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As it is impossible to raise a team. th§> tennis match. Wesley v. Civil Service,will not take place to-day.

For the X.Z. statutes (botiwb from 1876 to 1907. the highest tender recervedby the Waimate ' Borough Council''was 10*. It was decided not to sfclltWrider one- pound for the lot.

•At the Waimate Police- Court on Wednesday, before Mr .1. Sinclair. .1.1*., a. first offender was fined "« for drnnfcpnn#ss. The next sitting of the Stipendiary Magistrate at Waimate is postponed to Tuesday, at '2 p.m . A~ meeting of 'the, Waimate Domain Board was held on Tuesday night. The eaireiakcr of Knotting'.*' Park asked for. assistance, aud it was decided to teav«* to,Mr Sanders (chairman) to get a suitable man temporarily. Accounts. C6-is 4d, were passed for payment. Toe Timaru Bowling Club are sending* twelve players to Qamaru to-day to-,-play against the Phoenix Club. The following arc the players:—Messrs White, GabitAj, Partridge, Bruce, Coartw. - Oddie, Morgan, Godfrey, Harrison, Coxhead, Priest and Moyes. |*nelain:ed letters are lying at the Tiniaru Post Office from the I'nited Kingdom for Dr George Lvon, Rutter. T. Tucker, Joo Taylor, Frank Morgan, and Wm. Taylor, all Timaru; and for George Todd, Fairlie. From Canada, for Herbert-Roebtn. From New South Wales, tor F. J. McCarthy, Timaru. The South Canterbury Pipe Rami (nnder Pipe-Major .1. McGregor), assisted? by the Timaru Marine Band <miiteivConductor H. Mayo>, will give a grand Scottish open-air concert in Caroline Bay rotunda thus evening. A collection will be taken up in aid of the contest fund, anil it is to be hoped that the public will respond liberally. as a good sum ts still required to enable the band to compete at the contest :it Wanganui, which takes place in .lanu- i ary. The pipers have In'en practising ossiduoosly during the past three mouths, and they can *>e relied on to do their best. A novelty in hand music will be provided by the Pipe Band and the Marine Band, who will play a combined piece, "The Bonnie Woods «' Craigielea" (music- specially arranged by Mr H. Mayo). Given a line night, no doubt there will be a large attendance. The hand* will march from Gabttes' corner at 7.*?"* and 7.40 p.m. respectively. Parihska, the once famous Taranaki native village, around which, such a fiere** light was wont to beat in the days of the zenith of Te Whiti's influence, is now a greatly changed place. Since the death of Te Whitr, tin- natives, no longer subject to the masterful domination of -the prophet.*" have become accustomed to individual freedom, and the general result, so a recent visitor informed an Auekland "Herald" representative. is a very great improvement on the old order of things. The Maoris ap'war to U* more industrious, and those who are receiving rents for lands owned by them, are in many cases applying the money to the improvement of the holding* "on which they reside, whereas formerly, a great deal of the money was handed to Te Whiti. The work of the Young Maori party has had a great influence for good on the native. and tin- -ministrations of the Rev. R. Heddou. of flawvra. and the Rev. I. G. Hammond, of Optmake tl-oth «>t whom periodically visit P.irihaka). havealso lieen att. tided with Unet,. lal resuits. " Keep moving!" The X.Z. *'' x press Co. are always moving. They move furniture, etc. to any address in the shortest possible time, in the most careful manner, and at the lowest possible cost. Parcels delivered anywhere. Importers relieved of Customs worries. Tourists' and travellers* baggage looked after and transported from plat-.' to plait*. Write, eall • r wire, and prompt attention awaits you. Branches throughout New Zealand. Address <all towns) " Kxpn-55."...

\V> be« to remind otir readers that at this season of the year Baxter's Dranpe Qttinino should be in every household. For thoso who suffer from loss of appetite, it act* like a charm. One bottlo will convince you of its strength RMriajs properties. Brio* '2* fid from J. Baxter. Chemist and Photographic Dealer, Timarn...

Vim leihn* Cr«"ara am! wmtch yonr ikin grow ckirvr. Ilrea*«!e«*, inowy, do Itcumslj ««yßt«nl, it is trV only cream which "ke*p* the akin in ton* a* Narow intended. In pM*. 2k 6.1. 3s 6.1 and 8s 6*l. post tnt, tn:>m J. Baxter, cbemirt. Timarn. ...

