Wanted. Cash advetisißemeutd under chls head, not oxo*edin fonrtoon words will bo dbaxgod SIXPENCB. way ANTE*D Known— Professor Biokertc i ra jf V ports :— Saxon Tea is absolutely pure and of good quality F 1839 «*AANTKD Kncwn— daxon 'J'ea is tioiiolottß V V Don't be led away to purchase cheap, uferior tea— Dear at. a eift.. -p W "ANTED, Ladies to see our new French Millinery, just opened. Kenneth Matheson and Co., The Hall. JUSI7 \TLT ANTED Knowli— New Sailor~Hats, with Vf bands, at Is 6d. Kenneth Matheson and Co., The Hall, High Street. X1517 W ANTE U. Ladies to In«pecc Beath nndCo.'B ■ Charming New Milliner}', from London and Paris, for Ladies and C> ldren. \ 1917 W "ANTED— If you have Cough, Croup, Cold , or Chill, Bronchitis or Pneumonia, 'twill save you many a^doctor's Bill if you try Paragonia. WHAT about that corn? Still keeping i f..r a weather guide ? Bad policy. Get Marshall's Kura Klava, a sure corn-killer. Is every -:■■.. Xls6fi WiM'Jii) haiuwn — AnotUHt 'biii^uttiit Ewcalyptae Sixip, Plalypua Brantl, ha<) arrived. Soli everywhere and* 9, CatheSrsl i^iuare. . B\&i ~\7U' ANTED, Larlies to understand thnt Beatli t ▼ nuil Co'V. Drapery Establishment i» thoroughly up to date since our new partnor arrived. 1017 */|/A NTEU Known— Boys' and "Girl., 1 Galatea yV SniJor Ha f s, Bi, Bid, lOjd. Nt The '.all, High Street, Uhristchurch. Kennoth Mntheson and 1 - X1617 \l\f ANTED Known— Extrivcrdiniiry Purchase f » of Corsets, worth 4s Bd to «s 6d, being Bold at Kb lid; Kenneth Matheson and Co., The Hall, Hitrb Sfa-pet. Chrißtchurcb. Xlfil7 "ANTE]) Kiio'vs 11— Hundreds of dozens of Ladies' nnd Children's Straw Hafs just opened at '1 lie Hall. Kenneth Matheson nnd Co., High Street, Chvistohnrrh. . ' X1517 W "ANTED Known— llß2 Corßets bought at an enormous discount.; ull at 2s,] id, wortb 4b SfJtofisCd. Sco our window. Kenneth Elatliesnti p.nd Co., Tho H nil, High Street. . X1517 WANTED, any portion not nble to proonjre Srtxon Tea from their gi-ooer to communicate with Saxon Tea Coy., who will arrango with in nijant to mippir thorn F 1339 WANTKD, (Jentlemen to see our Tailor-mode Suits t" order for 553 and 755, best: value in the trade. W. McClea and Co., Eefidv Cash riiilors. 210, High Street. *F 567 'ANTED Known — JSuorJyptus .iajubes, Platypiis Brand, Antiseptic and stlmui lant. AH Chemists and Grocers, and 9, Catliodral auarot next- Post Office. 6865 ANTED, SnVerorH from Headache, pestion, Ac., to know that Saßimfras Pills, Platypus Brand, ore a entn ouro. Sold. «>vory> where, arid the offloes, No. 9, Onthodrlil WANTED Known— For satißfaotory dresslualniifc it iB neenssary to hnve Fit, Stylo wd ReosonnWc Prices. McClea nnd Co. doeß it. Summer Dicsbcs 25s complete ; malting, 10s Cd s no sundries. FSC7 Miscellaneous. 