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-M_*__*______M__l 111 I l_l_-___M-_____ ' J '""Vm Sale and To I>et. SEOURE A GOOD HOME j SITE -. : 1 Near tke Centte. _.. ; J QjUABTEB-AcTes FOB; < / LINWOOD EXMNSI-aN * (FRONTAGES ON MATS THOfiOUG__FAJ_J_S). LandTraairferKtlee. -.-- . A Small Deposit accepted. Balance wltMtt THREE YEAES. with the Option ot EeflucJn* same by £6 Instalments at any nine. Land Transfer Act !__:«« wepared and (___fl_gefla accordance with Licensed Lend Brokers' CJoreh*. ment Seals. - - *• •■■•■-■.•■■ a j. MARSHAI4 v Property Apent, 45, Cathedral Bquare(cornerof Chancery l____i). ffPj. At-LAtf H(IOPJK_OfBiHOUSE, LAND-ANPESTATE AGSWI",.Cathedral ; Cv . - Kert Bank of ]ff<wJ_e_i__ni \. '■ P,'P-M-' (Te_ephofle437).'' ■;■:*" r "." v Cheap jPspPEß^i-t £50, LINWOOD, cldse, to Ne* Brljli-in ttton route, splendid Quarter-acre BuiMing Sitg.. ,Tei»__, £10 cash, balance in three years at 7 per oent. ' £125, LINWOOD, splenoid position, nice House of four rooms, Boullery, washhonse with copper, I &c., one-eighth acre section, planted with ;£_____; I trees. v Jefv I £2_o, STANMORE ROAD, Verandah Cottage of 5 roOms (plastered), sculleM', l &c., cv ekythia^ la 1 good repair, quarter-acre land mcely^pMited. I§o' £260, WALTHAM, handy to the SmoolitTgood Shop doinfea fair business, <Jottage.o|.!ftooweu_-atore-roome, stable, trap-shed; #c., qi___ter_lci ; c BectioA well fenced. -. - 1 -.'■ {-172, £300, WILSON'S ROAD, convenient-to trßix<)ind tram, well-built Cottage of 5 brooms, -kth- room washhouse and copper, qaarter_vcre seption' taste* fully laid out in garden and fruit trees. "'" . 173 £330, ST ALBANS, healthy s.tu&tww, House «. 6 rooms, scullery, washhousewithoopp?jri.4c.; h?3lacre land in orchard and garden.' ... ... - '827" • £350, CITY (North), Verandah Hcrase.of 8 rotaos, scullery, Venetian blinds, kc, eighth*^ land j worth enquiry. -'.... •.H"^ £400, LINWOOD, handy to tram, iTew-Sbn^df 5 good rooms, washhouse, copper, ■ &c., . thre?. quarter-acre land nicely planted' in- garden ..'fejiid fruit trees. ". 214 ; £475, ST ALSAKS, well-built Brio^ Souse o_S rooms, hollow wallß, 4 fire-pldc«9, .'Whshhou9e with copper ; also, House of 4 rooms 'w_t_lw&!__house, shed, &c, quarter-acre land plaxited Wi .h fruit trees. •■-..' 234^-' List of Pic;**_tieß For Sale and To Let itßX'Vxee on application. - r ALLAN HOFKIN3. ■ • PPPi: ■ mi. 1 11. 1. ' . . iii. -_-___»_^<«_i___>_< V fpv- : 0 p. JJ , ,m^:;^ y- y;'R.+Uß(mW!m£; y^ ' ' ■■■'■' ' ESTATE AGENT;-^ T- JA f^ 258, Colombo street, Market pkice/Chji^htiiilf. RICCARTON— S acres land, house, seren rooiwj; scullery, stable, coach-house, maa'3 room, vrato' .house and copper. Low rent. • "-';"*"~ ■:» : . , NEW BRIGHTON View road)r-B.rooj__s,-}a ftrst-class order. •..'