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rqnmrfv items of all kinds will be welcome for insertion in this column. All communications should bo Pdlressed, "Society Editor, Observkk and Fbeb £»?b " and should much tbis ofOee not later than Monday mormn in each wee*-, j

—Parr.ell and Hymoncls- street Lave entered tlic matrimonial federation. Tho bridegroom elect: hails from the blue-blooded, district. — A most enjoyable dance was given by Captain Johnstone, of The Pines, on Friday last. About 40 guests were present, and all thoroughly eniovnd themselves. Tho music, which was vend- ] erecf by Mr A. Taylor, was all that could be desired, and the floor was in perfect order. \I he dance broke upat-i a.m., and the visitors departed well pleased with their excellent host and hosiers. — ; Correspondent. 1 —A capital entertainment was given on board H.M. «. Orlando by a portion of the urevv, to their jolly tar confreres and !ho olliccrs of tne fleet. The negro element first held sway, the banio playing was about the best music t»at could be extracted from the sweet-toned instrument. Tho sinning was worthy of -unbounded pinise. A side-splitting farce, 'Bounce 'Em On!./ put the extinguisher on a most enjoyable perforinauct.'. —The beautiful Christmas cantata ' The C^i'/'Ug of Immanuel ' was performed by the We-l' j Tttn Church choir last evening :iL iue i)evcn"ort Church, Mr Taniield acting as conductor! Misses Wood, Tan field and Mr (!. Broughton rendered tho solos in ti _ pleasing Bmiu f er . The choruses were given wi: ii spirit and crispness reflecting 1 great credit on the conductor. *IV!iss Jessie Mason presided tit the pianu, and Mr Bartlev at the harmonium. —With their usual geuerotily Mr and Mrs Allan Kerr Taylor again, f«'ted the children of St. Luke's Sunday-school, in the beautiful grounds of 'Alberton' on Saturday last. Over seventy youngsters with their teachers assembled, (iiaines* of every kind were indulged in !.>y the inerrvmakers, tempting supplies of rei'rcvhinciitd serving to fill up tho intervals. Before the jovial c-rew separated three hearty cheers v. ore give it for the host and hostess. — A. real good time whs spent by the lads of the Kohimarama Training School, on Boxing day. The cntertainn-.onfc was provided by the liberality of Mr ITogan, master of the h-clmol, assisted" by Miss Hogan and the teachers. A Christmas' Tree laden with pretty gifts, oi<e ol which was given to each boy occupied a |.vomiuent place in the festivities; cakes and Unit liowoU in endless abundance. Messrs l)ixon of "Wellington donated p., case of crated water.--, to cheer thirsty youth. '1 he only gifts sent from Auok lar d ■were given by Messrs Lioldif, Lennox, and .KVld I the official visitors of the School. —The Christmas tree and c. on cert at il.r TS'ihlo, in the Wo.sleyan Church, in aid of tho Par&ona«e Fund. > rilliantly successful, and much, credit is due to the Misses Arkle for the hidefatigjible wav in which they managed the finances by disposing of the various goods for sale. J.he decorations were really artistic, and the vote of •thanks accorded the decorators was not undeserved. Mr Lloyd addressed tho meeting, and in a few well chosen remarks, expressed his pleasure at seeing" so many present. Eev. Mr Buchanan, ■with tho aid of our schoolmaster, Mr Homo (who kept the audience in roars of laughter by his rallies of wit), distributed the prizes. The musical part of the programme was Al at Lloyd's, and 1 van oonsiccntiously say I did not see a discontented face there.— [Correspondent.] — A correspondent writes : — Tbe usually \ sleci-v Eaglan district was en fete on Wednesday, the occasion of a complimentary tea, entertainment and dance, tendered to the teacher, his who, and the Raglan scholars. Notwithstanding a Hood in miniature, the rain descending to use a , classical phrase, like cats find dog?, visitors flocked to the festive scene like bees to a hive. Over a hundred people discussed the frond things provided with right good will. wants of the inner roan and woman supplied, recitations were given by the scholars. The court scene in ! The Merchant of Venice ' was a most creditable piece of acting Master W. Wallia filled the role of Puke of Venice ; L. Horsey, Portia ; V. I'egler, Gmtiano ; K. Eendell, Bassanio : 11. McDonald, Antonio ;' and H. Horsey, Shylock. The youngsters ranged in age from nine to fourteen. __ Ihrec JVlaori children belonging to the school, J. Karaka, H. Karaka, and Bella Newton, de%hted_ those present by giving proof of their elocutionary prowess. The following recitations were excellent :— ' Mark Antony's Oration,' W. Wallis ; / The Country Squire,' B. McDonald; 'The Duel,' V. Peg-ler. After the annual report had_ been read, the hail was cleared for dancing, which was indulged in with zest. — An Ararimu correspondent writes :— A grand ball came off in the Ararimu Public Hall on the 21st of December, which all present seemed thoroughly to enjoy. The hall was beautifully decorated with evergreens, ferns and flowers. ,/The music was supplied by the Briny Band, and gave the greatest satisfaction. Great credit is due to Mr A. McTCinstry, who carried out everything in the very best style. Some neat and very pretty dresses were worn by the ladies present, notably the following : — Mrs Murray, a beautiful maroon costume, handsomely trimmed wilh ruby plush and cream satin, blouse vest ; Miss .Kiely looked as pretty as a picture in a handsome black eilk dress and black silk lace, silver jewellery ; Mies Leebody looked well in brown, with satin trimmings ; Miss Keaney, pink dress, lace trimmings ; Miss McDonald, black velvet bodice, pink skirfc ; Miss M. Kiely wore a pretty maroon dress, ruby velvet trimmings, pink sash, which suited lier to perfection ; Miss W. Kiely, black velvet bodice, tulle skirt, black sash ; Misa Stewart looked neat in a white corded dress, beautifully trimmed with embroidery, pink sash ; Miss stiller, neat flowered dress ; Miss Wright looked very nice in a pink bodice, white skirt, pink cash. Slow comes the question— who was belle ? Without doubt, the palm was carried oft by Miss b. Iviely who was dressed in a blue satmbodice.white lace skirt, blue ribbon, and Bilvor spangles ; and aa I watched her threading her wny in the dance, and saw her eyes sparkling with pleasure, and her mouth wreathed in smiles, she looked exactly what she was— the belle of tho ball.

