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At the present time there is. not • single entry of undetected crime on the books ill tlie Police Station at IV maru.

At the annual parish mooting of the To Ntfawai Parish, held Inst weak in St. Alban's Church nt Pleasant Point a wardens' baianco sh&ot wiw presented showing an expenditure of £2OO 4s Id, til so estimated assota about £lB and a. liability of £8 lis Ort. Tho Hov. Stanley Hinson appointed' Mr t\ J. Malmn vicnr'.'i warden, and Mr F. Media-oil " elected' poople'.s warden. Messrs H. Jones, T. JC. Jones, R. Smith. 0. T. Hakt?r, 15 .Hnlstend, G H. Stonver, AV. Wreford and \V. MeKibbin jnnr. were elected vestrymen. A hearty vote of thanks to all who had agisted in tb* work tM the church wus carried

Weather -summary and forecast:— "The barometric pressure has decreased everywhere, and a storm has developed in the north. South--easterly winds, strong to gale. Lave prevailed in and northv*ard of Cook Strait, and variable winds elsewhere. Present indications are for cold and damp weather generally. Heavy rain is expected on the East Coust north wnrd of Kaikoura, and rain is probable over the North Island. South-enst-url.v winds, strong to gain, are proonblo northward of Farewell Spit and Knifcoora, and moderate to strong easterly winds prevailing elsowltera. Tho b.-j----fometer has c slightly falling tend •ncy, bat will probably rise again •hortly." JXt W« J. Courtiear, Government Ortbard Inductor, is to gjve a demonStr&x&on on fruit culture in Mr. Q. H. ftonyer 6 orchard, Gavo, ;>a Wednesly next, at 2 p.m. As tlo.?e demon--Btra;ions are giveu for the benefit of the former and fruit-growers generally, those of the Cave and surro mding olstrict abould take .this opportunity of gaming practical knowledge relating to the treatment of their orchards. Thd Hope of Waiataitai I/cdge, 1.0, }«X. met on Wednesday right, Bro. tixmtb C.T. presiding over a good at* fcendaac*. Aai invitation was receiviil ■from the life Botifc to attend a - number wfeo has been in the Order for 21 y*4ir». Two candidates were proptised for iramberahxp. A ooicpct-ition ;ind 4hterSainment piogramino followed. The Union and friends gave the rnrentes o2 the Old Men's Home a *&eat last niguc, ia the sliape of a con-' terfc. Songs were Erung by Mrs Valentine, Misses Thompson and Hogan and Mesws S. Anderecn and Mc&nnie, recrtaiioas and roadinga were given by Master X*. Chisholm, Misses Hunt, Boothroyd, Gould, and others, jj'roit and 'ol&es wore »nd a verse of * God Save the King?' by the company wosmd up a pleasant evening for tike old folks.

il-3 Vi orslnp chd Mayor, asked' wh#. 'lm koov iti villi of the '<if ReT. A. AI. Caldwell's complaint that A certain objectionabi© book had betiu alactd oa the shelves of the Public fchnpy, stated that on his riturn from Wellington certain people complajied to liua that & rationaliatic book had teen presented to tha library. They ob]ejtod_ to the hook, and wanted to takow whether it had been passed by Wm Hook Committee. He went to the unrary-and tsked the librarian about Jt, and to said the book waa" then out to reply to ar.otiier question, he baid l> but not been before the Book Comwh»roupon ha (tha Mavor) said y 14 pnt on the shelves IteHvft ihd been approved . by tho committee. Jn cansesnenoo of tins in the book had been removed. Ito tebinz indistiy of Xjnarn seems % '-arrant extension in as much that *» oaro another addition *o the fleet. Mexre ICtoheii and Boooook have arP™?tieir now motor-driven to«t ( 'U> Miharo"), bnflt hv- the own- *• Brighton. Her dimensions *s?.long, 10ft Gin beam, complete Sr 1 and fish tanks fore-and ?°^ r " a 14 k-i"- Anderson Wo <Q<ounder marine engine, with aocunmlator ignition. f ° E n th ? duty type .the best points m d ®'e n and practice, and the Jrorfanajoslnp reflects credit on the makers. MeKs Mlt-Jie!) theip ' aeration ,engLao' on their from Lyttelton to Timaro—a mm-stop run. This being the first "aie in the port, sevin tlie indnstry boat and admired the oomPfact Asign of thu engine. Electoral Law" is Wr W^rJltB kt !? t work feued by Kii l Draftsman, a copy revived tS Mess^ s Ferguson and Hicks, _• • . hi view of the near srw • of tte General Election its aj£ appearance is particularly timely, as .» arranaM.-in ono continuous course PrOVJSU ?2 s tlle eiectoral l : », wmcfi would otherwise have lien Le&siatnre Act, 1909 consoKdated statute reiates to Pariiamenary elections), the Ballot Act, and the Legislative last" session, toeeoteer, lyillt those proviaon of tHe tywismg Act, which apply to the eleebon or heensing committees. A codions ; index enables the reader to lav tus £nger on any point he mav wish np, and with the W pos- j Kble delay. ; The work constitute a 1 valaable compendmm of tfe law, and J? adopted by and supplied to era Government for use by ev-erv tfegtstrar of ESectors, Beturnino- Offi«er, and Eejraty-Retarnin s Officer at toe ocmmg eiecfcions.

