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Encujsh Suuz MAH,.--Tho mail will arrivo in harbour to-morrow morning. Immigrants peii lUicaia,— About; 200 of fchoso immigrants wore landod yesterday from Ripa Island. Tlioro aro about a hundred ntill at tho station, sororal having boon solootod for Timaru and Akaroa. Tho lattor loavo to-day by tho s.b. Bruco. Heathcom RwaATTA. — Ycatorday ovoning a four-oavod match was rowod on tho rivor Avon, with tho viow of dooiding which of two crows should roprosonfc tho Canterbury olub in tho raco for youths undor 21 yoars of ago, afc tho Hoathooto regatta. Tho orowu woro—Tamosie (north bank), W, Oallendov, P. H. Duncan, J. Martin, — Hoik (stroko), and Mountfort (oox). llyseus (south bank), Mathiau, GHasson, Rule, Huntor (stroko), and Shand (cox.) Tho Tamosis orow sprang away with tho load, and though having tho misfortune to loao a rudder ■ lino, thoy won oomowhat easily by abont throo lengths. On Monday evening, Mr M. Bowron in tho Swan, and Mr W. Sibbald in tho Moa, coajpotod for tho honour of representing tho olub in tho Boulling-raoo at tho regatta, and fortuno

declared horself for Mr Sibbald. Mr Gray has been olooted otroko-oar of tho Canterbury club adult four-oar orow! Tho regatta lakes placo to-morrow, and promises to bo a groat success. Ranoiora Races. — Tho ground for tho Rangiora raoos is now roady for tho committeo to commence tho work of formation, but they arc vory dilatory, especially whon it is conoidorod that they have no time to spare in getting tho races und sports up by Eastor Monday. Testimonial.— On Monday last, Fob. 15, Mr and Mrs Collins (lalo of Collins Hotel) woro prosontod by a fow ladies and gentlomon as a tributo of regard and rogrot at thoir departure from tho hotol, with a vory handsomo blook marblo clock, inlaid with medallions of amalaohito, and ornamentod with engraved scroll work gildod, the olook boing surmounted with a bronzo classical figuro 5 also, a pair of bronzo vasos, supported on plinths of blaok marblo, inlaid and gilded to match tho olook, They havo boon supplied by Mossrs Coatos and Co., of Colombo atroet, in whoso window they aro now on view. Thk liAte Accident on the Akahoa Road. — Mr Aloxandor Maolaino, who met with sovoro injuries on tho Akaroa road botweon tho top of tho hill and Little River on Saturday, Jan 31, through bis horso falling on him aftor stopping into a hole caused by a defective culvert, arrived in Ohristchuroh yostorday, having corao round by tho s.s. Bruco from Akaroa, whoro ho has roooivod overy caro and attention from Dr Oscar Jennings and Mr and Mrs Johnstono of Boechor's Hotel. To that caro and attention is duo tho fact that Mr Maolaino has been ablo to got about bo soon ; ho is, howovor, a long way from porfect recovery, indood it is questionable if a man of Mr Maolaino's ago could over totally reoovor from such injuries as ho hasreceivodjthoßo aro as follows : — On loft side two ribs broken, on right sido ono rib broken, shoulder dislocated, and oollar bono broken.

Hibkrnioon. — This ontortainment last night nioro than maintained its character. Tho auaionco woro again charmed with tho fidelity to naturo tho pioturos displayed, and woro most enthusiastic in their reooption of tho items providod for thoir reception. Mr H. Baker was again vory effeotiyo in his rendering of Irish molodios, singing •' Tho Meeting of tho Wafers," and " Tho Harp that onco through Tara's Halls," with great graco and expression. Mrs Baker was rapturously oncored for her singing of " Erin my Country." Tho Morans, in their department, woro oxoollont, and all tho inombora of tho oompany did their work in a way soldom oqualleain Christohuroh. Thoontertainment is on tho whole a most onjoyablo ono, and wo rooammond all who can to go and boo it. As a proof, wo may mention that never havo we soon bo enthusiastic, and — wo rogret to sayso oxaoting an audionce in Christohuroh. It will bo soon' that the oharge to tho front seats has been reduced from 4s to 3s.