. .-. i _•.._/ FULLY FUENISHED HO.USE. w»i piaao^ wardrobes, everything in perfect, qrder,^" xoo^s, ' bath-room, scultery, verandah, .'wa&h.*» hotisej quarter-acre land ''well .laid, out, good.ndgh._ou_> bourhood; rent £ss. • ..-;• .-,• •'." ' OPAWA— I acre landiii gird-ii' and 'fruit' trqe.., eaj-ital house S rooms, scullery, pantry,' wash-house and copper. " . -V -'-„.-' • -". SYDENHAM (Albermarle street).-,— Z-stb^y hoiue 6 rooms, iron roof, plastered, - wash-hbuJie j. rent 10s. • .-' •• J .--.-..' BROMLEY— 2O nere3. land in. 2 paddoiks, very comfortable hotise 6 rooms, scullery, stable, dairy, &c; rent £30 per annum. ■ " .'..\'. ",»•• OFFICES (Cat Si-dial square)^ 3^pe__*fl,_Bt_UcUng» —Two or more large rooms on __r_V- floor <j not vacated by Mr Cohen. . '.■ .: : JL --'i SYDENHAM (Colombostreet)— Sliopas% awplT* ing 6 rooms; the shop fitted with shelves, coW-teW, drawers, gas. &Cy in perfect order. . *" .-'--. » * NEW BRIGHTON (fronting beaph)— House.' s' rooms, verandah, fully furnished with ;n«w fund. ture; rent £1 per week, or 15s for 6 Adnthil i '■■' LINWOOD (Tuam street, No. 3S, iiist over- east. '■ belt) — 6 rooms, scullery, oopper, stable, 9a..-' " v - -. '. . 1 ADDINGTON (close to I__i<>olu.__>ad)-^i__arteiV '. acre, capital house 6-rooms, copp_r, Venetian lilinds. • •.'■ '-' •..•' ' CAELTON TERRACE (close to Northi Bolt)— Quarter-acre, 6 rooms, sc^lleiy, copper, everythiagf in nerf eet order; Possession Oct.ipth; ... ' CITY— Apartments from •Ito 8 rooms r-boc_r4 li xeouired. • '-• - : --'. _. ''.'*.- . CITY (Worcester Stteet)— Fully f ornishe* hqxm grooms. " ' ' ' ' . "v .-.-; WEEDONS (junction Weedon'e and Rb s_.roa^> —60 acres land well fenced, with cob house sroom«i sfcS>les and outbuildings, water-race through the .prc>oertv; rent £28 per annum. .•* . .-,•■ SOUTH BELT (north aspect), between Selwyn j street and Windmill road— Three-eighth acre land^; 2-storey house 13 rooms, bath-room, •Wnsh^iijuae, kc ■■■■■• .•;,•,> • PURDIE STEEET, ofi Lincoln, road— <_fouu£ 8 rooms, scullery, bath-room; 'rent ,12s ; 6d'p«r week. , ,'-':■' LINWOOD (Livingstone street)— Co_rifor£ab_» house .5 rooms, scufiery,' 'cofg... ;' v *ent 9s per week. ■ ' • *.'-._*. ' - BARBADOES STREET — 4 rooms, sccuMtyi*- ; plastered: rentes. ST ALBANiS (Office foadl-^rQuojter^cre, good garden, house 4 roomB; rent 7s. ' ■ :• CITY (Salisbury street east)— House "4 _oo_6 . and small shop ; rent-98. STUART STBEET, sear Lincoln , Joad-r^ottaffl 4 rooms: rent ss. '• ' •■ ' . .-. , ii . . • • .- ■ -. • ■■ ,^,__»____ v _-_ ,mn«i_ pjiim 1 1 iinu nju i,i ii Ma.