4 CHOICE Lot Children's Cots m vanous aizea j£Sl and qualities. Ballantyne and Co. X13&7 A SPLENDID Assortment of Trotweringß, , Coatings and Suitiugs to eelect from. • Ballaatyne and Co. •; XISSIT ABE yon Bt'ont? Do you hnvo difficulty in breathing nfter exertion ? If so you should take Phytolacca, the now and safe anti-fat— a lvally marvellous remedy ; 2s Gd , all chemiKts. XISS6 A GENTLEMAN, when writing for a fresh supply of Phytolacca, said one bottlo vh dnced my father seven pounds in less than a week. 2s 6d, at all chemistß. XISGQ CHOICE Colourings and Designß in Urosael nnd Axminster Carpots in large vurioty, Ballnntyne and Co. X1357 . EOKTY pounds of Biijjerfluous fat were taken off a Duncdiu merchnnt in Ibeb thnn throi months by using Phytolacca. Ho remarked that it made him feel aa sprightly as a young mnn. 2s > 6d, all chemists. :-■ . , "Xts(» TprEADACHESinake the best tempered erf s .JOL and irritable. If you want to be rapid ' 7 cured use Dr Crossland's headache powders. lsC i, at any chemißts. ' Xlsfil !^ IF you are stout use Phytolacca, it reduces the waist measure of ladies by inches in a tev weeks. Absolutely safe for male cc icmale. 2s 6d, all ehemißts. . XIS6S TTMMF.Ns<E Eeduction in Gold nnd Silver JL Watches, Engagement Kings, Chains, Brooches, Clocks, Spectacles, &c, at" Glnrko and Co.'s. Sale now on. Open To-night until 8.80. Come and sco for yourself. S. Clarke nnd Co., 148, Colombo Street. X1876 H' ATKINSON hns for Sale, Beautiful Dinner • Sets for AVedding Presents. F 2204 ATKINSON'S for BedstoadsTud "•Bedding, « Spring Mattresßes, Kapoc and Wire Mattresses. F22W II 1 ' you think your cnße is hopeless, call and Bee Mr Palmer, whoso, remedy cures when all others fail. See advertisement. AtE. W. Hall's, Armagh Street. • Xl6Bl JACKETS— US only, Ladies' and Maids' Fashion, ahlo and Stylish Jackets, black <u<l coloured, honestly worth Ms Gd, will be cleared at 8a lid. Kenneth Marheson and Co., Spot Cash Drapers. MULLET 6d per tin, Sand Soap 4d per czlzo Vf *!■ Goode, 103, Victoria Street. 7044 ACKISTOSHKSi made, to order for Ladies 01 Gentlemen any uhape. Ballantyne anc Co> X1357 ' NB Lady, who had not been iible 10 got her hnndsupto her head to do her hair for 10 years through rheumatism in <he arms and shoulders, wos completely cured by Phytolncca. 2s Cd, all chemists. PHYTOLACCA is a splendid reniecly for Bheunmtisni of nrms and shoulders, it rnrely fnils to cure worst e-nsps. 2h fid, at all chomistc . X1566 "F>AISINS— 2O boxes Valencia Baisins, 31dpor Jtk) lb. W.E.Goode, 103, Victoria Street. 7044 SAFETY Matches— so gross Snfety Matches, 2d per doz. W. E. Goodo, 103, Victoria Street. 44 SEVEIiAL hundred dozens of the note 2s 6d Woorwell Glovcb ii\ Brownß and 'Tntm. BaJlantyue ana Co. X13.')7 fp 'IAYLOU, Grocer, Cnsbel -Stroet, s (is JL • Wihoo at 2s 6d. Many wonderful ouroa ettW-t^d iv, Cttristchurch. 4361 I^ABLE C:itlery nnd Plato. See our knives _ fromM, our forks from 4-}d and our buoous froai2ltl. Minson'g, 220, Colombo Street. 7017 * b fUHE Worann Who Did," " a Trilby," bo the .JL Maof (3), "Cato," "Pat" anil "Nero," are from their "corns" completely free by tho use of Walker's "Corn-curing Hero." Piico Is. Nt " Tho Medioiiw Chest." High Stveot. XIBO3 .ANTED, 5000 Ladies lo Purchase the Ken '.