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GOVERNOR’S SPEECH. By Tolegraph—Press Association. PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, June 20. The third session of the twentyfirst Parliament of New Zealand opened this afternoon in fine, sunny weather, though the wind at times was rather boisterous. The facade of Parliament House was befiagged, and there was a large assembly of people on the lawn. The Wellington College Cadets, under Captain Homier, provided the guard of honour, and the Ist Wellington Battalion Band was present. The occasion held added interest for the public, owing to the fact that it was probably the last, on which Lord Jellicoe would he taking an official part as representative of the King. _ .. Punctually at 2.30, his Excellency arrived, and was by AlajoiGeneral Alelville, Commandant ol Forces. A royal salute having been rendered, Lord Jellicoe inspected the guard, and then proceeded -to the Legislative Council, where the Speech from the Throne was read to assembled members of both Houses. The reading occupied seventeen minutes.


"The necessity for the attendance of my Prime Minister at the Imperial Conference, and the Imperial Economic Conference in London last year, which had rendered it desirable to summon the General Assembly to meet at an. earlier date than is customary, also led to the Session closing before the usual, time. In consequence, the recess lias exceeded the normal period. The resignation of His Majesty’s Government, as the result of the general election held shortly after the Imperial Conferences referred to, was followed by the acoession to power of an entirely new Administration, which has, in some important matters, arrived at conclusions differing from the resolution passed by those Conferences. However much they may regret this result, my Ministers recognise clearly that an Administration, whose Prime Minister was not present, and which was not otherwise represented at Imperial Conferences, must necessarily be absolutely free to determine whether it will or not support in Parliament, resolutions passed at such Conferences. The policy of this Dominion, which provides special preference to British Empire trade, was adopted without request on- our part for reciprocal treatment, and remains unaffected. My Ministers will propose an extension of that preference by an increase in the proportion of British production or manufacture, which gives title to the advantage in Customs duties. "The Special Service Squadron of the Royal Navy, under the command of Vice-Admiral Sir Frederick Field, received an enthusiastic welcome from the people of New Zealand. The presence in our waters, of so large a number of His Majesty’s ships, headed by the magnificent battle cruiser, ‘Hood,’ and the generous opportunity granted for public inspection, enabled many to appreciate the power of the great Service, of which those ships form a part, and to which New Zealand has so recently owed the preservation of its trade and commerce during the war. In one ship of the squadron, the light cruiser ‘Dunedin,’ New Zealand has a special interest, since that vessel, of the most modern design, has been selected by the Admiralty to replace the ‘Chatham’ in the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy. I was also glad, with my Ministers, to welcome the presence in the squadron of the ‘Adelaide,’ one of the ships of the Royal Australian Navy. The subsequent voyage of the squadron along the coasts of the Western Samoan Islands, and its stay for a time oil Apia, has afforded great satisfaction to my Ministers and to the Administration of the Islands. It was of special importance that the natives of Samoa should have the opportunity thus provided for them. “The British Empire Exhibition, at Wembley, recently opened by His Majesty, is attracting great numbers of visitors, not only from the people of Great Britain, but also from all the territories of the Empire. The principal object of the Exhibition, to provide specimens of the products of the various parts of the Empire, for the inspection of those interested in the" relative trades, will be completely served so far as this Dominion is concerned, by the efforts of our country to ensure a complete exhibit of its products, and my Minis ters have reason to hope that the financial results will not disappoint the Governments who have rendered themselves responsible for the large expense involved. My Ministers availed themselves of the voluntary services of-a number of gentlemen in New Zealand who agreed to act as an Advisory Council. The Dominion is much indebted to those gentlemen for the interest they showed, and the care and attention they gave to ensure the full representation of our principal industries. On their advice Mr A. F. Roberts was appointed New Zealand Commissioner, to the Exhibition. “The British nationality and status of aliens in l he New Zealand Act of your last session, which was reserved for His Majesty’s assent, has recently received the Royal approval, and has become part of the law of New Zealand, and is also now operative under our mandatory authority in Western Samoa. “Very satisfactory progress has been made for the relief of discharged soldier settlers by the Dominion Board, established by the legislation of last session. With the assistance of the District Revaluation Committees, tho Board has been able to consider a very large number of applications, and my Ministers trust it will be found that the process of revaluation and reduction of rent and interest, and in some cases of capital, wii! enable the majority of.our discharged soldiers, settled on the land, to look forward to success with renewed hope. It has for some time been recognised, that the main difficulty 'arises in cases where the land was purchased by the soldiers themselves from private individuals, with a first mortgage to the Crown for its advance, and subsidiary mortgages to the vendors. In a number of instances of this class, the Board has been able to effect satisfactory arrangements as between the mortgagor and the second mortgagee. “The policy established by the Act, together with the approaching termination of the general mortgages extension, necessitated the increase (provided by y our Act of last session) of the maximum amount, permitted under the State Advances Act, from £2OOO to £,'1500 for set fb-rs. and from £750 to £1250 for workers, and the increase by £2,250.000 of the authorisation of loan for advances to settlers and workers. Applications for advances have bee”, receive'] far in excess of the increased inttiiorisation. The success of the efforts ot

