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The annual meeting of the T.A. and P. I Association was held m Messrs Maclean and ' Stewart's Buildings on Saturday at 2 p.m. PBBSENT. Mr W. MdJaren, the President, and a large I number of members. Mr, P; W. Stubbs, the Secretary, was also m attendance. MINUTES. - The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and confirmed. ASKUAI, EBPOET AND BAtANCR-SHEET. As each member had a copy of the balanceflhe«fe ibivis not read. The annual report was read as follows : — •" Your Committee, m handing you this, tbe

20th annual report, have much pleasure m stating that they leave the Association at the end of the year, m a much better condition, financially, than when they entered upon their duties. "In accordance with a recommendation from tho last annual meeting, tho Committee decided that the financial position of the Association made it desirable that the present Show Grounds be disposed of, and that a subCommittee from their body be appointed to make such arrangements with the bank, that the present overdraft be continued until other arrangements are made. " With reference to the first portion of the recommendation, Messrs R. H., G. H., and E. T. Rhodes submitted an offer to the Committee, so as to enable them to negotiate and still hold the ground. The Committee decided that the prospects of continuing to hold the present ground were beyond the means of the Association to meet. Ihe hearty thanks of the Association were unanimously awarded to the Messrs Rhodes for their considerate treatment of the Association during its occupancy of the present grounds. The roprerentatives of the Messrs Rhodes were communicated with, relative to the mortgage, and asking them to relieve the Association of the liability, which they kindly consented to do, allowing the Association at the same time to remove their improvements, of Bheds, yards, &c. " Tour Committee also opened negotiations with the Timaru Jockey Club for the use of a portion of the racecourse, and recommended the acceptance of the Club's offer of a site at £25 per annum, the first year free. "A vote of thanks was passed to the Timaru Jockey Club for their kind consideration, but m the meantime an offer was received from the Messrs Rhodes of. the use of the present grounds at a rental of £52 per annum. On consideration it was decided to take this offer, as it saved the expense of removing the yards and buildings, and the Committee would reeommond that this arrangement be kept up so long as tbe Messrs Rhodes are agreeable to continue it. " Financial. — The Association had been under very serious drawbaks, owing to the existence of a debt incurred m byo-gone years, and which pressed so heavily as almost to threaten the destruction of the Society. "A spirited effort was made to reduce this burden, with the highly satisfactory result of canvass for subscriptions, which brought m the handsomo sum of £488 10s. "We have much pleasure m stating that we now close our financial year with an overdraft of £75, and outstanding liabilities of about £55, thereby improving our position, over and abovo that of last year, by about £570, and with care and a successful Show, we bave no doubt but that next year may see us freo from debt. " The fears of disaster have been happily averted, and tho Committee beg to thank the members for the liberal spirit with which its appeal was met, and have every confidence m believing that the Society, witli judicious care, has now paased safely its dangers, and they hope the Association will continue to prosper and largely augment its operations. " JRule V., as to life membership, gave rise to discussion as to the exact meaning, and a resolution was passed giving subscribers of £10 to the special debt extinction fund a life membership, if asked for. "The subject of amendment of Rule V. will come before the members for discussion to-day. " Revision of Prize Lists and Regulations. — This was done with very satisfactory results. Implement classes wero left out of tbe prize list and nre now entered for exhibition only. " Hone Parade. — The Annual HorEe Parade, under the auspices of tbe Association, was held on the old show ground on 26th of September. The number of entries being 14, tho proceeds little more than paying expenses. " The show on the wholo was fairly satisfactory from a financial point of view, leaving a balance to credit nf £85 over and above expenses. " Entries. — The entries m nil classes numbered 605, of this 76 entries were for exhibition only, being mostly implements. COMPARATIVE TABLE OF ENTBIEB. 1884. 1885. Merino sheep ... ... ... 145 85 ■ Long wooUed sheep 163 126 Crossbred 10 7 Fat sheep 12 12 330 230 Short-horned cattle... ... 38 25 Ayrshire cattle ... ... 25 8 Draught horses 65 42 Other horses 50 88 Pigs 27 35 Poultry 25 l'l Dogs 12 10 Dairy produce ... ... 70 70 Bees 0 6 Agricultural produce 2-1 5 Agricultural implements and extra exhibit* 76 76 Totals 751 605 : " Tho entries of merino sheep of all classes were only represented by 85 entries — Class B. Grass-fed having the largest number, viz. — i 68 entries. All the exhibits wero of superior quality and an improvement on former years. "In the longwoolled classes, there were this year included Hampshire, Shropshire and South Downs classes, each of which were fairly represented and no doubt will m future take a prominent place m the Shows, as they grow m favour with breeders. Tho wholo of the above classes were of excellent quality and quite up to the average of former years, although not m numbers. " Cattle. — The exhibits m these classes were ff rat- class stock but lacked competition. " Horses. — The draught horses were very good indeed, although the quality was not perhaps up to the standard of former years. 