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Local & General.

, • The "Stab."— The eight pages of toi morrow's issue of the Star will contain a t really capital budget of reading, so varied as to suit the diverse tastes of its many ' readers. The ladies will find many items • to intereet them under the heading I " Woman's World." An article entitled i " Fashion's Frolics " will give tit-bits of | information about the subject of dreES, and ; "Tea and Tennis" will be found a clever |. and amusing sketch. There are to be two j excellent short Btorio3, "The Slocum ■ Tennis Touro ament," in humorous vein r and " The Case of Eunice Ei vers," grimly ' pathetic. A further instalment of Clark . Eusseli's nautical novel, " The Emigrant ) Ship," will also be given. There is to be fc a large and well-selected assortment oi • general reading. Our London correspon--3 dent's literary noteß will be found specially } interesting; In an article entitled " Fie* s tions of History" a number of populai ; ideas as to historical personages and evente c are shown, or afc least asserted, to be 0 exceedingly ill-founded. In addition tc a the above-mentioned attractions, sketches 5 brevities, humorous items, artioles on topici is of present interesb and all the news of thi t day will help to make up an admirabli n number. An electoral map of Christ j. church and a form of claim to vote will bi n published withthe issue. .1 An Electobali Mai*.— Some inconveni i- ence haß been caused during the recen registration of electors by the genera want of accurate knowledge as to th it boundaries of the present electoral dis ie tricts. In order to obviate this, a map wil _- bo published with to-morrow's Star, accu al rately showing the boundaries of th Christchurch electoral district, and c those portions of the Eiccarton, Avon an Lyttelton districts which adjoin Chriel church. The Telephone Exchange.— Consider ly able inconvenience was caused to aut

