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Business Announcements. Cash advertisements under this head, not exceeding fourteen words, will be charged SIXPENCE. WANTED, good General Servant. Mrs B Ballin, Gloucester atreet, East belt. 8170 WANTED, by young gentleman, respectable Board nnd Residence. Apply, statine term^.&c, to "Nemo," "Times" office. 8182 WANTED, a Youth, about IC years, to act as ,? y "l anusc ript reader. • Apply to Mr Hebden, this office. WANTED Tenders for artesian Well. Apply to James Fuller, Worcester street east, Stanmoro road. g^gg WANTED, Boot Machinist for conntry ; good , , jrages ; constant employment. Apply, Coombs Leather Warehouse, Lichfield street. 81G9 WANTED, in privato family two Gentlemen « x v , Boarder 8- No. 15, Gloucester street (near Boatshedj east. 8176 WANTED, a French Polisher, nono butTa competent hand need apply. Walters nnd "att. 8141 I WANTED, two respectnble young Men as boarders. No family. Applj', 169, Salisbury street west. 8156 WANTED, by experienced hand, Situation; wholesale or retail clothing department. CD., " Times " office. %v 8137 ~ £ WORKING Men, try my SOs Suits to measure, style, nnd fit guaranteed. P. Cnirns, High and St Asnph streets. 7679 WANTED, within ten minutes' walk of Cathedral, eight or ten-roomed House; state terms. Apply, E.C , " Star " office. fcl7B TO BOOTMAKERS. WANTED, a Youth, or young- Man, accustomed to seat work. Apply to J. Percy, Boot Depdt, Colombo street, opposite City Hotel. BiBS 'IJTT'A.N'TED, a j-ood Needlewoman, by the day. Tf Mrs W. B. Perccvnl, Avonside. Bi«4 ITS OR SALE.— An old-established Hotel, in a good district, a few miles from Christchurch. De Veanx nnd Co., Hereford street. 8183 WANTED, Board and Lodgings by single Gentleman ; no others ; state terms. B, «* Stir" Office. 8189 WANTED, Gardener, nb'e to milk ; 25s per week. James M'Donald, Manchester street south. 8191 TO LET.— A lew four-roomed honse, with scullery, situated South Belt, near Montreal itreet. Apply to G. H. Sharpe. 3190 -J" ADY Agents, Wanted. Apply, by letter, to II A Porter and Son, Box 15, Christchurch. 8170 BOARD and Residence, with stabling, if required ; five minutes from Post-office. Full particulars, Glasson, Cathedral square. 8181 LOST, between Tuam and High streets, Gold Locket and Chain. Finder will be rewarded Vy leaving same at Mrs Barr's, three doors past Williams' bakery, Tunm street wsst. 8177 "D ESPECTABLE and well educated Lad wanted, a\) as apprentice to the drapery business. C. R. Church, the Cash Draper, Cashel streot. AT P.' Cairns, Tailor, yon can get Snits from 50s ; Trousers, 14s, to measure ; style, cut, and workmanship unsurpassed in tho Colony. High and St Asaph streets. 7679 EUROPEAN and Australasian Labour Agency, 188, Lichfield street. Employers may rely upon prompt attention to their wants. Situations procured for all olasses of servants. 7651 BEVEN8 EVEN Tons New Snmmer Goods just arrived, ex Coronilla, cheaper than ever. Armstrong, High street south. "Hj v X Coronilla, White Straw Hats, Gd ; Gloves, JTv 3.d ; Hose, 3Jd pair : Super Sunshades, ls lld ; new Friugos, Gimp.', Laco, Bibs, 2sd. Armstrong's, High street south. THE ACID CURE. F. Coutts and Sons' guaranteed Acetic Acid is a safo extornal and Furo remedy for spinal complaints, neuralgia, Ac. Mackay Bros., Manchester street, agents. Pnmphlets of instruction on application. 7580 MACKAY BROS., Manchester street south, Booksellers, News Agonts, &c. The latest periodicals received by every mail steamer. 7580 IN High streot, a fow doors above St Asaph street, is the cheapest of cbeap shops in town for furniture. Call and see Tom Bates. THE Bedding is manufactured in Christchurch. It is better and cheaper than the imported artie'e. Try Thos. Bates. NO Duties, no shipping charges, local manufactures. Heuce tho low prices at Thos. Bates'. rjIHOS. BATES defies competition. His profits JL are small, his goods Al. FUNERALS condnctcd throughout cheaper thnn anywhere in Canterbury. Thos. Bates, High street. UPHOLSTERY, cabinet work, office fittings, furnituro of overy clnss, blankets, Ac, enn bo had at Thomas Bates, High street. He invites the public to compare his prices with thoso at other shops. 