1 Entries m each class were fairly rcpresentatative. " Other horses were well represented and; an improvement on forrrur yeara, the hunter' classes being especially good. " All other classes werp as far as quality is concerned, first class and quite up to those of former years, with the exception of agricultural produce, which could only boast five entries. The Committee sincerely trust that the farmer; Ja the district will take more interest m the shows, and not allow themselves to be singular as regards the particular class of exhibits which they only can and should exhibit, and that m succeeding years they will show a much larger number of exhibits m this class. "Tho thunka of the Association arc especially due to the Messrs Rhodes for flap their kind consideration with reference to tho ground; those gentlemen who came forward so liberally and assisted with subscriptions to reduce the bank overdraft, and also those gentlemen who so kindly gars special prizes. ; • "Ms B. Stewarf; resigned his position. as Treasurer, which was accepted with regret. . " Your Committee d<"sh?e to MCftrd their thanks to those gentlemen who accepted our invitation, and caino long distances to act as Judg/33 jn the various clas3cs ; to the Ground Committee, Class Stewards, Messrs Maclean and Stewart for theiv kindness m selling the privileges froe of cost, to M» Jag, Granger, Auditor, and to the Timaru Harbouv Board for the uso of their room, m which to hold tha meetings of the Association. " Wo would again ask the members of the Association to u*b ail endeavours to increase the number of members. "D. M'IiAHEJT, President." STATEMENT. Beforo moving the adoption of the report and baUncersliuct the President asked if any monitors desired to speak, and as there was no reply ho said he had one pr pyto things ho wanted to bring more prominently before those who had not been attending the meetings during tbe year. A great effort was made during last year to reduco the overdraft, which was liberally responded to. At this time last year the over-draft was £580, and the outstanding liabilities something like £100, making a total of about £700. This year they were indebted to the Bank, according to the balance-sheet, m the sum of £75. Taking the present overdraft and the outstanding liabilities it left the Association about* ISO jn debt. That showed they hod improved their position by about £570. The last three years previous the Association had been getting deeper into debt, but the year jnst past had brought them up a bit. Before sitting fjpwn he would draw the attention of the members to q, resolution passed at last meeting with reference to the ground. The Association bad received a. liberal o«er from Messrs Rhodes to let ground for holding the show on. He thought it best to accept

that offer, as, if they held it at the Washdyko, it would coßt about £300 to shift the yards, etc. The Secretary here read the minutes of the last ordinary meeting. The President, continuing, said he would press upon members the necessity of retaining the old ground as long as possible. It would be a mistake to move to the Washdyko, as it would incur further liabilities. They paid at present an annual rental of £52, and received by letting the grounds £22 10s ft year. Before vacating the chair he said he would again strongly impress on the members not to move from the grounds until they had sufficient money to shift with. Before moving the adoption of the report, he had to thank the members of the Committee, and the officers of the Association, for the kindness shown him, and the support given to him during his term of office. They had made hia duties comparatively light. Ho would now move the adoption of the report and balance-sheet. Mr Elworthy seconded the adoption, and m doing so would like to express the wish, which he knew would also be the wish of the Association, to give credit where it was due, for the way ia which the President had brought the Association through financially, and for the able manner m, which ho had conducted the business during the last year. For years past they had been struggling ; they had sunk deeper into tlie miro, but when Mr McLaren - came m ho placed the Association m the satisfactory position it now occupied, and m which he (the speaker) hoped they would always find themselves. He would like to express his own feelings to Mr McLaren on his vacating the chair, and would movo that the Association pass him a hearty vote of thanks. The motion was carried by acclamation. The report was then put to the nieoting, and unanimously adopted. The Chairman said that beforo going furthor he would like to thank the members very much for the voto they had just passed. He was afraid he had received more orcdit than was due to him. (Cries of " No, no.") Mr McLaren then vacated the chnir. THE ELECTION OP A NEW THESIDBXT. The Secretary, Air Slubbs, took the chair, and asked the members to propose a'chairman. Mr Elworthy thought Mr Moody would be an able man to Gil the post. They could not have a better. Ho had conducted several chairmanships m a very able manner, and they could rest quite assured that Mr Moody would push the interests of the Association forward. Ho had great pleasure m proposing ilr Moody as President. Mr McLaren had great pleasure m seconding the proposition. Wherever Mr Moody had been he had proved himself " the right man m the right place" Mr Moody accepted