the State 'Advances Department, to cope with the increased demand, _ is exemplified by the fact that during the financial year ended the 31st of March' loans to the amount of £8,006,202 were authorised, and £6,205,686 actually paid. Further moneys are being supplied to the office, and a constant effort is maintained to deal speedily with all applications. “The effect of the Meat Export Control Act, followed by the Dairy Industry Control Act of your last session, has been satisfactory to the producers. The establishment of Boards, with statutory authority to negotiate for shipping and freights, and to control the rate of supply to markets abroad, has already provided many beneficial results. The fruit producers of the Dominion have indicated a desire for the establishment of a Fruit Industry Control Board, with similar powers and legislation. With that object in view a Bill has been prepared,' and will be submitted for your consideration. "The Main Highways Board has been established, and has done much valuable preliminary work, including the definition of a number of main highways. “You will he asked to consider ways and means for providing sufficient funds to enable the important duties of the Board to be carried out.

“The Mortgages' Extension Acts expire at the end of the present year. It is not considered advisable to continue the automatic operation of extension, beyond that period. The present acts apply only to mortgages executed before October, 1919, and there is reason to believe that the great majority of those mortgages have already been the subject of arrangement between the several mortgagors and mortgagees, having the effect of excluding the statutory extension, but it is also believed that there are a limited number of cases where the immediate removal of all protection might -create considerable hardship to the mortgagors. My Ministers will therefore submit to you legislation which, while allowing the general protection to expire at the end of the present year, will entitle mortgagors, who can prove special hardship, to apply to a Supreme Court Judge for a further extension not exceeding two years. Under the previous Acts, the mortgagee has always had the right to apply to the Court for leave to exercise his powers, though very little advantage has been taken of the statute in that ’respect. Under the measure to be proposed to you, any mortgagor who desires extension is compelled to apply to the Court for an opportunity. to prove his case, and to satisfy the Court that there are special reasons in his case which justify a brief extension.

“Two measures of special importance which were in part before you last session, will, my Ministers hope, be agreed to and become law during your present session. The first is a Bill to consolidate and simplify the land laws of the Dominion, and the second a Bill to bring all lands of the Dominion under the provisions of the Land Transfer Act within a definite period, with special provision for the issue of provisional certificates, in the case of infirm titles.


“The Royal Commission appointed to consider the system and incidence of land and income taxation in New Zealand, has presented a unanimous report, which, in due course, will be laid upon the table of your House. “The report of another Commission appointed to consider the effect of forestry reserves upon the revenues of local bodies, has also been received by me, and will be made available fo.r your deliberations. “The receipts of revenue during the last financial year have been satisfactory. Economy has been practised in all departments, the result being that the accounts of the year closed with a surplus of £1,812,366. Proposals for certain remissions of taxation will be submitted.


“Two specially qualified gentlemen from England are at present engaged in investigating the conditions appertaining to the railways of New South Wales. My Ministers propose to take advantage of their presence in Australia, to institute a Royal CommissiQn of which they will be members, to carry out an exhaustive inquiry into the whole system and control of our New Zealand railways, and to advise thereon.

