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Business* Announcements. Cash advertisements under this head, not exceeding I fourteen words, will be charged SIXPENCE. WANTED Known— R. E. Beckett hns commenced business nt Lower High street. Boots and shoes of all kinds ou baud. All orders carefully nttended to. 6738 WAlTlNG.Engagements— Grooms, Shepherds, Cooks, Ploughmen. Apply Mrs Tindell, Victoria Registry Oifice, Lichfield street. 6904 WANTED Known, that R. Bnehnnnn is Supplying Ornamental Castings for Verandahs chenper than ever. Inspection is invited. 8285 W' ANTED Known— Comfortable Roard and Residence, separate rooms ; with every comfort, 18s weekly. Mrs Lloyd, Whately rond, opposite Tank. 2198 WANTED Known-A Cure for all kinds of Skin Disease. W. R. Cook, Chemist, Hisrh street (late of Christchurch Hospital).' 179 WANTED immediately, good servants of all kinds. Address Mrs Post's Registry Office, and Stationer, Colombo etreet south. WANTED Known— Care for Rhenmntisni and Neurnlgia, Is Gd. W. R. Cooke, Chemist, High street (late of Christchurch Hospital). | WANTED Known— The only practical Tonsnrial Artiste (a la militaire) in Christchnrch is Thomas Rees, Green's Buildings, Manchester street. j WANTED Known, that E. C Dann, formerly with Cook and Ross, has commenced business ns Chemist nud Druggist, at Bishop's Buildings, Colombo street north. 5649 ANTED to Sell, the celebrated Dnrhnm Cigarettes ; nlso, Vanity Fair, Richmond Gem, London Brnnd, and the far-fnmed Hunt Club Cigarettes, made from Ruby Tobacco. H. Oakey. ANTED Known-That T. Austin, Victoria street, is showing his first shipment of spring goods, which hnve been purchased at the lowest prices, and will be found o excellent value. WANTED, People to know that they can procure all kinds of pipes, cigarette-holders, walking-sticks, combs, brushes, and fancy goods generally, at H. Oakey's, High street. WANTED Known That we are making Gents' Tweed Suits to measure from 595 ; serge ditto, 555; also, Tweed Trousers to incisure from 15s 6d. Holden and Woollams, Colombo street, next Cook and Ross. 5810 %%J ANTED, working men to patronise the Vvf " Times " Restaurant, comer Manchester nnd St Asaph streets. Meals 6d. Good clean beds ls. Five minutes from railway. Breakfast, 7to 9 a.m. F. King, Proprietor. 700 WANTED Known-P. Ferguson, Shoeing and General Smith, makes and repairs all kinds of mnsons' tools, nnd cnrefully niters boot factory knives of nil descriptions. Colombo street south, near belt. . 9921 WANTED Known-That Harry Cole has Removed from Green's Buildings to opposite Wood's Timber Yard, Manchester street, where he hopes to sco all his old friends. 6616 WANTED Known-That Mr J. G. Shrimpton's new Auction Rooms (Cashel street, opposite Messrs Ballantyne nnd Co.'s) aro now opon for the sole of Produce and General Merchandise. 5314 WANTED, every lover of the Cup that Cheers to drink the Celebrated MOGUL sfIXTURE. Appetising ! Exhilarating ! ! Nutritious I ! ! D. Stranaghan, 107, Victoria street. Sole agent for Clifford, Love and Co., Sydaey. WANTED Known— That we are making Gents' Tweed Suits to measure from 58s ; sergo ditto, 555 ; also, Tweod Trousers to measure from 15s Gd. Holden and Woollams, Colombo street, next Cook and Ross. 41 WANTED, all the mothers with Inrgo families to see our 10Jd sailor hats beforo purchasing elsewhere, nnd oar llsd Indies' strnws, worth ls Gd. Loso no time in calling to see them. T. Austin, Victoria street. WANTED Known— Loans grnnted in sums of £5 and upwards, payable by weekly, monthly, or quarterly instalments. Apply to R. S. Raphael, corner Cashel and Madras streets, opposite St. Paul's Church. 6093 WANTED Know-T. Tankard, Book-binder, Paper Ruler, Ac. Account Books made to order, Law nnd other books bonnd, books ro-casod. Gloucester street, Parkor's New Buildings, nearly opposite Theatro. 19t>2 WANTED, for cash, horso hair and bullock toils ; highest price given. On sale — Colonial curled hair ; it cannot be surpassed for spring nnd sweetness. New hnrness nnd saddles exchanged for old. Coppins, Saddler, Lower High Btreet. WANTED Known— That the Dressmaking Bnsiness is still carried on at Mrs Sharland's house, corner of Armagh nnd Madras streets, by an experienced hand from Messrs Robertson nnd Moffat, Melbourne. Latest style ; fit guaranteed. lim? ANTED Known-Splendid Building Sites, * T each one eighth acre, for sale cheap; Ferry road, oloso to trnm and city. Terms extraordinary ! Cash deposit, £5 ! ! Balance at 6 per Cent 1I ! Immedinto npplicntion necessnry. J. A. Morgan and Co., 54, Madras street sonth. 6656 WANTED Knowu — I have opened to-day 10,000 miles of "civility" for onstomers, nn article that has been very scarce in Christchurch Hon es for some time, and muo'i enquired for. As I have clenred the whole lot in this market it can be procur;d only at my Drnpry nnd Clothing Estnblishment, Kiver's Buildings, Cashel si roe I.1 '. C. K. Church, Direct Importer. N.B.