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i« ii 1 1 1 mi 1 ■ l 1 mi in ____■■«»»-_— »*«y° Wanted. j WANTED, Mothers to Study Economy and Buy their Boys' Clothing and Drapery from W. M'Clea and Co., 010, High street, where ' good reliable articles can be prooured for little money. ' X537 ANTED, Buyers fov all-wool Colonial T we . d Suits; new patterns : men's 26.. 9d, 325 6 d, 39s Gd ; Touths 16s 6d, rise ls 6d ; Boys 6s lld, rise 8d per size. W. M'Clea and Co., 210, High street. £537 WANTED Known— Puro China Black Tea, unblended, 2b per lh; '.« Houqua," blended. Tea, 2a per lb; "Belgravia," 23 4d; "Easteheap," ls 6d in packets, or 6lb and 121 b tins, or 401 b half chests; 121 b tins 2d per lb reduction, half-chests 3d per lb. atT. Taylor'a. X7l_j WANTED Knowh-^ne pound printe of Taranaki Butter are now selling at 8d per lb; White Crystal Sugar, 2id per lb; at T.Taylor's, C__hel street. X713 WANTED Known—Soyal Kerosene, 5s 6d the tin;sLu__ene, 5s 6d; White Eose, 5s 3d; Lisrht of the Ace, 5a 3d each • with patent taps, at T.'Taylor's, opposite the Cafg. X713 W'ANTED^toSell, Printß.- East Colours, 3|d, SJd, 4jd, 5Jd ; Flannelettes, good patterns; Sfd, ild, s|d, 6. d 5 Summer Shirtings, lovely patterns, 4d, sjd, 6_d, splendid value. W. M'Clea and Co., 210, High street. ; , . 5537 W "ANTED Known— Mrs Stewart, Pawnbroker* has removed to Brick. Building in right-of--way between Lichfield street and Cashel street (formerly Sorensen's auction r.oras). Entrance between Messrs Butterworth and King's buildings, Liehfleld street. 9011 _ "«,%/ ANTED Known— Great Seduction in Brioes. H Brooch Pins from 3d, Watoh Glasses from 3d, Watch Keys- from 3d, Clocks Cleaned trom 2s, Watches Cleaned from 3s Cd. Why pay twice or three times these prices when you can get them done by the hest and most popular Watchmaker in New Zealand ? Spectacles, best quality, at J. E. Strats's, 261, High street, Christchnrch. X423 WANTED, everyone who has Umbrellas that require Coveri_s. or Kepoiring t<? take them to Lethaby, 64, Hobbs' Buildmgs, Cathedral square, who obtained First and Second Awards at the New Zealand and South Seas Eshibition. • Umbrellas re-covered with Italian Cloth 3s 6d, Twill Silli 6s 6d ; Umbrellas made to order from 5s 6d. Ladies can have their parasols covered ormade to order to match their costumes. Glas3 and China neatly riveted. Scissors sharpened, 3d, at Le .baby's, Umbrella Manufacturer, 64, Hobbs' Buildings, Cathedral square. 2SI 11 ..11 1 tim 1 1 j Hisoe____.neo.iß. ! A LABGE Assortment Case Pipes, Scents, Eazors, Collar Studs, and Matchboxes, at Miller's. . 2S7_ A EEEST Consumption by Using Cough Linctns. JESL. AQ chemists, ls Cd" bottle. Used by the Balmoral household. 3316 UCTIONEEBS. "OOWMAN AND SON. UCTIONEEBS. JDOW3IAN AND -SQN. ANOTHER Shipment of .Fruit. Large Lemons 12a Is or 8s 6d per case, Seville Oranges Ca percase, marmalade recipe .given ; Kipe Bananas 16 a ls, Sweet Oranges. 63 ;6d per case, Largo Mandarins 20 a Is at Robinson's, Morten's 'Buildings. ...... %_S2" . B~"~ UTTEE, Butter, from "d, Egg_,'Egg_; Sd, at' _the Golden Teapot._j 93G3_ BALLANTYNE" & CO. are Shpwing their New Spring 3. resses. Sl9 UTTEB Sd7i.d, lOd, Best lld. Courtney and Orartney, 125, High street. SBIB BUCKNEE, Cheap Picture Frame Maker, Irlnrket Place, corner Victoria, street; oak • frames a specialty. 