' win mniili For Sale and To Let. WA2_TED to Sell, fall Quarter-acre, House 6 rooms, including scuUery, running artesian, rich soil, well drained. 31, St James street, Linwood. Part cnsh, balance as rent ; liberal con-., cessions for improvements. 9996 ANTED to SeU, in St James street, Linwood, a choice Quarter-acre • Building Section, wellfencedandlevelled: splendi'- Yjosition; Srioe £115. Apply Allan Hopkins, La_id Agent, athedral square. (18) ANTBD to Sell, at Linwood, on the tram roHte, a Comfortable T House of 6 rooms, partly plastered, stable, shed, &c, quarter-acre section, planted; note the price £425. Apply AUan Hopkins, Cathedral square. WANTED to Sell, Capital T Cottage, four robins, scuUery, verandah, &c., oh good Bection, well situated, Sumner. Price £180, and easy terms. W. B. Warding (associated with Bowman and son), 200-206, Hereford street. X267 ■ WANTED to Sell, at Wool_t(__,"on the tram' ron .c, a Comfortablo Cottage of 4 rooms, scullery, loft, &c, half-aero section nicely planted in garden and orchard ; price very moderate, and . easy terms can be arranged. A jT>iy AUan Hopkins, Cathedral square.' (188) J.- ik DtoiS-fe-Cft, • 146, WORCESTER STEEET. ■ IP O R § A , L Ei. SUMNER. Nayland street.— About quarter of anacre, with House containing seven rooms. WOOLSTON. Ferry road.— One rood twelve perche3 land laid out in garden, with Houso of seven rooms, &c. WILSON'S EOAD. About quarter of an aero nicely laid out in garden ' and orchard, superior House of five rooms, verandah, bathroom, with water laid on and aU con- ' veniences. I ADDINGTON. I Near Show Grounds.— Nearly one acre land, good orchard, House of five rooms, stable and traphouse, very suitable for a carrier or cabman. • linwood: i Armngh street,— About quarter-acre land with ' two good Cottages. Just oC East Town belt, near Ferry road.— Nice section of land with House of four rooms, wash•house, &c, in perfect repair. Price £140. ST ALBANS. A Grand Corner Block containing one acre, with large Building thereon, situated at the corner of the Springfield and St Albans roads. Bnilding Site 3in City end Suburbs. I Money Advanced for those requiring to Build. . j ASHLEY. ! _800 Acres good Sheep Conntry with Cottage, Stable, &c. Price very low. Apt>lyto-^ , ' ' I J. B. DALE £ CO., . ' j . 146, Worcester-street. I /MMAU&,...'- ■„,.:] -OEOPERTIES FOR ALL .CLASSES;SMALL DEPOSITS, BALANCE LIKE A RENT.* SECURE A HOME WHILE SUCH CHANCES ARE OFFERED. j HABPEB STEEET, Sydenham — Very Nfca House of 6 good rooms, scuUery, pantry, washhouse, copper, quarter-acre, largo stabling. £400; terms £20 cash, balance ISs per week CLIFTON STREET, Addington, close to Lincoln, road tram, railway stations, public park, &c. — • House of 5 good rooms, haU, pantry; -scullery, copper in brick, water inside, nice section. £275; terms £12 cash, balance 10s per week WILSON'S EOAD, close to Ferry road, tram* and Lancaster Park— House of 4 good rooms, hall,, j scullery, washhouse and nice section. Price £200 3 terms £10 in cash, balance 10s weokly CITY NOETH, inside the belt, and within teni Tdnutes of the Post Office— Well-built House of T •oorns, pantry, linen closet, large scullery, water* inside, stable, workshop, fowl-house, &c., and