— llnsh, Gnrden and Zulu hnts (8000) oponed to-dny to pell at 3-Jd each. Other houses advertising nnd showing same Hats nt Gd and 9d ench. WANTE D Known— Where nro yon going ? I nm going to Schlosinger's, in High stree', to join his Circulating Library, 3s 6d per qnnrter. Secbnd-hond books scld from Gd each. The American aud London Police News received hy every mnil; also n Inrge stock of ppes, cignrettes, cgars, &c, kept. Don't forget to buy his special brand of cigars, six for Is ; Cameron's Venus tobacoo, 3d a stick. A, Sohlesinger, Tobacconist, . y ews Agent, mid Importer of Novelties, No. 135, High street, opposite Kempthorne, Prossor and Co.'s. N.B.— Just received, the Australian Puzzle, 6d oach ; by post, 9d in stamps. 7503 WANTED, the Inhabitants of Stanmoro to know that notwithstanding their support during the last election I nm not going to "mt" because I have secured their connection. My Rivals in Trade aro spreading the report th.t I am going to raise my prices this season, nnd so " rat" on you. Believe me when I say "It is false," and that my new Spriug Goods will be found Choi; er than nny other houM ia Christchnrch. Ten cases new Pompadours, Cumbrics, Sateens, Ac, &c, fdl at 3s Gd the full dress. Best four-button Kid Gloves 3s lld pair. C. K. Church, l'irect Importer, Cashel street. WANTED, yon, Gentle Reader, to receive my sincere thnnks for yonr kind snpport and apprecintion of my endeavours to give you hotter valuo for yoiu' nionpy than nny other house in Christchurch during tho past season, nnd to nssuro yon that this season the new S' ring Goods I am opening havo been bought nt such low prices — for Cash — that I can still undersell nil lavpje Drapery Houses, and thus secure your continued patronage. For it is a well known fact that thoso who buy for cash go where they can get tho bost valno, therefore they go to C. R. Church, Direct Importer, and tho Cash Draper, Kiver's Buildings, Cashel street. 100 dozen Ladies' Underclothing jnst opened, all kinds of garments, from ls lld ti 19s od ; also, Combinations. 500 more bottles <f Tricopherous to open next mouth, at ls per bottle. WHY WEAR SLOPS ? when wo can snpply a fashionable suit to measure for 58s. Trousers to measure from lfs Gd, stylo n."d lit guaranteed. Holden and Woollams, Colombo street. 5810 WANTED Kuown. — We are showing choice millinery, d'lmans, capes, corsets, underclothing, f> athers, llowers, silks, satins, pearl bended netts. 7224 A LSO, dress goods, from s^d, priuts 4-Jd, GalaX3L tens GUI, printed cambrics 7£d, satteens 9Jd, new cotton shirtings, scoured grey colico, 4s 9d doz. NEW hosiery, frillings, gimps, fringes, scarfs, squares, 20 doz kid gloves, is Gd pair. J. Taylor, Melbourno House, High street. FURTHER Reductions in Boots nnd Shoes. Rend my new prieo list, B. J. Hale, Boot and Shoe Depot, Cnshel street. jf~\ REAT Reductions.— Hales 2s Gd Laco-ups, XJT acknowledged by all to be tbe best value in town. GREAT Reductions.-Hnle's Girls' Levant side springs, from 10 to 12, tit 5s Gd ; unequalled in price und quality. Secure your bargains while you have nn opportunity. GREAT Reductions.— Hales Ladies' Kid Boots, at Gd Gd. Only one trial nsked for. No goods in the town to l>cat them nt the price. GREAT Reductions. — Hale's own make nailed Bluchers nt 9h tkl ; splendid value. Sold everywhere olso at a considerable advance on these prices. GRI£AT Reductions. — Halo is sellinif woodensoled Watertights at 10s Gd ; is not generally known. GREAT Reductions. — Hale is selling his own make Shooting Boots at lis Gd. Every other man you moet is wearing them. C"^i REAT Reductions.— Hales iirst-olnss Gents' JK I^awn Shoes at 13s Gd ; his own make and guaranteed. f"! REAT Reductions.- Hale is Felling Gents' VTT Colonial-mado Elastio sides at 15s Od ; v. very durable articlo. GREAT Reductions.— Noto This— A specal job lino of Children's elastic sides nt 5s ; from 10 to 13. This line cannot 1*; purchased nt any other shop in town but B. J. Hales. GREAT Reductions.— Try Hale's 7s All-lasting Boots ; guaranteed to wear and give satisfaction. GREAT Reductions.— Observe Hale iB selling a real good Watertight at lGs Gd. Study economy and try them. *_JiT|/~V PAIRS of Ladies' Slippers at 3s per OSjvF pair, honestly worth .-s. This is tho cheapest line iv tho town; call early. B. J. Hale. AN oarly ins]>cetioii of 11. ,T. Hale's large and well-assorted stock of Boots and Shoes is invited. m EMEMBER— Groat Vcduction-Grcat fiodncJHki tion- Great Reduction. — All Goods arc being sold nt reduced prices, and every nrticlc is a | bargain, NOTE tbe Address— B. J. Hnle, Al Boot nnd Shoe Depit, corner of Colombo and Cnshol streets, ChristcWch, 8377

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4506, 3 October 1882, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4506, 3 October 1882, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4506, 3 October 1882, Page 2