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*■ Owin* to the muddv state of the grounds all" hockey matches for the Marshall Cup aKs-postponed till next Thursday. . \t Chalmers Hall to-morrow evening the Rev W: Hewitson, of Knox Vhnrch, Dunedin, will give an illustrated lecture on '"The Indian Mutiny." ...„-, „-Heavy rain-commenced to fall m beru»dihe<on Saturday last, and has continued with-but little/intermission .since. _ The Waihi is very swollen, and the mail coach, usable to go by tho usual route, has had take" the back road via .Raukapuka. -£*Qie'sky cleared yesterday morning, afteT , tie-Spell of Tain, and snowed the range* toVbe -seen, from Timaru, white <witb a A&gi: of snow. In tie aftemooii tha'sky , 'became overcast "again, and.' heavy clouds j banked ujT against the/bills once more. I lln&omiectian-with Wesley Guild, at the Wesley,, Hall this evening, Mr J. Fleming, whose abilities as an elocutionist are well know*;.will give a recital of Shakespear's test-items. There will also be- some good musical "items; an exceptionally interesting evening -is anticipated,; and >.a large \ audience » looked for. ; v " '- ' V,' The! cominftteef in,connection witn tne Timaru "Bines concert and dance were very, busy last evening putting tbe- finish touches on-the floor-and have-got it in firstAjass order. Mr * CoomDs'- orchestra has-been:engaged, and'Mr Bodgers is^tak-„ x ing.-charge of "the refreshment room. A very 'full- attendance is being looked for-ward-to". . ,'A meeting of ratepayers was neld in GBrisfcchurch-'on Tuesday evening, to enable the' Mayor to explain theproposal to borrow £17,000 for, the purpose of in-creasing-the. municipal electrical plant, and making !>' change from a two,wire to a three-wire transmission system. iThe Timaru "installationjis the 'ehree-wire system.) ( The: Mayor stated that the present plant is.."4>f 530-kil6watts capacity, and it was proposed to add 400 more; and that ths edarged jdant would yield a profit of J3400 "a year. r fit-spite of the heavy downpour-prg-viairig.- "there was a large gathering m the-Volunteer Hall, Geraldine/ on Tuesday evening, when Lieutenant Gresham. who has* recently discontinued, single blessedness, was.'*ntertained by his comrades their:-friends. ,A very pleasant' evening was spent/in dancing and other pastimes. After supper had been'disposed 1 of, Colonel MeKenzie stated tbafc the gathering had been-called .for the purpose of "showing their appreciation of Lieutenant Gresham's services to the company. *ie called upon , Captain Paterson, who presented the guest of the evening with a beautiful silver/ tea .service, and. in doinsr so spoke-in eulogistic terms of bis enthusiasm,' especially in the matter of rifle shooting, wjiich bad been the principal caura ot. tbe>high attainments of tbe" Geraldine Rifles, who I were second only to one corps in South ' Canterbury in shooting. Lieutenant Gresham had joined as a private nine years 'ago, and had worked himself up, to Ms present_position, and both he and Mrs Gresham would have their best wishes for"the future.-! Lieutenant! Gresham suitably" replied, .thanking them for the, handsome present and their kind wishes'. The following is the caste for the Ti- _, maru Operatice Society's forthcoming production, of Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opera "H.M.S- Pinafore," which will be staged next September:—Josephine (the captain's daughter), Mrs F. G. Wakerhamj Hebe, tSir Joseph's Cousin),, Miss Graham; LiUle Buiitrcup (-Mrs Miss Strachan; Sir Joseph Porter, K.C.8., Mr W. Jordan; CaptaijS Corcoran, Mr E. —4 Endd; Ralph Racksttaw (able seaman), > Mr-H. Bennet; Dick Deadeye (a marine monstrosity), Mr W- Foster; Boatswain, Mr H. Smith; Boatswain mate, Mf'T. Murphy; Sergeant of Marines, Mr J. Spaven; Larry Lightfoot (able seaman), Mt'W. Burns-; Tom Bowling (able sea-man),-Mr P. Foster; The Midshipmlte, Neville-Moore; Bugkr r 'A./Seagar. The admiral's sisters, cousins, and aunts, sailors, etc., will be represented by the Society's chorus of 50 voices. Mr Ellis Wood=is responsible for tbe musical direction -and Mr H. Webb for the chorus training.- The stage setting _of the old; fashioned man-o'-war will be complete in every w de£aiL as the nautical correctness of thM.qperais being 'kindly supervised by Captain, Clarkson. Everything pomrs to the Society's usual successful season. . . Winter has now set in in real earnest. We may expect-some rough weather tot the--next two months. Are you V™V"**l Are your boots damp-proof? If not, why not'..Good' tea l * ™ winter c d€ P enda npon a good pair of boots Souter s, Cookham House, are prepared to supply boots for Winter wear. ...

