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. Tins Day. (Before G. L. Mollish, Eeqf., R.M.) Tho Court oponod at 10 minutes past 11 o'clock.

DItUNKENNESS, AND DESTRUCTION OF Private Property.— Hugh O'Noil, arrested by Oonetablo Cartrnill for boing drunk and breaking a pano of glass in Mr B. Halo's shop window at tho corner o£ Oashol and Colombo streets, was flnod 10a, and ordorod to pay for tho damage dono. Drunkenness and Obscene Language. —James Voitoh, arrostod by Oonstablo Hughes near tho theatro, last night, was flnod 10s,— John Johnstono, also arrested by Oonstablo Hughos at tho samo timo and plaoo, was flnod 20s. — Wm, Robortson, arrostod by Oonetablo Beaumont, opposito tho Oontral Hotol, Colombo fltroot, was also brought up, but callod a witnoss, who sworo acousod was not drunk, and tho Bonoh dismissed tho ohargo of drunkonnoss, but imposed a fine of 10s for tho obsecno language

The Cab Casks. — Daniel Howard was summoned on two eopavalo informations j Miohaol Hamilton, on two -, Alex. Beattio, on thrco j Win. Jordan, Goo, Willis, James Reid, Thomas Goody or, and Patriok King, pn ono ; John Miller, on two j Alex. M'Taggart, on four j and F. Obambors, on two informations, for having oomniittod a breach of tho Polioo Act, by obstructing public thoroughfares within tho city. Mr Garriok appeared for tho dofonco, and, addressing tho Bonoh, said, ho understood that all tho cab cases callod last week wcro adjourned until Friday. Tho Town Clork, in reply to his Worship, said, such was tho oaso, but those woro now informations. Mr Gavriok submittod that, it would bo better to hoar all tho cases on one day, and his Worship oonourring in this, tho casos on tho shoot woro accordingly adjourned until Friday. Honsjns and Cattle at liAiiGE.—Tho following casos woro disposed of: — A. Oulliford, ono horso, South town bolt, flnod 5s ; Isaac Davis, ono maro and foal, South town bolt, finod (ss ; John Chapman, flvo boad of cattlo, Valley road, Hoathcoto district, fined ss ; Andrew Stovone, ton head of cattle, Shand's track 5 and, on tho samo day, a bull on a public road in tho aamo vioinity, finod 5s for tho cattlo, otbor case dismissed 5 Josoph Mann, ono oow; Pound road, Tomploton district;, flnod ss.

NudliEOTlNa- TO KEEP A LICUIT BURNING. — Goorgo fiankin was, summoned for having nogloofccd to koop a light burning botwoon tho hours of sunset and sunriso on a soaft'olding orootod by him in Hereford street. Sorgoant Wilson provod tho offonoe, and a flno of 10s was imposed. — Wra. Brightmoro was oharged with a similar offonoo in rospcot to a barricade orootod by him in Colombo street. Sergeant Wilson provod tho, and a fine of 10s was imposod. Fiwb in thk Open Aib. — Honry Spicor was charged with having lit a firo in tho opon air without having first givon notice of his intention to do bo. A witness named Mrs Palmor, rosiding .next door to aoouaod in Manohoßtor stroot, Baid on Jan. 28 aoousod set flro to a quantity of rubbish near her fonco without having givon hor notioo of it. Acousod said ho was from homo, and knew nothing oi tho matter. A fino of 10s was imposod. UNiiKaiBTKitED Doos. — John Totloy, for having two unregistered dogo abovo tho ago of three months in his following, was finod 40*. Dog in the Domain.— Thomas Soaroll was Bummotiod for having pormitfced a dog to follow him into tho park, Aoousod admitted that ho had lot a dog follow him into tho oriokot ground, but ho did not know it was a portion of fcho park. Ho understood tho oriokot oiub leaped tho ground. Inspector Buokloy said tho dog killed a haro on tho orickot ground on tho day in quofltion. His Worship Baid thoro oould bo no doubt tho cricket ground was a part of tho Public Domain. Accuaod said thoro was no notioo postod up at tho gate, and tho reason why ho took tho dog in was thai; ho saw other poraons on tho ground with dogs in their following. In roply to tho Bonoh, Inspootor Buokloy said thoro had boon othor cases of this kind before tho Oourli, but ho bcliovod that acousod would not havo boon summonod if his dog had not killed a haro. Accused said ho oould not help this. Tho dog spread out of his Bight, and ho did not know what ho was doing. Aooußod was flnod 10a.

OAnniEsa Diuvinci. — Honry Malo was chargod with an offonoo of this nature Sorgeant Wilson said, on tho dato shown in tho information, aeoußod was driving through Cathedral equnro in a ooroloss manner, and camo into with a oab, tho foroo of whioh throw him oil tho box on to tho asphalto. Ho had plenty of room to pass tho oab, as thoro.was no othor vohiolo ncai 1 at tho timo. A cabman named Willoox was oallod, and said acousod camo into collision with him in Cathodrnl square as elated, but ho could not say it was from oaroloea driving, Aoouaod appeared to havo his maro in hand, but ho was ovidontly groon to tho work. Ho corlainly would not like to aay that aoousod was driving in a caroleas manner, Inepootor Buoltloy said there was no othor ovidonoo to oull. Tho case was dismissed.

Vioi-mnt AssAtrxTS. — 'ValonLino Shot wus summoned for having assaultod Susan Shot, but Inspootor Buokloy aaid tho summons had not been eorvod, and tho oaso was accordingly adjournod. Tho ohargo against Harriot Stoddarfc for having assaulted William Stoddart waa furthor adjourned.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 2164, 17 February 1875, Page 2

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MAGISTERIAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2164, 17 February 1875, Page 2

MAGISTERIAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2164, 17 February 1875, Page 2