AGKIOUI.TtfIUr.r AND PASTORAL ASSOCIATION. — A mooting of tho committee was held at Tafctersall's at 2 p.m., yoatorday, Mr H. P. Murray- Ay naloy in tho oliair. After tho confirmation of tho minutes, Mr Wilkin moved 1 --" That fcho ordinary rules of dobato bo carriod out during tho prosont year, viz : — tho mover of a resolution to spoak and reply, and any othor member only to apeak once." Mr Norman Hocondod tho motion, which was agrood to. On tho motion of Mr Wilkin, eocondod by Mr Duncan, tho following gontlomen woro appointed as a oommittoo to make arrangements for tho ram fair, to report iv a weok : — Moß9rs Matson, Mitoholl, Hondorson, Norman, It. 11. Campbell, H. E. Alport, and fcho mover. It was moved by Mr Wilfein, Booondod by Mr M'Both, and agroed to— "That tho following gontlomon bo appointed a Ground commitloo for tho onsuing year : — Moasrs Norman, Hondoraon, Duncan, Ford, and tho mover." It wus moved by Mr Wilkin— " That Mossrs Bruce, Washbourne, Hondoraon, Norman, and Ferguson, bo appointod a yard committee for tho ensuing yoar." Mr Froostono soconded fcho motion, which was agrood to. Tho oommitfcoo then adjourned for a week. Boabd or Health.— A mooting of tho Central Board of Health was held at 10 a.m., yostorday. Prosont — His Honor tho Superintendent (intho chair), DrTurnbull, and Messrs E. Jollio and M. B. Hurt. Mr J. E. March, Suporintondont of Quarantine, was also in atfcendanco. Tho Chairman road tho certificates and reports of tho health officer and ourgoon of tho ship Rakaia, recommending that tho immigrants and others should bo rolonsod from Quarantine. Dr Turnbull pointed out tho necessity of detaining, at least for a short time, families and thoso conneoted with them who had been affected with scarlet fovor, and that all olothing should bo carof ully examined, ro-washed, or, if ncoessary, destroyed. It was resolved that tho immigrants should bo reloasod, except those who had boen affootod with acarlofc foyer. Tho Chairman drow tho attontion of tho Board to tho effect that in March noxt they would havo to send in a report of their proceedings to tho General Govornmont. In his opinion, tho Act was thoroughly unworkable. Aftor some discussion, it was rcßolvod— " Tha" tho Board moot on eorno fufcuro day to oonsidor tho question, together with that of drainage" Tho Chairman brought under tho notice of tho Board a lottor from tho Sanitary commifctoo of tho City Counoil, respecting a easo of measles that had ooourrod in tho oity, and pointod out that tho letter did not comply with tho Aofc, and it was thoroforo impossible for tho Central Board to take any notion. Tho Board thon adjourned. Pkal oif Bisr/itS. — A Humorously attended mooting of tho membors of tho Gorman oluiroh was hold last night, for the 'purpose of disoussing tho conditions drawn up by tho bolls committoo as a basis of agi'oomont for tho management of tho proposed peal of bolls. Tho Roy L. Lohr presided, and tho whole matter having boon oxplainod to tho mooting, it was propoaod that tho conditions should bo agrood to. A longthy and booiowhat animatod discussion onsued, more particularly on tho first and aocond conditions. Sovoral of thoao prosont considered a 50 years' lease of tho boll towor would bo too long to grant, and that at tho mosi it should not oxoeod 20 years. Others woro also of opinion that it was unadvisablo to givo tho trustoes of tho ohuroh powor to raovo tho throo bolls now in tho towers, if it was thought dosirablo at any time to havo tho whole peal hung in a difforent part of tho city, tho ground of tho objections boing that tho bolls woro a gifb from tho Emporor of Germany, and should nob on any account bo takon away from tho Gorman ohurch. It was, howovor, pointod out that by tho churoh regulations fcho trustees could not do anything with tho churoh proporty without boing first authorised by a public? mooting of tho oongrogation, and this had tho effect of romoving tho objections to tho condition. Ultimately tho wholo of tho conditions as framed by tho general oommittoo troro adopted, and tho mooting closed.

