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i IMPORTANT NOTICE. : i 1 ■ ■ _____ JTJST OPENED DIRECT FROM THE BEST CONTINENTIAL AND COLONIA l - MANUFACTURERS. CLOTHING. MERCERY. : Men's Sac Suits— Choice range of Colonial Tweeds New Tonnie Shirts, with collars and pockets, a 2256d,255,2756d,293 6dthoßUit t large variety in matted cloth, silk stripe and . r , _ , _ Fancy Ceylons, 4s 6d, 4s lid, 5s Od and 6s 3d, *J™lJc7**'- X «T*s STr? Shetland Merino Pants from fl s9a f •£, £ vLS ,C ° •'"iol Tweeds at 7s 6d, Bsj 6d., New g het land Merino Shirts from 2» Ud. I * upwards. New Bibbed Cotton Pants from ls 6d. ' H B»vtf v. „, „■......■' , ni n New Plain Cotton Pants from ls 6d. '* -.elville Smts to fit boys from 6toßyearS, ji5 W pi ft i n Qotton BWrts from !s?a, V To fit Boys Si to 10 year», 9« to 10s. New Mwino Sull-Hoie 83, b\&, 7}d per pair To fit Boys 10 to l2 years, 10a to 11s. .»■■•• » » Seamless double heels, and Eoxs, B|d, very epecial. Tl.eso are all Colonial Tweeds, and Wonderfully New Sh »P eB ln Black and Coloured Floxible Felt cheap. Bring your boys along nt once. Hats. New Black and Coloured Soft Felt Hats. Boys 1 Galatea Washing 3uits from 5s 6d. Boys', youths' and Men'o Buthing Drawer*, all at J Bo3s'HeavySer g eSailorSuitsfrom7 Blld.8 lld. A Sr ge Variety Of Whit, and Speckled Straw ( Boj s' Navy Twill Maritime Suits from 9s 6d. Hats » lod » ls - ls 6a » 1b lla » 2s 3a » 2b oA > * ' New Braces, New Ties, New Collars, all marked > Th< se are New Stylish Goods, and a Bargain. exceptionally cheap. I KENNETH MATHESON & CO.. SPOT CASH .CLOTHIERS, TAILORS AND GENTS' MERCERS, THE HALL, 59rt. 9&!_ WTftTT RTRISKT f!TTRTSTf!mTRnFr.

late Advertisements. 1' OST, Horse Boot in Gloucester Street ; re. J ward. Apply, Mr H'Kenzie, Blacksmith, loucester Street. 2445 WANTED, Canvastring by- a good budneu / woman. Apply, by letter,- to Urjrent, Post Office. :,■:'■ X - .2435, ANTED, VI wo %Eespectable 'Young Mot Boarders. Apply 217. Cambridge Terrace. Ten minutes' walk from Post Office. 2863 'AN^ED Known— Private Board and Besidence; Indies and gentlemen, lira Taylor, 220. Gloucester Street west. 2312 W "ANTED to Let, House 5 rooms and washhouse, fruit trees ; rent 8s ; 70, Tnam Street. Linwood. Apply, Bealea'a Grooary Store. 38 , W "ANTED, about the end of . the month, a , good Nurse and Needlewoman. Apply, fa the morning, to Mrs John Deans, Biccarton. 2403 WANTED, by a respectable young girl Situation as Light General, or tr> assist . in housework; wages, 5s to 6s weekly. Address, F.M., "Hfcn*" Office. 243© "VIT"ANTED Known— l will not be respoßuiWo : TT for the debts of my wife, unless they ara contracted in the Purchase of Joko Tea, wbioh T know she cannot live without. FJ3OB W "ANTED Known—That, Mogul Tea is the best nerve invigorator in the market.FlsM \\r "O #^OOKE, Chemist, lian largo f V . JK;« Yj stock Loasby's" WAHOO," best remedy made disordered Stomach, Liver ■ Complaints, Piles. 2268 (S "lIfJUD Spasms,' Colic Diarrhoea." ri WhitVV worth Bed Bottle, In 6d. Art B»f Lancashire lad what it will do!" E. i All>^*«i V 39, Cashel Street weat. P7l( ' BEST Shilling Perfumes in New Zealand! Opopivnax, Jockey Clnb, Lavender. 