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LOXBON. WOOL SALES. - " Press Association—By Tel.—Copyright. LONDON, Jan. 23.. At the wool ealeo the prices for good and best merinos and all crossbreds arc firmly maintained. Faulties are weaker. LOCAL ADVICES. The Bank of New Zealand aro in. receipt of tiio following cable from Louoeu on tiio wool sales:—"Current pnece, lor .South farmers' UiU, Cantc-ibury ~tylc :—lnferior merino, common GO to 64 s, quidity, average coucliLiun, [)U[ to lod; superior merino, super tjO to 0-I'b, ditto. J.2,'.d to 13' d; bailor fiuiii-ti-rbreU, su''s. ditto, 11J to t-iu. Current iirices for North Island ianuci* lui.; are:—Coarse Mi 1.0 -w a, ijiiiiiity, condition, to ,:_a; lue.eii.n unto.. 44 to -lii's, Un.tu, .Md to Ji.::.,.1; Jiue (iiuo. oO's. ditto, to V2<.1." V :! - ci h l>-7:-iy'*\u;,\ Co.. Tii'imri;" i;,:'; i! . '"'.'•!'- J ;'""v ; <,iiir "- <i-'ted 23rd : '-''npci..;.'.u ~< 'hi-Lu,' '=, , i'r,V' ,, ' : S,.,viVi';!- v< il U-uorai :i-,. m all .juerie:-,. rino merao _ wools rather higher; crossbred U^r"' U I*r cent. i'lN-iNCIAL. Bank shai-es-ijank o: Australasia, Jo t-> Ho; Union Bank. 50 10 GU; ->•/. Loan and Mercantile Ager.ev Compai-.y. 09. &TOCK l-'OOD BEAKER. -iVUNEV, Jan. 24. ~~'~\ a I ''-'- 11 - 1 ' "' ri:o continued dry M earner oran has advanced to £5 101. and podard to ±;0 a, ton. add7xctonTi]^ E t. Per Prc.3 Asseciation. At the"MJ^;.:V'^ CH ' J;!U - - 1 - ■•>i'o ■!;' e'- t '' v? -''"'i ! '".l )i '-' < -'>°r::io i'.:tr:-;s ii :v -i and iaL wethers ;na.iir.,iin d ~-r;.. ':':'''■'•- !t ! , : "/-■■'« were easier. catOe r-" '.''.'""""l for «ore _ eitore :.'!C,e.—1,;,,,,!;-, f 0 ,.,,, o .[ ,J JO J,,^^ \\ l , !; : 0; '" i( -;" il °' Mipply, whi.ii 1-e.e.ii m-.i 1.11-;.\: -,vas not. Lev O'ld 3e- • ii.i.aii-e. In ~-i!,ln the -.iime per niai »-.t, not ,o h-li. and wa IXI i K ';..'. i 3 d :u ': ;iy ''°. firiJl ' : ' ut t!;t! '" veiiee hunK; -.,.,;.; ; .t an Pc.War-: rare |- il; ln ,;,:.„•., lis !kl TO 12-: oxl, extra 12- .VI to 12s !i-;l. and oil.ns Os C:l to 10, 3d. c.,!!x os to fd. lour and (w.oih wethers 1 Is (id to 1-is Gd ; small hailb.-.-ds lis dl ~, ies lou:--tooiii wethers 13-. io Ms f-d. «'. troilis 10s r,d to 13s. 4-toolh ewes'l3s to ISs Sd, 2-t.:o:! 1 s !,>. t, V.U. ii.hrii.r 12s to 13s, 0-ioo.h.s 1C- Sd to Ifs Cd lour, s::c and S-f oilis lo.s lOd to ]7s 3 I, two, four, ~;v, and 8-tootlw ?3s to 10.-.. sound mouth to Lis. merino c.vio Os od to Ss Gd, ewes with l.i.mbs bs Sd to 11 5 i. all . o-.:et -d. the greater ]i.-o:)ort- : ou of ivhi-h wore of prune ataiiiy. _ A f.-...- not •voilfn'fiiore va.- 1 an and eraricr.-.' IoU n.ade 12s to lets I<l. io'iirii:''the ;>: i. es "lor UiiS. ""' l-:i, >h-:-eo—!■:«.•, oiitd ..if in pti. e. but w iber.-. whi.-li were in demand for e:q..-ri. :-eh: :.,.i:e op lo the pie-vie.:,; \'{-'."{-i to"l7s. piime .-.n.-i 10-i to lis 'Od!. oi.iu-1-.- t'e I'd. lis Cde nctliors'ios 0d to lis 6.1, :.:ori::o ewes ils od to 0.; -'J. Tlit-ro were 107 head of fat entile va'-d-:-d. r fair r.ropertion good to prime. The sole was attain aragginii, and ].