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HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR ' COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMfi,' JLND COM SUMPTION, HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness Pain or Soreness in the Chest.' experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to.become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been- properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken a the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. nruiAnr i a remember That every disease has its commencement, DIWAHI OF COUCjirio ! AND consumption is no exception to this rule. . BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA. A Sydney Resident Suffered for Over Sixty Years. So bad he dared not stir. Relieved in a few minutes by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. Would give £SO for the same benefit rather than suffer. Mr. \V. G. Hearne. D*.ar Friend,—Chronic, Bronchitis I had from birth, and I am now 66 years old. Some time back I contracted Asthma, and for months I was so bad-that any remedy that had previously relieved smothering was of no use to me! I was so bad that I dared not stir, and spent the worst night I ever had. When in a conversation, Mr. March; j. P., of Baimain, Sydney, kindly told me tiiat a friend of his was using your Bronchitis Cure, and that it was good.: So my sister bought me a bottle of it, and in a few minutes after taking the first dose I could breathe a little. The next day I was better, and kept getting better every day. To-day I am better than I have been for the last seven years. I took the medicine as directed, six bottles, and it cost me less than £l. I would give £SO for the same benefit tather than' suffer ass I did. Please make what use of this letter you think fit. If by so doin it would only cause one'to get rid of this fearful complaint.—Yours faithfully, WILLIAM CAN HAM. icß Curtis Road, Baimain, Sydney. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. Its Efficacy in Chest Complaints Testified to . by a Grateful Victorian. Mr. W. G. Ilearne. Dear Sir, —I have much pleasure in adding ray : testimony in praise of your invaluable Bronchitis Cure. I have used it for the last three or four years,' and its efficacy I have fully proved in common colds, severe colds, croupy coughs, and' other similar chest complaints. I have given it to infants a;few weeks old, young children and adults of all ages, and have never kiiown it to fail in relieving at once, and rapidly effecting'.a cure; with a few doses. I have recommended it to many of my friends, and thev have fully proved its wonderful curative properties. I ieel very grateful to you for a chest medicine so valuable, and cheap enough to be available to anyone. Trusting its present popularity and sales will be doubled, I am, yours very eratefully, EDWARD JONES, Mount Bruno, Mokoan, via Glenrowan, Vic, BRONCHITIS. A Sydney Stock and Share Broker expresses Gratitude and Appreciation of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. It Proved a Most Effective Remedy for a SeVere Attack of Bronchitis. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear. Sir,—l lately had a severe attack of Bronchitis, and, acting on the advice of a friend, obtained, a supply of your Bronchitis Cure. I am pleased to inform • you it has proved a most effective remedy, causing me to ■ feel grateful to you for furnishing such a valuable medicine to the public. May you meet with the success you so well deserve. I place this (communication at your service, and remain, Dear Sir, yours faithfully, HENRY FRENCH, • Stock and Share Broker, 93 Pitt-st., Sydney. ASTHMA. . A Five Years' Case. At times very bad indeed. Quickly and completely Cured by Hearne's Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. Mr. Hearne.. Dear Sir,—.lJor..five or six years I was troubled with'asthma;: at times very bad indeed. I was very ill just after Christmas, so sent to the local chemist for'a bottle of your Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. I took the first dose on going to bed,,and was.- not troubled that night. I finished thS itiedicine, and have not had a touch ot the asthma since. -i tull everyone about it. ' .M. MURRAY, Postmistress, Pampoijlah, Manning River, N.S.W. HAY ASTHMA. ,A Severe Attack Relieved in Ten Minutes ■ by Hearne's Brdnchitis Cure. . The effect was wonderful, • Mr. W.- G. Hearne; .Dear, Sir,—About three weeks ago, while, in the vicinity cif' musty chaff, X gradually felt a'difficulty to breathe. My nose began to run, and to all- appearances I was developing a severe attack of Bronchitis or Asthma. At last I could stand it no longer. I then tried your Bronchitis Cure: and its effect was wonderful. In -less than ten minutes. I was all right again. Such a result;' and so quick, astounded me. This is no exaggeration, I am pleased to say. —Yours truly, S. H. SIAYO, J.P.,, Meredith, Victoria. NINE MONTHS SUFFERING. Relieved by one dose of Hearne's bronchitis Cure, and cured by two bottles. Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,—l wish to add my testimony to the wonderful effect of your Bronchitis Cure. I suffered for nine months, and the cough was so distressingly bad at nights I was obliged to get up and sit by the fire. I had medical advice, and tried other remedies, without avail. I tried yours, and never had a lit of coughing after taking the' fust dose, and though I have had but two bottles, I feel'l am a different man, and the cough has vanished.- You may depend upon my making known the efficacy of vour wonderful remedy to anyone I see. afflicted. Yours faithfully, JAMES ASTBUKY. , Dergholm, Victoria. ~ ASTHMA 25 YEARS. Immediately relieved by Hearne's Bronchitis / Cures, / Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.—l have.been a martyr to Asthma for about 25 years, and have tried almost all known remedies for the complaint ajidllave been- under the treatment of leading pljvsicians throughout the Australian States. • I determined to try no more, but let nature take its course. Two years ago I was asked to try your Asthma Cure, but laughed at the idea. However, by the persuasion ol a very old friend, 3 weeks ago I commenced the first bottle of'your treatment. Almost immediately I found that I had inade a mistake by not taking it before. lam now about half-way through the second bottle, and so much do I feel relieved thaM take this opportunity of sending this testimonial along for you to make whatever use you may think fit. I intend continuing your treatment, and I trust that before I have finished tire third bottle I shall be able to write to you that lam perfectly cured. I am pleased to say the effect has been wonderful. v Yours very gratefully, PHIL; lIANN, 33 Camden St., Balaclava, Victoria. <' V CON SUM PTlOfjl, Patient' Recovering.. ' . Sir. W..G, Hearne. -Dear Pit - .—We purchased some time ago 12 bottles of youi' Bronchitis Cure, and can unhesitatingly say that it has given great relief from the intolerable thrOat irritation that l my daughter experienced. Previous to using tlie Bronchitis; Cure; she would have two or three attacks nightly; but now she can sleep through the nigbt, and on-wakening simply clears'her' throat from phlegm. She.had a sight attack of Consumption, but seems to -be recovering, though of course slowly. Yours gratefully, G.. MACKIE, ' Kiamata, Taranaki, New Zealand. BRONCHITIS. An English Lady so ill that the Doctor held out no hope. Was given Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, and it effected a Complete Recovery. Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir, —Not long since I had occasion to visit the old country, and before leaving Melbourne purchased a bottle ot Hearne':; bronchitis Cure, which 'I took with me. When I arrived in Leeds, I fourvi that my niece, Miss C. Matthews, was suffering from a very severe attack of Bronchitis, in fact, she was so bad the family doctor held out no hope for her recovery. She was then given Hearne's Bronchitis Cure according to the direction on the label, and I am very pleased to say that it effected a complete cure. R, J. MATTHEWS, c/o Allan & Co., Collins-st.,' Melbourne. ASTHMA. A Sufferer 73 Years of Age Cured by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. Mr. Ilearne, Chemist, Sir, —I am thankful to say that the medicine you sent for Asthma has had a wonderful effect. I have not taken all the Bronchitis Cure, as 1 did not need it; therefore I send you my hearty fiood wishes for your future success. 1 myself will, for the benefit of others, make it known to all I know. I am 73 years of age.—Yours truly.. , JOHN BRAY, ' Alliance-street, Clunes, Victoria, BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA. Two Severe Cnises cured by One Bottle of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. Mi;. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,—Kindly forward without, delay. another 1 small,.bottle of your Bronchitis Cure. The . bottle X had from you has cured two of my children, but I do not feel sali* without it in the house, I have also recommended it to my friends. I lost a fine little girl, three years of age, from Influenza and BronchoPneumonia. I really believe that if 1 had had your medicine my child would not have died, for the other two, a boy five years old, and a baby eitilit mpnths old, were suffering exactly in the same way, and it acted like magic on them ; in fact, a small bottleful cured both, of, them; so trusting you will forward it without delay.—l am, yours, most gratefully, , (Mrs) E. D. WARD, . Cassilis, via Swift's Creek, Gippsland, Vic. Small Size, 2/6; Large Size, 4/6. Sold by Chemists and Medicine ITendors, and by the Proprietor, W. Q. HEARNE, CHEMIST,' QEOLONQ, i FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY.