Any angler to be really eucressful and happy should purchase Hardy's cflleoratcd fishing tackle, ono of Ww«i latest pipM and a shilling! worth of Rancitata tobacco mixture. He will then catch heaps of trout; and th» k»tihk of them away v»U him as much pleasure as 11.0 catching- A ■ptendid stock of ahev*< roo.!* at Tasker's Sporting Depot. T.tnarn...

So old-wnrid wicivm ha* !>••■ Rrvrwler ?kia that «! Mi*" I^' ! * Marand* Sh.» sanjj * Ri«ol«tto" WUhoat a fOitetto, A champion Binder they braml htr! No Toie» coalJ b« trn«r, Mor» cl«ar or mor» par* pmnist CttwO-

The reeepits at the Canterbury Association's Metropolitan Show last month totalis! £29OM 4s 2d. and the expenditure £MW» £lSs hi'leaving a er.niit balance of £919 Gs -Id.

It would appear from evidence" giv.n in the District Court here yesterday. that allege*l slander c:;ses were quite the order of the day in Waiinate a few months back. One witness «,aid that they were as thick :is scarlet fever cases, and another, that there was always trouble in Waiuiate. and one had to lie very careful what he said there. His Honour. Judge Haselden. remarked that he hail heard too many eases of this description lately.

In connection with waste of water in Waimate Borough it was pointed <>nt at Tuesday's meeting of the Council that at night the pressure gauge usually at !»l to Jmillrs—- went down as low as 551 bs. This was largely caused by garden hose* being kept going all night, hence the necessity for strict enforcement of the bye-law. It would lie a serious moment in case of an outbreak of fire, as reduced pr.-s-ure would only slipply one jet instead of three, which could he metl under the full pressure.

The usual fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Timarti Lodge," 1.0.0.r*., M.U., No. 5308, was held in the lodge room last evening. Bro. Simpson presided. The sick visitors" report was received. A communication was received from His Worship the Mayor in regard to the jubilee demonstration to be held on January IG, and in consequence of this two delegates were appointed to the committee, and it was decided to take part in the celebrations. One candidate was initiate*! into the *.«;• r. The receipts for the evening totrfntd £»2 19* 2d.

The fallowing paragraph from an Aberdeen paper may interest friends in Tituaru. where Miss Tavlor resided many yean,:- -Miss Taylor. Ahcrdeenwho exhibited at the Franco-British Exhibition, an exquisitely carved oak case for a grandfather's'clock, which has previously been described in these columns, has been awarded the diploma for silver medal in the Department of Liberal Arts in which her work was placed. The judges who made the award were chosen from France and* England, and those who had the privilege of viewing the result of .Miss Taylor's skill will rejoice at the distinction conferred upon the artist." For their annual lathes' flay, which takes place this afternoon, the committee of the Ttntaru Rowing Club have drawn up a most attractive programme. A novel feature will be the race between the ladies' crews which have been training consistently during the last few weeks, anil between which there is great rivalry. Another feature which should arouse considerable interest will lie the race between crews representing kindred sports. Tlje christening of the club's new boats will be performed at 2 p.m. A 50 yawls' •winiriitng handicap bis attract ed a larr/e entry. The launch Elsie Evans will make trips round the harbour, while the motor-boat Maseotfe will also lie available for the convenience of the club's friends and patrons, to all of whom the T.R.C. take this, opportunity of issuing a most cordial invitation.

A good deal of time was spent at the District Court here yesterday in getting from witnesses a definition of the term "to have" when used in the sense that one man would try to "have" another. Some witnesses said that' it meant one thing and sonir* another. .Mr Jordan asked His Honour to rule that the word in the form in which they had liefore them was not used in its ordinary English meaning, but His Honour declined to do this, saying that he woiil.l leave it to the jury to ft.rm their own conclusion as to the meaning of the word as they had it in the present case. The Judge added that it was ready a slang wort I as they had it. used in the same way that a person might say they "do" you well at a ■ertain hotel, when In- wanted to convey an expression of satisfaction. Mr Raymond jocularly added that there was no suggestion of his client having "done" anvbodv in this case.

