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'A. SPLENDID EXHIBITION. % Patron—Mr T. Buxton, M.P.; pre- ' Bdent —Mr J. E. Goodwin; committee IViessrs Xhomas, Jones, Skinner, Horden, List, .boden, and Rev. Roberts; ion.. treasurer —Mr T. ioden; lion, secretary—Mr J. i'rance. - The Fairhe people do nothing by iialves; tUurougnness has always been one of their great characteristics, and they have never been known to tatae anything in hand wmch has not pros--pered. Their latest venture is a poultry show. Some few weeks ago, a few- enthusiasts, headed by a veteran enthusiast in "the fancy*' (Mr J. France) decided that Fairlie. should have a poultry show of its own, and the promoters worked to such purpose te to get together a really creditable exhibition of poultry. This was held at Fairlie yesterday, and on all hands it was voted an unqualified success, the credit for which was mainly due to the hon. secretary, Mr France. Credit must- also l>e given to the people of the district who supported the show so well, by their patronage, and bv specal prizes. There were in all "about 400 entries, these coming not alone from the Fairlie distirct, but some also from Dunedin, Oamaru, TVaimate, Otaio, Timarti, Temuka, Geraldine, Winchester, and Christchnrcb. The chow was held in the Fairlie Public Hall, where all the arrangements were made in a manner that would have reflected credit on a Society old in experience; and competent judges who attended it expressed admiration for the quality of the birds exhibited, as well as surprise that a poultry exhibition of such merit could be got together in Fairlie. - Some of the judges were heard to remark that there were birds there better than any they had ever eeen before (in one or two'cases), and v j R " arr ™g ton 7 tie judge of cats, lad to judge a "pussy" the equal Of which he said he had never seen before in an experience of 28 vears of judging. This was a verv Drettv blue Angora cat, owned by Mr E. Macdonald, of Rocklands. " In addition to fowls, ducks and cats, there was a fine lot of pigeons and canaries, and the section of the show devoted to cookery looked very nice.

The show was fomiallr opened at 1.30 p.m. by Mr J .E. Goodwin president, -and Mr T. Buxton M.P.. each of whom spoke briefly and to the point, in support of the poultry industry, and wished the newly-launched society in Fairlie, the fullest possible measure of success.

At a- later stage, the committee hospitably .entertained the judges, and ▼isitors from a distance and nt this function Mr Buxton proposed the principal toast " Success to" the Fairlie Poultry Society." He did so in a most appropriate speech, and Mr Goodwin responded. The health of the judges was also honoured. Thev were —Messrs A. S. Palmer, G. H." Blair, J. Thomson, R. "Warrington, and AY. J. Andrews. A number of otlirr toasts were also honoured, and in the speech making, much was made hy Air Nimmo Scott (Crown Lands P. anger) and Mr- Brown (Government Poultry Expert) of the fact that poultry societies were now serving a much more ■useful purpose than formerly, in that they encouraged breeding for utility xather than for feather, which was as it should be. It was said however, that the English standard set up for judging, should he still further modified so that ridges in New Zealand could judge" still more from the utility view, noint. Air Thomson, of Timaru, as judge of the pigeons made a sug-

gestion that in future points prizes should be given for pigeons and canaries without specifying any particular breed. The toast most heartily honoured was that of the promoter of the show many complimentary references being made to Mr France, as the alpha and the omega of the whole thing. Prizes were offered for the best essay on poultry, by school children, and the two best essays were read at the show yesterday afternoon. There were 22 competitors, and of these, Miss C. Stevenson, of Skipton, was placed first, and Miss Dines, of Kimbell, second. The show was well attended yesterday afternoon and again last night, the fadications being that it has come to Ray.

