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T 'TT DATiTON lWil_iUifx: '"**. jr o — » *^ • • ,» ■j-fc pc r rf- s. tai n v .^/s , — . ! OUR STOCK /-^x' |L /f^T"). ■ ' J4S BKOT « 1 J LA3!<iS 0038IGHUXST OF y/jO/ *>■ MOSt OOfflpl@t@ /#/ Ma B G LA If C A X T/ &?TDBI ' 518 y/eS A^ L>aSl ! S^ y^^OSGIBt IWERDB Sj^^|^ I l.|f '' ' "corrai" s /s'' f'^NCY '"' /^^oamaktj tweeds Hi GOOTS - /^^BLACIC &NAVYOOESKINS ?■ /^/black seeoes ■• e.«.«^ All Bpltindu' Vali;k. *ML*\ /e> ' "'iV^M-riox ,^-rr».». G S « rr Oo»es'i Com. i. / F » Mi «>««■ '

iiiMirr*itii'«nmiTTTn-iiT>Tfr>-ri*-iiriTiniiTifcniMi-wrn!-niiiwiwnn, n > np»» g|tTW m Tl^» rMirT^ pfl , mnniwi T^TOBTHERN "CTTAIROA TTTOTEU DAKGAVII.LE. j MICHAEL CORCORAN, Proi'v.ivstoii i (Tiuvi: of I'Jag.stttil Hotel, Xoith Shore ; Htny an-. j GnvU-J', CVn'oniiiiiuel: Greyhound, Thames; (mil hnperiiil, Auckland. TJie Proprietor has made extensive idiorati us, and fnivtiJlevs to (lie iS r ort!iern Wiiinm will find thi~> JTnhvejilf'to with pvevy convenience. SAMPLE TIOOMS DOlt COMMERCIAL TKAV ELJAiUn. j Hot am) Cold Wat en Baths. jI!(L(. IA K T.) -It 0 0 M", ST A i.! L K ,S, t; tc, ! Li>\'Uoks <"-.i tub P.iiST "Di';.Axnw. Q ID T T L E E 8' H 0 T U L, ; O i IvAEO, "WJJANGAIIOA. I ; 0. A. MAIiTtN PItOPRIKTOi:. C. A. JMARTIN beg-s to inform residents and ii'.irellcrs to the jSTorfch that 'ie haa taken over tho I above Hotel, and ihaL he intends to spare no ! eypenso to make this one oJ' the most comfortable I hi lh.. North. | HORSES FOR HIRE. iGOODST A B L I N G. | iil LLIAEDS. I Telo^ruins promjitly attended to. I Noiiiincf but best, In-aiitls of Wines and Spirits I kept. HANCOCK'S XXX X ALES. i Q E T T L IE ie C 5 TTT O T B 1., j ■WRANGARIiX i C. BISHOP t PaopaiETOß, ! (Lite oi' Henderson mid. Waipu.) [ L'ATIG-TSS'J? HoT2Ij IN THB DI3TTiTCT. Good Accoiiimc 'latioTi • Hps'.'ious Paddock aivd Loose Boxes On th"s Sight fuom B^iiwat Statiox. H' IKU It ANGI TT OTE L, JLX HIKUKANGI (Near "Whangarol). Proi •in eti >» James Eolle^ton Saddle Horses and Buggies for hire. Coaoh meets Steamers on arrival and departure — Mondays, Wednesdays, Timrdays, an«l Saturdays. Loose Boxes. Good Paddocks. Travellers to Kawalcawa, "Bay o£ Islands, Hok v anga, and the North will meet with every accommodation, and find tlus the mo3t expeditious rout© Telegrams will receive prompt, attention. A 0 C K h A N D T> B E W E RY, WATSON AED MUREAY, SVinnera of the First Prize for Draught AAea at Auckland Agricultural Show (1835 and 1886), B REWEES AND BOTTL ER 8 T 10DEN TERRACE, New North Road, Auckland. Ip u'd" 't he "mTreok.i A HIGH-CLASS Weekly Social, Political, Liu-iioy and Dramatic Paper. To be Published ever; PRIDAY. Price 3d. By the Centennial Printing; and Publishing t.'o , Limited, Melbourne PJtice, Russell-street, Melbourne. given aWAY tc> "■ BUYERS OF A BOTTLE OI 1 RR3<- AD ALBANY WHISKY, Sliippcd by Alex, Ferguson & Co., Glasgow. Particu'iu-6 from all Wine Mei-chiint-s Storekeepers, Hotelkeepers.snid Spirit Dealers. Wholesale Agents, CftsteßdyJce it Foclte, Wellington, N.Z.