— Otahuliu knows how to combine fun with chanty, especially when tho fair sex holds the ribbons. The ladies' concert, hold in the district famed as the abiding-place of the only New Zealand.poot, turned out a grand financial spec, the proceeds of which are to be devoted to the purchase of swings, etc., for the children ot the public schools. The walls of the hall groaned under a wealth of ferns and flowers. Music came first on the lisfc of amusements, a, iirst- class programme being gone through. Mrs Swears opened tho Kuterpean ball with a piano solo, brilliantly played. Miss H. Daw sang 'Cherry Kipe dclioiouslv. A glee followed, ' All Among the Barley. An address, ' School,' by the Jxov. .L. fl. Gulliver was listened to with great attention Miss Clemens then assured the audience vocaby that •I Don't Think I Can Tell.' One of the best items was ;t vocal duet, 'When Iho AViml Bloweth In From the Sea,' by Miss Wallace and Mr Mitchell, the voices blending in perfect liarmoiiv. Miss Allsop gave a recitation in excellent style ' Miss Franklin's piano solo, ' Killarney,' Wined much kudos. A tableau, 'Tied .Rid big 1 Hood, 1 was creditably staged by the pupils. Miss j E. Bovvdcn sang ' .Fiddle and I ' very sweetly. Mr Harmon also contributed a vecal solo, ' So It Was,' with happy effect. 'The Miller and the j Maid,' by Miss Clemens, was another good item. The pupils warbled several glees. Last, but not I least, on the list of good things, was tin iiisttu- j mental trio, ' Balmoral,' by Mr ,J. Mitchell, Mr Henrickson, and Mrs J . .Mitchell. Tho ICnterpean banquet discussed, dancing was crowned sovereign, i and worshipped with great spirit till ihc small j hours. Needless to say the refreshments x\l at Lloyd's.— [Correspondent. J — Tbe Talcapuna Mutual Imps disparted ! themselves in a musical bout on Tuesdisy eveaiug 1 Jas-t. Lakeites are great on intellect, con?c- ; quently, as tho proceeds were in aid of the School ; Committee, tho room was lull to ovetliowing. The liov. H. S. Davies occupied the chair. Both Devonport and Auckland were well represented on the programme, the first item of which was a piano duet, ' Sans Sonci,' splendidly executed by Miss Bartlev and Mr A . Bartley. Mr Masou sanrr ' Kca- ' in a \vay that cliyited iv.ibounded approbtiiion. Miss Drown warbled of the liappy meeting ' .Some Dny.' Miss Mackay came in for loud ai.plause for her rendition of ' The Aiab's Farewell to his Steed.' Miss Briton and Miss Berry played ' Fairy Queen ' duet. The cork ef vc-cnl melody was drawn afresh by Mis.- Bartley, her song, ' The Eiret, Letter. 1 cansing the wir.c of apprcvaMo foam ov-jr iii vigorous hand-clnppiiig. _ Jvii- FiivriiigUni came In ior quite a little alihe end of Ids recitation, ' Variations,' a (.-lover piece of elocution. A pi:sno t-010, ' Jl usani-it,' followed, rendered by Mr A. .8.-ivtlcy. Mr Mason then impressed on'the aiulit'KCv u< ' ypeed On' vocally. A capital item -was ainns.jv it mental duct. ' Ct-Icste,' piano, Miss Briton; violin. Mr V,. Ashton. Mr \V. H. Hliakespr-ar was heard to advant:^e in the "van- 1 old somr. ' Sirnxn, the Cellarer.' Mr and Miss Burtley k':ivc the voc-a! duel, ' TinSighs, 1 with 'taste and artistic o\pn'r-.-ion. ToMr Farrin^tou was portioned the t a - k of drawing down the certain en th.c night's amus-t-7>u:i:L, wj.i'-h he accomplished in praiseworthy .-tyle v, ifli a-fir.vt-<-las= recitaLion, ' The Twin*.'

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Observer, Volume 9, Issue 524, 5 January 1889, Page 14

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SOCIETY. Observer, Volume 9, Issue 524, 5 January 1889, Page 14

SOCIETY. Observer, Volume 9, Issue 524, 5 January 1889, Page 14