To refosa £BOOO cash for 16,000 ansres m a mining proposition situated on. the Hanraki goldfields, to be fcrtarwards redured to poverty, competed to seefc fie gurafields for a living, then losisg the little he had aeeumidated, to continue to work, and finally at «n old age . to take up a pceoe of ground and work it oroiit- ? t 7^, ra ?? r<l of 2 Thames* man tnat tne Star makes public. "Thejgot it all," he. said to a "Star" rcporter, in rio way regretfully; " a t •least. J lost it all," ha explained, al- * eii £«'ly. " T have accepted the offer made Hie in Ancktera years ago—at the time of the 1906 boom. Bet X didn't, and it's no use crpng ever spilt milk. I worked Bara at the KJontfyke, and Afterwards cam© back to ' New- Zealand, and went packing, fossicking, ?.™ gnm&sgmg, end again got a fcttfe pat, by. Bet I started farming and storekeeping up the KanaerangE, and iosfc my little all; and nowvl a little claim down tte coost, and I hope that before long I will bo all ngnt again. I hare good prospects, and I tJmil- I -n-m stake a sneers "of it." And with a oonnaent smile and a hearty shake of Hie hand lie'was off to purchase his rcsfcly suppfy of stores. Mr toinas. Chief of the Labour Department, and Mr Temple, architect tor workers' dwellings, paid a risk to Temnka yesterday, and in company wita Mr Buxton SI-P., xhev inspected portion of "The Grange" farm troiah tiie Government have been offered for the purposes of providing comes for workmen. A promise has bsea given that the matter -,rill be definitely settled within 14 days.

Mr Hnzleton, 3;.P„ addressed a well attended meeting at Pleasant Point ou shaking 'n the Oddfellows Hail. fie was met at- the .roinc railway station on arrival, bv members at tho florae Rule Committee, and driven io Mr Bvnie's hotel where lie and 40 others sat down to fli&ner as the guests of Mr Bvrne. Tne address vrzs on the same lines as those delivered at other centres and vraa -attentively listened to, the si_>ea\€r feeinng frequently applauded. Oil the motion of Messrs Tuouhls aid Peiiigrevr the meeting parsed a motion expressing full with the Home Rm-e cause, and on the motion of Messrs Chisholm and Byrne a heartv rote 'of thanks tfas accorded The speaker. Among those present ai the meeting were ir_etnl>en> ot* the Aibury nnd Falrlie reception curr.iiuitee>. viho made a preyemaiiou of -solid juld chain lo 3-fr ! ; - J. is. Rutherford bandlni; the present over. Mr Hazleton was driven yes-

terday morning: from Pleasant to Temuka. in Mr car. Considerably ov*;r i'l'-D was < c.ntr hut in the Point district, to the Heme

An irritated thonfc L< quickly so* tlicd by Zvmoi* Trt.Ucys They incn. use tbo throat socivi »o j ;s «r.d s,ihn-fh. n» vo. :il oorjs. Xi-tliing b.iLU-r lor public &T>i akers... accepting the position of patron ot uit? Mamuvatu A. and P. Arsocuiuon. l.Sf tho bopo chat the (hites or tho Manawatu •spring slh.w and tlio Canterbury show would i?;ic clash, as ho hoped to attend both. Oiir ptxjit in re-,sumption by many speakers at tho Hospital Confereiuo on \\ <Hln<:aday v«ai that density' of I>opuiatiou was a source for tlio spread uf tho white plague. Dr Valmtiue stated that tho density of population in \\ clHngt<m was about 32 persons to tho acrv?, but in some parts of the city, Tory Street for instance, it wag 80 to tho acre. He ],« d fieri ires showing that oa&?s of consumption woro coinpanjtr.'el v uf in.rc frf.'jncnt oocurence in densely populated areas than in sparsely copulated ones, Tho conference would l»o surprised to know that in one n;i rt of one of tbo principal cities of tho Dominion it haa been found that there wove 250 people to the acre. "That should be by legislation/ 1 . ho added. A striking example of th* value of Kme to light partially-drained (surface' drains only) swamp land is to be seen (says the Thamcb tiser) at the Kuakura experimental tar ni. Part of JH ld "was 'selected for the liming experiment. One-third of the p!ot : received one ton of ground i fi 1 ® another equal port op -half a ton, and the third portion o.cwt- The first season, a crop of 1 , .oats was grown, but there was no sign whatever of any effect of tho limiug. A catch crop, consisting of peus, onts, and barley, followed. At onoe the benefit of the liming was demonstrated. Where the ton had been ajjplied the growth was luxuriant and vivid in colour, the rate of development declining with the reduction in the lime content of the soil, the untuned portion being in strong contrast to the rest of the field.