The following is the prize list: — Game—Pile hen, A. J. Chalmers 1. Langshans—Black hen, A. S. Smith 1 and 2; black cockerel —A. S. Smith 1; pullet—A. S. Smith 1. OrpingtonsBlack cock.. T. Fox 1. 11. Welch 2; lien, 11. "Welch 1 and 2; cockerel—T. Fox 1, J. Tindall 2: pullet, \Y. Wade: bull" cockerel, G. Albert 1, AY. J. Andrews 2; do. pullet, G. Albert 1 and 2, J. Ansley 3; white cock, white hen, white pullet, and white cockerel. AY! B. North 1 and 2. AYyaudottes— Golden cook, lien, millet and cockerel, "\V. Buist ], YV\ F. Hamilton 2, in each class. Mr Hamilton also took third in the latter class. Silver cock —Mrs G. -F. Martin 1, AY. J. Smith 2; hen.. ¥. L. McGregor 1 and 2, AY. J. Smith 3; cockerel, J. H. Shaw 1 and 2. Mrs G. F. Martin 3; pullet, F. L. McGregor 1 and special, and 2, v.h.c, li.e., A. Robertson h.c. AA'hite cock —.). Bairi 1. G. Revnokls 2, B. McKni'dit 3, AY. J. Giddings v.h.c: hen, G. Reynolds 1, 2 and 3; F. L. McGregor vhc; cockerel. G. Revnolds 1, 2, 3 and special. 8.. MeKnight h.c.; pullet, G. Reynolds 1, 2 and 3. Partridge cock—F. It. McGregor 1, F. A. Joynt 2; hen, F. A. Joynt 1 and special, F. L. McGregor 2 and 3; cockerel, F. L. McGregor 1 and 2; pullet, F. L. McGregor 1, 2 snd 3. Minorcas —cock, J. Tindall 1 and snecial, S. R. Burns 2: hen. J. Tindall 1 and 3, S. R. Burns 2: cockerel, S. R. Burns 1, J. Tindall 2 :nd v.h.c, G. Freeme 3; pullet, S. R. Burns 1 and 2 and v.h.c. J. Tindall 3. Leghorns—White rock. Thomson Bros. 1, T. E. Skinner 3: hen, C. E. Butcher 1, Thomson Bros. 2, AY. Hall 3: cookirel. Thomson Hros. 1 and 2 and snecial. J. France 3: millet, Thomson Bros. 1 and 3 AY. Hall"2: brown cock. J. H. Shaw 1. AT. C. Lillico 2. J. 'l'. S+noles S; hen. J. H. Shaw 1, AY. C. Lillico 2; cockerel, -T. H. Show 1 nml 3 and snecial. AY. Goodman 2: pullet, J. H. Shaw 1. AY. C. Lillicn 2. J. T. Stanles 3; black hen, T. AY. Ker 1. B. MeKnight 2; o""kerel T. AY. Ker 1 and snecial, Nimmo Scott 2, B. McKni<rht 3: nullot. Xfrnmo S-ott 1, T. AY! Ker 2,8." MeKnight 3. Hamburgs—Cockerel, AY. Goodman 1; millet, W. Goodman 1 and 2; cook and pullet, F. Pearson 1. Ttdity Class (judged on American standard)— J. Franco (TYhite Leghorn cockerel) 1 and snecial. T. E. Sknner 2, H. Thomas 3. Ditto for nullot. O'Tonle and Nolan 1 and 3, T. E. Skinner 2, J. France I v.h.c. Bantams —Black rose-combed cockerel and pullet—S. R. Burns 1 : Japanese, Thomson Bros. 1 for cock and hen.

Novice Class (for purebred poultry), open to exhibitors who have never won a first prize at any previous show)— Cock or cockerel, A. Stewart 1, S. Dale 3, J. E. Doolan v.h.c.: hen or pullet, S. Dale 1, J. E. Doolan 2, B. McKnight 3 Selling class—Cock or cockerel, AY. Goodman 1, S. Dale 2; hen or pullet, F. L. McGregor 1, S. Dale 2. Selling class (not to exceed £2 each)— F. L. -McGregor 1, \Y. E. Jones 2 and 3.

Ducks.—Aylesbury drake, A. Bain 1 and 2; duck, A. Bain 1 and 2. Indian Kunner—drake. T. J. Caskev 1. Mrs E. Caskey 2. Duck, AY. Bain" 1, Mrs E. Gask'ey 2. Pckin—Drake, M. Goodwin 1, AN". Bain 2; duck, Goodwin 1 and 2. AY. Bain 3. Buff Orpington—Drake, AY. B. North 1 and 3. H. Judge 2; duck, AY. B. North 1 niid 2, H. Judge 3. Am- varietv—Drake, A. G. Smith 1, E. A. Koliinson 2.: do. duck, A. H. Smith 1 and "2, E. Robinson 3.

Pigeons.—Pouter, T. Segar 1 and 2; long-faced bald, NY. Eraser 1 (in two classes'); long-faced beard, AA'. Eraser; ditto (rung), AY. Fraser 1 : long-faced black self. AY. Frasor 1, C. A. Alarum 2: ditto, self red or vellow, AA". Fraser 1. C. A. Mnhan 2: do. any colour, AY. Fraser 1, C. A. Malum 2: black, mottled, or rosewing. AY. Fraser 1; do. rung. AY. Fraser 1; long faced clean legged. AY. Fraser 1, ditto. rung, AY. Fraser 1 : muffed, cock or hen, T. Segar 1 : do. rung. T. Segar 1; any other variety, C. A. Mnhan 1. Fantail*—AYhitc cock, b-n. mid rung bird. T. Segar 1. Magpies—Black cock or hen. H. Fmslie 1 ; ditto rung, AY. Fraser 1: any other variety, 11. Emslie 1 ani 2. and first for best nigeon in flin show. Owls—C. A. Mahan 1. Fly ; nz homers —certified to have flown 300~ miles. T. G. Malcnlms'nu 1. T. flown 300 miles, T. G. Maleolmson 1. C. E. Butcher 2, T. Segar 3; cock or