5063 OWMAN AND SON, -tT7*AXUEF.S. 5277 OWMAN AND SON, V ALUEBS. : f>o/»_-i» and ao»!U6CCu ler two ur ihrea g.a _l> ".}. m.n 870, K_r_fo«-d * tr_*'t went. .93. OABD AND RESIDENCE.^Superior Acc6_j? modation for Ladies and Gentlemen'; hdt and cold water baths; every home comfort. Mrs Truckle, Cambridge Hotise, 12, Peterborough street east. BUTTEB! Butter I Bvitter ! For above go to Smith's Golden Teapot, 65, Yiotoria street.63 COUGH Linctu9 affords immediate aud perma nent 'relief ahd prevents return ol colds. Is 6d bottle. Try it; 5916 COME and see our Show of Pretty Shell Goods, handsome Buby- ware in great variety ; also, per same shipment, a case of latest style Baskets, fancy and useful at Oakey's Variety Bazaar. Note — The Comer Lichfield and Colombo streets. , 5413 j COUGH Lir_ctu3 Cures any. kind of cough, cold, bronchitis, &c. , All . chemists. 'Bishop, Sydenham. Is 6d. X916 j COUGH . Linctus. No ne v. medicine. Used j ' many years throughout Great Britain. Newly ) introduced here I _Ask for it. ls 6d. X9IG BOESAL Belt 8s 6d, superior to any other in ' Colony for support of ' back. C. Cooper, Tailor, 60, Oxford Terrace, sole Manufacturer. £.60 . DEAWERS!— Wanted~r_no_T-— Men's" Heavy ! EIWERS! Eibbed Colonial Woollen Pants j for winter wear, 2s lld pair, all sizes, at M. D. . Barsht and Co., 245, High street (Triangle) Christ- , ! church. ' 9058 I EGGS ! Eggs I Eggs ! • For E_gs go to Smith's j Goldeft Teapot, 65, Tict'ona street. 9383 | FELT XJT ATS Cleaned, Dyed and Altered any ' ELT J3U.TS shape. . Dyson's, 245, Cashel street. 5265. ; EGGS! Eggs! Eggs !— For Eggs go to Smith's,! Golden Teapot, 65, Victoria street. 936. . FEATHEKS Cleaned, Curled and Dyed. Mr EATHEBS Dyson, 245, Cashel street. 0365 E UHEMANN'S) For Superior and Cheap UHEMANN'S j Furniture. 7952 "OUHEMANN'S.For Piano 3, Overmantles, JD UHEMANN'S j Carpets. ■ 7952 "gT^UHEMANN'S) For Bamboo Furniture, CabH JD UHEMANN'S j nets, Tables, Brackets, &c. FUHEMANN'S>For Occasional Chairs, Deck UHEMANN'S) Chairs, Writing- Desks, &c TCTXJHEMANN's7 r °^J^h ß^F^ A p^«i^ Jd UK BLANK'S j ihUacto^. Err -re ■_. a -_r_r»ci"> For- Woven Wire Mattr_._es, SSI} SjgMg tresaes, Btodk "17IELT "OTATS Cleaned, Dyed and Altered any JD ELT JUL ATS shape. Dyson's, 245, Cashel street. . - 9365 fp< BILLS and Oyster Suppers Sd, from 3 p.m. till %Jf midnight, at the Palace Eestataant. 101,. Colombo street, two doora pa3t Lichfield street.92l3 HOBSE for Sale, cheap. Apply Onslow Pork Shop, Colombo street. 403 51)' you wav _ a good Iron .bedstead ora bpring Mattrosa, H. A. t____on's, Railway strest, lolt e__e f. 3 yoa come from the Eailway Station. 5295 ILLUMINATING I — Presentation - Addresses Artistically prepared. A. H. Hart, Illuminating Artist, 255, Colombo street, Christchurch. 