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[“Angela” will be pleased to receive for publication in the women’s page, notices from town and country subscribers, .of engagements. weddings, dances, or any other item of social or personal • interest, but all such must bear the signature of the sender ]

Mrs and the Misses Pringle, Church Street 'West, are visiting Onristchurch. Mr and Mrs W. Sams, Christchurch, are staying with Mrs AVilford Scott, Maltby Avenue. Mrs AleUovern, Bank of New South Wales, left yesterday for Auckland. Mrs Artnur Elworthy, Holme Station, is in Christchurch. ,' Mrs Henry iiarper, “Grassy Hills, Waitaki, is staying at the Hydro. _• Mr and Mrs Uuyon Macdonald, Oran, have returned from Dunedin. Mrs A. A. E. Pennefather, Craighead Street, left yesterday for Dunedin. Miss Humphries, Gisborne, is the guest of Mrs Edgar-Jones, “Otintiri. Mrs and Miss Priest, Bank Street, leave to-day for Christchurch. ' Mrs' Alister McKenzie, “Edgeclifts, ■ is visiting Christchurch. Miss Betty Harper, Waitawa, lias returned from a visit to Dunedin. _ , Mr and Mrs Carter, Pleasant Point, arc visiting Dunedin. ' . . Mrs Readic, Gibson Street, is staying with her mother, Mrs Aitkinsoil, Christchurch. . ; . : , Professor and Mrs Sahnond, tnristclmreh, are spending a holiday m Timaru. . . Miss ivy Oliver, “Surrey Downs,” is the guest of Mrs \V. C. Burns, Church Street. , . , , Mrs K G. Turner, Christchurch, is with Mrs E. J. LoCreu, Seaview TeriaMiss Kathleen Marshall, Elizabeth Sf.rect,' left yesterday en route lor Auckland. , Mr and Mrs E. Bailey, who were the guests of Mrs Lillico, Scfton Street, left during the week for Christchurch. Mrs James limes, “Haldon,” who was staying at the Hydro, has returned to the Mackenzie Country. Miss Betty Williams, who was the guest of Miss Alice Thomson, Highfield, returned yesterday to Dunedin. Mrs C. L. Orbell and family, Pentlow,” Tycho, are spending a lew weeks

111 Dunedin. _ . . , Mr and Mrs Bernard Tripp, Orielton,” have gone to Orari Gorge for the Christmas holidays. j Mrs Lawrence \Vllliams, Geraldine, is the guest of Mrs Trevor Toster, I iticcarcon. ' Dr. and Mrs W. H. Hargraves, and 'Miss Joan Hargraves, Kakahu, are < visiting Christchurch. , Mi-* Eaton, North Street, is staying with her daughter, Airs Alacdonald, .j * ' Aliss Alova Taylor, Highfield, returned on Wednesday from Christchurch.''. • , , ~ i Aliss Isabel Mills, “Scotston, Esk ! Valley, - .returned yesterday from Aiis's Nora Hitcmngs, King Country, who has been spending some weeks with Airs How l.ey, Sefton Street, left on imirsclay for the north. Air and Airs C. H. Gresson, and their bo vs, Selwyn Street, who have taken a house, in Dunedin for the holidays, go south this week. . . x . „ i . Aliss Alison Johnston, AA ai-iti Road, returned on Thursday from a visit to Airs R, Alorris, “Sunndgc, ot. Andrews. n Air. and Mrs Charles Cresswcll, Lismore, and Aliss Alona Alatlicson, Wai-iti Road, are motoring up to Christchurch tb-day on a visit. Aliss Molly Campbell, who has been the guest of Aliss Kathleen Mackenzie, “Stover,” Geraldine,- lias returned to Christchurch. . i Airs James Hay, Christchurch, -motored up on Thursday from Dunedin, ! and is the guest of Airs AA. H. A\ alton, 5 Lnuc j Mrs and’Aliss Byrne, Wai-iti Road, who have taken a house in Dunedin tor the holidays, arc motoring south tins ! Airs and Aliss Tarbotton will leave Temuka to-day to attend the Fox—- ' McNaughton wedding to be held m i Christchurch on Tuesday next. Air .and Airs E. J. Cordner and their I little girls, Christchurch, will be m ! Timaru for Christmas, and will go on i to Dunedin later. I Airs G. C. Alar tin, who was staying | with her mother, Airs John Alatheson, | “Tighnafeile,” Wai-iti Road, has rei turned to Fairlie. I Airs Leslie C. Aleredith Ivaye, who is the guest of Airs C. S. Young, CraigI head Street, will return to Christchurch | to-day- , . | Airs H. A. Orbell, of Hawke s Bay, and her niece, Aliss Josephine Underi bill Otipua Road, motored to Dunedin on Thursday.

