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President and Judge, T. Tescliemaker; Vice-President) A. tS. Elwbrthy; Timekeeper, W. S. Lindsay; Clerk of Scales, J. Maze; Clerk of Courae, A. E. Kerr; Starter, C. N. Orbell; Secretary, C. Emtet Thomas; Assistant iSeeretary,. C. H. Gresson; Handicappers, E. H. Reid, 0. N. Orbell.

The South Canterbury Hunt must be a wry fortunate body lor they ■ could not have had a more succebsful steeplechase meeting than they had at the Washdyke racecourse yesUerday; everything was* entirely in favour of a good: day k sport—the weather was warm and sunny, the racing was particularly good,' the attendance of the public was gratifying in tlie extreme, —all manner -of vehicles, from a special well-filled train from Tirnaru; to motor-cars and house vehicles, having pressed into service to convey enthusiasts to tlie course. The recent rains had put the ground in first-class order, consequently tiie going was good, and when lit .is remembered that in. all the ' negotiating of hurdles and fences tdiere were only two spills (in both casts the same . rider coming: to mother earth]; and with, only one complaint against a jockey and all the horses out for the sUdses; it will be that the eport-lovmg portion of the conimuniy who visited Waslidyke were well rewarded and will no doubt , look back upon'yesterday's races wi t li many pleasant memories. It has ofilen been remarked that races for hunting, and steeplecha-oing horses do more good to encourage the breeding of a. cists of lioree fit for work, other thin racing than do the frail-looking, grey-hound' valiety that, is, used for nothing else but speed, - with a tendency to race ovef short uisvanees in-preference to long-ones. Whaf-. ever jjiay be the pros and cons of the question, the fact certainly remains that - the hunceiß who sponed silk yesterday looked a fine stamp and lib for anything, combining speed witli jumping ability and staying power. Ur. Ihontas' win of .the first race oii Brownliill was a veiy popular one and t-lie rid-tr was vociferously'cheered when lie returned to the* paddock. Another rider, to jump .'into popular favour was''Mr E. M. Hurdley, • who rodel Rosemom - in the Tally-H6 and. won easily. There was quite a • number of' othergood horses on the, course, several being .entered by i-be ElwortJiy Bros, "and by such wellknown sports as Messrs.J. O. N. Grigg,' G. E.. Kiiodts, :S. Irilford and various others.. During the aft/rnoon the Marine Band filltxl the air'with music and helped to still'more enhance the success of : the meeting. . Just- before 'the last race Mr T. Teschtmaker and Mrs A. S." Elworchy pre-! sented the cups-Arophitts- which. liad been won up w> "date and this little Jfuiiction give rite to some, well-deserved cheeking oi the winning riders.■.' The ,following are results':— .. , • .

OWNERS VP STEEPLECHASE; of 10 sovs and. a cup valued' at 5 guineas, and another at: 10. sovs; second horse 2 guineas j 2 miles. - - Dr C. E. Thomas' " br g Brownhill, aged, list . lolb (Chvner) 1 Messrs Elworthy Bros.' ch g Swagger, aged, 12st 31b (P. Elwortliy) .2. Mr E. M: Hurdely's ch ai.Rosemorn; . aged, 12st lOib, - '3' Torch, • Kauri and .Jack also started. The start was a good one for all horses except Jack, who was slo.w. to- move. At iiie first brush fence Torch fell and was put out of the race and Jack was not put over. The - race then looked like a duel between -Brownhill and ' Roscmom, but soon, latter: covering the first mile Swagger forged ahead and took- the lead for a. distance, but at - : tha Itop end was passed by Brownhill, who was. first over iihe last jump and. won by- a. length' in tine KoseiiLorn seemed out of condition and lost ground perceptibly at some of the bairiea-s, coming h'omfe three ' or four lengths behind fcwagger; but affair tustanee ahead of Kauri, • who ran in fourth. - Tune, 4min. 42 3-Seec.' ' HACK AND HUNIERS' HURDLE RACE; of 12 sovs, tecond horse 2 soys;- 1 j miles. : <'-■ Mr T. Leonard's ch g Leonardo,- (Par- •