••atuval Wool Uiideroiothing, as recom raende,l by Doctor Eydor. Beath and Co Drapers. ' 191 W"AN TED Known — New' Spring and- Summer ; Dresses made to order, 2-5h complete. W. McUleaand Co., Eondy Cash Drapers 210, High "c. Street. ,•■ ' ■ ' F fflL,._ ■• WANTED Kuowi— Just to hand, al tholatest noveltios-Mi Millinory, at reatfy» «sa<ih prices. W. McClea mid Co., 210. H'«rb Htiwtf, Tt*S7 "HAT, nevor heard of Phytolaocn t Why it iB the only genuine remedy for nmkiuK stout people thin; no Bpssta dieting required* obsolutely mife for male o ti-AS. 2e 6d, all cnßinists. X1666

DUNFORD & CO, • 156, COLOMBO STEEET, | . ARE NOW GIVING WONDEEFUL VALUE i : _....-....• is ■• • •. " ' TEA SETS, DINNER SETS, TOILET SETS, And all descriptions of CHINA AND GLAS3WAEE. TEA SETS from 15s ~) DINNER SETS from 30s >- Exceptional Value. TOILET SETS from 12s <ii) A large variciy of goods specially suitable for • presentation purposes to select from. Inspection Invited. DUNFORD & CO., Holy wood House, 156, Colombo Street, Christ church. ' Established 1861. K MARMALADE is the best. .Notice of .Removal. C. PANNELL, TAILOR, &c, Begs to announce that, owincr to the increase in his business, he has REMOVED TO LARGER PREMISES, No. IH7, MANCHESTER STREET (Opposite Burkes Hotel). A Choice Assortment of Tweeds, Serges, Coatings, &c. X1592 SUITS from 555. A Trial Solicited. I>ELA\S ARE DANGJiKOUS. TRY ms[ JAM. JOfciJN WALLEK 6t «UN, i ITIMBER AND COAL MEBCHAKTS, j TUAM STSEST, HAVE m STOCK every description of BUILD INQ MATEHIAL, including very Large ■ ritockßof SEASONED TIMBER, kept under cover ready for immediate use. CEMENT, GALVANISED IRON, LEAD, DOORS SAS B ES, BUILDERS' IRONMON GERY, FENCING MATERIALS, &c, &c. COALS AND PIUEWOOD We are epared to QUOTE PRICES for Build Materials delivered in town or any port of the Province ' X«8

tSE ONLY ■- ' ' . Iff JAM. . • I FINEST SNOWDROP • SUGAK 21 £ TEE LB. PEE CWT 2ig. IMPBOVED SPEKM CANDLES SEE OTJB DISPLAY OP j HAMS AND BACON. StTGAK-CUEED SIDES ... SI(J PEB LB SUGAE-CUEED HAMS ... QXfr PEE 1.8 t EINOAID'S G.I.C. ! FOB r^EYLINDO m E A. TEETH TEETH TEETH | [yi^l J TEETH fT\UVi AUSTEALIAN DENTAL INSTHTTTK JL (Brico's Corner), Colombo ami Hereford Streets, Übristcburch. A revolution in Dentistry. A fuilset from £33.-, a sruglo tooth 7s Gd. Upper or lower setß fitted with our pntcnt uctopus Suction. The most complete *.vstcm of painless \ iientifltry in the world. Mastic itiou guarantied. Paiule-s cxiractions by the use of entirely ne>v anra-tbeiicp. Messrs Co'ttle : nd Morpoth, dentists. A. Frafer, Bu»iuo»s And at Wellington and Paluiorston North. Hours — 9 a.m. to G JU.JLO TUiWiUiS : (Late of Ballantyne's), 171, COLOMBO STBBBT (four doors north of •Kincaid'k). . DERSSMAKING . MANTI,E-MAKING in nil branches COSTUMES, BUJUSSS COI.LKGE GOWNS, &o. FRES renovated and remodelled. TT ATJSST FASHIONS. Charges moderate.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5689, 7 October 1896, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5689, 7 October 1896, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5689, 7 October 1896, Page 1