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Tha monthly mooting of ths Levels Road ] Board was held yaslerdiiv. Present — Messrs C. N. Orboll (chairman), E. T. Rhodes, A. Me?,. and S. A. Bristol. A circular was received from tho Audit Office, warning tbe board that auditors could not check ombezzlements of rates, and pointing out tho duty of members of tb« board to exercise supervision over tho collection of rates. — Heceived. Tho Harbour Board wrote for cheque, if convenient, for half year's lovy, £330 5a 10d, due firet June. Tho chairman : Wo have not collectod it yet, havo not had time to collrct it. It ib all very well for them to demand the rate before wo collect it. Mr Meo : How can wo par ifc ? If they will pay bank interest wo can pay it out of ovordraft, not otherwise). Mr Bristol : The thing cuts both waysThey will havo to pay on overdraft. Mr Mcc : Aro we compelled by law to do it? Tho chairman : Surely not bafore we collect our rate. Mr Moo ; Wo cannot strike a rate nnd collect it m a month. It is very easy for them to write such a letter. Mr Rliodi'a proposed to postpono tbe payment and this was agreed to. The Greraldine Road Bojrd forwnrdod for consideration proposals for reform of tha constitution of County Councils, by making the members of Councils returnable by the road boards. Members generally agreed with Ihn proposal, as Mie sumo cla«s of men formed both bodies, and a saving would result. Mr Rhodes thought it would lead to one or other of the two bodies beina done away with. Mr Meo would be soriy to ase the Oounty Council have full swing. It was a very sensible idea, but it could not eamn on this session. It was resolved to reply that the Board unanimously agreed to the proposal. Six residents at Pleasant Point asked for tho formation of fivo chains of etroet leading to their properties.— 'ft'ork to bo done by tho board's team. It was objected that tho road — a mere bye-way — wns not dedicated, but it was replied that the board did a good deal of work on undedicated roads. The N.O. and A. Land Compauy notified ' tho transfer of R.B. 9057, 100 aoros, to James : Cartwright. ' M. Stonyer opplied for sanction to slaughter- , ing license fo? S.S. 19002, Beacousfield.— Granted. . D. Hoare asked for tho opening of a road | from Bnlfour'e, through Hedley's paddock, ■ aa ho had no access to his lund, recently j bought. — The ovoro<>er oaid moot of the unsold Seadown sections had been disposed of ] lately by na!o or lease. — Overseer to report. i Mr Moo said nothing more could bo dono on Seadown without n special rato and other , members ugreod. i 8. Bibloy offorcd to supply blucstone spalls m quantiiiea of 25 to 100 yards per ( month, dolivered within 100 chains. — Declined. ] Messrs Baird and McDougall wrote complain- ' ing of a nuisanno caused by want of drainage at , the Priory, West Town Belt, which wob i dangerous to heath, and m fact, children ■] were ill m the neighbourhood, and their ill- j ness v»a9 attributed to that cause. — Notice to bo given (o Mr Hogbon to abate tho nuisance, anri to inform tho board what stops he pur- ( pDses to take. Mr Annand, as Inspector of ( Nuisances, to call and inspect the premises. The chairman icmarked that the suburbs ought to join the borough, and como under propor sanitary control. A telegram was received from Oolonol Kichbuum, stating that a traction eagino bad broken down the bridgq oror the mill-race, Waitohi road. — Tho board, being sure that 1 tho ruce could only bo allowed to cross ths road on condition that tho owners maintained a crossing, decided to reply that tho bridge 3 must bo restored, or tbo water would bo \ stopped. J Messrs Humphreys and Davio waited on « Iho board again, with reference to the I shingling of the Mil ford road noar tbo river 1 Tbo only difficulty was that 2d a yard was ' demanded for tbe only available shinglo, t which was considered too high. Of Into * years the board has had tho ahinglo wanted J given them. Mr Humphrey offered to pay ' for tho shingle hims'lf, if the board made an * obstacle of that. The board emphatically re> i fused this offer ns unfair and a bud principle. ' Mr Humphrey said Mr Cain would like lid c a yard, if the board would not give tho 2d. Mr Vanco waited on tha board to ask for a lenso for five or six yparo of a four-acre gravol reservo he now hold from year to year, no that ho could crop it and lay it down m grass. — Tbo chairman doubted whnther the board could lease such reserves at all. Mr Vanco however might fcol sure of possosaion co lone as ho complied with tho simple con- [ dition* imposed. c Mrs Triggs, ltockwood, callod on the board n to ask for attention to a big olny cutting, ] which waj impassible owing to v drain being t choked and the water overflowing was frozen c m a shoot ovor tlio road, »o that there was no i getting up tho cutting. " It's no ut» sending t old hono to rcratcb, you must send men." 1 Tho chairman nnd ovorneor said it waa not i much ueo sending any ono just now, nothing t could bo done while tbe ground was frozen ( lilin iron i P.lrs Triggs said eomo horsos had been ] badly cut by falling there already and if any 1 more accidents happened Iho board would l havo to be hold liable Teams had been m t idlonees a fortnight Uio mon boing afraid |o i take thorn ovor tho cutting. * j Iho chairman thought tho board could not > be liuble if people wont on a manifestly i dangerous road. ' Sirs Trigge also asked to liaro a picco of i now road formed. i Ovorsner to visit and report on Hip works : aeknd for. < Mr Moe mentioned another work m that 1 ijuiirtor asked for by Mr Garriok, and the 1 QVPTBPpr was instructed to sco that work c alea. 1 The owtißDit reported as follows : — t " I bog to report on works otfi., for month t ending date oa follows : — £ "Contracts.— No 61, shingling lowor part n of Otipua road, and No 66 supplying spalls, c am now finished. No 65, shingling Soadown » benoh road, will bo comploted m about Bovan t days from (Into. t " Works eta attended to. — Wtdonjng and t filing handrails on two footbridges Adair I sotlloinont ; re-grading and reforming a por- I tion of Cliff's i'daol ; (repairing and filling ruts r on Armstrong's road ; .amjl shingling and ro- c pairing Point-Oavo and Point- Wa^lidyko roads t al'j. ' ' ' ' '' ' J " By^tidary road.— l have .oxumined Ibis j

