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Mr and Airs AY. D. Campbell, AVai-iti Road, are buck from Dunedm. Miss iieLiv .Cjiwoiany, mouiie otutioii, is in Christchurch. Mrs Bridgewater, Preston Street, has returned from Oamaru. ’ Airs R. L. AYigley, Highfield, Ims returned from Christchurch. Miss B. Fraser, Selwyn Street, lias returned from Christchurch. Mrs Nicliolls auu alias -uuiid Nicliolls who were staying at the Hydro, returned on Wednesday to Oamaru. Mrs P. R. Woodhouse, Blueclifis, is staying with Airs R. H. Rhodes, “Came,” Senlv Street. Aliss Lassie Sams, who has been staving at “Balmoral,” has returned to Christchurch. Airs \V. Waddell, AAtallington, is staying with her sister, Airs Newman

Wilson, Selwyn Street. Aliss Grant, Christchurch, is the guest of Airs W. Thomas, “The Rectory,” North Street. Airs" George AVebster, Nelson Terrace,, is back from a short visit to Christchurch. Airs Goodwin, Park Lane, who lias been spending the holidays gt Fairlie, returned to town yesterday.

Miss Alary ATncent, Kingsdown, is spending the week-end with Airs Clissold, North Street. Air and Airs H. F. Christmas have left Teniuka for their new home in Foxton.

Mrs C. H. Gresson, Selwyn Street, left yesterday, for Christchurch, to stay with Aliss Gresson, Fendalton. Aliss Gillies, Upper Rangitata, is the guest of Airs Alaurice Harper, “Kinnoul,” AVai-iti Road. Air and Airs E. R. Guinness, leave to-day for Ealing, to spend a few days with Airs H. Lavallin-Puxley. Air and Airs Lavallin-Puxley, Ealing, have returned from a visit to Auckland and Rotorua.

Aliss Maureen Raymond, who lias been paying a round of visits in South Canterbury, returns to-day to Christchurch.

.Alr- and Airs Farris, who have been staying with Airs K. Goodman, “Rock Arden,” Fairlie, returned yesterday to Christchurch.

Air and Airs A. Cambridge and family, Beverley Road, left during the week for their new home at Salisbury, near Dunedin. Afr and Airs Frank Barker, Selwyn Street, who have been visiting Hanmer Springs, and Christchurch, are expected home to-day. On their arrival in England, Sir Thomas and Lady Mackenzie went to Tonbridge, in Kent, to stay with their daughter. Airs A. A 7. Afaodonald. Dr and Airs F. Bowe, AVai-iti Road, who have been spending some weeks at AA 7 anaka, stayed at “Flax Swamp,” with Airs J. Preston, for a few days, returned on AA r ednesday to Timaru. The engagement is announced oi Aliss Betty Torlesse, elder daughter of Mr and Airs C. E. Torlesse. Union Bank, Timaru, to Air Harold .Wright, Wai-iti Road. Aliss Barbara Alorgnn. Messrs B. LeCron, G. N'diol and H. Wilson, who staved with Airs G. LeCron, Grey Road, for the High School Old Boys 1 dance, motored back to Ashburton on AVednesday. Air and Airs Arnold AA 7 inter. who were staving with Airs Winter, Avenue Road, have returned to Haka-tar-nuea.

The engagement is announced of Alt Owen Clam<re, vouncrest son of Air and the late Mrs da rage (Oh”istdrurdi), to Aliss Alcm, Turnbull, eldest daughter of Air and All's Turnbull (“Pukeriu,” Oamaru). Airs Hugh Thomson, of Hastings, is at present spending a holiday with hei narents, Air and Airs Drinnan, Cain Street. Air and Airs A. L. Barker. Winchester, have gone for an extended trip to the North Island. Airs C. Unwin, Orari. lias taken their house during their absence.

