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EX-PUPILS MEET LACK OF INTEREST IN ASSOCIATION The president (Mr H. W. W. Williamson) occupied the chair at the ninth annual meeting of the Geraldine Secondary Ex-Pupils’ Association, held on Tuesday evening. Before proceeding with the business a motion of sympathy was extended to Mr J. D. McKechnie and family in the death of Mrs McKechnie, who had been a loyal friend to the Association. In moving the adoption of the annual report (previously published) and the balance-sheet, which showed a credit of £4/5/-, the president expressed regret that Miss Vera Dean, who had given valued services as honorary secretary for the last six years, had been obliged to resign owing to illness. He trusted that she would soon be restored to health, and that she would then be able to resume her former duties. The motion was seconded by Mr P. Shearer. Mr D. C. McKechnie remarked that he had been disappointed with the attendances in regard, to the cultural activities. He thought the cultural side should be the main interest of the Association if it was to carry on. It was a question whether they would be a live organisation, or whether they should merely run dances and let the other side of the Association drag on. The president: It will be necessary to ascertain the views of the members. Mr McKechnie: The whole point is whether it is worth while to carry on. A small executive has been left the task of running the social activities for other people to enjoy. Good work had been done by Mr A. Moyle in regard to lectures and debates, but the support had been disappointing. If we are in a halfhearted stage I suggest that we set up a committee to brighten it on the cultural side. The whole idea of the Association was that education should not finish when school days were over, but that young people should take an intelligent interest in affairs of the day. They could set up a committee to foster the cultural side, and let the social side go. Mr R.McGregor: Only six or seven do the work in regard to the lectures. The outsiders seem to be dissatisfied; it seems most unfair to the officers. Cultural Side Neglected. The president: Last year the attendance at the debates and lectures had been very disappointing. Mr Moyle went to considerable trouble, and the Association had been favoured with some splendid addresses, and there had also been several good debates. The addresses had been well supported by outsiders, and the Association was congratulated on all sides, but some of our members did not seem to bother about them at all. The committee had gone to considerable trouble, and the lecturers had given up valuable time. If we go on doing this for the public in general we need not call it a Secondary Ex-Pupils’ Association; it could be done by any society at all. I feel that with the material at our disposal we are not getting the support that we should. The ball and Christmas party, not that I wish to disparage them, were a great success, but if we continue as we did

last year, we are really not doing it for the benefit of the members at all. The lack of interest makes me wonder whether we should not restrict our activities to the ball and the Christmas party. Mr R. Moyle: How many of the pupils who have left school during the last three years have joined the Association? The president: There seems to have been very few. Mr Webb: The Association has shown a great deal more interest in the school than the school has done in us. The president: That appears to be the root of the trouble. Mr McKechnie: There is too much criticism of those who endeavour to do their best by those who do nothing. If that is the attitude it would be better to suspend. The president: What is wrong? The Association has given jubilee gates, a championship cup, and a dux medal, and we have tried to help in every way possible. Mr Webb: We seem to have catered too much for them, but there has been no response. There does not seem to be any spirit in the school for the Association. The president: What is the reason? Is it because we are an organisation not recognised by the school? Miss D. Undrill:: What happened in regard to the monthly socials sponsored by the junior committee? The president: The opening social was held on a very bad night, but, in spite of the weather, there was a good attendance. The reason there were no more was due to the fact that difficulty occurred in securing suitable dates for a hall. One of the reasons of our difficulties is that the Association is not recognised by the school. It makes a division in the school, and therefore we are not recognised. Mr P. Russell: Do you think the teachers would assist? It was different when the founder, Miss Farnie, pushed it at the school. Now we have no teachers interested. Mr McKechnie: Is it worth while trying to run socials if that is all they are interested in? There are plenty of socials in the town. The motion was then carried unanimously. Election of Officers. The election of officers resulted: Pounder, Mrs Slater (nee Miss Farnie); patron, Rev. Canon J. P. Coursey. In calling for nominations for president, Mr Williamson said that he had occupied that office for the last five years, and he thought that a change would do good. For that reason he would like to see one of the senior vicepresidents accept office. Mr Russell paid a tribute to Mr Williamson’s services. Mr Williamson declined to accept office and Mr W. Webb was elected to the position. On the motion of Messrs McKechnie and E. _P. Bennett, a resolution expressing appreciation of Mr Williamson’s services to the Association was recorded in the minutes. A motion of sympathy to Mr Williamson’s mother in her recent accident was also carried. Other officers elected were: Vice-pre-sidents, Messrs E. P. Bennett, E. E. Scott, and P. Russell; hon. secretary and treasurer, Mr R. Moyle; assistant hon. secretary, Mr J. L. Lorimer; committee, Miss M. A. Lysaght, Messrs W. Webb, E. P. Bennett, E. E. Scott, P. Russell, H. W. W. Williamson and D. C. McKechnie. On the motion of Mr P, Russell, it was decided to hold debates and lectures on Monday nights when possible at intervals of three weeks during the winter. It was also decided t.n hold a