nice* section. Only £225; terms £10 cash, balance lOs er week. Thi3 isa thorough bargain. , FOR EXCHANGE. ' GLOUCESTER STREET, Linwood— Double-, fronted Shop, 6 dwelling -roo__3, scuUery, wash-' house, copper, and fine quarter-acre. Will exchange for house about 5 rooms and nice section, owner going out of business LINWOOD, close to East belt— Very snug and almost New House of 3 rooms and section. Will , exchange for a 4 or 5-roomed honse and say quarteracre further away from town. ;' i SEVEEAL OTHEE PROPERTIES ! FOR BKCHANGE. | Send for Particulars. t FUBI-I SHED HOUSE TO LET, j Carlton MiU road. 7 rooms, bathroom ; very worn- ' fortably furnished. Low .rent to suitable tentitat. j Printed Lists of Propertiea for Sale Free oa application. j MONEY tO LEND . ! j In Small or Large Sums, at Lowest Bates. isssßAOeS & MFFFY. , y \

m y**^^~f^~ mm^^-^mmmmHmn,,^mmmM*mKmmmmmmmmmmm***mm. 1 I Miscellaneous. THAT hacking Cough can be Banished with one. Is 6d bottle Cough Linctus. All chemists. • Z916 TRY the Palace Restaurant for the best Dinners, Teas, and Oyster Suppers in town, Ninepence. 101, Colombo street, two door 3 past Lichfi. ld street. 9575 THE best of Goods only at the Golden Teapot. Smith's Golden Teapot. 9363 j "TC^TOOD'S Eoller Flour, 251 b2s 3d, 501 b4s _4d, ! VV 1001 bB3 6d, 2001 b 16s. Courtnev and ; Courtney, 125, High street. 8918 WALKER "OBOS., Opposite Burke 7 , ALKER J3ROS., Hotel, High street, | Hat Manufacturers and Men's Mercera. BSSB WH. & H. O. WILLS' Cinderella Cigarettes, • fouipanee a packet, at Miller's, Cheap j Tobacconist. 287 WG. BURNS, by appointment Military • Tilaor to the E Battery, Hon Reserve and other Corps. 84, Oxford terrace west. 7740 W M'CLEA & CO. Stocktaking this Month. • 36in White Calico 3* lld per dozen, 72in White She -ting 10_d per yard, best quality ls 4d per yard, at 210, High street. * • 5537 "OUHEMA_SrN:S") For Dining-rooni Furnituro. Jj UHEMANN'S j Drawing-room Furniture. _B7.UHRMANN'S > For Curtains, Tapestry CoverJD U___EMANN'S'; - ings, Saddle Bags, &c. E UHEMANN'S i For Furniture, Furniture UHEMANN'S )" Funiiture, Furniture. , lijlUH-l-M*ANN'S ) For Bedsteads'. Bedsteads, JJ UHEMANN'S j Bedsteads, Bedsteads. 952 FUHRMANN'S For ToUet Ware.Toilet Ware, UHEMANN'S j Carpets, Linoleums. 7952 !For Every class of Furniture, Cottage, Hotel, Farmhouse, Gentleman's Resi. __^ dence. hAA ALL-WOOL Colonial Tweed at 2s 6Jd, 9 \jr\J> better than sold elsewhcra at 2s lld. Baithand Co. _ X72 K _~__T- _~_ ON E Shilling Pipes, to be sold $$c_,\J\J\J at Sixpence each, at Miller's Cheap Tobacconist. 287 ff~^ B.D. PiPES, to be had for ls each ; selling \Jfm- off. Miller's well-known Cheap Tobacconist. 2S" AAA ONE Shilling Pipes, to ba sola for \J\y\J> 6d each, at Miller's, Cheap Tobacconist. 287 IKA KEROSENE; Water-white, Patent oJb\Jr Tap; Tins ss2d,Case3los2d. Courtney and Courtney, 125, High streot. SBIB S-or Saie and To I_et g\ DDTNGTON.— For Sale, in Clifton 6trost, J*&. close to Lincoln road, _7e_M-__l__ Honse of 6 rooms, hall, verandah, Bet_Uei.y, wash-houso, copper forca-pump, &o„ good seotion, £890; £40 In Sash, balance oan resaain, or ba paid by instai. ci arit... Bag, b and 7>iyf.y. I.i, Colombo stw>es, v FARM of IS3 Acres very fair land, well f encsd and divided, and in grass ; 'good- 4-roomed ' house and outbuildings;, situated near Templeton. j Price £7 per acre, favourable teims. Apply Bajrea | and Dufiy, 131, Colombo street. 