I -1"* A CO., \ ALBERT BliEWi'lßYi j i i ! | _ Bbk^hs j i i ! XXXX ALE AND STOUT : j First Prize MediU E^liibiiion, iS«>-<, 1806, ! | oxA ]B»',n. j 1 ' ' ' Diseased Knniro (.ftonlimfs biv;iVo :<>r l .h in .:tt\in-,'--t»i"!ptious.'-— Act iii. Scene 1. TO THE rUBLUJ. OOiir. paii'.-nt.- ;'criu',' from wrvous all'-.-' 1 ! ion.-< ar.-- --• afraid from sheer btv-ihfulness au-1 ir.o.Wty t<< ■•eusoxali.v consult a medical man— other paiienti have not tho self-possession and oolnc-nS wben in thr ; conbiillinu,- room, to accmMtely descri"e th«-ir >sy •iiplom.j [ —their h-.ibit.-i of lii'o, u';-A tho nature of the ili sea^je tney . i ° Lot bucii per.-on (lie ov whe) :-it quiotly down in the- j I privii'''y of their -own apartments, and with calm mind? i dc^-cibe clcarlv ea->li .symptom of their case, a c4w . emeu! tbns'writt.n, and laid he fore me, is f.if i-re- , : fcrable m .vKitvoi^ diseases tv a pm-sonal cousulto.iou j Wlieve, hov.-c-voJ 1 , a diocase is oi' a pocuiiin 1 «n.-l es^eii- ,i tioiiiil cliin-acter, a uousulUiti^iu mny become ■uercsM'ry : but. my succjfis in corroypond «uoo ia so ' vreat that of the thoui-.iudrf '-M' f '"i thousands Nvhrnu I ■ hii'-e treated by letter during- the last :i'J ynni-s, not a <siu"-i.-- mistako hns ever oeciu'ved- -not a eu.s<i has ever j beeu lua^ public-in. fact, the very simplicity r.i my j sysU-ui of corrospondc-nci; \n--i vents pnbiic-ity. '"At" the same time medicines are wmt to my pahcut. j I in sell i' form as to defy detection. __ j ' How many thousands have I not i.-rouuht joy k> ' How many have been enabled to enter into tk<; mar- j viagc btntc through consult ins me? j How many after i«arriaa:e b:iva privately conjured i i ( me and been* blessed ami heir married lives mud- irmt- | fi'l and happy P , „ » i i I How inanv wasted l'uii'.pdyuuthpoi both sexes bavo i also been restored t«> heaitn, imd thanked their man- . hor>d for h:ivin'.r consultnd mo by let er ? How many questions arise where the family physician , U unable to unravel the ease, aud where olten the j patieut lingers on, not d:iri»s- to toll bis family medica! . adviser the nature of his complaint, until consumption, wasting, or mental disease set in, and the siui'eier hots j beyond the curable stage, and i=i left a hopeless wreck ■! \ A letter written in the privacy of the room aud i dropped in the pest-box 3-eiiches me quietly ; the ; answer is returned as quietly and unostentatiously, au 1 j {he natieut, without stepping Iromhis chamber, kzocyA j to post his letter, is by re! urn of post in full possession of the nature oi bis case. His hopes are raised, his doubts removed, and he is comparatively a new man iv fact, in many case?, a new being altogether. The only addition to the ordinary written letter i? the a^-e, 'occupation, habits and symptoms, nothing more.' The usual consultation fee of £1 (one pound) must be enclosed, otherwise no answer will bo returned, : 'J "here are thousands oi' cases in doily life where a oom-ultation with o."e at a distance will remove by n single letter a great fear, a great care, and it ot'teu solves what sii >pe;trs as an im nonet rable mystery. Miiuy a ;-ad heart has been made joyful o'.j receipt of nn explanatory letter from me. To those who are about to marry, I womdsay consult me before doing- .so, and thus prevent, many after troubles, and remove many unnecessary fears ami prejudices; to those, more especially, who have suffered in early jenrs from disease, or have yielded to their passions." To these I say, at once, consult with me, do not tarry, delays are dangerous, and as an expert, my time may not lie always at your service, yon can, by simply enclosing one pound, lrxvo the benefit of my experience in the same manner as if I lived in your town, and with the additional advantage of thorough privacy.— Yours uly, LOUIS L. SMITH Address— DR. L. L. SMITH, 15,2, COLLINS - STREET EAST, Ml-ItBOURNS. Fee i'or Personal Consultation, £1 Is. The latter is inclusive oi' Medicine Medicines forwarded, well-packed, to nil the Cokmiea ladia, aud Europe. IS2, Colmn"S-stkt:i:i East, 'OCX-BINDING AND PAPEE-RrLING WYNDHA&f -STREET, AIT Cilia* i Msbch ants' Accotjkx Books Buled and Boand to suit requirements. MUSIC, MAGAZINES, AND lAW BOOK 9 S^XThl BOTJWD. / Bjlx2B's Spscial-bttied Day Booxa ' LIBHART BOOK 3 StBOKG klSl> CHBiPIT BoTTST ..