dinner, to which all ex-pupils would be invited, arrangements being left in the hands of the committee. GIRL GUIDE COMPANY. At the annual meeting of the Geraldine Girl Guide Company, held yesterday afternoon, Miss E. H. Tripp presided over a large attendance. Annual Report. Miss B. Steven, captain of the Geraldine Company, presented her annual report, which stated that the Company at present consisted of 12 members. Since the last meeting, six guides had gone to Rangers and three Brownies had come up from the Brownie Pack. Seven recruits had been enrolled, so that seven out of 12 guides were in their first year of guiding. During the year eight guides had won service stars, 13 proficiency badges, four cook, five folk dancing, and ope second-class. Pour senior guides had been concentrating on first class work. In November, a successful garden party had been held at the Vicarage and more than £7 had been raised for guide funds. The Company was very grateful to Canon and Mrs Coursey for the use of the garden, and also to all members of the committee and friends who had assisted. During the afternoon, three guides had been enrolled by the District Commissioner. The committee very deeply regretted the death of Mrs J. D. McKechnie, who had been a most willing helper. The District Commissioner had been able to attend their meeting on December 12, and they were very graceful to her for her kindly assistance. On Founder’s Day, they had combined with the Rangers, Woodbury Guides, Brownies, Boy Scouts and Cubs, in a Church Parade to the Anglican Church, and they had also paraded on Anzac Day. Before closing her report, Miss Steven said that she would like to express her gratitude to Lieutenant N. Kelman for her loyalty, and to Miss Tripp and all members of the committee for their unfailing help during the year and also the examiners for their time and work. Reports from the Temuka, Woodbury and Seadown companies and from the Geraldine Brownie Pack were also presented. The financial statement disclosed a very satisfactory credit balance. Local Association Formed. The District Commissioner (Mrs A. J. Hodgkins), briefly explained the idea of forming a local association, and called on the Provincial Commissioner (Miss Bromley Cocks, Christchurch), to give a talk on local associations. It was then decided that a local association be formed in Geraldine. The District Commissioner said they all deeply regretted losing‘Miss Steven, who was returning to China, but they knew that she would be a valuable help to guiding in China. Election of Officers. The election of officers resulted:— President, Miss Tripp; vice-presidents, Mrs Guild (Temuka) and Mrs G. A. M. Macdonald (Geraldine); secretary, Miss A. T. Williams (re-elected); treasurers, Mrs Shiels (Temuka), and Mrs L. S. King (Geraldine). An address on “Guiding,” was given by the Provincial Commissioner, who said that she was very pleased to see such a good meeting. Prom the reports she could see that the company was working on good lines, and she reminded those present that the path of guide work was “service.” She was very glad that the company was taking up intertinliftriQl onHinff.