1335 i TT" 0 " 5 So ' ft » a bargain.— Well built House of 4 jn rooms, hall, kc- •_d nice section at Willow, bank; £105. Terms ±'5 cash, balance 8s per weok afterwards, or cash right out at any time. Bas-es \ and Duffy, 151 /. -.lombo street. OUE-STALL Stable, Shed. Board and Eesi^ dence if required. 33, St Asaph street east- 398 M casus it _>.« 43S A i;cr_?_ x, tioasa <w Eetate Agents, 131, i^lombo street, will Furnish full partioulara of acy Properties they hava for salo, on enplioatioa at their oSeos, Now Lißta re _dy for distribution. TSSS *, W4\_ ! 4_uat_-i.j>-.,n}80 co Mo__a _>elt| tor MtauPJ JDb i-aore (ebout) woU fenood, ood good .audi ftftiM- ol 8 rooms, &0., prioo 8140. Betos ano "n'Tiv. rsi-'nolpwh. rtr^a^ TO LET, Furnished, Two Eooms, use kitchen • rent, Bs. Mabel Cottage, Caledonian r0ad.3. 0 TSTSTANTED to Sell, close to a railway station, : -V V a three-story Mill in good working order ; j House of sis rooms; twelve and a half acres of j land. In order to effect an immediate sale, the i price hRS been greatly reduced. Apply, Allan • Hopkins. WANTED to Sell, at Linwood, convenient to tram, a well-fitted Verandah House of 5 j good rooms, scullery, and copper in brick, 2 rood?. 113 perches land, stabling and outhouses ; note the : price £450, only small amount required in cosh. Cards to view from Allan Hopkins, Estate Agent, Cathedral square. (2.5) to Sell, .it the corner of Snringfleld V V road and St Albans road, a first-cks? Corner Section containing half-an-acre of land, well fenced ; splendid position for a good building ; no reasonable ofier will be refused for this choice property. Apply Allan HopMns, Cathedral- , square. (35) WANTED to Sell, 4-roomed House, washhouse, stabling, fowl yard, piggeries, &_., , £-atire very rich land, Edgeware road, near north , belvonly £300, or House and Buildings and J-acre for £230. Bargain. W. E. Harding (associated; I with Bowman and Son), 200-206, Hereford . trset.S2 WANTED to Sell, two good 4-roomed Cottages with scullerie3, &c, each on J-acre section, one on Andrew street, and one on Darwin street, Sydenham. A chance for a working-man, send for price. W. E. Harding (associated with Bowman and Son), 200-206, Hereford street. 2.207 WANTED Known— That'lhave for immediate sale, 277 acres first-class land, situate close : to the Temuka Railway Station, Cottage of 6 rooms, stable and other outbuildings. For price and further particulais apply to Allan Hopkins, Land Agent, Cathedral square. (545) -Bl^__l-Mi-. _«_;

TO THE ELBOTOis';-'^ ."- .:_>• HOW TO EE(HSTEE. '". .: r PPP The following ia the form of claim for enrolment required under the new Act. It may be .cv. from tMrpapw., .''