the office, and assured the members that ho would do his utmost to promote the interests of (ho Association. THE TICB PRESIDENT. The Chairman said tho nest business was the election of a Vice-President. Mr McLaren had pleasure m propoaiug Mr G-. Rhodes to fill the office. His family connection with the Timaru district was a consideration. He would also bo "the right man m the right place." Mr A. Grant seconded the proposition. Mr El worthy expressed great pleasure at seeing euch a young man proposed for the vacancy, Mr (J. Rhodes took Ihe chair, and m accopting the Vice-Presidency of the Association, Baid he would do his best (o follow m the footsteps of Mr McLaren, the laic President, and endeavour to pull the Association through as ho had done. TUB TRBASUEEIt. Mr McLaren moved, and it wns seconded by Mr Elworthy, and carried — " That Mr Moody retain the position of Treasurer." TIIB COMMITTEE. The Chairman read the following list, which comprises the new Committee with tho alterations made: — Messrs W. Bulfour, A. M. Clarke, A. B. Cox.R. Davio.E. Elworthy, n. Ford, J. Goldic, A. Grant, K. F. Gray, W. Hay, E. Kelland, A. Turnbull, B. Mackay, C. N. Orbell, J. Pago, A.C. Pringle.D. McLaren, G. Dennistoun, J. S. Rutherford, W. Stevenson, T. Teschemaker, J. and G. Talbot, A. Wyllie, and Mr F. W. Stubbs as Secretary. It was also resolved — " That tho undermentioned gentlemen be written to asking them to become members of the Association : —Messrs W. Rolleston, W. F. Pitt, J. M. Ritohie, N. Macfarlane, A. Burt, F. W. DonVin. Members wero of opinion that new blood should bo brought into tho Association, and Bomo alterations wore made accordingly. AKNCATi SUBSCIIirTrON. It was rrovod by Mr Klworthy, seconded by Mr G. Rhode?, and carried — "That alteration of Rulo Y. as l-ocomrnendcd m the report bo adopted. TIIE SECRETARY. Moved by Mr McLaren, seconded by Mr B. T. Rhodes and carried—" That Mr Stubbs bo re-elected secretary for tho following year." ' CHANGE OF MEETING DAY. Tt was agreed that the meetings should be held on the second Saturday m each month instead of Monday as hitherto. HOBSK PAItADE. It was submitted that the annual parade of entiro horses be held on tho last Saturday m September, instead of the first Monday m October. Mr K. F. Gray thought that no period should be fixed. Mr R. Campbell thought it iras host to leave it to a committee, and did not agree with' making tho day a hard and fast rulo It was ultimately resolved that Rule XVIT. should read as follows : — Tho annual parade of entire horses shall be held on tho grounds of tho Association m Spring, a day to be fixed by the ; Committee," UNPAID SUBSCRIPTIONS. Mr Elworthy asked the Secretary if the list of unpaid subsriptions had been revised, to which the Secretary rpplied that ho had sent a Blip to those members who had not paid notifying them that their names would be struck off the list if they did not pay. Mr Elworthy moved — " That a sub-committee consisting of Messrs Moody, Ford, McLaren, Teschemaker, G. Rhodes and the mover bo appointed to revise tho list of members, with power to strike out any names who refused to pay the annual subscription. This wns seconded by Mr Milton. Mr MoLaren Baid that of course this applied to those who did nofpaj, and would not injuro the Association. The motion was agreed to. npi-E 3ftli. Mr K. F. Gray Intimated Hint ho had bepn thinking about the above rule. The time had arrived, he said, when gentlemen connected with the Association would do an immense amount of good, if they woidd read papers beforo the members. It would cement the members together, and be edifying to the Association. He would ask members to see to it. It was done m £he Old Country, and he could not see why it should not bp donp here. Papers on subjects such as change of grain, and various breeds of sheep, etc., would be very acceptable. A thing like that wou}d made tho Association much more attractive. Ho merely threw out the suggestion, and thought it worthy the attention of the members. Tbe Secretary said such a thing had been done by Mr W. Evans, but it toll through. ' Mr McLaven cjuite sympathised with Mr Gray's suggestion, but did not think it practicable, because people aro too much scattered, and too busy. Mr Gray said it was done m Christchurch, and a paper read by a gentleman there was thought so much of that it was afterwards published and sold m pamphlet form, and that was merely the outcome of a suggestion like the one' he submitted. Mr McLaren thought it best to refer the matter to the Committee, and tell them to accept any papers by any gentleman who wishod to read them, and the President would call a meeting of the members and the paper would Mjep be read. coif oiitrsrojf . The Chairman wished to make a remark on- the coming year's work. '<■' They hod got over £he financial part of lastylear's work, but there was a great deal to bo done m the coming year to koep up tho honor of the Association. He would like to see the next shovft* prosperous as the last, and that could only be dons by an individual effort to make the Bhow a success. IDIOSIIWEST. Thf s being all the business the meeting adjourned.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3586, 29 March 1886, Page 3

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TIMARU AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL ASSOCIATION. Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3586, 29 March 1886, Page 3

TIMARU AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL ASSOCIATION. Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3586, 29 March 1886, Page 3