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(By Teleghaph.) WET-LUiGTOS, Sept. IS. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. The Legislative Council met at 2.30 p.m. BEPOKT. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary laid on* tlio Table the report of t!io Auditor on tho accounts of the Inangahua Comity. It was resolved that the report be printed. COVXCIL SITTINGS. On the motion of the Hon. tho Colonial Secretary it was agreed that tho Council at its rising adjourn till 2.30 p.m. on Monday. PIBST HEADING. The Railways Authorisation Bill was read a first time. IMFOBTATIOS OF STOCK. Tlio Hon. the Colonial Secretary m reply to Mr Pharazyn said it was not proposed to remore restrictions oa the importation of stock at present. BILL PASSED. The Local Bodies Contractors Bill was considered m Committee and passed. MOBTGAQB DEDBKTfEES BILL. BcEolred by 17 to 16 that tho Council do not insist on its amendments m the Mortgage Debentures Bill. TIIK LAM) BILL. Ihe Land Bill was recommitted to consider various clauses, and the Bill was held over to be reported later on. I m committee. The following Bills were then committed : Waimea Plains Railway, Police Offence?, Enforcement of Judgments, Jfew Plymouth Exchanges Completion, Cost ley Training Inetitution, Local Bodies Finance and Powers and Special Powers and Contracts Bill. At 5 o'clock, tho Council being still m Committee, adjourned till 7.30 p.m. BILLS PASSED. The Council resumed m the evening on the Wnimato Railway Bating Bill, which was reported without amendments and passed. The Land Bill was reported, read a third time and piiesed without further discussion. Tho following Bills were reported from Committee and read a third time, and passed : — Enforcement of Judgment, Now Plymouth Exchanges Completion, Costley Training Institution, Local Bodies Financo and Powers Bill, Municipal Corporation Bill, and tho Auckland Harbor Board Bill. POLICE OFPENCBB BIT,!. In Committee on the Police Offences Bill, Mr McLean moved that tho Chairman leave, the chair. — Carried by 16 to 11. DISWUCT RAILWAYS riIBCHASING BILL. Progress was reported on this Bill, and tho Council rose at midnight. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The Hoiifo met at 2 30 p.m. BEPLIKS TO QUESTIONS. Replying to Mr Slacandrew, if tho Minister for Public Works has come to any determination as to modifying tho haulago rates on tho Dunedin and Port Chalmers railway, with a view of increasing the railway rovonue, and if so, what, tho Hon. Mr Richardson said that any reduction made would not tend to increase tho traffic on tho line. Replying to Mr Macandrew, as to what stops tho Government propose to take to give effect to tlio report of the Hqjral Commission on llio Dunedin Gaol, wherein the Commission recommend thatMrCodwill bo allowed to retire upon a pension to which be is entitled, the Hon. Mr Tola said tho Government did not intend taking any further ttopein tho matter. Bepljing to Dr Newman, if tho Government will consider tho advisability of imposing an additional tax on persons owning land m this colony but living outeide its limits, the Hon. Mr Stout was not sanguine that the Government could do anything m this matter mere than was done by the previous Govcrnmont. Replying to Mr Bold, who naked (1) whether the Government will grant to every recruit joining Volunteer corps other than corps wearing the infantry uniform a sorgo suit or an allowance of twenty shillings to each such recruit m lieu thereof ; (2) whether the Volunteers will m future be allowed to purchase from the Government etorce, clothing, and other articles at Government prices ; (3) whether the duty hereafter to be paid on all Volunteer clothing, 010., will bo refunded to the corps on the production of the Custom Houto vouchers snowing that payment has been made ; (4) whethor the Volunteers will bo allowed to procure uniforms through the Govcrnmont on tho samo terms at previously enjoyed j (6) whether Volunteers will be allowed reasonable compensation for loss of time while attending as guards of honor, the Hon. Mr Bullauce Baid tho regulations as to sergo suits hnd been repealed. It was not intended to increase the allowance, to Volunteers. Volunteers would bo allonod to purchase stores from Government at cost prico. l'bo Government did not intend to torminaU tbo duly on Volunteer clothing. It was not proposed to unduly encourage Volunteers as guards of honor. HOTIOK OP MOTIOIT. Mr Pyko gave notice to movo to-morrow — " Tuot m the opinion of this House it is not only desirable but absolutely necessary, m tho interests of the public weal and for the completion of tho unification of tho colony, that a proper system of local government should be doviscd and formuluted by Ministors and brought down to tho House m the next ensuing session ; and further, that copies of proposals to thnt end should bo widely circulated by Ministers during the recess and before next matting of Parliament, 1 '

SAN SBANCIBCO MAIL SERVICE. Tho Hon. Sir Julius Yogel moved that the House go into Con.uiittee to consider the following resolutions :—" That tho Government be authorised to contract for a service between Sydney, Auckland and Honolulu, or Auckland and' Honolulu, with efficient provision for tho carriage of the mails to and from San Francisco, bo that the whole time between Auckland and Sun Francisco shall not exceed 20 days, at a cost to the colony (after computing the estimated receipts, if any, from the othor colonies) not exceeding £18,000, and failing Buch arrangement being practicable that the Government bo authorised to contract for a service between Auckland and San Francisco, or between Sydney, Auckland and San Francisco at the same rate of time, at a cost to the colony (after computing the estimated receipts, if any, from other oolonio.