g mad nod find that the Mackenzie County 11 Council have only rooaired that portion of it from Burnotl'a rjnd junction over the Saddle, a distance of about 40 chains. Xhe slips on eida cuttings have been cleared, road bed lovelled and eijjlit now forda put m. That portion of tho road between Burnett's road and the Pareora river requires some shingle repairs, being much worn m places, and stop banks placed at a few of the culverts to prevent scour, also a small outting near the river requires ropairs as it is dangerous m its present stalo." f It was agreed to lot the further repairs on B tbo boundary road etnnd over for the presont. ■ Some cuttings were ordered to bodoneona 1 road above Sullivan's, Levels Valley. 7 It was ordored that application be maclo s for accrued " thirds " for expenditure on road l for Mr JVTacpherson, Mount Misery. f Directions were given for advertising certain oxchangesof road linea. In reply to a query why nono of tho summonses for overdue rates hal yetcorno before the Court, the clerk stated they wero hnncioi to the officers of tlio Court m May, but tho first to bo heard were set down for tho 22nd inst. Xhoy were put off by the sitting of theSupremo Court. Ho expected to get ninetenths of them m before tho Court daj. Tenders wero opened as follows : — Contract No 67- supply of spalls : J. Kirby £76 (accepted), J. Pearson £81 5a Contract No 68— Shingling Blue's road, Totara Valley : Waterbouee and Hughes, £113 (accepted) ; P. Rooney, £123 8s 4d ; J. Pearson, £149 12s 6J ; J. Hampton and 00, £172. Contract ITo 69 — Befonning and shingling upper end of Milford road : Waterhouse and H u'ghes, £71 14s Id (aoceptod) jP- O'M.iher, £82 19s lid ; J. Pearaou, £87 ; Hampton and Co, £94 11s 6d. Mr fi. T. Rhodf a moved and Mr & . Mcc seconded the following resolution :t-" That this board view Ibo action of tbo Harbour re moving shingle with fear, on account of tlie great espenso, and that thoy should take opinion of tho ratepayers before goiog to so largo an expense." 'i'!;e mover said the board, as one of tho largest contributor!) to the harbour board rnte, had a right to express an opinion on tho expenditure of tho rate, and as tho representatives of tho ratepayers, a right to say that the opinion of the ratepayers should be taken. Mr Meo did not thiok it would bo at all out of pl.nco to express an opinion on tho mutter, as they were tho representative?, m a BinuH way, of the nitcpayero. Mr Kiiodoa thought it wns not m " astonll way,' 1 bb tbi'y bad to pny £760 ayesr. llr Bristol : It is very evident tho shingle will have tr> bo taken m hand. Mr Rhodes : Not for a yoar or two any way, Mr Bristol : I quite aijree with you there. It could be put off a year or two, for if they can combat the shingle now, thoy can do it as well when the accumulation is further advanced j Mr Wee :It will bo a terrible expense, and should be put off as long as possible. Mr D. Stuart's eeheme for a surf-boat groin at the mob island was then talked of, and it W3S stated that there wero people m town prepared to put down £5 or £10 each to sco the plan tested. Mr Kboaes said lie for one was prepared to do so ; and if it was no use, or harmful, the thine could easily be blown up. Thoy always wanted bigger things at Timaru than would do anywhere elco. The motion wa9 carried unanimously and i ordered to bo sent to *ho Harbour Board. This closed the biuineßS.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 5194, 15 July 1891, Page 3

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LEVELS ROAD BOARD Timaru Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 5194, 15 July 1891, Page 3

LEVELS ROAD BOARD Timaru Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 5194, 15 July 1891, Page 3