■"*' filled in, and sent by post or delivered to the Registrar for the district. The claimant should fill in the-nrfmo of;th« _„.. electoral district in which he or she resides. In the line recounting the nationality of the claimant, -is ver#iitx& - - must be struck out escept those elating what the claimant actually ia. Tims: "I am a Britisli subject by 'J* Ulb, 1 *: . or "I am a Maori aboriginal Native of New Zealand," or "lam a half-caste aboriginal Native of - Ne* Zealajni" .1 y all other words being obliterated. This must be obgerved closely, or the form is informal.' Then the nature of the Claim -■ must read clearly in the earne way. To leave in the line "I claim in respect of residence, &_., &&/' in' the.cwi,fl|f ''- residential qualification is correct. If the qualification is a property one, then it musb'read, " I claim in reapeot' oif iredii^a „. property situate at , valued at „ owned by me for more than cii. months previous to tbia : date," __t__i__»g . ' out all mention of residence. Part of. the declaration; it will be seen, is adisowner of being registered in any othu district or in tbe district for which the vote ia being claimed. The full name of the applicant and His or he? . postal address must be subscribed to the foim. Occupation must be filled in in every case, and where the cdaimaat is not occupied his or her condition must be specified as "gentleman," "lady," or "domestic dutieß," aa the o_We jnaj be. The claimant rnu^t sign and declare the form before the Begistrar, a Justice of the Peaoe, a Postmaster, or aft elector of the district for which the vote ia claimed. . The followiog are the Registrars of Electors for the CantwhttCT District to whom ciaima for enrolment are to be sent :— Ashley, W. H. Rhodeßj Eaiapoi," BL Lynsiey; Avon, W. Q. Walker; City of Cbristehurch, W. G. Walker; Lyttelton, W. Shanaghan; Eicearton, ' W. G. Walker; Elleamere. H. W. Dawson; Selwyn, R. Col -hart; Ashburton, J. Ward; Bangitata, j. Ward; Pareora, P. W. Stnbbßj Timaru, T. Hoirley* Waitaki, R. Capstick. . * ■"""*~ ~ "" ' "•' ' ii, -i -r-i i._, hi i- j-.),.,,. _mi ii ■_"•-• - — : — - . .'.I r_._ __._>■_,_ i, i ._iia_niUi.ii tnm o.n Of '■-.■"'•■'■'■ *■-•«. ... ; . ■■ : ,' '.■_'■•'•..■'•' ■ iZ. - , m .'»" 1 't* H Js."' Ummmi ft °U . . »*. 1 • 'tf.' .-J _" '"BB .-■■■* -■ V ©---■-' , '-' -'-■!••■'■■»■ '■■' - -»•■'..* ■■■■■''■■■■&■ ''[__}"• - .S, 2 ' "■ • ■'■ c - "..-_.»-. *** r-.K,,H'te»S t^w fe S o i • .p. "3 ■ >' ri^r? ° w §: J _? Bo _> .-.^ td-.® Bi_ _L !— »«• -.' r. ' J? 5- t* » TiSLetd^Lp. \. ... O 3 '•**■■ gS. ? ti ." g» » *?' » „«« S 3.-1 * 'S-^E.'__ B '■p 5" 3 «-J 3 z g-i *s s*||S. S,TO ! ® o — ■ '_-_i _-i_ Oa _-_■ ri. '* r* "_I Lm_____ . p ? _:. -!-§ s s s-s-^.'b 3^ - ' •«' n ' ■ -v S S 0. W _ re©. ■■•s_- -■«••■•"_.■ v—. •»» ** Wl ■'So i ■■ «w -Si?" a §«■ 2.- ° ■ ■ ■ » a . p . S- i -_.*»•. s. c>" £__ £. S__. - 1 v. z - I ■ : s . -^ « §.■■?; » _-.'«■"•_! 2 : > ~ 2- . ""^ 2 . .-- r- ' ■T .'^ '«T- ■ t\ c -~ ''" '*: i . S 1 j-*; S - -5 ■ ■ ■ •/ a" S '£ - ■" i. __ S <T^ "?- o5 • © • > * ' ■ . '? 5- CJ 5- ** £_. -. * ' s; 2 © I 2" '"^ 5- ■". " C " -* 1 - C- • St, * r-., ' . _r> -^ v- »--^ ' r* ' _. <t- i- —•___. ar r> _^ © -- ,r- ... ■" __l w. : »3 Q o __ _, , — .« t_u ■ ■ •*: c. s >• 5 ■ ' ' 0 7' — **3 ft ft Pi "*-• S • rf •' ■ -. £• '- '® ■ » 5" w _1 o ' ' S ft £ y ■• r_ -= . ? ■ ZZ. (- \ Rh ?*> "Z S . • I Jf - ■ C ' ?- . g -_ P- ■.- ' 5, « o_ ■■ ■ o ■ -SL" Sl _ r 1 - w ... » >. 5 V ,

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Star (Christchurch), 30 September 1893, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), 30 September 1893, Page 7