MR CHAPMAN WAS SCEPTICAL BUT M K U0 CURED HIM . MrT jVchapman is.well known in Nelson Read how RHEUMO cured him. a bit S« t reason that I did not try BH EU M°« nnta yon put the experience of others ™u know Snd the benefit tbey demed Tarn no longer a sceptic after what RTTRUMO has done for me. l "« SnS? in dwvht.i inmy »,-Engine Driver at Meesrs Gnffen and So, a I can »«*™f RHEUMO as a good remedy.—*. C ttJ?&* BHEDMO.wiII «« yaZ At all Stores and Chemists. &6d and 4s 6d...

THE BALTIC IS IHE PREMIER 1 - SEPARATOR. No separator can equal the BaiUc. Its neTpXple gives results far ahead o n «fh»rs Mr W- E. Alexamler, of SSSr «*4O gallons capacity »r two «a«n», and it has given every sat.sfacaeMons, ]Hfcla Bicllinei 2SJ-40 turn, takes* the full quantity Sed, very simple, and the upkeep for seasons has only been the cost of o.L Test* of skim-milk by the Factory Man- ._« have been under .02,, which I con■Jder'.must be a record for a hand ma(!_ine> MacEwen and Co., Ltd., Dune-im,-Sol» Agents.«

The - blind man McCarthy, alias McArthur, alias Mahier, is.-to" be./charged at the. Magistrate's Court this : morning under the Vagrancy .Act; The: man and his supposed wife intended leaving Timaru yesterday, and have left the cottage iu. '.which they, were, living. "From yesterday, till further notice the following prices/will be charged* by-the New Zealand. Flotumfllers' Association :r—-----Hour, per ton, £lO.-10s in sacks;-.-. 211 in 1001b bags; £ll 5s in 501b..bags; ,£ll 10s in 251b bags. Bran, £6'ss\ per ton; pollard £7, per ton. * ... ~./ '.. ' :Tlie. following'is Captain: Edwin's wea-; .ther" forecast upVto" '3 p.m. io-day:—- " Moderate .to strong northerly • winds; over the. North Island,* and southeasterly in the south; the indications .are for a continuance of the' cloudy , and unsettled weather/' •'"•-.' ■ ; ....,-;