Miss K. Kane, who for the past six years lias been on the staff of J. C. Oddie and Co., left last week to take up fresh duties in Greymouth. Before leaving, Miss Kane was the recipient of a present in the form of a gold wristlet watch from Mr Oddie and liei fellow workers. At the recent examination of nurses of the Public Hospital, in invalid cookery, held at the Timaru Technical College, the following results were obtained : (Honours) Mary Philpott. First Class: Bessie Waddell, Christina Price, Jessie Sanders, Annie Kirk, Agatha Harvey, Alice Horrell, Madge Cox. A wedding of interest in New Zealand was celebrated recently in F.ngland, at St. Michael and All Angel’s Church, Ford, Northumberland, when Mr John Walter Chitty, son of Sir Charles and Lady Chitty, of Dluntham, Tor<pinv. was married to Miss Audrey Troyte Harper, daughter of the Rev. ('. C. Harper and Mrs Harper, of Ford Rectory, Bcrwick-on-Tweed (formerly of Now Zealand). The ceremony was performed by the Bishop of Kensington ('godfather of the bride) assisted by the Rev. G. .T. Chitty (uncle of the bridegroom). The bride, who was given away bv her father, wore a gown of white broche, with a shoulder train of chiffon velvet. Her two bridesmaids were M iss Tlopn Pinckney (cousin) and Miss Kiitv Roper, who wore dresses of almond green taffeta, with wreaths of silver leaves, and they carried hommelx of ■ white tulips. Mr A. M. Chitty was best man. After the ceremony a reception took place at Ford Rectory. Guests at the Grosvcnor this week include :—Mr and Mrs W. H. Cowper aif?l child; Mr R. G. Harley; Mr 11. Holmes; Mr K. R. Mahan; Mr P. Hercus; Dir J. Scott; Mr K. 11. Downs; Dir Geo. Finn; Dir S. C. Dlillington : Dir H. R. Wilkinson; Dfr Wm. Dlachin: Dir G. Catto; Dir It. King; Dir A. F. Myall; Dir L. J. Macdonald; Dir J. Braid; Dir 11. B. Manttan: Dlrs and Dliss DlcCutclieon; Dir R. F. Algie; Dir P. Grant-Smith; Mrs C. Powell; Dir. W. B. Andrew; .Miss G. Andrew: Dir L. C. Andrew; Mr and Dlrs N. Wales; Dir A. Turner; Mr Bryden ; DTr A. W. DlcCallum; Dfr l’earey; Mr J. B. Tapper; Dir G. Fisher, Dir F. C. Jones; Dir V. Williams; Dir DT. Southey: Dir W. Reeves; Dir L. Thompson; Dliss U. Hamel. Guests at the Dominion Hotel this week included .Mr J. Brown. Dir A. Wilson, Dir H. Goodwin Dir T. A Wright, Dlrs Little. M,-, Collins. Dir Mamie, Dir F. R. Smith, Mr J. J. Coxon. Dir J. Primer, Dir T. Humphries, Dir A. Dlurray. Mr G. Forbes. Dir T. A. Alright. Captain Godwin. Dfr F. A rnist ron". Mr G. Cuthbertson. Dir G. \. AVooil. Dlrs and Dliss Spooner, DTr F. Small. Air R. R. C. Spooner. Dir L. C. C Soooner, DTr Barry Brown. DTr and Mrs Dtilne. Dir and Dlrs Clips. Dvl-os. Mr and Dlrs Cullen. DTr Cnllm/. Mi \\ r F. Green, Dir G. Drabble. Dir F H. Grate. Dir Robf. Nwlinl. Dir C. Werren, Dir A "nr, Dir F. Bnindm'se and Dfr F. Ball.

