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Another series of competition games was played on Saturday in all grade.'.. The grounds, with the exception of Victoria Park, Winchester, were sticky as the result of the rain which fell on Friday and a shower which occurred early in the afternoon. The attendance at the Athletic; Grounds was goodbut the play was not inspiring. he Ziiigari-Celtic match, which ended -n a whi for the former by 13 points lo S, was a rather dull affair, and compared poorly with tho wet-ground contest on the same field a week eai uei. On No. 2 Old Boys gained a runaway win over Tomukn, the Blues having 'A points on the board when play, which had become farcical, was abandoned early in the second spell. At Wmchester Star defeated the home 'to ahi by 13 to nil. Tho did not show their best form, but Waihi were weaker than usual owing to several substitutes having to be requisitioned. The appended table shows the positions of the teams in the premiership competition :


Celtic took the kick-off, and I. M ard gained the 25 with a good return. Houlihan returned play with a mee kick,' but Herdman secured and started his backs, a dropped pass spoiling a good movement.' The Zingari lor wards swept downfield, a scrum live yards out eventuating. Gibb secured and sent a long pass to Herdman, who snapped lip well and crossed on the corner. Gibb failed with tho kick. Zingari 3, Celtic 0. Celtic resumed with Crowley finding a good line. Ragged forward play in Celtic’s favour •ensued until the Zingari forwards headed by F. Ward and Campbell, again assailed the Celtic line, a force down resulting. A'good mark by Houlihan .enabled tho Celtic skipper to line to advantage, and a long period of give and take forward -play of a scrambling nature ensued. 'The Yellow and Black forwards eventually worked then - way to tho Greens 1 ' end with a series of line-outs, from', one of which tho Celtic lino was crossed. From the five-yard scrum which. '- eventuated; Skellenip secured and passed to Storey, who although closely hemmed in, managed to force Lis way over. Fairbrother added two points with a good kick. . Zingari &, Celtic 0. Play hovered in midfield until, from a penalty against Zingari icr off-side play, Houlihan kicked a splendid goal from midway. ■ between the half and quarter flags. Zingari 8, Celtic 3. The Zingari forwards retaliated ..with a strong concerted rush, Celtic forcing down. Half-time sounded with Zingari on the attack. Zingari ... ... ... 8 Celtic ... ... ...pp. ... 3 On resuming L. Kano broke away and gained the opposition territory with a good run, but .bad; handling by tho Green backs immediately, afterwards. lost a good advantage. With E. Fairbrotlior, Ritchie, and F. Ward prominent, the Zingari forwards instituted a sweeping rush, which took play to tho opposite 25. The Green rear-guard essayed a passing rush, but a bad transfer to, Reilly broke up the movement. A centre from Annear was safely fielded by Herdman, and a good kick found the line well uplield. Mason fielded a dangerous ball and saved well. Following through, Storey led a loose rush to the Celtic lino, but off-sido play gave the Greens welcome relief. Bracefield marked well and stopped a strong ' Green rush. F. Ward transferred the scene of play to neutral territory with a good dribbling run. Storey snapped up, and with the assistance of Herdman, went through to the Celtic line. An unnecessary pass from Herdman, who at the time seemed ever the line, caused Storey to Lo penalised lor off-side. The kic-k enabled the Greens to clear, but not to be denied, the opposing forwards returned to the attack, Ritchie eventually diving across from a scramble mi the line. i). Fairbrother converted with a. good kick. A spell of indecisive play followed, until the Green forwards got moving down the slope and settled in Zingari ground. Houlihan, smartly intercepting a loose pass, broke through and transferred to' Li Kane, who neeoplcd n hard ball and scored a good try. Houlihan further enhanced the score with a good kirk. Zingari .13, Celtic 8. Time sounded shortly afterwards with the score unchanged. Zingari 13 Celtic 8 Mr J. .Deans was referee, i

STAR 13, v. \VATHI 0.