; The; late rains-have again brought into notice a, defect in the surface drainage of the borough that ought to be remedied. .This ''is-: the wetting of footpaths by seep:age 'from, sections lying at higher ..levels than the." paths. The remedy wdnld seem" to- be simple enough—me. provision of. a drain.on the section side of the path. :.Mr E. G. : Shericker, of Sutton Farm, noted 12 day's with; rain,-, for June, .-the; fafl being 4.46 inches. On the last four' days" of the month the gauge rvtoraed 3.81 inches. Mr C. M. Tripp leports that the rainfall /at : Orari Gorge for June :; was 6.53 inches' Bain fell" on 15 days, 1 * the' heaviest fall being 2.18 inches on the 27th. (Saturday'last).".. L The weather at Fairlie cleared someivhat yesterday.' It was' very dreary looking when the coach left for - Pukaki, and tuie passengers, must have had an uncomfortable drive! The .river was-running, strong• mostly towards the. Mount Peel side. -The approach .groin".on that side had, a fair trial-; and : worked -well. The, bridge was. asifirm.'as'a rock. -'. .-At;last night's; meeting .'of. the -Waimataitoai: School ■'Gommiiee; it '-'■ was. 'reported that. Mr/Wood, ..the .headmaster,: |w;as/- ill; .'and.had that day been operated'npbhfor : tne:removal/*-.of .a growth, in-the. hose/ /He virill be absent from work .for a: week, /during which time Mr .Werry • will act. in and will be assisted: by a tem r -porary. teacher. . 1 -/• ■'■•'.' -A/case, of impudence occurred; between 1.30 and-2 p.m': -yesterday, [ when a motorist was -seen driving' his;. car • along, the;footpath -on"-the south//side,of .'th&-;Upper partiof :Wai : itUßoad,' and people .actnallyi had'.tp.-geb outof the, way Jum pass: .It- would do some goodi-ti- the an-"example of.":"fri/vijue' :Magistr^Vs'C^urt;f : /.',""'Tv - ;;: - ?•'■'.;.-?/. ;■ '} ,At yt^/in^tiflg/fof 3 1the /executive dt •' the . Orange/ lodges •. held in;.the. vPrinv ative Methodist Church it was reported by; the" several: committees, set t up' to arrange forvtlie^<!elebration,":.-,of; the-12th of..July, that- matters. were/well -vx- hand * aiid i *hap" Mr/K."-; Meredith ;of /Waimate would T take the' chair: ' The.ladies.lodge; sented by its principal officers and an'animated/talk; tewk /place over the-arrange-menta;--'- : ::;■■- ". „'""•/-' ■.'■.: .. '•'•'-'■'/'■;•!.■.■/

' Mr Montgomery, registrar, of electors for the Timaru electorate, ha 6 received the main roll from the Government ~ printer.. He .has also received Jrom other .registrars to strike off, a large number .of electors .who have Tgmoved districts since the main roll was compiled. On, the other hand, he is receiving applications for enrolment from newcomers and others, who will be put on a supplementary roll which Mr Montgomery anticipates will be prefcly/large. The following represent the Hibernians in their card match with the Druids at, Oliver's rooms (late Hislop's) to-night: Pearce, Mahoney, Sullivan,. Donovan, Sugrne, 'McCabe, Collins,- Kearns, McGettigan, Downes, Delurv, Jubb, Denneby,, Kelly, Niall, O'Leary* T. O'Connor, Stirling, Barber, Mara, Harding, Shanahan. The following team will play,. for ; the Druids: j Applegarth, Watson/ ( Lawson. Williams, Whitehouse, Goodman, Bennett, Boulden, Farrow, Curie, Kennedy, Scott, Davidson, Dixon, Muchmore, Watts, Hance, Hatha way, Dai by, Shewan, and Howard.

x Guard your anaemic young daughter' fromfutureill-health By-building up her strength to the -normal, condition of youthful • vigor. Stearns' . Wine will it—has done it for millions..-. Mena'-reliable "nailed shooters at'llpj»-6d per pair at S6uter'»," Cookham House. These ehooters are eojid, and give> excellent w-ear.' 'lhey are., made in'„ fJhristchurch. We conld sell shootem- cheaper if' we cared td stock, some makes, ,thaf> fall to pieces after a few weeks wear." We dim to supply a cheap boot that' will | bring "you back for another -pair. Your satisfaction brings us trade. Souter, Cookham House. ... Often one reads about wonderful performances by motor cars in Europe, wLere cbe road conditions ; lend themselves to such. . But nowhere were the fundamental qualities of motor cars so forcibly brought home as lately by the two best motor cars made in "the. world, the-De Dion and Darracq; for reliability/ speed and- everlas ing wear, .they stand alone; the following are the proofs: A little. 10 h.p. twin cylinder last'week ran from Invercargill to Dunedin and' back,. 300 miles in eleven hours, it made a perfect nonstop run on wet and bad roads, and. left far behind a car of another make of 16 h.p.; it is a world's record. Does this not show wonderful speed and reliability for a small runabout car. As for good wear the first 10 It.p. Darracq which was sold 2 years ago to a well'' known Waiinate farmer was overhauled lately, ind the owner will prove" that-not part was replaced, as act a sign Of,'wear tvas found anywhere. Again -we repeat" rhat~tbe Darracq and De Dion stand.alone and are unsurpassed. ... '