Pure drugs and servioe are essential in the dispensing of your doctor'-; prescriptions; you obtain both when yon take jour prescriptions to Baxter's Pharmacies, Timaru and Fairbo... . V

lTie Stewart Island correspondent °' the Bluff "Press" reports an extraordinary happening at the .sports gathering held at Halfmoon Bay oa Coronation Day. The starter for the running events (Mx W. F. Thompson) used a double-barrelled shotgun, . tho shot being discharged into the sand. IJe final' of the 135 yds Sheffield was about to be run. * < Ready ,, and "set" had already been given. All competitors were straining for the sound of the cirn, but before it had a chance of making an impression upon their* minds, one of tlie competitors (J. Robertson) received the charge, of shot in his leg and bolted like a redshank. •A start could - not have been imagined, and the unfortunate individual wno received the shot ran as though for his life. He outpaced the remainder of the field, and ran home;an easy winner. For the remainder of wie afternoon he and his supporters, were kept busily employed in- retrieving the shot from his: ieg, and some 14 pellets were found to have entered 1 tlie flesh. Although: his, leg is somewhat sore and swollen, Rooertson is now little the worse for Ins sensational win.

Crystal Velvet a perfumed water softener for the bath and toilet,- and for washing and cleaning ;the hair Is 6d a tin from Tr. B. James, Prescription Chemist, Timaru...-

As the provisions of the * Land Settlement Finance Act * become more widely known there is evidence of an increased* diesire. on the part of those anxious to do so to take no land under the system kid down J>y that measure. At the present time some. ■ twenty associations, with a membership'of weß over a hundred ibfave been formed, . and close on twenty thousand acres are now actually held by settlers who have acquired their holdings in terms of the Act. In the Auckland district ten estates hare been acquired, with an area of nearly 10,000 <wres. on which-67 persons are settled. In. Hawkes Bay only one association has been formed: it consists of seven members, who farm nearly 800 acres. In • -fche Wellington distract two associations, with a. membership of twelve, have acquired 1000 acres. In Canterbury four associations have been formed, consisting of twenty members, w\ho farm between them over 3000 acres, and in Southhind sixteen people are farming 4000 acre® under the scheme. Negotiations are now proceeding (some are completed) for the acquisition of considerable areas in the Timaru, Palmerston North, and Waikato districts, and several other similar transactionsare in contemplation. TVe were siionn to-duy a choice lot of suit iengfchs ail new patterns of seasonable goods that Messrs Pearson and Co., Tailors, are offering at very reduced prices co make room for new goods coming for-,-, ard. "We are given to understand that these suits are made in 'iimaru by expert tailors and the pnces are l'rom 80s upwards...

. -An untoward incident occurred during the Coronation festivities at Gis.borae, being occasioned by the collapse of the floor of the raised dais npon which Lady Carroll, the Acting Mayor, representatives of local bodies and several other visitors were standing. An omiaous crack previously intimated that the platform was overburdened, and suddenly, amidst much feminine excitement, one end' of the floor gave way. Fortunately, the drop was' only a couple of feet, and no one was injured. Only five minutes before Sergeant Hutton had removed a group of boys T.-Jjp had been sitting immediately underneath • the stand, and who would have been crushed by the fall. In the evening there wene probably ov!er SUOO people watching the ftreVorks. Unfortunately, after about half an hour's display, the box containing the fireworks accidentaiiy fired, with the result that the bulk of the supply was destroyed. 1 a hose having to bo turned on it to extinguish the fire. When the explosion took place there was a general scatter. The box was a fairly large one, and the fireworks exploded inside it, but one sky rocket got out and injured one of the spectators.

Don't endure the cold these frosty nights—take one of Baxter's Hot Water Bags to bed 'with you and experience the comfort of' a good night's rest. We stock all sizea of bags, but especially recommend the SX 12 size price 7s 6d. Baxter's Pharmacies. T:maru and Kairiie... The Blair Athol Company's coalmine at, Clermont. Queensland, is on fi'C. The effurts in extingiTsh tile outbreak have been unsuccessful. SELECTING A PATENT >OENT. It is very irrpr riant tlm spocifica- ! tiois and draw rigs should bi> prepaixxl I by competent person*, as the vnbdity : of a patent oftca depend® up:>n tho.rn. N~r> Patent- AL r "!t i~ cnmnVL-r-nt un'csa hf* i.i a practical iwl'nivcal drufHwn, : !■:!.« .fio oc:rrv:t'on. :in--T i; si- 1 ir-rj '• bnv. Mnswr* nnd ; '} r, l- nr-It-nnd. \Y •']> :n?:^on, ; ( ',n■■ on i r.une'l'n. bay^ : <ii::>- n■ r are tlmrorcbly ; I :'. ' ,*!'/ (of Spiers | V' ~ rot<,rer, '> <?s----j Peprermiat Cur* nava- i a iu' ,v"m i.2i 6d.„ * M '

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Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14481, 30 June 1911, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14481, 30 June 1911, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14481, 30 June 1911, Page 4