4972 EX Coronilla, Black Lace, two inches wide, 3d ; best Sun Bonnets, ls ; American shape Sun Hats, ls and Is 6d ; new pattern Aprons, ls 6d. Armstrong's, High street south. DUST COATS, all Bizes and colours, 7s Gd; worth double. Leeds House, Cashel street. Le Masurier's. MEN'S Good Tweed Suits, just landed, 25s Gil. Newest shape. Leeds House, Cashel street. Le Masurier's. LADIES' Aprons, Children's Pinafores, endless variety in laco nnd sateen, from Is; quite new. Mrs W. H. Cooper, Victoria street. COME and see my Stock Corsets, from 19 to 32 inches, nlso Dress Materials. rj^WEED Trousers and Vests, 12s Pd; previous ..!_ price, 18s 9d. Walsh nnd O'Connell's, Manchester street. OSEPH HOURIGAN, Bill Poster nnd Bellringer; terms low. Orders left nt H. Bennetts, Cnshel street. 81G1 JAMES HARROW, Gasfitter, Plumber, nnd Brassworker, 20, Victoria street. Twenty years' experience West End of London ; two and a-hnlf yenrs in Christchnrch. Orders promptly executed : charges modorate; work for the trade. 5904 J JAMES (Into of Sydney), Wholesale and • Roinil Fruiterer, has commenced business iv Cambridge terraco, nenr Colombo street bridge, as nbovo. Direct importer of nil kinds of fruit. The trade liberally dealt witb. 5739 ITIOR SALE. Light Wngonnette nnd Harness, J suitable for family use or grocer. Thompson aud Birch. 7978 O CARTERS AND OTHERS.-To Let, two Cottages, with two acres land, close to Christrhureh Town belt. Apply to Secretary No. 3 Building and Land Society, Cathedral square. 8132 TO LET, two comfortable Furnished R»oms, with use of kitchen. J. J. Pnrkcr, Armagh street. 8140 TO LET— Furnished House; sevon rooms; rent moderate. Mrs Lavender, opposite Bank New Zeolnnd. 8187 THE Advertiser wishes an engagement as Cook on station, or works up-country ; good experience. Address, L., P. 0., Lyttelton. 8186 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. WHOWE k CO., Grain nnd Trodnce ■ Merchnnts, have removed to their new premises, fronting on to Cnshel street and Bedford Uow, and adjoining tbe Temperance Hotel. 819 i NOTICE.-ST PATRICK'S HALL, |Barbudoos street — The Concert wliich wns to have tnken placo in the above Hall on Thursday, Oct. sth, IJ^>-', has been Unavoidably Postponed till the following Thursday, Oct. 12. Tickets already issued will hold pood for that date. 8155 C. M'SWIGGAN, Hon Sec. DUNSTAN LODGE, U.A.O.D. nTillE Members of the nbovo Lodge nro summoned K. to attend a meoting to Le held on Thursday, sth October. BrsisKSS : To Elect Auditor, Trustee, nnd Sccrotary. By order of the 8175 A.D. TOWNSHIP OF HESLINGTON, Near Belfast. THK remaining Sections in this Township for Salo. If not disposed of privately, will be sold by public auction early ia November. F«r prico nnd particulars, npply to SALTER A SWANN, Solicitors, 801.1 197 Christchurcli. • ST. MART'S, ADDINGTON. T7»NTERTA I N M E N T Is thf. Scnooi.r.oeii, TO-NIGHT (TUESDAY), OCT. 3, At 8 o'clock, In Aid of the Organ Fund. Admission, Is; children, Gd. A special train will leave Cathedral square nt 7.40. returning at 11 o'clock. Sl7l Jo. ar k v Feast (Lnte Inspector N.Z. Constnbnlary), GENERAL COMMISSION AND CONFIDENTIAL ENQUIRY AGENCY, Emquiries for Missing Friends, Ac, Dkiaci.tkrs, Abscoxdkrs, 4c, Trackb. <cr N.B.— Tho secret orgnnisntiou for the Protection of Socioty from Fraud, for which H.F., has been appointed Sole Agent in New Zealand, by its perfect Fyntcni of exchange and enquiry, ensures success to porsons who aTuil themselves of its services. TEMPLE CHAMBERS, ■-V?, Hereford street, Christchurch. *180 ' '" ■ "-" MABBIAGE. Ckoix-Tatloe— Sopt. !7, at Addington, by the Rev E. Bost, William Grundy Croll to Anna Mana Taylor,

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4506, 3 October 1882, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4506, 3 October 1882, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4506, 3 October 1882, Page 2