Tito secretary for tho Marino Engineers' Institute (Mr A. K. recently toured tho South Islam!, for the purpose of establishing an auxilary branch «»f the" ahvoe-named institute, the object of which is to further tho interests of engineers who have serve! an apprenticeship an<l are working ashore. Mr Hislop has l>een very successful in bringing this mater before the engineers in the various towns ho visited, including Timaru. where n meeting was held last Tuesday evening. A number **f new moml>ers were present, and Mr I{. It. Douglas, an old mettdter of the Marine Institute, explained various details in connection with tho branch. Thus lieing the first meeting since Mr Hislop's visit, the prospects are favourable for a good membership and future progress. Mr A. Lamb, of Timaru. a marine ongin-i-er with goc-d experience, was elected secretarv.

Mr L. 11. .lames, chemist, has lieen appointed sole agent in Timaru i« r '•The Yei-d.-e." a small hand-|>ower machine for vibratory massage. The Veedee thrills new life ami energy into you, ami doubles your power and pleasure in living. It is good for rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, headaehes, ami all nervous affections. Full particulars obtainable from Mr .lames, chemist .Timaru. ...

.lust landed, a big shipment of ladies' dark tan hoots and shoes. Souter's depot. Ladies' dark ton glace kid strap shoes iu twin, triplet. < ross and trilby bars. Also dark tan glace kid lace and button shoes, and Gimson tie shoes, in round toes, medium toes, medium pointed toes, and pointed toes. We will make a window display of ladies' tan wear in our ladies' window. Souter's direct importing boot depot... Embrocations ami liniments won't cure Bheumatism. Gout, Lumbago or Sciatica. The cause of the trouble is in the blood —uric acid —and the only possible cure is to eradicate this poison. HIIECMO does this, and does it thoroughly. ThousamLs who once suffered have fteen restored to health by IUIF.FMO. All Chemists ami Stores. *_'s fid and Ss M...

The I'J 14 De Diem chassis which was mentioned in our columns sometime ago, as arriving in Timaru and then driven to (.'hristchtirrh t<> hav.» a l»ody fitted, ha* iast Itcen linished and is pronuomvd hy experts in Christchurch and eU»»wher<* to lie the finest machine in New Zealand. The body i<? designed for two |M-i>ple and is fitted with wind -. r. .1! and h.nid. There is ftl*o a rompartment at tlie rear providing ample -p.... f,» rail I»i:;:a::.*. etc, r- -quired on a Urn; journey, nideae... reorders. ,{>.-. ift.niei.-r*. oil and wat« r ranges i-t.-. an- fitte<i. X.i expense ha«s l>een spared in makini; evervthm;: :e« perfect as possible. You .-an tell exaetlv the distan.-»« covered, also the sp< ed in miles per hour for any journey. The painting i* of an eau-de-nil creen picked out with dark tureen mouldings and lines, and t'iV.-H the machine a very striking arnl artistic apj>earance. The motor was driven through from Christchurch v.-ferdav and . r.-ated a ::«<od i.iinrcr.-

-.ion ri-ht throtj-h the ioiirJicy : the .•iiitin.-, a-; usud in all De Dioa tars, ritiinun: like a sew in;: machine. The car wdl ho on view at Sl'-rtes at id 80. kaert'-s e ;in ,.. ( . f,. r :i i". w days U-fore l» nut d.liv.r.d t<> its (.wr.r John Burkiev K-sq.. of Oamaru...

The banks in South Canterbury will observe the Ifitli inst. as a special holiilav.

Nominations for tin- Fairlio Boxing Day race meeting lull due on Saturday next at 0 p.m. A meeting of the Timarii Power and Sailing Boat Club will he held at the Crown Hotel at 7.3d this evening. The annual meeting of the Political Labour 1-eagne will lie held in the Woolhoinlx' Street Hall at S o'clock this evening. The Ashburton schools had arranged to picnic on Caroline Bay to-day. but if the morning is as wet as last night the excursion will l>e likely to he a failure. • On account <>f the wet weather which prevailed last night, the officials of Trinity/ rose show decided to extend the time for receiving entries up to half past 10 o'clock this morning. A good many entries were in last night, a large proportion of them coming from other centres between Christchurch and Dunedin. The garden party to l>e held this afternoon in the Temuka Park promises to be a great success. Speeches will be delivered by tiie Hon. J. A. Millar. Minister of Labour, Sir W. J. Steward and Mr Craigie, M.P's., and Mr F. 11. Flatman. In all probability Mr T.; K. Taylor. M.P.. of Christchureh, will arrive by the second express. A presentation will !>o made to Mr Thos. Buxton, M.P. Various displays will bo given by the school pupils, and music will be supplied by the Temuka Baud. In the event of the weather proving unfavourable, the gathering will lie held in the Drill Shed.