Logan kicked off for Star, and J. J'-rugtaor I'emmeu to U'aim's 26. JJurreti sent nail upueiu, sum in mulling. luneyciitio, Ciarao and Alc\oy couiuiiiCd in a rusu and forced H atm. From the drop-om Coiner, \V. Quirkc, ana rteiny took thy Jeatner to Star's 25. iiowianus. rehyveu with a welljudged kick to midfield. O. Qmrke limited well up the held, but AieVey, O’Connor and Clarke took play back to AVaihi’s 25. From a free kick to Star, JiurreU's kick at goal went wide. Offside by AYaihi enabled O’iiourko to lock uphold, and Lowlands, following up, scored a good try at the corner. Jioroman converted with a splendid kick. Star 5, YYadii U. from the kick off, McVey, O'Connor, and Clarke took the ball to Y\ ailii's 25, but F. Alelfride and AY. Quirkc, dribbled back to mid-field. Logan sent the play to AVailiVs 25, 0. Quirkc returning to centre. Play by Comer, \V. Quirkc, and .Robertson put Star on the defensive, Thompson relieving with a timely kick to midrield. From the line-out O'Neill sent the bal! to J. AL-Bride, who cut in and passed to .1, Edgeler, to A. Edgeler, and \Y. Alt-Bride. 'l'. AlcYey collared well and saved a likely score. A rush by Clarke, 1 oneyeliile and Hogg, shifted play to Wailii s end, where the home team were awarded a free kick. A passing bout by the star backs was stopped by l\ldgcler brothers. A logg. kick by (foreman was '‘returned bv a long liner by 0. Quirkc. A rush by Star s forwards was well pulled up by Coiner, and .Mcßride, ami AA . Quirkc made a run to near Star's line, belore he was mopped by Logan. A dribbling rush hy \V. Quirkc. Alawsoii, Reilly. and Comer sent the. play to Star's 25, a force ensuing. At half time the figures were : Star 5 AYaihi 0

J. Alcßride relumed Logan's kick off. A rush hy O'.Neill, A. lidgelcr, and AA r . Quirkc, took play to Star’s 25, but Lewis sent a good kick up the field. Comer, coming smartly around a i.crum, look flic play hack to Star’s curl. Passing by Thompson. Logan, O’Rourke and Burrell was spoili by a forward pass. From a scrum O'Neill sent J. and A. Edgeler away, but. a good clmnce for a score was lost by a kook on. A long kick by O. Quirkc was well returned hy Boromnn. Gaby sent the ball to Star’s 25. A passing

rush by Stewart, Hogg, T. McVey, and Logan was stopped by A. Edgeler, who tackled two men in succession. A rush by the Star forwards was checked by a clever mark by J. Mcßride, who kicked up to the centre. A rush by McVey, Toneycliffe, and Stewart was pulled up by a smart mark by O. Quirke, who kicked to midfield. A rush by Clarke, Toneycliffe and McVev took play back to Wailu's 25, J. Edgeler saving with a quick kick to midway. A rush by Robertson Reillv and Gaby, took the ball to Star’s 25,- where a series *ef scrums was held. From a free kick to Star, Logan kicked to A\ aihi s 25. A. iiidgoler relieving with a long hner. -”■ rush by Logan, O'Connor, Clarke md Stewart, ended wtli tiie Jast named netting over and Boroman convortng. Star 10, Waihi 0 From the kick out Boroman sent the hall noil up the field, and W Mcßride securirig, ran through to Star s 20, A long kick by Boroman placed V aihi on the defensive, and a rush by Star ended with Logan scoring a good try. Boroman’s kick at goal failed. ‘t‘ _ > Waihi 0. Shortly .after the kick-out, Stewart retired owing to an mjuij- A rush bv Thompson, O’Rourke, Logan, and T. McVeyi was stopped b> splendid tackle by O. Q»nke. Comer Edgeler (2) and J. Mcßride, transferred plav to Star’s 25. and from a pass A. Edgeler made a dive for the line. Lo«mn saved by a good tackle Shoith after the whistle was sounded. Star o Waihi Mr P. Cosgrove was reteiee.


