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ARs C. H. Allen and Aliss Tendon left yesterday or Dunedin, where they will spend the week-end. Air and Alls Alurray Hobbs and Air and Airs Burns (Christchurch), who were at the Grosvenor, felt for the north yesterday. The Rev. Oswald AI. Stent (Eastbourne, Wellington), who is at present in Timaru, is staying at the Grosvenor. Air and Airs D. Kilkelly (Invercargill), who have been staying at the Grosvenor, returned home yesterday. Guests during the week at the Dominion Hotel, included: — Air J. J. Oates, Air and Airs D. Belcher, Aliss Belcher, Air A. Belcher, Air A. N. Belcher, Air AV. Belcher, Air and Airs R. E. Prat ley, Air G. P. Taigel, Air and Airs R. Browning, Air AY. P. Murray, Aliss 11. C. Green (Christchurch), Ali-s E. AI. Toker, Aliss AL Toker,. Air L. Evans (Hokitika), Air J. Pearson (Napier), Airs and Aliss Logan (AVaipawa), Miss C. McCarthy (Napier), Ah- and Airs AY. (llackhurn (AVaipakarau), Ah' and All's J. J. Atoran (Palmerston North), Air R. A. Rough (Wellington), Air and Airs John Fleming, AFr and Airs AL AL Baker (Cheviot), Air and Airs Bursell (AlariboroughA, Air E. L. Akrovd (Dunedin)/ Air J. L. Hannon (Invercargill), Air G. Cawley (Dunedin), Air L. B. Hart, Air P. AV. Eiby, Air D. C.

[“Angela” will bo pleased to receiv® for publication in tho women’ll page, notices from town and country subncribora, of engagements, weddings, dances, or any other item of social or personal interest, but all such must bear tiie signature of the sender 2

Mrs Bryan Lysaght, Ha.wera, is on a visit to Mrs AVigley, Bark lame. Miss Nancy Gillies, Mayfield, is visiting friends in North Canterbury. Mr and Mrs L. Chester returned from Dunedin this week. Mr and Mrs F. C. Beere, "Woodbury, have returned from a visit to Dunedin. Mrs Knowles, Nile Street, is visiting Dunedin. Mrs It. B. Bell, AYai-iti Road, is visiting Christchurch. Mrs A. Stewart, Cothills, Maungati, has. returned from Dunedin. Miss A. Gillies arid Mr Craig Gillies, Mayfield, were the guests of Mrs J.. C. Miller,, Woodbury, for the races. Miss Alico 'Barron, Wellington, is staving with Mrs A. Grant, “Aigantighe,” Wai-iti ltoad. Mrs G. S. Cray, Senview Terrace, is expected back ironi Christchurch today. Miss Elsie Mathcson, Wannate, and formerly of Timaru, is the guest of Mrs Gordon P. W00d,.. Wai-iti Road. Mr William Evans ’ and ■ Miss Evans, North Street, left yesterday for Christchurch. Messrs J. Keane and P. Collins, of Pleasant Point, left during the week lor Dunedin. Mr AL Maze, chairman of the Pleasant Point Town Board, left during tho week for Dunedin. Airs J. At. Shaw, “The Kennels,” and her infant daughter left 011 Thursday for Dunedin. Mrs Carlton Kain, Alilton, is the guest of Airs A. E. Roberts, Park i,ah.>. Aliss M. Innes-Jones, Te Kuiti, is tho guest of Airs J. Al. Barker, “Waiiii,” Woodbury. Airs Iv. G. Turner, who is the guest of Mrs "F. A. Raymond, Beverley Road, will return to-day to Christchurch. Airs Seddon, Hamilton, is spending a few days with Airs AY. E. C. Hamilton, Te AA 7 eka. Street. Airs JDysart, Kinvee, who was the guest of Airs F. AYaslibourn, left 011 Thursday for Tckapo. '. Aliss E. AVooifinden, Pleasant Point, is staying with Aliss E. Cartwright, Levels. Aliss Tisli AAfiitson, Invercargill, is the guest of Aliss Alice AlcLaren, liiglificlcl. Mrs Hamish AlcLoan, AVuimate, is the guest of All's J. Cracrolt AVilson, Cashmere Hills. Mr and Airs R. N. Jones, Fairlie, left on Tuesday for a holiday at Aka roti. Air T. C. Kyle, Dalmuir, returned on Tuesday from ail extended tour of the North Island. Aliss E. Burton, England, who has been staying witli her aunt, Airs J. C. Miller, Woodbury, is now visiting the North Island. Airs -Arthur Alartin, Martinborough, •who was with Airs R. H. Rhodes, “Carne,” Sea ley Street, left on Thursday for the north. Mr and Mrs'Walter. Baxter, Christchurch, who were staying at the Grosvenor Hotel, motored 011 to Dunedin yesterday. Mr and Airs John AA’ilson, of Hawke’s Bay, will leave for the north on Monday, after visiting Duiiedin, Tinuiru, and Albury. Dr. Elinor Baker AlaoLaglan returned on Thursday from Dunedin, and is at , present staving with Airs C. A. Paterson. Sefton Street. Air and Airs J. C. Tempter, who have been staying with Airs A'. AVright, Wai-iti Road, return to-day to AVellnigton. -Miss Jessie Mackenzie, “Rainclifl,” is staying with Airs Alister Mackenzie, ‘■Clayton,” Eairlie. . All's AVilliam Evans and Miss Alice. Evans, North Street, leave early in. May for Sydney to join the' s.s. Orsova, en route for England. Aliss Hungcrford, who is at present .staying with Airs E. Clis.sold, North Street has been re-appointed nurse in charge' of Christchurch schools, and will leave next week to take- up her duties. Air and Airs G. B. Cartwright, Mayor and Mayoress of Tomuka, accompanied bv Air and Airs T. Guniiion, and-Airs J. T. Smart, have left for Dunedin to attend the closing ceremony of the Exhibition. The' engagement is announced between AVilliam John Holt, Royal Corps of Naval Constructors, o’dost son or All-.and Airs J. \Y. Holt, of Bath, and Alison, daughter of .Or. and Mrs Jennings/of Christchurch. New Zealanders will be hear of the engagement of Aliss Al. Helen Eraser, daughter of Air and Airs A. R. Eraser (AVeiiington and Clir.stehurcii, at present resident in London), and Air N. John L. Jeffries, Submarine Cable Service, Eastern Tele<>rap!i Company, 'Limited,' sou of Ah' and Airs J. AV. L. Jeffries, of AYcstbury, Wiltshire. Air Praser is the well-known and .successful sculptor. Aliss Freda Saxon, who has been junior assistant at the Timaru Public Library for the past four years, left thestaff a’ few days ago, to enter, the nursing profession at file Dunedin Public: Hospital-. Prior to leaving, she was entertained at a little farewell gathering, at which the Mayor presided and asked her acceptance of two useful gifts. In making the presentation, the Mayor referred m very complimentary terms to Aliss Saxon’s work at the library, and while expressing regret that she was leaving Timaru, convoyed his own and the Borough Council’s best wishes for her future.

