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(By Telegraph.) AUCKLAND, June 1. Tho criminal sittings of tho Supreme Oourt opened this morning. In his chargo to the Grand Jury Mr Justioo Connolly remarked on the small number of indictments, but pointed out that thore wero two serious charges, one of murder and one of embezzlement. Tho latter waß especially sorious as being against a publio offioial— O'Halloran, who has boen poßtmaater and receiver of proporty tax at Wangarei. Tho Grand Jury found true bills against John Henry Taylor, for larcony. On pleading guilty ho wao sentenced to 12 montba. Gustavo Peterson, who pleaded guilty of burglary, got 12 months. WELLINGTON, June 1. The Supromo Court criminal sosaion was j opened thie morning, Chiof Juatice Prondorgaßt presiding. The cnlondar oontains tho names of ton persons, the oharges being for the moat part of ordinary oharaotor. Roforring to the case ogainet Coloman Phillips for dummyism, His Honour Baid thero were two indictments, (1) Inciting cortain porsons to make wilful false declarations, and (2) Aiding and abotting thorn to commit a broach of tho Land Act. After roviowing at longth the evidonco taken m tbo lower court tho learned judgo aaid although ho hod gono vory carefully through tho Land Ant ho oould find nothing expressed m its proviaionß to prevent anyone taking up land for another. This however was o point of law, and ho direoted the Grand Jury if tbey thought the faots warranted it to bring m a Bill against Phillips and leave the point for argumont when tbo caao come beforo tho common jury. His Honour remarked that tho Legislature were evidently under the impression that thoy had made provision m the Act to prevent persons obtaining land on deforrod payment or perpetual lease not exolusivoly for thoir own uso, as seotion 113 bad flxod a penalty to bo inflated m tbe cbbo of any one taking up land other than for bis own Uao, \ Amy Jaokßon, alias Brooks, for laroeny at Palmerston North, waa sentonced to 12 months hard labour. .Tamos Molnnis, alias Harry Morloy, for arson at Maatorton, was aontenocd to threo years' ponal servitude. James Oloory ond Michaol P. Cronin, indiotod for larcony, woro acquitted. Tbo Grand Jury found a true bill ngainot Colomun Phillips for broach of tlio Land Aot, and throw out tho bill against Charleo Stono, for rapo

| CHUISTOHUUOH, June 1. The Supreme Court Criminal Sessions opened this morning before Mr Justice Denniston. 1 Athole Stewart Lamb pleaded guilty to four oharges of forgory ; aontenoe was deferred. Thomas Gorman oharged with unlawfully woundiug, was found guilty with a recommendation to mercy on account of the absence of premeditation. Hia Honour aaid, looking at all tho circumstances, ho would inflict a comparatively light sentence of 12 inontha hard labour. Tho Grand Jury threw out the bill ogainat Alexander Kennie for larceny, on account of tho absence of the prosecutor. Samuel Northey, forgery and uttering, pleaded guilty, and waa eontencod to two yeara hard labour. Tho Bittings closed at 4 p.m. William Marshall MoDowell pleaded guilty to stealing £30 from the Black Horse Hotel, and wbb Bentoncod to Bix monthe' hard labour. Thomas Harrington Conway was found guilty of stealing a watoh and chain at Waddington. There wore two provious convictions againßt him, and he received a eenteuce of two yeare' hard labour. Thia was the last oaso on the liat. Lamb, who waa convioted early m the doy of forgery, waa placod ou probation for twelve months. DUNEDIN, June 1. In plaoe of a presentment the foreman of the Grand Jury said that there was a growing feeling among tho grand jurora chat auch a body waa no use. Mr Juatice Williams, while admitting that a good deal might bo eaid m favour of thot view, reminded them that the institution had stood the test of over a hundred years' experience m the United States, and whilo many reforms obtainod m that progressive oountry, thia inetitution remained untouched, wherefore it must possess some inherent merit. Mr Justice Williams' charge doalt with tho calendar, whioh ia unusually light. Goorge Clark ploadod guilty to tbo oharge of embezzling the funds of the Prince of Wales Lodge, M.U., at Fort Chalmers. Hia counael urged m extenuation that the absence of a propor ohcak furnished a temptation to oritne. The prisoner was sentenced to throe years' penal servitude. Walter Spurling waß aentenced to 12 months hard labour for false pretonooa, and Chriatopher Conway to six weeks for breaking his probation. Jamea Curry and Roderick McKenzio received two yeara for assault and robbery, and Jas. Kiddle 18 months for burglary. Tho prisoners above montioned all ploaded euilty. William Hicbolla, for asßault and robbery, got 12 months. Tho jury gave Edward Martin tho benefit of the doubt m a charge of attempted burglary, and he waa diachargod. G. Berry was charged with going through Harria after ho had been robbed by Nicholla, but the caße broke down, the prosecutor atating that he could not romember if the accused had put hia hands m hia pockets. The prisoner was discharged.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5157, 2 June 1891, Page 3

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SUPREME COURT. Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5157, 2 June 1891, Page 3

SUPREME COURT. Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5157, 2 June 1891, Page 3