•■'■■? I'iinber cased oil. the value per in-lilb i\r Loo: Ivir.;-- --Is M 28s. A fairly kirtio'ruiry of store cattle head! Yca'i-iin';;-, made 35s 6d, 15 to 7s"'od fo'w'Ms, tiuce-yc..r lieifers £4 lCs to £4 iOs! mixed lines £4 17s Od. drv cow, 3,1s to £i 12s od. Dairy cow.-, brought £3 I<>-: to £lO. _ Tliere was a Wnli ofl'eriaj; of fat pies, and a. keen deir.nuu resnlfed in a marked advance in price.;. Gimp-pors made equal to Old to 7d per lb, and large porkers equal to G-}d to of;d per lb. ■ i-artte stores -I'-Js to 47s Cd, medium 30s co 37s 0:1. smaller 28s to 27.3 6d. and wearers 10s to 14s. Large stores sold well, but weaners wero easier. BUKNSIDE 3IAB.KET. DCN'EDIN, Jnn. 24. At Burnside to-day 165 fat eattlo were yarded. There was a good demand, and prices were from 10s tot 15s in advance of last week's rates. Best bullocks £ll to £l2, extra to £ls 2s Gd. medium £9 1U» to £lO 10s, others to '£!): boat- coivs £2 io £9. extra to £0 10s, others from £5 10s. Fat Sheep.—There was only a fair yarding, 2103 being penned. Prices advanced from Is to Is Gd per head, as .oe lured wldi ia-l. we- 'is values Best 19s to 21s, oxtrato 23s 3d, medium 16s Od to 17s 6d. Fat Lambs—OSo wero penned,, an increase of 11)3 i: ■ la l w-i.'c's to a.l. At the beginning of the sale prices showed an advance, but towards the finish competition was not so kcjn and prices receded somewhat. Best 14s to 16s, extra to 17s 9d, others lis od to 12s 6d. Pigs were in very good demand, and prices were firm at last week's rates. Weaners io 2os, best slips to 30s, light porkers to 40s, heavy do. 45s to 50.;, baconers to Gss.

. GEKALDKvE STOCK SAiE. There was a good eatiy at yesterday's stock sate, when stores fully h-eld their lata values, but if anything, fats were a shade easier according to quality. Tho following sales were effected : Sheep—Fat ewes, 52 at 14s, 3 at 13s 3d, 13 at 13s Id, 16 and 40 at 12s 9d, 3, 2, 5, and 23 at 12s 6d, 11 at 12a -Id, 10 at 12s, 3 at lis 9d, 25 at lis 3d, 18 at lis 6d, 33 at lis sd, 6 aud 5 at lis, 15 at 10s 9d, 5 and 26 at 10s 7d, 27 and 4 at 10s 4d, 10 at 10s 2d, 20 at 10s. 9 at 9s Sd, .14 at 9s 2d. 13 at 9s 1d,13 at 7s 7d, 2 at 7s 6d; two-loath ewes 4(K) r< ISs. lOd, 17 at 17s 61, 51 at 17s 3d, 23 nt 16s; four and six-tooth ewes, 36 at 17s 2d; four-tooth owes, 143 at 17s 7d; six and n'giit-tc-otfi envs. 353. at 16s ;■ full-mouth ewes, 50 nt lis 4d, 64 at lis; fat lambs, 16s 6d. 36 and 11 at 10s, 17 at 15s lid, 58 at 15s 7d, 120 nt los 6d, 05 at los 3d. 1 at l§s Id, 120, 83 and 25 at los, '2B, 9 and 104 at 14s lid, 34 at 14s 9d. 144 and 67 at 14s »d. 67 at Ms 7d. 145. at 14s Od, 150 and S3 at 14a sd, 56 and U0 at lis 4d, 70, 90 and 3 at 14s 3d,