District Judge Uaselden has not apparently a very high idea of the principle adopted by at least one local liody of South Canterbury in letting a contract and then putting a man on it to work for them at the expense of the contractor. In the alleged slander case heard yesterday, His Honour said that in following this proceeding, the Waimate Borough Council had taken up an extraordinary attitude. He had never met with a case of the kind before, and in his judgment not one word could be said against the contractor (Mr Miles) for declining to pay the man put on his contract by the Council. He could not conceive how any sensible person could imagine that a contractor wonld pay a man employed by another party when there was no stipulation in his contract that he was to do so. Have you tried Router's 4 tins of boot polish for Is. It is the cheapest and best polish on the market. Money returned if first tin bo not satisfactory. Router, Live Boot Dealer... Superlative values in men's goods. Trade here and pay less for good goods. Everyone has something enthusiastic to say about them, such as natty styles, smart patterns, or splendid qualities. These terms apply in particular to our large antl varied as sortment of gent's shirts of all kinds, including men's tennis shirts, men's white shirts, men's mercerised tennis shirts, with or without collars, at Is 6d, 5s Gd, 5s lid each, gent's white •shirts, best qualities, at 5s Gd, 6s Gd, 7s fid, gent's neglige shirts, soft fronts, very comfortable tor summer wear, at os 6d, Gs fid, 7s fid, gent's striped tennis shirts, gent's cream tennis shirts, gent's white mat tennis shirts at 3s lid, 4s 6d, 5« Gd, at J. Irwin's clothing and mercery shop, Stafford street... The forthcoming visit of Melha, the' greatest Jyric artiste of the day, will mark an epoch in the history of music in the Dominion. The diva comes to us in the zenith of her career, and will leave us the remembrance of God's greatest gift—a beautiful voice. But this visit has another great signiInance. Madame' Melha will bring with her a beautiful Broad wood grand piano to lie used at all her concerts, thus emphatically demonstrating and endorsing the superiority of this greatest of nil English made pianos. As Christmas is approaching, many may hesitate ns to their choice of a Christmas present, hut the selection of a Broadwood or a Collard piano, the best two English built instruments, could not be improved nor equalled. The Dresden Co. are sole agents for both pianos, and also for the best German makers...

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. and Pearson — sale of timber on Saturday. C.F.C.A. —Entries for Tattersall's in Saturday. Bank holiday—ln Tiniaru on the 1 f»th inst. 11. Sominervilln —Headache euros, iiair restorer. Hibernian Hotel —Drinks for the festive season. Nora Dene —Special sale of millinery. Caroline Hay—Grand Scottish concert to-ni^lit. Alfred .J. Stephens—Suits for fit, style and satisfaction Tiniaru Power Boat Club —Meeting this evening. Parr anil Co.- Tenders for purchase and removal. Kairlic races- Nominations due on Saturday ijext. S.C. Hospital Hoard —Tenders f..r U«mhls and service. J. Radelilfe —Gift problems solved. At Howie's— Kitchen crockery for Xuias. Ned's botanic dispensary Cheap sale of soaps Keriiohan. McC.ihon and Co. — House to Jet. Ballaiityne and Co. Display oi Xmas ami New Year uiftv. Political Laln.ur Lea<ru» Annual meeting this evening. TeJilllka Road Hoard--'fell pT cent, to overdue rates. Trinity rose show —Entries till 10 a.T". t«.-dav. C Warhttrton —Goods for Christmas and New Year. .John Keinpthorne Land aiien!. Stafford street. Wanteds- Two notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13774, 10 December 1908, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13774, 10 December 1908, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13774, 10 December 1908, Page 5