In the opening G. Lawson with a clever kick found tou-.j well inside leimihas -■->• - ac tion lfhm back division swung into action tho liue-out, but >»*, V cepted and got away. . MPh the tu u back to pass he misjudged a vsnoi t punt and P Houlihan marked. l'°Uoe- " up fast Old Boys were on the verge l of scoring, but the bounce favoured the Black and ! who relieved to the 25. In midfield V . La • t-on secured, and transferred to Lawson, who badly beat the opposition before handing on to Mathmson, who was brought down five 3* * haoks Securing in the scrum the Blnc hack. looked like scoring, but fumblin*, a - lowed the country team to cleai. I lowing up a punt G. Lawson gathered in, and with tho lemuka five-eighths out of position broke through and sent Mathieson over in a good P o^f1 1 or L ) V: Lawson failed to convert. Old 80.. s 3, Tomuka 0. A midfield scrum saw the Koval Blue forwards, with Doj ie and Coxhead prominent, dribble to Temuka's territory, where flagrant ofl> sidc plav allowed the Black and M lutes io lino at half-way. h rom the linoout G. Lawson snapped up, passed to Duncan, who worked a dummy before transferring to Fraser, who sent on to Mathieson. Coming round Fraser accepted and dashed over wide out. The same player failed to convert. Old Boys 6, Temuka 0. The ensuing plav saw G. Lawson take a mark and drop a splendid goal from a difficult angle. Old Boys 9, Temuka 0. Play then went to the Royal Blue area, where tight work by the Temuka. forwards resulted in Old Boys forcing. Good hack play allowed Old Boys ;0 work back to Temuka’s 25, where u. Lawson had another attempt to goal. Parker, G. Lawson. Duncan, and Fraser were prominent in - a passing rush to Temuka’s 25. From a, lute-out Parker secured and threw to G. Lawson who gained ground before transferring to Duncan, who let Fraser across in a handy position. G. Lawson added the major points. Old Boys 14, Temuka- 0. The Blues secured from a scrum in the country team’s area, and accepting a long pass Fraser jinked his way across close in. G. Lawson made no mistake with the kick. Old Boys 19, Temuka 0. At this stage the scoring beeamo a procession, no real efforts being made to stop the Blues. G. Lawson, Duncan, and Fraser wore again prominent in a rush which the last-named player topped off by walking round to score behind the posts. Houlihan failed to convert. Old Boys 22, Temuka 0. Another movement in which G. Lawson, Fraser, and Mathieson handled, let Mahan over in the corner. Mahan failed to enhance the score. Old Boys 25, Temuka 0. Securing in his own 25 Fraser ran through to the country team's line, where he was forced out in the corner. W. Lawson secured, dashed across and jogged round to ground beneath the posts. Parker failed with the kick. Old Boys 28. Temuka. 0. Securing ?n his own 25 the Temuka full-back threw a pass to W. Lawson, who scored hen n ath tbo nests. DoHe failed to convert. Old Bovs 31, Temuka 0. Fast following by the Blue forwards result- . in ( securing and transferring to Gerard, who grounded beneath the uprights. Gerard converted. Old Bovs 80, Temuka 0. The half-time whistle then went, but. the teams at once changed round and played another fifteen minutes. A passing bout saw Fraser score wide out. Mathieson failed with the kick. Old Bovs 39, Temuka 0. Houlihan secured in midfield and raced to To•uiika’s 25 before transferrin" to •:

T/nv.snn, who let Eraser across. Old Bovs 12. Temnka 0. The final whistle '.vent, the kick not being taken. Old Bovs 42 Ternuka 0 Air A. G. Pratt was referee. JUNIOR. Star beat. AA’aiiii by default. Point beat Southern by default. Parcora 13, Old Boys 0. School 25. Geraldine 3. Zingari 20, Temnka 3. THIRD GRADE. Point 3. Geraldine 3. Temuka .18. Celtic 3. School 9, Star U. Old Boys 11. Waslnlyke 3. Zing.'iri 0, Southern 5. Y.AI.C.A. 11. Pareora 8. FOURTH GRADE. Zingari 26. AYaihi 0. Old Boys 11, Wnshdykc 0. Star .18, School B. 5. Temuka 25, School A. 0. FIFTH GRADE. Point 21. Star B. 0. School A. 9. Temuka 0. Celtic IS. School 8. Si !)• A. 52, School C. 0. Geraldine 6, Zingari 3.


The Temuka Primary School team played their return match against the Point team at Point on Friday. The weather was very disagreeable and wet, Ino ground consequently being very slippery. The result was a drag—three points each. Air Halstead was referee. HAWKE'S BAA' OA'ERAA'HELAI POVERTY BAY. liy 'i'clcgm])!.— Press Association. NAPIER, June 22. Hawke's Bay defeated Poverty Bay vesterday in a Ranfurlv Shield match by 16 points to 10, which equals Auckland's record score in representative matches, of 48 to 12. The score consisted of tries by Ormond, Green-t-ide (1), Falwasscr, C. Brownlie 12), AleXab (2). and Kivell. Nepal convened two tries and kicked a penalty; Alill converted two, and Irvine one. Whaitin and Scott scored for the visitors, Tureia converting belli. The ground was very heavy.

-2 o 'wi '3 ri o k: c o 1 rt u X o 13 'c 1 g< Sc c-- £ o Old Bovs . 7 6 i 0 155 51 13 Star . . 7 4 2 1 105 32 10 Zingan Celtic . 7 4 3 1 1 2 5 83 80 74 73 9 Waihi . 7 1 1 5 39 91 3 Temuka 7 0 0 7 15 15G U

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Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18084, 23 June 1924, Page 3

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FOOTBALL. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18084, 23 June 1924, Page 3

FOOTBALL. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18084, 23 June 1924, Page 3