kinson), aged, list 71b .......... 1 Mr J'.. C. ' N.-.-tfrigg's; ch . g Matamua, 4jrs, lOsfc-. 3ib jCoker)v.;. -2 LuDia,-. Anthony', and. Spray Bird also bui' ; the .iorm'er fell at the'second fence and the latter was distanced at; the finish. Anthony led practically the whole way, 'but' from-the! time' Liibra, fell he was close pressed: by' Leonardo and Matamua and when coming .into the straight on -{he home run Leonardo looked'"like taking-the lead. .He was jori the insidte running than, bub' Anthony crossed, in front of him and in consequence of this the stewards 'on •iheir 'ovm iniidafeive consideied ilie*matttr; in committee.. Their. dedision. was -to give the race, to Leonardoi with Matamua ; second,- but they did not "punish "the rider of Anthony. as -they • considered "his'action -unintentional.. Time; 3minl'-ssec.. ' HUNT ..ULUB SXEKi'LECHASE; - of 20 sovs and a. cup: valued at' 25 sovs and a trophy ot sgus; utcohd horse.'a. trophy 'oi sgi:s; ttrird • trophy ai 2giiiij 'about three miles.' MessM Elwortliy Bros."- b g Craigmore (P. Elworthy). aged, list 51b ...... . 1 Dr E„ C. - Thomas' br g Bi'owiihi.l (owner) aged,, list ?Xb 2 Messrs El.worthy Bros.', ch g . Comet : (H.-'Elwortliy) aged, 12st 3 . .The. pnlv. other. starter, -was-■ Butterfly, who fell at the first hurdle, ; aid though he got away, again and made, up a lot ~of ground,, he' was out-of the/race;' Craigmore led all the way, gradually increasing.: the, distance, ail the- time. ■ ( ,At 'the; first mile! the order woe Craig more," Comet ai)d BrownhiH, . but .BiwrahUl ; soon."raced into, second p.ace', and maintained, this position for the. list of the- way.. ■ Commg into the straight in the laet mile,, he: made .a gallant eifort •to gain: the . cup,- but ! was. beaten by seven or eight lengths. • Theiw was an even . greater bat-ween Brownhill and when tiw post 'was reached. ■ 'Time, 7min 12aec. HACK HANDICAPof 10 sovS ; second " ' horse, 2 soys from' '^he ; stoke; 6 furlongs. • • s . Mr G:' -E. Rhodes' blk g Braseiiceo

(Douglas)"4yrs, lOst sibl ( Jlr S.,'Tiilford's ch g ,CaJvmor (owner) 3yrs, list 51b ••••• 2 Mr O.' Connolly's b g Anthony (belwoocl) aged, 12st 3 Other, starters were Hector and Beeswax, Calvinor jumped oil emailly, and led the others' up to the top of the' straight, where lie was supp.aiiUkL for first piiice by Brasenos*!, wiio : galloped home in ; line style four or.-five : ' lengths away from anything else. Anthony was a,.'dozen; lengths behind Calvinor at the post. Time, lmin 23sec. TALLY-HO STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP ; of 2 60YB and a cup valued at lOgns; second 'horse, 3 bovs; about : two miles. • i Mr E.- M.- Hurdley'a . ch m Jlosentom , i . (owner) aged, l2st 31b 1 Meesis Elwortliy Bicu.' ch g Swaggt-r ' (P. Elworthy) aged, list- -91b ...... 2 Messrs Elworthy Bros.' br g Kauri (L. ,Orbell)aged, lOst 121b 3 Others to sport siiK.w'tw Wanganui and Mystery.. The race was an. exciting one, for ; though Kinrjtu>] u isiinp.y , cantered homo with half;a-dozeii lengths. to spar 6, elie'was in the ..rear throughout mofot ot the run, only pushing herself forwaid at he top of the straight. Hei nder lod© with commendable judgnient.; Wtinganui led away from the jump, but he proved ; too strong in. the inc.utii foi. h,s, was . difficult to control, and ran very, wide at a : hurdla opposite the- .stand. ; He .-was pulled up further, round, , m the . brcond mile. Mystery led for a short dusUulce in the straight then Wanganui, Swagger and Kauri lined' 'up with him and; the four kept well together . till; Wanganui with-