i scribers to the telephone exchange t.-day, , the violence of the wind making the wires i almost unworkable. i Auction S-bees.— Messrs Bowman and i Son advertise another large _ale of goods, i comprising tools and clothing to be held at • their great rooms at eleven o'clock to- ■ morrow. Theatrical.— Mr D. Harris Hastings, , the genial advance agent for Mr Bland Holt, left for Wellington last evening, to : make arrangements for Mr Holt's appearance in the Empire City. The Kaiapoi Pah_ — At a meeting held at Kaiapoi, with .Wi N___i_i_j.a in the chair, Taituha Hape was elected by a majority of eighteen votes to- take possession as Upoko Eunanga for the term of three years; Correction. — In reference to the casa of William Warner, convicted at the Police Court yesterday of having stolen a cloak from the bcardinghouse ef Mrs Glover, he waa not a boarder, but called there to see Dr Frankish, who had oonsulting rooms in the house. Primrose Ball. — A very pretty ball in connection with the Primrose Quadrille Assembly took place in tha Hibernian Hall laßt evening. About', fifty couples took part. The hall wag very prettily and tastefully decorated with fernß and evergreens by a Committee under the direction of Mr J. Cawthine. Mr Dumville's band supplied the music, and Mr H. Stokes made an efficient M.C. Oddfellowship. — The quarterly meeting of the Loyal Volunteer Lodge. No. 5428, 1.0.0. F., M.U., Sydenham, was held on Wednesday evening, N.G. Bro Spicer in the chair. Sick pay was passed to four brothers, two were declared off the funds and one on. P.G. Bro Fabian gave a report of the half-yearly District meeting held at Prebbleton. DiP.G.M. Bro Palmer responded to the Tbird Sentiment. The receipts of the evening were £106 15s 4d, and the expenditure £15 lCs 6d. South-weßt Gale. — The unsettled weather of the past day or two this morning culminated in a strong bouthwest gale. The wind blew with hurricane force, and was accompanied* with smart showers. As far as could be ascertained little damage was done beyond the blossom being stripped from the early fruit trees. In consequence of the Bevere : trimming to which the willows around the j 1 river have been treated, no big branohes j were blown down, though the tender ' young shoots suffered considerably. A j telegram from Timaru states that a Btrong southerly gale set in there at 11 a.m. to- j day.. Sydenham Bowling Club.— The annual ' meeting of the Sydenham Bowling and i Lawn Tennis Club was held last night, when the following officers were elected :— President, MrW. Jacques* Vice-President, Mr J. Baldwin ; Treasurer, Mr J. Forrester ; Secretary,. Mr W_ H. Meikleham. Ib was resolved to open the green on Saturday, Oct. 14, and it was also resolved, in order to popularise the game of bowls amongst juniors, to receive young men as members for the first year at 10a 6d. The green, having been top dressed during the winter, is now in splendid order, and with a few more members the Club has every prospect of a prosperous season. Eangiora Fire Police. — The annual meeting of the Eangiora Fire Police, for the purpose of re-swearing in the members, was held at the Municipal Chambers on Thursday evening. Captain Eoberts presided. The death of the late Mr John Fulton, who was a member of the body, was referred to by the Chairman and others in feeling terms of regret. Messrs W. J. and H. Hussey were elected to fill vacancies. Fourteen members were sworn in by Mr E. E. Good, J.P., and it was arranged to hold another meeting a week hence for the convenience of thoße unable to attend on the present occasion. The officers were re-elected, viz., Captain, Mr J. Eoberts ; Lieutenants, Messrs H. Boyd, J. Lilly and H. J. C. Bailey. St Mary's Church, Addington. — Owing to the seating accommodation being insufficient for tho congregation, the veßtry early in August let a_ contract to Mr J. Harrison for the election of a new aisle and extra seats. Tbo additions havo been completed, and the church is now capable of accommodating three hundred people. With extras, including gasfittings, carpeting, &_., the cost of the alterations will be over J. 200. The church has been painted, the organ removed into the new part, the choir seat 3 re-arranged, and new carpeting placed in the chancel. The addition wiil be dedicated by the Bishop of Christchurch next Sunday at the morning seivice. The curate will take the children's service in the afternoon, and the Eev Walter Harper will officiate in the evening. The offertories at .all the services will be devoted towards defraying the expenE63 of the enlargement. Lyttelton Literary Society. — This Society terminated its session on Thursday evening with a conversazione. Considerable trouble had been taken in decorating the hall for the occasion, and there was a large attendance of members and friends. A portion of the bnilding waß eet aside for the exhibition of curios, old and rare China, &c, and this proved by no means the least attractive portion of the evening's entertainment. Messra Tinsley and Wood exhibited a working model of a steam engine which they themselves had built, and which attracted much attention. Tho Eev P. W. Fairclough exhibited hiß large astronomical telescope fitted up, and a typewriter at work. In the large room a variety of parlour games were in progress, and the whole party thoroughly enjoyed themselves. During the evening a pianoforte duet was given by Misses Joyce and Henderson, a vocal duet by Mrs j Bromley and Miss Kenncr, and songs by Hiss George and Mr L. Joyce. Five , scenes from A Doctor by Compulsion were ' also given, the parts being taken by Miss Early, Meesrs C. Aschman, A. and H. Hoist, and H. N. Hi-kens. Anniversary Tea Meeting. — The annual tea in connection with the Durham street Wesleyan Sunday School was held last evening, when there was a large attendance. After the tea an adjournment was made to the church, where the public meeting took place. Mr J. C. Prudhoe, the Superintendent, occupied the chair, and addresses were given by the Eevs W. Morley, F. W. Isitt and H. E. Dewsbury. A very plea_ing feature of the evening was , the presentation by the Eev H. E. Dewsbury, on behalf of the teachers, of a hand- _ some teacher's Bible to Mr C. Gill, the late Superintendeat. The report as read by 1 the Secretary (Mr Boeomworth) showed ■ the school to be in a very prosperous con- [ dition. The number of taachers on the > roll was 38, with an average attendance of ] ■ 36, and the number of scholars on the roll 1 j 387, with an average attendance of 292. : j The examination of table .3 done by tho 1 scholars for the year was fairly satis--1 factory. The prizes gained for thiß work would be distributed at the scholar.' enter- , tainment on the following night. During the evening the scholars sang hymns ss- ' lected from Suuday's services in a manner 5 which did great credit to Mr li. Trist i Searell, their leader. A voto of thanks to E the ladieß und all who had helped to make the anniversary such a success closed ' the meeting. ' Presentations. — Miss M. Taylor, of the " Chriatchurch Clothing Factory, waa, on r Wednesday evening, the recipient of a 9 handsome present, on the occasion of her s departure owing to her approaching marriage. Mr C. Myhre, in making the 3 presentation on behalf of the employees, '» referred to the esteem in which Miss b Taylor had been held, and also the regrets c expressed at her leaving.— The members of c Sb Mary's Church, West Oxford, took the occasion of a large social gathering, held '" on Wednesday evening in the Town Hall, c West Oxford/ to present Miss Prichard, the organist of tho church, with a handI- some work basket, writing case and albert t watch chain. Iv making the presonta.l tion, the Eev K. F. Garbetb expressed hia c own and the general regret that waa felt ■- at the departure of Mr Prichard and his il family from the district, and spoke in the t- higheab terma of their constant assistance c to church work during their long residence >f ! in Oxford. d P/Though Western Australia is nearly nine fc- times the size of the United Kingdom, it. 1 population was estimated in March last af c- : but 59,718, with 10,000 more raale3 that) j- female..

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4761, 29 September 1893, Page 3

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Local & General. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4761, 29 September 1893, Page 3

Local & General. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4761, 29 September 1893, Page 3