Aire Havtcr and Airs R. T. Bruce, “Ilollesby,” who were staying at the Hydro, returned yesterday to Burkes Pass. The Alisses Zcislor. Elizabeth Street, have returned from Christchurch, where they have been staving with their sister, • Airs Orbell, (the Vicarage), Papanui. Air and 'Mrs E. H. D. Clarke, Melbourne, who have been on their annual fishing visit to Temiika, left during tlm week for the No, lh Islaiiu, en route lor Australia. . The engagement is announced of Aliss Ariti Cuthbert, elder daughter of Die late Robert Cuthbert and Airs Cutlibert, AVai-iti Avenue, to Air Douglas Gillies (Hakataramea), younger son of Air and Airs Bruce Gillies, Timaru. On Wednesday afternoon, at LeCren’s Terrace, Aliss Connie Eiamank entertained her pupils at a very pleasant party. ‘ Games were indulged m by the voung people until a novel Christinas tea was served, after which a vocal and pianoforte programme was rendered by the pupils and enjoyed by all. Alany visitors from South Canterbury are expected in Christchurch for the Okl Boys polo matches, to be played at the polo ground, Ilagley Park,

to-day. The South Canterbury Old Boys of Christ’s College, are providing one team, and Christchurch trill have, two representative teams. r i ea trill be dispensed bv the Hon. Mrs Tabu Bhode.s. On Monday, the Tabu Cup tournament trill bo played, and it is expected that in this competition there trill be some closely contested matches. Mrs George Gould trill provide tea on Monday, and on both days visitors trill be cordially welcomed te the polo ground. Among those staving at the Mount Cook "White Star Hotel ('Queenstown), for the week ended 14th December were: —Mr Edward MacCullough (Murray), Mr James "Watt (Edinburgh), Mr G. Begbie (Edinburgh), Mr E. h • Creswell (London), Mr E. Edwards, Mr H. S. Naylor. All; G. S. Naylor (England 1. Mr and Mrs R. Low and son (Wellington), Air and Arrs AA ells (Christchurch!. Air N. Johnstone (Dunedin). Air B. AA T atson. AW L. Simpson (Dunedin), Air TT. Herbert (Australia), Air A". Courtis (Gore), Air and Airs H. AV. Birch (Gisborne), Arr AVilkinson (Christchurch). Air G. Arms (Dunedin), Air Ivan. Patterson (Skippers.)

On Saturday, 12tli inst., a very pleasant evening was spent at the residence of Air and Airs Park, Richmond Street, Timaru. Airs Park received her guests wearing a navy silk maroeain, with Oriental trimming. Aliss Park embossed crepe de chine ; Aliss - P. Park' scarlet silk velvet; Airs AleGaw, c-au do nil souplc satin, relieved with silver; Aliss E. AleGaw, salmon frock, overdress of crystal beads; Aliss N. AleGaw, shell pink georgette, sequm trimming; Aliss AI. Bell, black satin,

{touches of jade; Aliss D. Brown,. rose shot maroeain, relieved with gold; Miss D. Farrow, turquoise crepe de chine; Aliss J. Thomson, black silk velvet, | with jazz posies; Aliss J. Latimer, • pretty Oriental frock. Alessrs E. C. I Park', G. Allan, S. Watt,' R. King, C. Leopold, J., H. AlcDonakl i Raknia), W. Rooney, G. AlcDonnld, E. Pve (Christchurch), J. Ellis, Latimer (2), and AlcLaughlau (2). After the Lawson-I'Tanagan wedding, a very jolly dance was given m the Stafford tea rooms, which was gaily decorated with heliotrope and pint flowers and greenery. Aliss AlOrgan s orchestra supplied the music. Ihose present were: —Airs Lawson, wearing black taffeta; Mrs A. Lawson ,(\\ elhngton), emerald green georgette;_ Airs AlcKeown, black maroeain; Mrs Beck.l -1 * llll'S

Wham, black crepe . do cijmc; Hole, apricot marocain; Mrs Ralph Priest, grey georgette; Mrs Earw akci, peach pink satin ; Mrs Fcrrier (-‘Vshbmton), brown and white filmed marocain; Mrs Ivan Black, navy m aro cain. Misses Peggy McArthur and Mildred DlcKeown wore then bndesmaids frocks. Miss M. Irwin, black taffetas; Miss J. McCnskill sca green marocain and georgette. Miss Ohvjn Wood; Miss K. loung, biue MouU georgette over cyclamen satin; Miss L. Thomson, scarlet georgette, beaded i n laMiox red; Miss Sutherland, royal b e satin; Miss K. Sutherland,-helio-trope brocade : Miss J. Sutherland, pink brocade; and Messrs Lawson Fcrrier (2), M. Moore, M. I"' 1 "- £ McDougal, A. Simmers, G. H. Jones, Guests o’at 0 ’at the Grosvenor Hotel this week includeMr and Mrs Mnm* Smith, Miss I. Smith Mr A. Mr G W. Francis (London), Mr J. »■ Payne (Wellington) Mr R - Mr and Mrs It. J. Jav, M >-H- Wnght, Mr T. D. Barker. Dir and Mis Mm. Austin Mr F. Eller, Mr L. Calvert, Mr A. K Armstrong, Mr A. S. Masters, Mr and Airs W. Andrew (Christchurch), Miss Lawson, DLss Etansfield, Mr E. H. Strain (Dunedin), Dir and Dlrs J. Blair.(Gisborne),- M^nd^Mr"’