7SS2 LOGIE'S Boot Shop, 2S3,'Cashel street, is • the Cheapest in Christchurch for ouality, workmanship, &c. " 8859 T?O"____-ON, Jo-ior, Tailor, 64, Colombo • ±N road, Sydenham. Suits to order less than City prices; good workmanship ; trial solicited. Seven yeara' tuition in cutting uuder J. Nizon, Christchurch. (Mention "Stai.") 8229 JW. MILLEB, High streut, ouposite Scotch m Stores Hotel. Selling oif. ■ Sale now on. 287 J BALLANTYNE & CO. Give <?ne Shilling oif v tho Pound Discount for Cash. 33.9 a/ _v t'__ii._>ui_, nootmaxwr, _tod, ..,tu,u«i _S_s__.» Btreat; that is the plaoa te get Cheap Boota. - . ' ' TTf A ('KINS-SUN, for Cheap Boots, 203,. JoL *. Caahel straet. ; KATIiIRSON, toe Mon's, V.o>__._a-*. «n.a 0 ' Ghildrex _i CanvM Shosa ; valua un« cqualltjd, Kl_l__POl ''Tweed. Suits for Boys at 4s lld, to be liad only at Beath and Co..'s— Depot for -Sale of Kaiapoi Manufactures. - . __C 7 ACINTOSHES ! -WWahted 'kitomP—MetTs ACINTOSHES! Guaranteed Waterproof Macintoshes .se'.vn seams, with extra larfje capes .20. 9,. at M. J. Barsht and Co., '245, High street (Triangle) Cnriptchurch. 905S EEBSCHAUM Pipes, Wood Pipe's, Silvermounted; Cigarette - holders, WnlHng Sticks, S Packets Cigarettes (including Old Judge, &c.) for ls ; all goods reduced during our annual eale, at Oakey's Variety Bazaar. , "J^TEW Spring Drapery in all Departments at JJSiI Ballantyne's, Dun3table House. Xl 9 }&TiiVV Zaaliuidord ju.« v^ux^iiir: •v-tux Vioc.jrii X^s 01 Sydney will flad Chaap Furuiture at H. Atkineon'a Wa.^&onßo, Hanch.«tar atroat, left sido .8 vno enrnu 'ro w v'ftfl"^ v Kn_i n. >"-_ OPALS Framed. Price 3to suit everybody.— Jesse Hoilobon, 52, Colombo road, S-tisn. ; h.vm, over railway crossing. • S:.__. O' UE TO. V. INDOW'.— The si?"__.c ofthe ___v__^ New Dolls, Kites, Toys to go by Steam, Playthings for evary child. ' -Oakey's Variety Bazaar, The Corner Lichfield and Colombs streets. ' 3413 EISfTING tf"\UT OPALS .Cabiii!.t v-.P KIXTIKG SU?UT O"^ txaatcorglacs. at Walter Suckling's.. . 'J055 PATENTS.— Patents obtained nnd Trade Marks resisteired. A. H, Hart, Bczistered Puten-O Agent, £S S, Coiombp streetj Chrißtchurch. j Ft\hT>S7~"_i'^ow ;^ -*t v & i>oyP~ Kf 0-*. SynvmA'S.. *' ' :^ M :,. i y _. P_Tl- "O a^. ee f Lsmi..... Squecgo.', and o\j?, 31 APEK'-L other whoto good, orr.v. ing per Coptic at Walter Suckling's, Man -heotei . Btreet. . • . _^ - EICE 511) ls, SngO 2u,'Tapio-.. 2d, Candies 5.d, 1 Plaids 4HI. Courtney and Courtney, 1&, High street. ■ SSI6 SHIETS, Ties, Hosiery ; Beat YtJue .— G. Wilson, nest Tonks, Norton, Colombo street, Chri . tchurch. ; -- , '_ UGAE 2j£ Finest Crystal 2jd. Courtney nne. Courtney, 125, High ctrae t. Si.lß __ "^ITEAV. ITTfATS'cleaned, Dyed and Altered OI'RAW JUL ATS any sha_e. Dyson's. 245, Cashel street. 9_65 _ SPECIAL VnluTi-TGeitiernoa's Hats, SMrts, Ties, Hosiery, kc ; tailor made suits from 59,-,atG. Wilsou'g, 167, Colombo street. _ SECUEE refraaMug sleep, freedom from cough____ingbyu3ing Cough Linclus. 13 6d bottle.XglS nnOMY CUSTOMEES-^ ifavina: engiviwd acorn_M_ potent assistant will bs noie to nttoud to them without wilting, from ei' .lu. o'clock ulriirp for the futuro. 11. Oakey, 'Hairdresser, 133, Colombo street. -541BY the "Our Own" ls lCd Tea. Ask "for. .ample gratis. Courtney _nd Ctiurtaey-^lo THOENTONTiCKAED SikUTTEBS, new'T:t« Bit Cameru, Chemicals, &c, ex Coptic , 6_ Walter Snclding'B Photo Stock Warehouso. 9'-_^ 1 mHE Golden Teapot is tho place for r. JL genuine article, Butter, Egg 3, and G<mer_ _i Groceries. 9363.

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Star (Christchurch), 30 September 1893, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), 30 September 1893, Page 7