The Sabbath Observance League intond holding a meeting in the Colonists' Hall, Mr H. R. Webb in tho choir, to tako stops against the Sunday work carried 'on in Port, and to prevent steamers from entering and clearing on that day, with the exception of tho mail boats, and in cases of special oircutnstancos, such as bad wcatbor necessitating steamers picking up their timos. Boat Race. — A race, which caused a good deal of amusement, took placo on tho Waimakariri, at Kahipoi, yesterday afternoon, botween Mr G. F. Hewlings and Mr Barnes of Saltwator Creek. Tho former paddled in a Rob Roy canoe, and the latter skulled in a heavy punt. A fair amount of betting was indulged in by boating men, and odds were given on tho Rob Roy. Mr Barnes relied a groat deal upon what ho termed hie " gigantic musole," and balanced tho oxtra weight of boat against tho inoxperionco in rowing of his opponent. Tho result of tho race showed that his judgment was not far wrong. Tho diatanco agreed upon was 400 yards up stream, winning at tho Swing bridge. Mr R. Macfarlano effected a good start, but tho Rob Roy foil back after the first fifty yar.le had been covered, and Barnes, who etill forced the pace, lod to tho finish, but only beat bis opponent by about half a boat's length. The " Bold Fishorman " was afterwards congratulated on his muscular power by moat of those who ran along tho bank to witness tho race. Ckuboh Services at the Colombo Road School. — A meeting of the members of tho Church of England in tho locality of Waltham was held last evening at tho schoolroom, tUo Rev H. C. M. Watson in tho chair. Tho chairman oxplained the object of the mooting to appoint a committeo to assist in obtaining the services of a olergyman to conduct services in that portion of St John's Parish, and read a resolution of the vestry of St John's advising him to call a meeting for that purpose. He then called upon Mr W. Wilson, who moved the first resolution— " That it is desirable that Sunday services, and a Sunday School, in connection with the Ohuroh of England, bo established in Waltham "—and urged upon those present the duty of all assisting to carry out tho resolution. This wus seconded by Mr E. Fowler, and, after various gentlemen had spoken, including the Rev H. J. Edwards, and Messrs Packer, S. Wilson, Lockwood, Ja-nes Fisher, and othora, tho resolution was passed unanimously. Mr James Fisher moved — " That a committee bo appointed to assist the incumbent of St. John's in carrying out the above resolution ; such committee to consist of Messrs E. Fowler, James Fisher, F. Maaon, S. Fisher, C. Clark, W. Lockwood, R. Packer, W. Wilson, G. P. Loach, J. S. Williams, J. P. Rostoll, E. Reocoj S. Wilson, J. W. Pickering, G. F. Maskew, IS. Salisbury, W. Jakes, with powor to add to their number." The resolution was seconded by Mr S. Wilaon, and agroed to. Tho first committee meeting was fixed for Monday noxt, at 7.30 p.m. After appointing Mr Maskow secretary, tho meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to tho ohairman.

Good Temi'LAhs.— Tho Hon. S. D. Hastings, who was a passenger by tho s.s. Wellington, arriyed in Christchurch by the 3.45 train from Port, yestorday afternoon, and was mot by the reception committee appointed at tho meeting of Good Templara on Tuesday night, together with tho officers of the Grand Lodge for tho Middlo Island. G W.C.T. Bro Androwa tondered a formal welcomo to Mr Hastings, who suitably acknowledged it, after which he was escorted into tho city. Mr Hastings is a member of the United States' Legislature, and a P.D.R.W.G.T. of the Order of Good Templars. Ho left Araorica on the invitation of tho Grand Lodge of Victoria for a twelro month's tour in tho Australasian colonies for the purpose of placing the order on a more satisfactory basis, and giving lectures upon Good Templar subjects. Tho great distance the lodgos in this part of tho world are from the parent lodge, »,nd tho inoxperienco of tho mombors of tho order in theso colonies, rendered a visit from an officer of such experience as Mr Hastings very desirable, and thero can be no doubt that, apart from lecturing, ho will be able to do a great deal of good to tho order during his tour. That ho is capable of carrying out all that is required in both respects, may to gathered from tho fact that ho was elected Right Worthy Grand Templar for the world— the highest offico attainable in tho order — no less than five years in succession. Tho Grand Lodge of Victoria not only pay tho expenses of tho tour, but also guarantee Mr Hastings a sum of £1000 for the twelve months. Mr Hastings will remain in Canterbury for about fourteen days, and will probably givo his first lecture in Ohriatohuroh during the present weok. Before leaving ho will be presented with an address by tho mombora of tho order in the province.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 2164, 17 February 1875, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2164, 17 February 1875, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2164, 17 February 1875, Page 2