lien tj have iiuwn 150 miles, T. G. Malcolmson 1, T. beyar 2, C. E. Jiuu.-her 3; ditto, to iiiiw. uown IoJ luuos.'T. fcegar i; most likely liver, 'J'. C. Mateolmsun l| J. .-<egar H ;iiul it. Selling class, 1. Segar I. Homer TiamV class, T. G. Malcolmson J; champion teams' class, K. Elm>lie 1. Canaries (Cayenne fedj Yorkshire clear yellow, ckar ouh, iicked, Norwich variegated, J. Hall, 1 m each case. (Non-Cayenne fed) \ oikshire ticked -Mrs J Lyiand 1 ; Norwich clear yellow, J. Hail 1 and special; J. Caskey 2, Mrs Coombs, it; .Norwich ticked yellow-, J. Hall 1; Norwich clear bufi, E. A. Bennetts 1 and 2; do. variegated, E. A. Bennetts 1, 2, and 3; do. clear or grey crested, J. Caskey 1, Mrs Coombs 2. Goid finch mule, Mrs Coombs.

Cats —Long haired cat E. MaeDonald 1 and special, Letitia. Murray 2. Short haired cat. ]!. Murray 1, May Kobinson, t. Heaviest cat, 11. Murray 1.

Miscellaneous —Girdle scones, Mrs A. Kennedy 1, Mrs G. Giddings 2. Mrs T. Toms vhc; oven scones, Mrs A. Kennedy ], Mrs L. Phillips 2, Mrs Sauudeis: vhc; fruit cake, Mrs G. Giddings 1, Mrs G. Dickson 2. Mrs 11. Saunders h.c: seed cake. Mrs C. McCullounh 1. Mrs G. "W. Dines 2, Mrs G. Giddings v.h.c. : sponge cake. Miss L. "Welsh: oat cakes, Mrs McCuliough ], Mrs Giddings v.h.c; shortbread, "Mrs Toms 1, Mrs McCuliough h.c; marble cake. Mrs G. \Y. Dines 1 : sponge roll, Mrs G. Dickson 1; sponge sandwiches. Mrs A. Kennedy 1, Miss "W. Giinn. 2, Mrs Dines v.h.c. ; hens' oegs (brown) Mrs G. Dickson 1. Mrs ][. Saunders 2. Master McCuliough h.c; do. (white"), Mrs McCuliough "1. Gilbert McCuliough 2; duck eggs, Master McCuliough 1, Mrs McCuliough h.c; home-made lnnf. Mrs A. Keni nedy 1, M"rs G. McCuliough h.c; plain ! separator butter. Mrs G. Giddings 1, Mrs Dines 2, Mrs McCuliough v.h.c. | Miss N. Bain h.c.

Tlie president's cup, value £3 3s, for best bird in the sUow, went to Mr F. L. McGregor, for ;i very fine silver laced wyjuutocte hen, Other special prizes, lor most points. Merc won us iollows, the prize in each ease being £3, vo be won twice by the same exhibitor before becoming tn-j property of the winner:—Orpingtons, \V. B. North; AYyaudottes, G. Reynolds; Leghorns, Tnuinsoii Bros.; Miuorcas, S. It. Burns: pigeons T. Segar and 11. Emslie tied; canaries, E. A. Benn-jtLS. The following U'eii special prizes value £l Is iind ids (xl each, straight out: Best Minorca. J. Tindall, best cockerel in show J. 11. Shaw, btvst pullet F. L. McGregor, most points in utility class O'Xoola and Noian, best Orpington V.'. B. -North, best Wyandotte 1. L. McGregor. best Lignoru, Thomson Bros., beat pigeon Yn'. Goodman, hist caiiarv J. l-lafi, best silver \\yandotte !■'. L* McGregor, best Golden AYyanOottce AY, iiuist, besD white AYyandutte G. Reynolds, best Partridge AYyandotto F. L. McGregor, best white Leghorn Thou.soii Bros (2 special.-.). black Leghorn T, W. Ker, best brown Leghorn J. H. Shaw, best duck cr drake M. Goodwin, most points in cookery Mrs McCullough, best cockerel (utility class) J. France., exhibitor with most entries in hird classes F. L. McGregor, best white Leghorn cockerel Thomson Bros, most points in novice class S. Dale,

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14210, 26 May 1910, Page 6

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FAIRLIE SHOW. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14210, 26 May 1910, Page 6

FAIRLIE SHOW. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14210, 26 May 1910, Page 6