(j , .1' ul 1 It- I i IH I * vy * v _ . -1 r and Mrs C. J. Fevrier, Mi Howard Young (Christchurch), Mr E. Osterman (Palmerston North), Air N. Pold, Air W. AI. Luke, Mr A. AV. Tartakover (Wellington), Air b. Veitch, Air G. L. Tapley (Dunedin). Air F. G. Gurnsey (Christchurch), Air E S. Aliddhiton ( Auckland), Mr J. Bowen (Svdncy), Air T. H. Barker, Air Spencer Dawson, Mr H. Galbraith, Mr R. H. Hill. Mr Walter Hill. Mr P. H. Brown, Air E. Alilnes. Air 0. Sommer, Air IV. I. Carnev, Air H. T. Alilnes ( Christchurch). Air G, Cattoi Air G. Kirk, Air D. C. Cameron, Mr N. Galbraith, Air G. AI. Aikman, Air P. J. Robinson (Dunedin), Air H. Anderson, Air H. LiybHiand. Mr S. P. Warburton. Air A. AlcLean, Air F. .T. Alarshall. Mr H. Pia-t, Air F. Illingworth, Air A. Davidson. Air TV. A. Robinson, Air T. McKay, Air A. Smith, Air .T. A. Parker, Air E. .T. Denny, Mr F. S. Haycock, Air Renton. Air L. J. Cantwell (Dunedin). Air and Mrs T. Newman and family (Nelson), Mis« Anne Rnttrnv ( Svdncy). Mr IV. E. C'uinino-bam fChristchurch), Air H. E. Shcil (Dunedin).

Guests during the week at the Dominion Hotel included :—Air H. AV. Bray (Sydney), Mr Alex Clark (Alaheno), Airs (3. K. AATilkcr, Air R. I. AValker, Aliss E. Z. Poole (Auckland), Mr John Baxter (New York, U.S.A.), Air Alfred Clarke (London), Mr Robert Kennett, Airs Alackay and Aliss E. Alackay (Christchurch), All* and Airs J. AA r . Niven, Air S. T. Pickl,e Air A. H. Spratt, Air L. C. Penlington, Airs H. L. Wkldowson, Aliss H. Smith, Air R. AV. Paul, Airs A. F. Scott, Miss Margaret Scott, Air Arch. J. Scott, Aliss A. Prins, Air AA r . Bryden, Mr F. Kibblewhite, Aliss Alay Kibblewhite, Aliss Tiielma Kibblewhite, Air C. D. Smith, Air A. J. Hull (all of Christchurch),'Mr A. E. Beaumont (AA'dlington), Air S. I. Brookshank, Air Alfred E. Lee (London), Air J. Hansley, Air C. Alacfie (AVaimate), Air F. Holmes (A\ r ellington), Air and Airs C. Glendining (Dunedin), Air L. E. Akroyd (AA’cllington), Air B. R. Alacdonald (Geraldine), Air and All's A\ r m. Fraser (Auckland), Air and Airs L. ; R. Thompson (AVcstport), Air AV. and Aliss May Newton (Wanganui), Air A. Cnde (Christchurch), Air E. Alarton (Sheffield, England), Air and Airs H. Shaw (Christchurch), Air J. AVood, Mr J. Oates. Air L. J. Coxon, Air and Mrs J. Sinclair (Auckland), Aliss J. lerkins (Wellington), Air and Mrs R. Cunninghamo (Nelson), Colonel and Airs Gibson (Hastings), Aliss AI Dunn, Aliss AT AVoodrow (Dunedin), Air and Mrs J. Gordon (Auckland) Mr J. French, Air R. Clements, Air AA m. Shepherd, Mr R. Saunders (Christchurch), Mr and Airs E. MacAlahon f AAYstport), Aliss K. Donaldson, Aliss N Kelson (Napier), Mr J. AlcClure, and Air D. Young (AVelhngton.)

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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 19 December 1925, Page 3

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MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 19 December 1925, Page 3

MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 19 December 1925, Page 3