Fi s a ie b & go., WHOLESALE SHIPPING AND FAMILY BUTCHETiS. "Established— lßß-1 % By Special Appointment to His Esceilenoy the Governor, Sir W. F. Jeryois; Hia Excellency Sir James Pergusaon : and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh : — Also: KOSHA BUTCHKR TO TFiT-; Jp.V,'3 — QUL'SN-STEEET, AUOKLA.ND, N.Z. Families watted on in town and Snl-urba POULTRY OF ALTi KIND DUE3SI3I> TO GUP'S R. DEAIiEKS IN— POULTRY HOME-CURED HAII3 AND DACON (JOE NED BEEF (In any quantity). Importers ojp— SAUSAGE CASINGS/ The Trade Supplied. N.B. — CALVES' EEKNETTS. — Customer supplied with Ice. Teln-linrifi No. 358. P.O. Eox Ko. 43. /To L L I E TPiOUSBKS ci' A T T i'\ T* T 7< T (~r ■ \"^3r X A. 1 -Li v' JX i- IN r ■ in all its "Branches, at Lowest ; j^^^^^^s FIT AND STiLEily^^^ j SAC SUITS, i ;i uoii \ fj£?oMllP£0 t WALKING SUITES, \n\,oii ■, lift^li'lf — S »€! A Choice Assottracutof : j|||j! j : ||| Fancy Vestikos. | ||L|pA I-arge Assortment of ' l^Wii|l|® EA'GIiISH & COLONIAL TWEEDS W^" suitable for Spring' Wear. .. : T It O U S E 11 S Note Addesss— i Sii:.u'i'?j> VICTOEIA ST. EAST. ; oom 8/6. VISSTGHS TO Should Consult the Well-known and Sue- M 1^ and Chronic Compl.mnts, BJ|j||P^ FREE CONSULTATION, it 53 Flinders St. W., Melbourne inTTHANG-AREI AND kTmO. EXPRESS AND PASSENGER COiCH LEAVES ALTERNATELY FIVE TIMES A DAY Horses auJ Buggies for Hire. Ord punctually attended to, NOJRTMTAN G. Met AT, - 1019 Whar.yarei. rjlO OUR OOUNTKST READERS. nHEAP TTrinting. OBSEBVER OFFICE. O*I>«BB PROMfTLT Au'TawDßD TO. J^AMERON BEOS. 1 Flower of axa Natioks Aromitw Tobacco not to be surpassed'