A large crowd visited the Dresden' warehouse on Saturday evening to inspect tbe magnificent' set of .HawkeV excelsior - sonorous clasa- A band instrnmen.s procured by tbe Dresden for the Timaru Marine Band, and every .connoiseur was loud in his praise of the most brilliantr set of instruments Oever brought into the Dominion. Fromf- the monster BBb brasses to the soprano 'cornet the admiration of., the visitor/was- unbounded The "exhibition will continue a few days longer, and at ihe same lime a sale of pianos and organs new and, secondhand will take place prior to stocktaking. In small goods, banjos, mandolins, violins, bagpipe requisites, 'accordeons, mouth organs, and violin requisites, a short sale at reduced prices will take place to-day and: continue until June 30th. Two splendid bargains, one a Smith American organ at. fifteen guineas and a fine harmonium at fourteen guineas, both secondhand, but-in fine condition will be offered to-day. Both these, instruments> are well adapted for a small church or school r00m...

Attention is called to tbe two .pound seventeen and six suit shop opposite the post office. Men are saying that their first roh turned out so well (in fact wen surprised at the value of same) so have bad another suit made which » if anything better" than the first. The -quality, of the material and the fit it above all expectations. You can save from thirty to forty •billing* on your next suit, by dealing, with Alfred J. Stephens—bia underwear and clothing is splendid value, also;' come and inspect his stock, the suite are absolutely Zymole Trokeys will stop that hacking cough and restore your voice to its natural tone. They are the greatest throat relief on the market...

When autumn comes with golden ripening sheaf, With glow'ring skies, and days becoming brief, If from asthmatic pains you'd find -relief Take Woods' Great Peppermint" Cure. When Winter's chills are at our- very door, '' "' '' ' i And daily falls of rain give mud galore, rfconseuqential ailments you'd ignore, Take Woods* Great Peppennint Cure..*

1 St. John's Royal"Arch Chapter hold' a regular convocation this evening ■■ for installation ,and investiture. The Chapter will be tykd'at half-past "7 o'clock. Visiting companion's are cordially invited. The Stratford Borough Council h^ ; resolved to take steps to approacli .the 'Stratford Electrical. Supply : Company with .a, . view to riegotiations -being entered ." f«r/ the acquisition of. the company's 'undertaking aiid plant. - .-;'•' - : - At-the Timaru Post !office, letters for ,the, ; undermentioned persons are*, awaiting . . claimants :—rFrbni the United/Kiiigjdonv-T--\V. H. .Summers./J. iSouth : : W^es4^i«yß-'^'Uyr'v!3v :o - f Shfimpton ; from Victoria—Mrs. A. 'Putt, •J;; Casey.; From - the United Ginders.,: These. ..letters:..... are'- variously addressed ' to'.: Timaru, V Waihiate and Tejnuka.. , i.;->v ';..' .;-/:■-■':- rvi. - ->>■ -"/-'-V'' : ■- •

- Mr. C. 'A. ';Wfay,. S.M.y sit'tingf in. civil jurisdiction ■:;; yesterday, -gaye y-judgmint for plainiiffs; byldefaulti'/in/thei;;following.' cases:—Priest and" Holdgate v 'Agnes Childs, claim 5s cocts, of. an action, same v. George Wrrgtit, •claim £55. 8s and costs, 30s, same v. J.vMcSweehey,' claim 15s and : 5s of/ an".• action, ...Skeates./ and ; Bookeart v;' P. : "'E. Thoreaii, : /:clftm^lis'fc6s't^:bT'. : an. v act T ' ion/'/. ■-.'-.■■. "Tj:' : '. : .;.. '..:'.':'.. : ' ; -:'' V" ■•:■:'.