40. Bottla open for free trial!) E. B. AUpt'esp 289, Cashel street West. 9740 DBFIDHLEB'S "Wild Cherry "I Bawei.tha earnest young Maori Evangelist, sings itm praises; ls 6d. i). B. Allpress, 239, Cashel Strive ' west. ■ 9710 1 ALBUMS, workboxes, writing desks, baaV, pursoi, inkstands, Japanese goods, &o. On view at Minson's, 220, Colombo Street. 70*7 „ g~-iHOICE Colonnngß aiAd Designs in llrassaii \j and Axminster Carpets in largo variety, BaDantyne and Co. XMW TTVO you want to get a present for one of your JLP friend? Call and walk round at No. 280, Colombo Street. Minson's. ■ 7047 . ÜBGLABS. Burglars, Burglars.— Bhould these . gentlemen pay you a visit you can keep them in a good humour by giving thorn a cup of the now Celebrated Joko.Tea., „. . < . FI3OB. , .-■>; XJiYBStGHTS Scientifically Tested Free' of "•' Xli Charee. Acknowledged to be the best '■ Optician* in New Zealand. Spectacles from Is. G. and C. H. Jones, Watchmakers and Jevreilers,. Cashei Street (opposite CaM), Christchus'ch. S2UB TH BIGGS, Chemist, High Btreet, sells Wnhoo Jj V—theY — the great Bemedy for IndigOßtioQ." 1 . MINSON'S Dep6t for every article required in the kitchen. China, glass, earthenwnw, ironmongery, enamelled ware and bruahware. 230, Colombo Street. 7047 PALMAM gui moruit ferat, which, freely tran. slated, means : Palm brand tea tnkM'tbo cake, and surpasses all other teas for exeellenee and flavour. Sold by all grooers. FI9OB ! • NAIL Brand" Ointment! heala woonde. O aUayß irritation, oum Bunburn, dollgbt. fnijv pooling to skint 1b 3d. Chemistg, Qrooers. CHEWING Machines of any make can be satlßfao* l~) torily repairpd and put in order by skilled workmen. Call at Minson's, 220, Colombo Btreet. No charcre unless satisfactory. 7047 \ nHHW bust Liver Pill t ue World U Ur I Fidh)e>'s, recommended by three Canterbury Doctors, ls 6d per box. E. B. Allpress, 239, Cashel Street West. . 9710 ' m nnAYLOB, Storekeeper, always stock* JL. X LOASBY'S "WAHOO," 2s 6d: caMd Indigestion, Flatulence, Palpitation, Nervousness, Sick Headaches, Sluggish Livers. 2268 m ~%r INCAID, Storekeeper, for " Wahoo," 1 • J\_ 2b 6d ; best remodj' made General debility, Costiveness, Piles, Sick Headaches, Np». ralgia, Heartburn. 2263 rr\E A .Sots, 40 pieces, from 10s 6d") MINSON'fI X Dinner Sets from 21s V DEPOT, Bedroom Setß from 10s 9d, full BetsJ MO, Colombo flt , fTtO Carriers. — Half-acre, 4-roomcd Cottage. X Madras Street, Sydenham. O. Purdie, 843, St Asaph Street. 2438 TVT E W ■ BO OK 8. i^| Jude the Obscure, by T. Hardy, 2s 6d and 3b 6d ; While the Billy Boils, by Lawson, Sb} Fellow Travellers, by Graham Travers, Csj Maid Marion, by Peacock, 8s 6d; The Qhristmas Hirelings, by Miss Braddon, 3s 6d ; Sons of Fire, by Miss Braddon, 2a 6d; My Happy Half Century, by Misß WilInrd,3s6d; On the "Verge, by Francis Prevost, 2s 6d; A Summer in a Canon, by Mrs Wiggin, 3s 6d; Tom Grogan. by F. H. Smith, 2s 6d and 3s Bd; Heart of the World, by Eider Haggard, 2s 6d and 3s Cd; The Bishop's Amazement, by Chr.istio Murray. 3a 6di Master WilberfOrce, by Bita, 2s 6d hnd3s6d; Views and Opinions, by Ouida, 3s 6d; Doctor Conealton's Legacy, by Henry Johnston, 2s6dand3s6d. W. G. CHAKTEES, White Hart Buildings, High Street. F 1893 GARDEN^ TOOLS. A MANUFACTUEEE'S Special set of SAMPLES. CLEAN, BEIGHT, GOOD AND CHEAP. NOW ON SALE. HIUD SO N ft CP» S.P.Q.B STOEES, XlUfll Colombo and Gloucester Streets, Christohnrch.