“The subject of fishing rights in the interior waters of the Dominion, lias been under the consideration of my Government. Legislation is necessary to prevent the sale of such rights, whether in gross or as attached to riparian ownership, and especially to prevent the acquisition by persons not resident in the Dominion, of power to exclude others from certain waters. A Bill, having those objccls, will be laid before you. My Ministers anticipate that you m find it necessary to postpone finally settling the whole subject matter, ponding special investigation into the nature and existence of the rights, but that you may consider it sufficient in the meantime to prohibit any such dealings. In addition to the legislation to which T have made special reference, you wiM have submitted for considers lion. along with other measures. Bills dealing with the Stamp, Ihe Chattels Security Act, Motor Vehicles, Copyright, Public Works, Education, Defence, Local Bodies Loans. War Funds, Police Offences. Public Debt Reduction. “My term of office as GovernorGeneral of New Zealand] expire at the end of Peptombor next, and 1 shall bo leaving the Dominion towards (he end of November. The severance of ties which have with ever increasing strength hound me in close attachment to the people of New Zealand, will cause me the deepest possible regret. Our sojourn here has been a lime of great interest end of unalloyed happiness to Her Excellency and myself, as the representatives of His Majesty. I have witnessed with the keenest, satisfaction the spitil of fervent, loyalty to The Throne and Empire, which is so marked a characteristic of tiie people of New Zealand,, and of which so many proofs have boon given. I have watched with great pleasure the increase of produolion. and tho growth in trade of tho Dominion, and (lie manner in which recovery from the aftormnfh of war has been effected. is a subject for sincere congratulation. The birth and <!'••••• ment of the New Zealand division of the Royal Navy during my term of office, ami ihe high standard m tabled by tho recruits entering (he service,'have been of much ini crest, to me, ns a naval officer. To tho past and present, members of the two Ponses of (lie Legislature, with, whom T have been associated. I beg to express my deep appreciation of timir uniform courtesy and consideration. 1 sliould like to take this >,pr.nrtii.*"'ty also of voicing my .warmest prut it U’lo to the people of the

Dominion for their exceeding kindness to Her Excellency, to myself, and to the members of our family. “The future prosperity of New Zealand and the welfare and happiness of its people, will ever be matters of profound interest to me. Finally I express the earnest hope that Divine Providence may guide your deliberations, and further tho welfare of the people of the Dominion.”


On the conclusion of the speech his Excellency and suite departed, and after an interval, the Council met formally, when the Speaker announced that the deaths of the Hons. C. Louiscon and Dr Newman had occurred during- the recess. He also read formal notices of his own re-appoiutment as a member of the Council, and tho appointments of Sir Frederick Lang, and Messrs A. S. Malcolm, and V. 11. Reed to be members. Sir Francis Bell, Leader of the Council- extended congratulations to Sir AV. Carncims on his rc-uppointmeii-* and introduced Sir Frederick Lang, who was sworn in. Sir Francis Bell than said the Speakership had become vacant as a result of Sir William Carncross’s term having ended. He moved that the Council proceed to tho election of a Speakei on the 10th July. Sir F. Lang gave notice of his intention to move that a respectful Address ho tendered to the GovernorGoncral in reply to his Speech from the Throne. Sir Francis Bell said it was proposed that the Council should meet tomorrow to discuss motions of condolence on the deaths of the Hons. C. Louisson and Dr. Newman. After that it would probably he required to deal with an Imprest Supply Bill, and on Tuesday next, tho Address-in-Reply would be taken. The Council adjourned at 3.15 p.m. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.

Tho House met at 2.30, when there was a full attendance of members, tho only absentees being Alessrs L. M. isitt on the Liberal side, and on tbo Government side, Air T. D. Burnett, who at present is in hospital. Aier the Speaker had taken tho chair, and opened proceedings with tho customary prayer, tho Black .Rod entered the Chamber and annuncod that His Excellency tho Governor-General desired the attendance of members in the Legislative Council to hear his Speech. On returning to the Chamber at 2.55, the work of the session was com menced by members giving notice oi questions to Ministers, and notice, oi intention to move certain motions. Amongst the former were several dealing with various phases of the pensions systems and the moratorium. A! r J. Bitohonor (Vailaki) gave notice of his intention to move that a respectful address be presented to Ilis Excellency, in reply to bis Speech. Air T. AL Wilford intimated his in tcution to move an amendment to tho Address-in-Replv. Mr T. K. Side-v gave notice of his intention to introduce a Summer Time Hill. . .

Mi- Wilford gave notice of his intention to introduce a .Justice of the Peace Amendment Bill. Mr H. E. Holland gave notice of his intention to ask the Premier whothoi lie proposes to give full ofloet to tho Labour dailies of tho Peace Treaty, and thus conserve to the workers of ilic workers of the Dominion tho privileges to which they arc therein entitled. The Hon- W. E. H• -- --v boonsMv moved Hie first reading of the. Expiring Laws Coniinnance Bill, which was aorcerl to. ]u imply to Mr Wilford. Mr Mas-mv said his present opinion was Hint an 'imprest. Supple Bill would rof|uire to he passed to-morrow, otherwise ho un-der-,food a great d<-a! of inooiiveni-oio” nonld ?11‘ls ? o. Th- of Hio (L-.y Imvmo; ron-fliid.-d, the Hmr.o rose at .‘J.2.’), until t.’.dO to-morrow.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18084, 27 June 1924, Page 7

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PARLIAMENT IN SESSION. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18084, 27 June 1924, Page 7

PARLIAMENT IN SESSION. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18084, 27 June 1924, Page 7