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The Hoiuo met at 12 o'clock. liEPLIES TO QUESTIONS. Replying to Mr Rolleston if the Hon. Minister of Lands will take steps on the rising of Pai'liament to settle all outstanding .' claims under the Forest Trees Planting Act, [ the Hon. Mr Ballnneo said it was intended to j do so immediately after the House rose. Replying to Mr Ban-on the Hon. Mr ! Ballnuvc said there were about 85 Armed ' Constabulary at the works at Otngo Heads, I and that it was intended to keep a permanent artillery force of 25 men at Otago Heads, to ncconnnodato which buildings were now being creeled. Of these 25 men ten would be there as a torpedo corps. Replying to Mr Guinness by what authority the Collector of Customs at Greymouth now demands the. payment of duty on prints invoiced at 5d per yard and upwards, whereas these articles have hitherto been imported free of duty the. Hon. Sir Stout said when the Customs Bill was passed it was clearly the intention of the House to allow cotton and dress prints free, but attempts were now made by importers to bring m most expensive prints duty free. Replying to Mr J. C. Buckland, whether Dr A T on Haast would bo the only Commissioner appointed for the Colonial Exhibition m London, tho Hon. Mr Stout said the Hon. the Treasurer had recently informed the House that. Dr Von Haast would be the only pnid Commissioner. There might be several other Commissioners appointed, but they were not to be paid. Mr Buckland said the reply given by the Hon. the Premier was utterly unworthy of the position of lender of the House. He contended that the lion, the Treasurer had clearly given tho House to understand that Dr Yon. Huast would be the only Commissioner appointed. Mr W. F. Buckland said he could produce evidence to show that Dr Buller had been promised by tho Government if he squared the nativo vote to be made cither a Commissioner at tho Colonial Exhibition or n Judge of the Nativo lands Court. He contended that the Government were, kept on tho Benches by the promise of a Conimißsionership at London. Mr To Ao denied that Dr Buller had anything to do with the native vote. He had never suggested how they should vote ; they voted entirely of their own free will. Mr O'Coisor thought it very unfair of any moinber to speak of the native members as tho Member for Franklyn North had done. Sir Georgo Grey said no member of the Houso was better disposed to his fellow members than tho Mombcr for Franklyn North. Mr Ivess expressed his surprise at the defence by (he Member for Auckland City Ensfc of the Member for Frnnklyn North. He said he had always regarded Sir George Grey with ffclings of tho greatest respect and admiration, but he now looked on him merely as an actor— as a man who m his time played many parts. Mr Bislop thought the attack made on Sir George Grey was most unjustifiable, especially when made on a man who was so superior to tho Member for Wnkanui m ability as the Momber for Auckland City East. He thought if another Commissioner wore appointed for the Colonial Exhibition it would not meet with tho approval of tho House. Mr Turnout! expressed his regret that such a scene should tako place, and said if it went any further lie should call attention to tho fact that there were strangers m tho gallery. Mr Hislop asked if tho gentleman who had just sat down was justified m insinuating that tho Speaker had allowed unseemly conduct to tako place m the House. Tho Speaker said he did not consider any breach of order had taken place Mr Seddon hoped members would part on good terms with each other. He believed m parly fighting, but ho thought members should not allow their feelings to get tho better of them. Mr Pratt said no momber m the Houso had dared to accuse him of being led against his conscience. Ho had alwayß voted of his own freo will. The Eton. Mr Stout said no person was going to bo sent Homo but Dr Von Haast. Any other person would go at, his own expense. As to Dr Buller he was not rocommonded by the Government at all, but was stronaly recommendod by Dr Von Haast for tho Commissionership. COMJtITTKE OF SUPrI.V. Tho House then went into Committee of Supply for the further consideration of tho Supply Estimates. 'Ilia Committeo adjourned at 1.15 p.m. for lunch, and resumed ot 2 o'clock. Vote : Roads to open up lands beforo sale, £12,3G0.— Carried. Vote : Roads on goldfielda, £13,730. Dr Nowman moved to striko out the item £5000 mostly chargeablo on the consolidated fund for subsidy pound for pound on rates levied within goldficlds counties. Tho amendment was carried by 24 to 22, and tho voto thus reduced to £8750. Tho Hon. Mr Ltirnach moved that the item £1500, roud through Cannibal Gorge, bo atruck out. — Carried. Mr Suttor moved that tho item £750, Wnitahuna bridge on account of reconstruction, bo struck out. Loßt by 20 to 27. Mr Bcctlmm moved to reduce the item by £500. I o«t by 28 to 2X Vote : Waterworks on goldfielda, £8200. Mr Tlolleston moved that tho voto be reduced by £t'.m Lost by 31 to 25. Mr Pearson moved a reduction of £1500. Lost by 80 to 28,

\ Tho Hon. Mr Larnncb. moved that the vote be reduced by £500.— Carried. Vote : Harbor works, Hokitika,£lsoo. Sir .Suiter moved that the vote be struck out, but subsequently withdrew the motion. The vote was carried. Vote : Telegraph extension, £6300.-Car-ried. Vote : Pnrehsso of native lands, £1000 (rents due on Himatanga blocks). This vote elicited a long discussion, but was eventually carried by 27 to 22. Vote: Armed Constabulary field force, £25,000.— Carried. The other amounts under tho heading of " unauthorised expenditure " wore agreed to without discussion. I-AND BILL. A message was received from tho Legislative Council insisting on their amendments m the Lund Bill. The Hon. Mr Ballance moved that a conferenco be appointed, to consist of Messrs Stout, Eolleston, Macandrew, and Ballanee, to draw up reasons for disagreeing with the amendments. BILLS TASSED. The Hon. Mr Stout moved tho second reading of the Local Bodies Contractors Bill. He eaid the Bill was brought m to relievo persons who had inadvertently broken the law by supplying local bodies with goods. As it had been pointed out that the Road Boards would also be affected by tho Bill, it >vaa thought advisablo to make it applicable to all local bodies. — Agreed to. Tho House -went into Committee on the Bill, which passed without amendment, was read a third time and passe.l. The Hon. Mr Stout moved tho second reading of the Property Tax Bill. He explnined that tho Bill was merely to provide for the increase of the property tax, as stated m the Financial Statement. — Agreed to. The Bill was committed, read a third time and passed. Tho Hon. Mr Stout moved the second reading of tho Costley Training Institution Bill. The House went into Committee on the Bill, which passed with verbal amendments, was reported, read a third time and passed. ADJOURNMENT. The Hon. Mr Stout moved that tiie House at its rising adjourn till Monday at 10 a.m. This was agreed to, and tho Houbo rose at 5.30 p.m. The House resumed at 8 p.m. AUCKLAND HARBOR BILL. The amendments mude m the Auckland Harbor Board Bill by the Legislative Council were rejected by 30 to J6. bills wirnraAivy, The Hon. Sir Julius Yogel withdrew the Appropriation Bill and Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Bills which have been read a first time. ADJOUESMEKr. At 9 SO the House adjourned until 11 p.m. for tho purpose of receiving the report of the Freo Conference on the Land Bill. On the House meeting at 11 p.m. it wbb Btated nc agreement had been arrived at relative to the amendments, and a further adjournment was made until 11.30. On meeting at 11.30 p.m, the House adjourned till 11.45 p.m., when on reassembling it was found the Conference were as far as ever off of coming to an agreement, and tho House rose until Monday at 10 a.m.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3426, 21 September 1885, Page 3

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HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3426, 21 September 1885, Page 3

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3426, 21 September 1885, Page 3