Late Advertisements. WILLIAM CULLEN'S A DDEESS TO ELECTORS, . (EEMOVED TO LAEGEE PLACE), AT ART GALLERY, Armagh Street,, * TO-NIGHT, at 8 o'clock. 5437 THEOSOPHT. PSYCHISM AND SPIBITUALISM. f" ECTnEEbyLIUAN EDGES, M.A., F.T.S., JU. in Oddfellows' Chambers, TO-NIGHT, at is p.m. Doors open at 7.30 p.m. Admission by Silver Coin. . 2442 THE Friends of the late Dr H. F. Meadows are invited to attend his Funeral, which will leave his late residence, Sheffield, for the Cemetery, Wadding-ton, on Wednesday, at 1.30 p.m. 2434 THE Friends of Sergeant-Major Wardle are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his la^e mother, to leave his residence, Erskine Pojnt, at 3 p,m. (Wednesday), for the English Oauietesy.. ■ ■ Jfiw Hnwm W. BADCLirFE. ■TftOß NEBVOUSNESS, GENEBAL DEBILITY, CONSTIPATION, ; SL.UGQISH LIVER, PILES, INDIGESTION, Take LOASBY'S WAHOO, The Groat Herbal Bo:v.edy. Never Fails. Wholesale Agents— Kenipthornei Proa er and Co.'s N.Z. Drug Coy. LOST, Fur Doa, in Madras Street, yesterday. Beward at "Star" Office. 2449 OST, Saturday Night, Black Shawl and Two Capes. Fiuder please return 66, Durham Street. 2433 W" ANTED, a Good Troußer ' Hand. C, Pannell, Tai10r,.127, Manchester Street. WANTED at once, First-class Coat Hands. Apply; Mr Carter, W. Strange 'and ■Co;-.= ' '-■■•■ • ■'■-_ y,: . ' ■ ;•; ■,^3BBO ■ i TTTrrANTKD, seasonable; superb, Health MagW nesia, lOoz bottle' Is, straight from our Laboratory. Ask your grocer, or send • post card. Health Supplies Company, 245, Cashel Street. F 1823 WANTED, ladies, when they require competent Female Servants' of all classes, they ] apply to the Matron, New Zealand Labour Exchange, Manchester Street, Christohuroh. Servants who are not bon& fide, end only remain a few weeks in their situatious, are not admitted,. Country servants with references are invited to apply. Orders by post or wire promptly attended to. Telephone, 256. Postal address, Box 7, P.O. Cbristchurch. /""HOMFOBTABLE Board and Besidence wanted \j by brother and sister ; private home pre ferred, near town: moderate terms. A.M.B. " Times " Office. 2443 rf^OiiOSSriL Bale now on. .bargains in all do* \j portmentß. Kenneth Matheson and Co., TheJCall. X1517 HEALTH MAGNESIA challenges every* other brand, Local scientific industry. The Laboratory of Health Supplies Company. F 1823 IF you are stout use Phytolacca, it requcea the waist measure of ladies by inohas in a few weeks. Absolutely safe for maW? w lemale. 2s 6d, all chemists. " X1566 SNELL, <3olombo Street Pouth, Christ- • church, Waste Product and Bottle Merchant. Cash Purchaser of Bags, Tailors' Cuttings, Kopa, Bones, Load, Zinc, Brass. Copper, Iron, Flin Glass, Paper, Iron (scrap), Oil Drums, &c, &c. Every description of bottles bought, sold, or exchnnged. 255 N~EW BBIGHTON.— To Let, Geor*e Street, 6 rooms, 12s 6d ; 8 rooms, stable, £30; Sea View Boad, 6 rooms, stable, £45. H. L. Bowker, Marketplace. 2447 QUMNEB.— To Let, fully furnished, House 9 C 5 rooms, stable, &c. ; rent, £60. H. L. Bowker, Market Place. 2446 f|^O Let — Office, Bedford Bow; central position. \ X Apply, Butchers' Supply Co., Bedford 80w.40 1 nn HB Celebrated Castle Brand Salt now arrived X and in store. Butchers' Supply Co., Bedford KoTv. 2441 Tv LADY OSCLISTS a*d GENTLEMEN CYCLISTS. j fX^HE P.I.C. have accepted the Agency of TWO OF THE BE«T WACHINESIn the whole World :— 1 The Celebrated " TOWNKND " and the Luxurious "üBMOND." First Arrivals are only jußt opened and already only a few are left. The "TOWNEND" has the reputation of being the best value in the world, and The "OSMOND" holds many of the European Amateur Becords. Every Machine Guaranteed. Order* should be booked at once to seenre one of these splendid for the incoming cycling season. p. 1. a nnHE CHOICEST FBUIT IN. TOWN IS AT HICKMOTT'S. eg- The Best Bananas, the Bent Passion Fruit, The Best Pines, the Best Seville Oranges (for marmalade), and the Beat Lemons are ALL CHEAP AT HICKMOTT'S, .Opposite Press" Office. Telephone 445.


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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5688, 6 October 1896, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5688, 6 October 1896, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5688, 6 October 1896, Page 3