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Medical Dysentery, Cholera, Fever, Ague, Co-aglis, Colds, &c> DR. J. COLUS. BROWSE'S CHLOKODYiNE (Ex Army Mod. Staff) IS THE ORIGINAL A_TD ONLY aSXTOXNS. /CAUTION.—Vicc-Chancellor Sis- W. P. Wood stated that DR. COLLIS BROWNE use \J undoubtedlj the inventor of CHLOKODYKE j tlmt the fetory of thu defendant, Dreeman, being the inventor was deliberately untrue, which he regretted hud been sworn to. Eminent Hospital Physicians of London stated that Dr. J. Collis Browne was the discoverer of Chlorodyne ; that they prescribe it largely, and mean no other than Dr. Browne s.-^-Sce limes, July 12,1864. The public, therefore, are cautioned against using any other than DE. J. COLLIS BBOWNE'S CHLOItODYNE. Bemhdiaii Uses and Action. This Invaluable Keroedy produces quiet, refreshing sleep, relieves pain, culms the system, restores the deranged function*, nnd stimulates heal!by action of the accretions of the body, without creating uny of those unpleasant results attending the use of opium. Old and young may take it at all hours and times when requisite. Thousands of persons testify to its marvellous good effects and wonderful cures, while medical men extol its virtues most extensively. , , , , , . „ CHLOKODYNE is admitted by the profestion to bo the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever diecovered. . . CHLOEODYKE is the beet remedy known for Couplis, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. CHLOBODYJNJH effectually checks and arrests those 100 often iatal discuses—Diphtheria, Fever, Croup, Ague. . CHLORODYWJS acts like a charm in Diarrhoea, and is the only specific m Cholera and Dyßenterv. _ . _ , . . , ! CHLO'KODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Pulpitations, and Spasms. [ CHLOEODYNE is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, loothacbe, Meningitis, &c. EXTRACTS EBOM MEDICAL OPINIONS. The Bight Hon. larl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians and J. T. Davenport that he bad received information to the effect that the only remedy of any service in Cholera wbb Chlorodyne.—See Lancet, Dec. 31,18G4. From A. Montgomery, E?q., late Inspector of Hospitals, Bombay:—" Chlorodyne is a moat valuable remedy "in JNeuralgia, Asthma, and Dysentery. To it I fairly owe my restoration to health, after 18 months' severe suffering, and when other remedies had failed." Dr. Lowe, Medical Missionary in India, reports (Dec. 1865) that in nearly every case of Cholera in which Dr. J. Colliu Browne's Chlerodyno was administered the patient recovered. Extract from the General Board of Health, London, as to its efficacy in Cholera:—"So 'strongly are we convinced of the immense value of this remedy that we cannot too forcibly urgo the neceeeity of adopting it in all cases." CAUTION.—3Sfono genuine without the words "DrJ. _ Collis Browne on the Government Stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each bottle. The public are further cautioned—a forgery of tbe Government Stamp having como to the knowledge of the Board of Inland Revenue. Sole Manufacturer-J. T. DAVENPORT. 33, GREAT RTJSSELL-STREET, BLOOMBBURY, LONDON. Sold in bottles at Is lid, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d. * Wholesale Agenta for Kow Zealand—Messrs KEMPTHOEHE, PROSSER & CO., DUNEDIN. 2770 11 Is there no hope ? the sick man said .>-—tSti r #„ f'S**-^ The silent doctor shook his head." ::-&^2K " While there ia life there's hope, he said, .^rHgr^/jjggJ*XJ (The only legally-qualified medical On all affections of the Nervous System) no W^J^^^wSSH^^S^^g' On all broken-down constitutions. On all diseases arising from early indiscre- "'^^JE^^^' On Rheumatism. IVWI|HHP —fINrYfYSP^HP'OTS^PV' In these colonies those excesses which we IB I ¥ |1 9 WIM^VM^^H _} II %jr% have indulged in " hot youth " tell upon us l^^^^^^^^^uj^^^^^^^^^^^^l with fearful interest. _ |^-^——^—^—^m m—^~mi~j Our regrets are useless, our repinings p futile. The sole idea should bo the chances we possess of remedying the ills we already Impurities Of the Blood. have, for combatting the effects likely to result. a^p^ifying mv havehad a fair trial, Hide it as he may, put on as good an exterior |efc no ono bo longer oppressed with the notion as he can. still is the victim conscious that he that Wtai malady is incurable. A few doaea will ;» a UvUut li» nnri fhnf unnnnr or lar«* hia romovo all disordered actions, rouse the torpid is a living lie, ana tnat sooner or later nis Bvor, relieve the obstracted hidnms, cleanse to-, vices wiil discover him to the world. Our pure blood, and confer oil; OTery function health. Faith, our obligations to society at large, the fal vigour. They work a thorough purification welfare of our future offspring, and the duty, Sggfi^^ffgg^^***^ we owe to ourselves forbias procrastination, and points out to us» not to wait till the Indigestion, EilioUS Com* ravages break out in our constitutions. plaints, and Sick Headache. Before negotiating with a merchant, before J humaa fa m engaging with a confidential clerk j before order as the liver, llomomber when nausea, fla. employing a barrister, a careful man makes tulonoy, or acidity on tho stomach warna us that enquiries as their standing their length of occupancy or residence; and, in the caae of a -3^o a n o^3 O f indigestion, inspissated bHe, legal advi3er, both as to his legal qualifications *nd sick headache, and effect a permanent cure, and as to his capabilities of transacting the . ._ .