HAVB I'OK SALK AKD TO LET SEVERAL CHOICE RESIDENCES IN CITY AND' SUBURBS. SUCH A3 GRAFTON EOAD— llousn 10 rooms. Latlii-oom, Ac, &c, JSTico gavrtcu, good position. — IV I. 2W. ' -MOUNT EDEN — Belwood House, 0, rooms, wsi«ililiouse, copper, &c, &c, Stable and (.'oaoh-lnin •!*.•, Uayiiess room. Two large nllotnieiifcs hi goi.)u order. Bent, enly 1-s 6d i»cv week — FoJ. -o"i) WOOD-STREET— Near College Hilt, "Rpnirtfiiico in I rooms. Ltttlii'nom, '<;i.s and waler, "«',.. &<:., spleudid viow.--rul. i 1.59. VJ EW-POlNT— Mount T2(lph, Villa ■Ri-sMeni'^ of P 1 rooms, wasliliouse, -sl:i'i'lo, iVc, Arc-, ni'.'O hd^i! iov..— j-'ci. -:&8 A VONDALE— Xk-c Tlnuse fi roouis,'.o, 'l.ury Ay.., &c, about :."> litres la ml, lot vev -.vcek.— i'o!. -li' l ENGLAND-STKEET— Nice 'Villa oT 7 room. «ti\. litti.-i witli all couvouicuei-s : uioe position. „'o<h.( vi..',v, l.'.j per "vvec-k. — Fol. 'S>'j, VALLEV-KOAD— Mount, Eilt^!, H,-,, ; -;v 7 roo/ns, stables, &c, ond <^ anv^s volcanic 1 ui>l. -LV>J -.">;> i PRANKLIN EOAl>— H:uiL"lsoincT:o.-.i(ionce of JO rooms, batlivooni, v/aslihouso, itc, rt:i>lo:(.' wit v every cmi. vienueK, grnud position, splendid vie v, Mice j ONEIIUNGA — Qiieen-slrect, ITaiuisomc! Residence of 12 rooms, bathroom, washbuiiso, &f , position, grand view, al.cnt one ui-r-' of yooi't garden, I'cnutit'ully laid oin and pin ui eel, rent X'ij-3 per year, price £ll'3o^ — I'd. W>, MOUNT EDKN EOAD— House ..!! (i rooms, w.isiilioiiso, copper boiler, two-f-tall .stall!.', plemy »v:iter, aid on, runt fs (id. — Fol. -5S CHARLES-STREET— BooIe// Nook, FroiiM*< ot U rooui.s anil all convoineiiues, ijns .nii'l waU'i 1 laid mi, rout '.H per week.— Kol. -_'.j;;. AND SEVJ2ISAL OTHfJRS. .Viill jinviiculars on apidicaf ion. 3;, I. EVANS &CC»., &-nn; i.-nioefs, House & T.fuui Xnvui^, I _. ... .. __ __ •m/T IR A X .DA COAL! BEST HOUSEHOLD (ITaxi.-i -ickj:!.). O"| PER TON (0 ELIVE RE D) STEAM COAL Al" LO'.VEM' POSSIBLE RAT-RS. ORDERS received by any ot the Dealers, or at the Company's; OiTice?, 15, Victoria Arcade';§or Depot, Eailway Whar/. MIEANDA COAL, Ax, COML'A^Y ! (LIMITED). I J. BAEBEIt, Sr<m;ktai*t. Jjiiill.lX b GOUT PILLS. 7"^^ sr^tf/ English Remedy for GOUT, RHEUMTISi, SGiATiGA AND LUMSAOO. All sufferers fro Dii the above complaints, either recent or long standing 1 , are advised to use BLAIR GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. They can "op relied upon as the most safe and effectual remedy ever offered to the public, and have been universally used Europe and America many years with the gi'ea es success. Her Majesty's Commissioners have authorised name and address of " Thomas Prout, No. 220, Strand London" to be impressed npon the Government stamp affixed to each box of the genuine mediciae. Sold in England at Is. l^d. and 2s. fld. per bos j Obtainable through any Chemist or Stores in the Australian Colonies,

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Observer, Volume 9, Issue 524, 5 January 1889, Page 18

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Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 Observer, Volume 9, Issue 524, 5 January 1889, Page 18

Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 Observer, Volume 9, Issue 524, 5 January 1889, Page 18