92 and 44 aI. 14:-. 34 at 13s'He!, o-d and 80 at 13s od, 43 a::d :.<> .-it 13s 7d. -10 ■at 13s -id, 50 and 03 at- 13s. 3 at ll=. 5 at 10s; forward lambs. 257 at 13.5 Id. 204 at-12s 102, 27S at- 12= id: ores and lambs, 34 at lis ■> 50 ewes end 54 hiabs at 10s., 4.6 at Ss 10tl. 1 ! 07 ;,t 9s 7d; raps lambs, 203 at 13s. 104 nt lis lid; fat wethers. 5 at 20s 9d, 14 at las Od. 3 at 15s 3d. 1 at 14s 6d. 8 at 14s 3d, 7 at 14s Id, 9 at 14s. 12 at 13s Od; wethers, 2 at 13s 3d, 1 at l-'s; two-tooth wethers, 69 at 133. Cattle and Pigs—Cows, £G lis to £4. Pigs—Weaners. 16s to .-Is 3d; store pigs, 10s; porkers, 2Ss; sow, 20s. HARVEST HORSE SALE. Messrs Guinness and LeCren report having held a. most successful Hsu-vest Horso Sale at Studholmo oa Tuesday. I here was a good attendance of buyers and bidding was fairly brisk for any good useful sorts brought under the hammer. There was a good -entry in all classes, young horses being more numerous than at previous sales. The iolowing are sonic of the prices readisj od :—Aliires, Jyrs, i" 13. OOfi, £39, (\-r.-, j £25 10s, 22!. 7yrs, £IS ibs'\md n~rd . sorts ut satisiactorv prices. CV-ldire-s ! --Oyrs. £32. 4yrs. £2:.. S-.-rs, m uPs, , .vrs. -V., liyrs. £l7. Harness i;.-ldi.i-. I (Jyrs. £lO, and others at- saiisfuciow ;' price of corxsacks. ; A meeting of the grain merchants ; and millers hi South Canterbury was ncld yesterday ai'toritoon. :.s .-.ui:- ; g-osted at last wo-.-k's meeting ex the ■ Sr>uth Canterbury Chamber of Ccn:ia?ree Grain Committee, and the question oft-ho price to bo paid to farmers for sacks containing grain ;uid produce was fully and carcfullv discus-red. It. was decided that the. price to bo paid by buyers to farmers for new Feasor's sacks containing grain r . lK ] produce shall be fixed at OM.d each, for full sized sacks, and (id each for sacks of a smaller size than 4Sin. LONDON MEAT MARKET. Messrs Gilbert Anderson and Co.. Colonial agnii, write tind'-r date La i- ■ lion. i.eocnioer litis :--Meat Market. - ■ firm. Pi .it::.- gr<j»n beef prices 'haroi.maintained o.d ti 7_d : .n;:;:.!i !o\vo: ; . Scorch .Y:d U. o;d_ iintdi.h 5d to t-.d. f'/is Od to 6_<_, ewes'"3'.d- to l-'.d! S c-.tah 'lambs Od to (i"'.-l mutton large supplies, prices lower, Chilled lieu;'.—La rye supufes. prices Frozen Beet.—Supplies iiitht, demand geod, fores 1-ldth higher. ha.ds 1-lfith to an id higher, Plato ic-r-s I:3d hiutU 3_d. Australian crops 2Jd. hnds 3.; d. New Zealand fores 2-fd. hinds 3*d._ Frozen Mutton. ■ — i'lntes i.:ent : ->"r,i ■ supply, nric.e.s for hc-aw ! d lower 3' ' I to 3id. Au.traiia!is 'hr.-.-, rrr..vs ! ..r'ec. id lower, 3 3-1 (Ut, to \ New Zealands very 'ii-ht stocks f>-n- I terhurys !;,1, Xordi bi.-.ndi i\d. ),.■■■. \ and Southhinus 4 :i-f,ths, ewes 1-lOrh lower, 3:d to 3 7-r,:'-.... Frozen J,m lJ li.-l , ri.« ni!icliar.:":d, plentiful suniilv of Plate-. 4-' ( l to 'l 3 '' nnd Austral;-"":, 4!d 4 J?d. ' \'-w ZoaLv.d swlrs. market 'liiotav'ons uiiel-aneed, C-anreruucv .', o-Kkii- t -s 4:d. seconds 4Jd. North IJ.-ir.ds AM l:e-t 4|d. Prices ex stare fuhv id better. New ;ea:;o:i's Cant<>rhurTs have 1.-ten soid on the bn.s : n of s3]d Smith!: ■'•!. New f<'s New Zea'ar.d miitiiri and lamb will realise hi£h pr-ic-s frr first shipments.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14656, 25 January 1912, Page 5

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COMMERCIAL. Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14656, 25 January 1912, Page 5

COMMERCIAL. Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14656, 25 January 1912, Page 5