dl-ew. toil Hosemorti extended herseif. Kauri; ijwaggct-; and Mystery Were iii a biincli aii the poet, aiid it locked US though Mvskiv would ■stretch a neck and :ge!t in at.' ttfie Ihusll. Time, 4miii 46

LADIES' BRACELET,- of 10 sow; second hoise, 2 .'s'ovs from the stake; 1% miles.. . ! Mr T. Leonard's ch g Leonardo (Par-

kinson) aged, -list 21b 1 Mr C. Connolly's $ g: Anthony (Bealc) , aged, 13st 2 -Sir H, ElworthyV'Zither (owner) agtd i2st ..... 3

The other starters, were Torch, King of Trumps, Ronald and Hector. : At, the first fly past the post Hector and Anthony ■were leading and Zither was in the rear. Then the latter gradually overhauled the others, and he and Leonardo raced ahead. At the last turn air the top of the straight Leonardo was extended, and Zither gave way to Anthony, who finished second about four lengths behind Leonardo, Zither a street further back. : , Time, ssmin 59 3-ssec. .

ALBURY RACING!' CLUB.. The annual general meeting of the'- Albmy Racing uiud was licxii <-n 'Saturday.. last,, the president iMr J. S. lUuliertord) m the cnair. : xne. baianceslieeo showing a credit balance of ±JY6;wa=s piisseti, tiie position of luo ciiib being cpijbiilered very satisfactory. 'J. lie loilovuug oificem wtro appointed ior the eiii.uuig year : Patron, bir W. J. Steward, M-P.; prtbidem, Mr u. &. .Kullierioru; vice-presidents, Messrs D. Stewart, T. Simpson, G. LimbricK, G. T. Baker,- D. Aiigland, R. Irving, vy. Wreford,'±L T. Winter; judge, Mr G. T. Baker; cidrius of the scaleii, Sutherland and -VV'. R> Maekay; hamiicappcib, Mu&s B. R./ Macdonald -(gallops), A. C. ./Watson (trots); clerk of the- course, Mr'-E. ti. Rutherford; ; starters, Messrs B. R. Macdonald (gallops), H..'■ Nurse .(trots); time-kee_ptr, Alt -T. 'Simpson';." treasurer, Mr D. btewart; lion, surgeon, Dr Cfok; committee, ottiotHtsr-. ex olticio, Messrs' H. Nnrse, i\ Buckkv, E. Fedden, - W. 11. Mackay, G. Rowland, J. B. Wilson, H. Galleii-and; F. Wtiif ; stewards,' Messrs J. S. Ruthsrford, F: Feddcji, G.. Hayter, T. Simpson, D. Stewart, H. Nurse, J. B. Wilson-,' and F. Buckley; lion.-secretaries, Messrs G. G. Hayter and: H. ;Nurse.. The race .meting of' the club will be held on Wedflci/dny, Octi/ber tlhe 14tli • (Labour Day). The club Mhis 'year are catering for. the support of; .outside owners, antheir is! only one race, the Farmeiis' Plate, , confined | to 1 d:ist.ricthorses-. The Maiden Plate 1 lias -b en "omitted, and 1 a WeHer i Handicap of' oue-mile substituted. . Tiie programme, f r the, coming meeting com-' prises one hurdle race, three flat races, two trots, and the Farmers' Plate

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13660, 31 July 1908, Page 2

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SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13660, 31 July 1908, Page 2

SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13660, 31 July 1908, Page 2