A good idea of the remarkable development which has taken place in (dairying in the North Island during the last few years is conveyed by fact that whereas the North Island shipped more than double the value of butter and cheese exported from the South Island seven years ago, to-day this island's exports are just four times the value of those of the Souths In 1901 the value of dairy produce exported from the North Island ports was £216,353, while the value of that exported from Southern ports was £88,,453 For the year ending in April last tha figures are:—North Island, £426,772; South Island £116,101

Coughs and colds are very .prevalent just-now and James's compound glycerine arid linseed is the best preparation for them, one dose gives relief, a few doses invariably cure coughs, colds, bronchitis, influenza, hoarseness; difficulty of breathing and aU .disorders of the throat, lungs and chest due to cold. Glycerine and linseed is pleasant to take and can be procured for & a bottle from - Leonard R..James, Family and Dispensing Chemist, Timaru... <

w TUSSICURA (Wild Cherry Balm) never 'fails to give relief in cases' of stubborn coughs and-cold, catarrh, N etc Golf and hockey, players "will be interested to know that they can get drivers, brasseys,, cleeks, irons, .putters, mashies.-v. shin'guards, guard rings, and balls of allkinds at Francie Tasker's Sporting, Depot, Timaru...

About Clothes—and where to get your next Suit.—lt is quite possible that .you have not fully decided where to get your next suit made. If so, we beg to remind you that we make suits to raeasuie —fit guaranteedV-of the l best Colonial worsted and woollen suitings .-« cannot excelled for quality, workmanship, and price. Why: pay five pounds for » suit of clothes when we can make you a suit of Ihe ver/ best materia], well-made and "perfect fitting guaranteed, for 50s, 555, 60s, 655, 70s, at "Irwin's !Drapery and' Clothing- Shop, Stafford' Street '(next According/to the opinion of many doctors in New Zealand, that' dreadful scourge Consumption has obtained a strong hold in the Dominion, and "anything that will tend to counteract jt« I terrible, ravages should be, welcomed as, a boon and a> blessing to mankind. It is well known Ihat a slight cold, neglected in its earlier slaves, is frequently the precursor of phthisis, and many a valuable life could have been saved had an eftectnal remedy been applied' before th& disease had rstab lished itself, in the'-system. Such a remedy is in TUSSICURA, and th 4 injj&m^a.ble.,.teSt l inonials received by inventor-'of this preparation, which has earned a, f world-wide reputation, proved'' it is ji ceriaih cure for alL' puhnonaiy complaints, i A dose of this mixture- administered when a is suffeimg' from .a bad , cold or, a harassing 'not only give' instant relief, but will afro strengthen .the /ocgans affected,"tbiis preventing more serious Irpnble in the "future.' - Prevention is better,than cure, and for this reason no household should ba without a bottle of TUSSICURA, as its timely administration will obviate suffering in after life and preserve the constitution from disease. One feature .of .-the ..preparation should not be overlooked —namely, that it is applicable to both adult and- the infant, all that is , »ary 1 adjustment of the dose to ihe according' to tbe directions.' TUSSICURA is obtainable from, all chemists and medicine dealers throughout the Dominion. ...

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . Gumnees and LeCren —St. Andrews sale,, to morrow,; farms for sale. ' v N.M. and A. Co. —Clearing"-sale, St.. Andrews, 14th inst. \ CF.p.A. —Entries for Tattersall's, .Saturday. - -•Commissioner of Crown Lands—Election member of Land Board. T. and J. Thomson —Premises closed today to arrange 6ale. ' Mark'- Higgins—An offer of no error. Impounded—Bullock and bull at Burke's- Pass. - _ * C. Bowker—Houses-iand 'farms for sale D.» Mahoney—Handy farm !for sale.. Cowan's Clothing House—Suits for boys. , , - Wesley Guild—Literary meeting, ; this evening. ■/• -

Railway employees—Annual ball, on Thursday next.' ', Foofball-4-Athletic and Caledonian ih» "day., _ , - * Assembly Rooms—Social, on July 9th. Theatre Royal—*'A Royal Divorce," this evening. Levels. "County Council—Notice i tion Timaru l Poultry/Show—-Aiij union, winning numbers. ' ' -." *■'' ** McGrue'r, Davies and..Co.i—Stocktaking, 6alejnow on. ' , . ",\i v A, Fraser—Prices of » v anti rings.'' "'■»*' ** - '•'.'»>*'>'"■' "' - * Wotton and\Co. —Costumes in London and Paris fashions. , Wanteds—Four notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13636, 2 July 1908, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13636, 2 July 1908, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13636, 2 July 1908, Page 5