FOOTBALL CLUB. The weekly meeting of the committee of the Geraldine Football Club was attended by the chairman (Mr W. H. Jackson) and Messrs D. Callanan, J. S. Lorimer, P. Callanaft, J. Cairns, H. South, S. Drew, J. Moyle, H. Wilson, F. Timms, R. L. Hayes and A. H. Stringer, The secretary of the South Canterbury Rugby Union wrote inviting the club to assist at a dance to be held next week.—lt was decided to make a donation of 10/6. The secretary was instructed to write thanking the Waihi Club for forwarding clearances for P. Hewson and J. Earl. Messrs H. Wilson, J. S. Lorimer and D. Callanan were appointed a grounds committee. Four new members were elected. The following are the teams for Saturday:— Senior v. Celtic, at Geraldine —Allan Morris. E. Wood, P. Brenton, A. Morris, D. Callanan, G. Webb. H. Worner, G. Cain, G. Thorp, A. H. Stringer, L. Neutze, S. Callanan, V. ’’Stonyer, K. Loach, A. Loach. Emergencies—J. L. Lorimer, H. Polhill. Junior v. Washdyke, at Washdyke— P. Hewson, G. Grant, N. Palmer, H Worner, J. Fifield, C. Vial, Joe Roonev, N. Hooper, O. Blissett, G. Toomey, J. Moyle, *A. Wills, J. Davies, J. McNamara, J. Cox. Emergencies, E. Struthers, Jack Rooney. Fourth grade v. Old Boys at Geraldine No. 2.—H. South, G. Pratt, J. South, R. Hayes, P. Brown, G. Hill, R. Brenton, B. Metcalf, D. Blisset, C. Grindell, J. Patterson, D. Fifield, H. Mclntosh, Owen Chapman, H. Omelvena. Fifth grade v. High School, at School Park,—M. Taverner, P. Callanan, B. Glen, D. Chisnall, D. Pierce, B. Leary, H, Lapthorne, W. Vial, F. Black, W. McShane, J. Parish, J. Leary, P. Collins, B. Fawdray, S. Lawson. Emergencies, P. Leary, W. Kerr. SWIMMING CLUB. An enjoyable social under the auspices of the Geraldine Swimming Cluo was held in the Oddfellows’ Hall on Tuesday. During the evening the president (Mr J. D. McKechnie) thanked the members for their support in conducting the social. He presented the silver medal, given by an anonymous donor, to Master Bill Hopping, the schoolboy who had gained most points at the W'eekly swims conducted by the club during the past season. Children’s competitions during the evening were won by Zena Stevenson, Peggy Murray, Peggy Sutherland, Arthur Turner and Reg Brown A Monte Carlo waltz was won by Misses N. Beech and Joan Lapthorne. Mrs Barrett and Mr F. Cooling won the euchre prizes. CRIBBAGE ASSOCIATION. The following is the position of the teams in the Geraldine and District Cribbage Association's competition at the conclusion of the third round played at Victox'ia House on Tuesday evening :—Raukapuka 108, Citizens 108. Orari Bridge 106, Bowlers 100, South End 89, Oddfellows 82. The following is the position in the Williamson Memorial Cup competition —J. Kelliher and W. Lewis (Orari Bridge 27 points, A. L. Brenton and T. Twigg (Citizens) 25, J. Lysaght, Junr. and L. Mitchell (Raukapuka) 23, G. W. Coombs and D. MacDonald (Citizens) 23. Individual scores:— Citizens 31 v. South End 18.—A. L. Brenton and T. Twigg 9 V. N. Simmons

and J. Watkins 4; G. W. Coombs and D. MacDonald 10 v. F. G. Hayward and G. Cowie 3; A. J. Burmester and T. Buckley 7 v. H. Blissett and F. Tiplady 6; F. Naylor and W. Tangney 6 v. W. T. Mole and E. P. White 5. Orari Bridge 34 v. Raukapuka 17. A. South and W. South 7 v. J. Lysaght junr. and L. Mitchell 6; J. Kelliher and W. Lewis fl v. L. Grandhi and D. Pringle 4; A. South and F. E. South 10 v. J. Lysaght and P. G. Scott 2; S. Cullen and N. South 8 v. J. Turton and L. P. Scott 5. Bowlers 28 v. Oddfellows 22.—J. Henry and W. Walton 7 v. R. Tagg and F. W. Grayburn 4; H. Broad and G. R. Knibb 9 v. S. H. Lapthorne and H. Maister 4; W. T. Turner and C. J. McGregor 5 v. H. Hill and G. Worner 8; J. R. Lack and C. Stock 7 v. D. J. Lack and E. P. Bennett 6. GOLF. The following is the draw for the Feilden foursomes to be played on Saturday:—W. Webb and D. J. Lack v. G. R. Noy and D. C. Williamson, E. E. Scott and A. D. Sharpe v. C. J. Kerr and G. Glen; R. Patrick and C. W. Lynn v. D. MacDonald and G. N. Feilden; A. C. Symington and A. Quantock v. P. G. Withers and Dr. G. W. Curtis; F. Chapman and E. E. Fairhall v. scorer; J. Scott and C. Scott v. A. A. Readdie and E. P. Bennett. PERSONAL. Mr D. Callanan, of the Bank of New Zealand staff, has returned from Ashburton, where he has been on relieving duty. Miss Rita Glover has returned from a holiday visit to Wellington. Mr E. Cholerton, Optical Specialist, proprietor of John R. Procter, Ltd., the Premier Opticians, Christchurch, will be making the next professional Geraldine, personally, on Wednesday, 20th June, and may be consulted on all optical defects at the Crown Hotel. Appointments cair now be made by ringing up Mr Morris Williams, chemist.

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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 19813, 31 May 1934, Page 6

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GERALDINE Timaru Herald, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 19813, 31 May 1934, Page 6

GERALDINE Timaru Herald, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 19813, 31 May 1934, Page 6