TIMARU HIGH SCHOOL OLD BOYS’ ASSOCIATION DANCE. A most enjovable dance was given by the Timaru High School Old Boys' Association on Tuesday nigh# in the Bay Pavilion, which was most artistically decorated with the school colours (blue and white) and shaded lights. A special feature was the excellent music provided by Air Campbell’s band oi eio-ht instruments, extras being played by Airs E. J. LeCron and Air Eric Baker. Among those present were. Mrs George Gabites, wearing a black and sapphire blue sequinned frock; Mrs Thomas, black beaded georgette; Mrs William Raymond, grey crepe de diene, beaded in jade and silver; Airs G. R. AI. Jones, black georgette and gold tissue; Airs Revell. kingfisher blue silk marocain ; Airs E. J. LeCren, black chiffon velvet and georgette; Airs Nicliolls (Oamaru) black and gold lace frock; Airs Gunn, pale mauve embossed georgette, with touches of ilver: Airs C. J. LeCren, blue velvet; Mrs Lillico. coral broche ; Airs A. Tait. ivory brocade, with touches of flame colour: Airs Black, cherry coloured crepe de chene; Airs Bailey, cyclamen pink silk marocain and silver lace; Mrs Stanley Goodman, saxe blue lace; Mrs Mansell, black satin with overdress of sequins; Airs Smythe, .rose pink souple satin; Airs C. E. Kerr, black and gold beaded frock; Airs C. Paterson, cornflower blue and gold figured crepe de chene; Airs O’Leary, black marocain; Airs H. Hall, white and silver frock; Airs J. Talbot, old gold lace; Airs Doull, sapphire blue lace over silver tissue; Airs C. Wood, scarlet georgette, embroidered in silver; Mrs Storey, black frock; Airs C. J. Talbot (Fairlie), black satin; Airs Henderson, orange frock; Airs K. Goodman, royal blue lace; Aliss Betty Hartl.v (England), black lace frock; Aliss Helen "Cotterill, yellow and gold brocade, bertlia of gold lace; Mrs G. Paterson, blue moire marocain; Aliss Florence Clissold, champagne and gold shot taffetas; Aliss L. Sams (Christchurch), pink marocain; Aliss Nettie Harper, bouffant frock of pale blue taffeta ; Aliss Alary Gabites, turquoise blue moire marocain; Aliss Dennehy, pale green taffetas; Aliss Alargery Jones, peacock blue shot taffetas; Aliss Peggie Jefferson, palest pink satin and lace, posey of blue flowers; Aliss Alaud Nicliolls (Oamaru), jade green and silver figured tissue; Aliss Ethel LeCren, shell pink georgette; Aliss Barbara Morgan (Ashburton), fuchsia coloured shot taffetas; Aliss Kathleen Young, scarlet georgette, rosette and streamers of velvet ribbon to match; Aliss L. Cartwright, palest pink georgette, bertha of silver lace; Miss Betty Torlesse, pale heliotrope broche, with rosette and streamers of silver tissue; Aliss C. Walton, maise geor gette; Aliss Alildred AlcKeown, rose pink silk marocain; Aliss Alolly Murray, black taffetas and lace; Aliss Betty .Cossins, maiso georgette ; Aliss Lulu Hay, black lace frock; Aliss Beatrice AVebster, mignonette green crepe de chene; Aliss Alaureen Raymand (Christchurch), black crepe marocain; Aliss E. Scott, rose coloured geoi'gette; Aliss Livington, white taffetas, girdle of flowers; Aliss Yarr, lilac panne velvet; Aliss T. Alaclntosh, flame satin; Miss Greenwood, reseda green figured crepe de chene; Aliss Bowie, pale pink charmeuse; Aliss AV. Bowie blue taffeta; Aliss E. O’Aleeghan mauve taffetas; Aliss Alason, black crepe de chene; Aliss Ronaldson, green and gold frock; Aliss Aloira Rickman, pale blue satin charmeuse; Aliss Alona Coath, jade green panne velvet, and cire lace; Aliss