Crozier (Christchurch), Air H. Raymond (Chatham Islands), Mr C. >S. Neville (Hokitika), Air and Airs L. AieAuley (Dunedin), Air E. J. Pankinsou (Groymouth). Air AA T m. Alaskinson (Christchurch), Air D. Lilburnc (Invercargill), Air H. Teplitzky (A\ Tcllington). Air P. A. Connolly (Dunedin), Ah- L. AL Denton, Aliss Denton, Aliss Holmes, Alisses Frost, Twoomey (Christchurch), Air AL .L. Cass (Dunedin), Air and Airs G. P. Lindsay (Auckland), Air and Airs Reg. Jones (Alelboiirne), Air E. J. Amlcntine (Oamaru). Afr R. Price (Belfast, Ireland). Mr E. Graentsen (Norway), Afr and Airs L. J. Bayfield (Christchurch), Air J. 11. Prosser (Christchurch), Air and Airs A. L. Bowman, Alisses L. and K. 'Bowman (Napier), Air Beg: ALason (Svd.’icv).. Air IT. Burrell (Christchurch). Air AV. R. Gibb (Wellington), Air AVi 11 . Norman (Giipistehureh), Aliss K. Graham (Croii'iwell), Air E. J. Kent (Clir ; stclmrcli), Air G. Laffey _ (Invercargill), ATr G. Al. Barclay l (AVaiinate), Airs P. Barrett (Christchurch). Air J. AV. Tenip’in (Christchurch), Mr AAV AleXab, Air AAV Bridges (Christchurch), Mr A. Simcle, Air P. Tiinton, Air A. Parson, Air E. Bush, Air J Burrell (Christchurch). Air J. Black (Ashburton), Air and Airs P. AA T est (Victoria), Aliss E. AATlson (Dannovirkc), Air and Airs Kendcr and children (Auckland), Air ancl Airs J. AA'ond (Christcliurch), Air A. E. Br."Jlov (DuncduiL Guests at tire Grosvenor Hotel this week included: —Mr Irvine Sladon, Mr S. H. Alirams, Air AV. H. Preston, Mr and Airs J. S. Wilson, Air A. E. Armstrong, Air Leo. Armstrong, Air ESmith. Mr R. 0. Lindsay, Air AV. 1. Cunningham, Air H. A. Jarden, Air A. C. AL Young, Sir George Clifford, Air Walter Clifford, Aliss Arolia Clifford, Airs Graham senr., Air and Airs Frank Graham and son (Christchurch), Mr AL Tyree, Air A. Oliver (Auckland), Mrs A. G. Bignell, Aliss Bignell (Wanganui), Air and Airs A. B. Farquhar (Piji), Air D. A. Solomon, Air G. A. Jvain (Dunedin), Rev. 0. AL Stent, Air and Airs Boy Cavle, Air J. R. Perry (Wellington), Air A. Mathcson, Mr C. Lawrence Kettle (Groymouth), Air and Airs F. Al. McLeod (Sydney), Captain A. V. Baker, Airs C. V. McLean, Airs Round (Christchurch), Aliss 1. Round, Mr and Mrs Lance Tompkins (Hamilton), Air R. B. Cameron, Air D. V. Gain, Air C. J. Aloody, Air E. H. Downes, Air E. G. P. Mathews, Air AV. James, Air G. Willielmson, Air J. G. Smith, Air A. E. Young, Air C. Hamilton, Air P. Beaumont, Air T. 0. Clements, Air AV. Miller, Mr A. Cannon, Air A. AlcAlister, Air B. Dempster, Air T. Grant, Mr AV. Duff, Air P. AleLeau, Air J. Sizen. Air A. Bedford, Air C. AL Benzoni, Air AA r m. Hayes, Air J. Lindsay (Dunedin), Aliss P. D. Rhodes, Air Albert Hall, Air P. J. Kelleher, Air C. S. Brice (Wellington), ALr P. 0- Haycraft. Air J. Davis, Air L. Dillworth Pox/ALr P. J. Tattle, Alajor R. A. Row, Air and Airs J. S. Brown, Air and Mrs Murray Hobbs/, Air A. E. Young, Air J. Hoekiev, Alr' Wilkins, Air Curtis, AL' and Airs Walter Baxter, Air P. S. Aliddleton, Air A. W. AicColl, Air C. Duiicalf (Christchurch.!, Ah' J. JJondorson (Waimatc.), Mr IT. I l '. Browne (Dunedin), Mr N. J. C. Brown (Auckland), Air C. Alenzies, Air P Chadwick (Wanganui), Air and Airs A..C. Ahdligan (Aloravon), Mr and Airs J. Heasley (Hawarden), Air T. llampson (Waikari), Air and Airs I). Kilkelly, Air Allan Cambridge (Salisbury), Air R. Alacdonald (Waikukti).