«.. individual bußinees he consults him upon. Weakness and Debility. Strange to say, however, in the selection of a In cases of debility, languor, and norvonsnew," medical man, the sufferer frequently omit. g"Js^£^^S?^K. these necessary precautions ana witnout re- highest degree bracing, renovating, and reetoragard to the fitness, qualification, experience tive. They drive from tho system tho morbid and ability for the particular ailment requlr- «»-£ S^SSmK ing treatment, he consults the nearest man, tient's spirits, and bring back tho frame to tti whoso experience and practice, perhaps, lies pristine health and vigour. in quite an opposite direction. Is it astonishing that so many are driven Th© Kidneys—Their DerangOmad, are ruined in health, and are bankrupt ment and Cure. in spirits, hope and money ? Have I not for Jf paiß bo according t0 tto prlnted years pointed out to them that J, JJr L. ±1. directions, and tho Ointmoat rubbed over tho Smith, am the only legally qualified medical region of tho kidneys for at least half nn hour at m an advertising in the Colonies? Have I not %£^^&iS^&S^ also proßecuted, at my own expense, these thereto. . , vevy quacka, and exposed the various nostrums they are eolliug,—such as Phosphodyne CoUgbS and Colds. Essence of Life, &0.-and had them analysed regulating medicine, in con. and found them to consist of "Burnt Sugar junction with Holloway's Ointment, is tteo best and flavoring matter," and the certificates I euro for hoarseness, sore throats, dipthcria, plen. have PBOVBD to be all forgeries. It is for this T&7, an<l asthma; and an iuMliblo remedy for „ . T .. ,° t ., ... c »-!,« congestion, bronchitis, and inflammation, indeed reason that I step out of the ethics of the M a bfamily medicine, they aro invaluable ibr sub. profession and advertise, to give those who fluing such ailments of young and old of both require the services of my branch an oppor- tßxos. _____ tuuity of knowing tiiey can consult a legally qualified man, and one, moreover, who has mioway's &Us are the best remedy knowninth* made this his especial study. . A for tkc foUorcmg d^cases :~ DrLL, Smith is the only legally qualified' jgg^ ggg,^ medical man advertising, and he has been m Bilious Coin. Indigestion Tic-Doioreux Molbourtie 24 years, in lull practice on plaints Xiver Com- Ulcora T\jiT»vnrM rvr«iirA<swq Bowol Com- plo^ts Venereal Affee. jNJB/WVUUO JJIaJKAoiiS plaints Lumbago tions, LOSS OF POWER AND DEBILITY Debility Piles Worms of all HYPHTT/FPTfJ A ffiITEfiTIONS " Dropsy Hhoumatism kinds VVANtIb£ CONDITIONI FeuSilolrrogil. Scrofnla, or Weakno^from VVAIXJ. UJ< OUJNUIXIUJN laritlea Kiiiß'sEvil whatever GOUT AND RHEUMATISM. Foverpall kinds Soro Throato cause, Ac. Da L. L. SMITH can be consulted by let- '- _____ ter —fee, £1. Medicines forwarded to all tho -„„■„.„ ,n. . . ,f"'' n »l n ni,.« iP° Plll3 aad Oinfmonfc aro sold at Professor coionus. Holloway's Establishment, 533. Osford-strcot, 1)B L. L. SMITH, IS2 Collins Bfcreet, East London; also by nearly ovovy respectable Vendor (Late the Residence of (.ho Governor) . ? f throughout the Civilised. World. MeIiBOUHNB. 647 *a*l Panted directions aro affixed to each Box fsnd Pot, and can bo had in nny langnage, even ~~*^^^~^^^~^^~^~~^ ~*"~*~*~~* in Turkish, Arabfo, Armenian, Persian, or Chinese. THE DEBTOES AND CKEDITOES THE EVENING STAR. ACT, 1876. —- —- ITIHE present Is a Good Time for Sub mHE ETEKING STAE scribing to the Stab. Names and sub(THAMES) scriptions received at any time during if &£ H B en appointed a Gazette under th t^e Quarter. above Act. Terms 6s 6d per quarter in advance. 7s 6d „ „ booked. EWEST designs in typo on hand, and . -:- constant additions being made at the " ' ' Kv^jfiao &TAB Office. Kesidents In the Townships can huve WABDSN'S OOUBT, lieiident Magis- ' trate'o Court, Mining Begiatrar sOfliee, the St_ji Delivered and pay weekly the Custom House, and all other forma—including those in uee by Mining Companies, Claim sum of Sixpjbkcb. holdera, &c, printed on th« »b.oi;teß*i notice a ha JSvsinzo Siab OiSc?- ** . / OASTWISH CDSTOMS ENTRIES ,;./ MOBTET BOOKS of -1J kindj. Nora-

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Thames Star, Volume X, Issue 3367, 7 October 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Star, Volume X, Issue 3367, 7 October 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Star, Volume X, Issue 3367, 7 October 1879, Page 4