Newman, turquoise blue taffetas; Aliss Lois Bassett, cerise satin and lace; Aliss Alarie Taylor, white satin; Aliss Cromie, blue shot taffeta; Aliss E. Kaye, white satin; Aliss AI. Kaye, lavender satin; Aliss Creighton, eau de nil satin; Aliss Rosengrave, roso satin; Aliss AI. Black, jade green taffetas; Aliss A. Flanagan, apple green crepe de chene and gold lace; Aliss P. AlcArthur, pink silk marocain; Miss Ivy Olliver, rose pink souple, satin; Aliss Grant (Christchurch) pale heliotrope georgette and taffetas trimmed with pink rose buds; Aliss Aletson, green taffetas: Aliss Ellis, apricot georgette; Aliss D* Ellis, pale blue frock; AHss Waddell, black crepe de chene; Aliss Blackmnre, blue and pink shot taffetas; Aliss L. Thomson, green taffetas, Aliss D. AfcCaskill, gold marocain; Miss ATm-ray, seagreen satin; Miss E. Afatheson, jade green velvet; Aliss C. Wood, moonlight blue satin, and black net; Aliss AI. Irvine, flame taffeta and georgette; Aliss Huston, black velvet;' Aliss Campbell, jet bended black georgette; Aliss Sutherland, anrieot georgette with silver tissuo ribbons; Aliss Egan, flame georgette, bended in chrystnl; AHss Broad, palo heliotrone brocade crepe de chene; Miss Arnnrhester. vieux rose georgette and gold lace: Aliss F. Saxon, black frock, cberrv ribbons; Aliss Joan Afankoll. black cire lacc; AHss Alatbicson, bluish pink taffeta and georgette; Drs Gunn. Paterson, Talhot and ATossrs W. D. Revolt. Lindsay (2). Bailev, C E. Kerr. Thompson, Doull, Harold, Black. LeCren (2), Raymond (2), TT. Wright, L. Kompthorne, Hargraves, Jones (2). T. Clissold, A. Steward. Wilson (Ashburton), Ryan, Dines, Goodman (2). Carlton, Harris (2). A. Taylor, E. Baker, AlcKeown, E. Beckinolinm, Leslie (2), Tait (2), L. Stewart, Wood CD, Earl, AI. Bowie, | C Thomson. Henderson, Aloßae. \\ . oiliver. J. Torlesse. J. Tennent, Law son (A). B. Pnrrilt, C. J. Talhot, T. Hope, Alatlieson. Ferrior, N .Radcliffc Chinnerv, Coiner (Temukn), P. Storev Simmers. X. Atoorc, G. Nichols (Ashburton), Sm vt ho, Alston, Carman, AI array. Cawlov. AVaddcll, Cockroft, F. Graham. Bookman. Scott (.1), Chat win. Davis. Kempshcd, Barclay (AVaimate). Alcßoih. Paterson (Oam:iru). D. Coxhead. Mdlington (AAtalling Ion). Knit ibt. ATiller. Alnnohostor, Alcddlicot. Harrison (2), Buxton, and Smith.

A novelty that, is sure to catch the oyo of the most. fastidious, is the Grecian adjustable armlet. It will fit any arm, and will enhance the beauty of the evening frock ibis dancing season. It is in keeping with the latest fashion, and lovers of popular jewellery lines will at once see ihe beauty in the ’designs when they inspect at Dunn’s, the Corner Jeweller. ...

The latest values in ladies’ serge and gaberdine costumes offered by Rudd’s, is welcomed by the womenfolk of South Canterbury. It is only a yean, or two a.'m when 'la guineas was willingly paid for a good navy serge costume, and now, by judicious buying, these same niial’itv' goods in “Petnne” and “Corn'd form’'’ brands, famous throughout Now Zealand, are being offered from 7os to Bios. Seventy models to choose from, so get in earlv and got the pick. Rudd’s. Arcade. .

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Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18084, 7 June 1924, Page 3

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MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18084, 7 June 1924, Page 3

MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18084, 7 June 1924, Page 3