' The New Caledonia papers show tlirit the French possessions in the Pacific are experiencing bad times. One, journal says : 'For several years the Flinch settlements in Oceania have been, experiencing a grave crisis, and the colonists are complaining to the mother country, and" demand that shy will, if not- coma tu their assistance, at least enable them to ameliorate the present situation by judicious reforms. But their appieais receive- no response-^—no notice is taken of them." New ' Caledonia has to face a series of deficits. .Th-tr .administrative staff liilis been reduced, .probably as a. result of the .dinunutioiv, of convicts under direct supervision. 'lll4 dozen miles "I railway in the country js run. at, a loss, not a large loss, only 'something like £SOO a year, but sufficient- to,; cause a fear that it "will hav-e "to be> alwildoned. Private houses -liave -had-to-go- in for retrenchment, and the newspapers announce that oaring to the financial crisis they have been compelled to suspend their,* Australian. cable, .services. This -mean's that New: Caledonia, only three days' .sail from Australia, will be shut out from the- rest of the world for periods of three weeks. An equally disastrous state of affairs' exists at Tahiti.where the Budget receipts are set down at' £32.000 (800,0?0f. ) to meet liabiilties amounting to £68,000 (1,700,000f. I, and the -oversesi- trade shows a consistent shrinkage. In 1903 the exports and imports amounted to £346,416: in. 1905 they had fallen to £204.109. The commercial position is described as 'most precarious." Liniments cannot remove the real trouble in rheumatism, gout, sciatica, ' and lumbago, Rheumo dots, by removing the fexiiric acid froin tiie blood. Rheumo "fleets ' a thorough cure. 2s -6d and 4s 6<l. ... '

Would Scratch and Tear the Flesh Unless Hands Were Tied—Wasted toaSkeleton—Grew Worse Under Doctors—Skin Now Clear. mm WOULD HAVE DIED BUT FOR CUTICURA "My little son, when about a year and a half old, began to have sores come out on his face. I had a physician . treat him, but: the sores grew worse. Then they began to come on his arms, then on other parts of his body, and then one came on his chest, v worse than the others. Then I called another physician. Still he grew worse. At the end of about a year and a half of suffering he grew so bad I had to tie his hands in cloths at night to keep him from scratching the sores and tearing the flesh. " He got to be a mere skeleton, and was hardly able to . walk. My Aunt advised me to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. So great was her faith in them that she gave me a small piece of Soap' to try arid a little of the Ointment. I took it home without any faith, but to please her I tried it, and it seemed to dry up the sores a little. "I sent to the drug store and got a cake of the Soap and a box of the Ointment and followed the directions, and at the end of about two months the sores were all well. He has never had any sores of any kind since. "He is now strong and healthy, and I can say that only for the Cuticura Remedies my precious child would have died from those terrible sores. I used only one cake of Soap arid about three boxes of Ointment. Mrs. Egbert Sheldon, Woodville.Gonn., April 22,1905." The original of the above testimonial ia on file in office of the I'otter Drug & Chemical Corporation. Kefcrem-e: It. Towns x Co., .Merchants, Sydney, N. S. W. Complete External and Internal Treatment for every Ilninour, from I'imples to Scrofula, from Infancy to Age, consisting of Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Ilesolvent ( Pills (Chocolate Coated, in vial of CO), may be had of all druggists. A single 6ut often cures, l'otter Drug & Clieni. Corp., Sole Propa., Boston, U. S. A. oat-Muilwl Free, " All fthout the Skin, Hcalpand Ilair." Address, K. Towns & Co., Sydney, X S. \V.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13315, 18 June 1907, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13315, 18 June 1907, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13315, 18 June 1907, Page 7