Amongst tlio guests staying at the Hydro Grand Hotel during the week were the following:—Al r and Mrs Bridgeman (Dunedin), .Mr, .Mrs and ! Miss and ALaster Lockheed (Rakaia), Mr and Al rs Barker (Geraldine), Mrs Gannaway (Hamilton), Mr Cliittv (Hamilton), Mr and Airs .McCarthy (Dunedin), Mr P. A. Holford (Christchurch)', Air and Airs Kerridgc (Bengal, India), Mr and Miss Lloyd Jones (Wanganui), Mr and Airs AI urray-Aynsley (Christchurch), M i.-s Gerard (Christchurch). All d- M. AA’hcelihaiu (Wesley College, Sydney), Air A. Anderson (Ashburton), Air J. Hcnrys (Wellington), Air Evan -Macdonald (Christchurch), Airs ALlton (Oral i), Air AV. A. Saunders (Dunedin), Air J. Farcjuharsou (Dunedin). Mr, Airs and Aliss Andrews (.Christchurch), Air and Airs A. 'l. Scott (Dunedin), Air E. A. Edge ("Wellington), Air T. Russell (Oamarn). Al r and Alls J. Kaloona (Rotorua), Air Grifiiths (Rotorna), Airs and Aliss Logan (AA’aipawa). Aliss AleCartliy (Napier), Aliss H. Al. AlcClymont (Dunedin), Air AV. B. .Blackburn (AVaipuknrau). Air C. J. Bryant. Air 0. 1 1 . Bryant ("Waipukiirau), Air 0. G. Withers (Nelson), Mr B. G. Bryant (Marlborough), Air Roy Twynham. Airs Roy Twynham and son (Chrislehurch). Air and Airs S. Robinson (Auckland), Mrs J. A. Pennington ' Dunedin). Airs IS. AlrArLhur (Timaru). Airs J. R.amsden (Dunedin). I)r. and Airs G. J. Kingston (Dunedin). Mr and AGs rl. G. Hamer (Christchurch), Air E. B. Guinness (Ealing).

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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 1 May 1926, Page 3

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MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 1 May 1926, Page 3

MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 1 May 1926, Page 3