<) not exceeding £23,000." Ho explained at great longlh tho present position of the service, and tho arrangements that wero m progress for its continuance since tho House passed the former resolutions. He said the Houso would see from the papora laid on the Table the results of negotiations. The Union Company had tendered for the service for £30,000, tho Company to receive all contributions from othor colonies, but this would be at a greater cost to the colony than his present proposal, which was only for £18,000. Other tenders had been received, with a terminus at Sydney instead of Auckland, and at a cost of £io,ooo. He thought the Government could not possibly have accepted those terms without committing a breach of fuith with tho H-iuse, aud they had then to see what other terms could be inado for the service. They considered that if tho terminus was not to bo at Auckland they should get as efficient a service as possible at as low a rate as could bo obtined. He stated that the only courso open t:> the Government after tho failure of negotiations with Now South Wales was to ask tho House to give them authority to do tho best they could after the House rises to obtain an efficient service at not exceeding £18,000. Ho thought it was not desirable to relinquish this important servieo at the present time, but tho Government were not prepared to tccouimend higher term 3 than appeared m the resolution.' If the resolutions were passed there was almost a certainty that the Government would be able to act under one of the two alternatives proposed m it. Mr Macandrew said tho House had only recently taken a definite course on this question, and he saw no reason why they should change their opinion now. Ho hoped that whatever arrangements were made that New Zealand would bo the terminus. If not they had better do without the ssvvico altogether. Ho would propose n much Bimpler resolution, " That tho Government bo authorised to contract for a monthly mail service between Auckland and San Francisco, at a cost to the colony not exceeding £30,000 a year for three years ; the length of the voyage not to exceed 20 days." The Hon. Mr Stout thought the proposals of the Government were fair ones, as tho traffic likely to be opened up by them would be of great advantage to New Zealand. He also thought tho resolutions would be more economical for tho colony than tho amondment proposed by tho Member for Port Chalmers. Mr Macandrew said he had no desire to press his amendment, and was willing to withdraw it. Mr Montgomery thought Iho present resolutions wero -not nearly so advantageous to tho colony as the former arrangements. He said they would not go further than the terms thoy had formerly agreed to. He did not like the proposal as it stood, and would desire to see the portion relating to £23,009 struck out. Mr Holleston askod if this resolution was passed whether Iho Government would call for tenders. lhe Hon. Sir Julius Vegel said it would most likely be done by privnto negotiations. If the resolutions wero passed the Government would endeavor to go oil with tho negotiations with as little delay as possible, but thought tho terminus at Auckland should be a strong point, and that the colony should insist upon it, and ho thought the Houso should agree to the resolutions. Captain Sutter hoped the House would pause beforo passing the resolutions. Mr Korr thought if tho servieo only went as far as Honolulu they might as well have no service at all. Mr Downie Stewart did not see why a subsidy of £12,009 should not be given for a servieo between Auckland and Honolulu, thcro to connect with San Francisco. He thought it wonld bo very much better if they confined their efforts to encouraging tho direct steamers, which were of such great advantage to the colony. Mr Fisher regretted the Membor for Port Chalmers had not taken the form of the resolution originally brought down by the Colonial Treasurer when the question was formerly before tho House. He thought that a servieo to Honolulu would bo exceedingly unsatisfactory. If Sydney were to receive all tho advantages ns to the terminus they would do better to drop the proposals altogether. Mr Bovan thought the San Francisco service had proved a failure, and that it was of no commercial advantage to the colony whatever. He pointed out there was a distinct understanding last year that tho San Francisco service was to bo continued if il could be done at about the cost of the amount of postage. Tho Treasurer had shown that the cost to the colony would only bo tho postage collected for Iho letters. Another reason why he desired to see the service continued would be that it would undoubtedly keep up the rate of speed on tlio part of the direct steamers. He quite agreed with Sir Julius Yogel that tho service would bo a practical and satisfactory one. He did not bco much objection to Honolulu being included, although he should havo preferred the direct route. Mr Hursthouse asked with whom tho understanding was arrived at as to the San Francisco Bervico being continued. He admitted that the San Francisco service as a mail service was almost perfect, but as a passenger service it was very unpopular. Ho did not think Now Zealand should allow herself to be made use of by New South Wales as a moans to gain her own ends. Sir Boot ham irna opposed to the resolution. He believed if tho proposal wore not carried that tbo service would still be carried on by Sydney and San Francisco people. Mr Barron pointed out that when the former resolution was passed a material consideration whioli guided the House was thnt Auckland should bo the torminus, but tho present was a different proposal altogether. Mr "Rolleston supported the resolution. It was understood last year that Iho San Francisco service was to be continuod. Mr O'Callaghan moved that tho latter part of the resolution to tho alternative proposal for £23,000 be struck out. The amendment was lost by 20 to 25, the following being the division list : — Ayes, 29. — Atkinson, Ballanco, Bradshaw, W. P. Buckland, Cadman, Grace, G-roy, Harper, Hobbs, W. J. Hurst, Joyce, Bradshaw, Lake, Macarthur, J. McKenzio, Moat, Mitchelson, O'Conor, Pcacook, Pyko, Rees, E. Kiclmrdeon, G. F. Richardson, Holleston, Stout, Tole, Trimblo, Yogel, Why to. Noes, 25. — Barron, Buchanan, Conolly, Duncan, Fisher, Guinness, Hatch, Hislop, Holmes, Ivcbs, Kcrr, Lanco, Macandrew, M. J. S. Mackenzie, McMillan, Montcoth, Montgomery, O'Calliighan, Heid, Boss, Seddon, VV. D. Stewart. iSutter, J. W. Thomson, Walker. TAIBB. Ayes — Russell, Hirst, Bruce, Dargavillo, Wakeflold, Smith, Cowan, .Eraser, Locke, T. Thompson, Pnmncl. Noes — Uurstbouso, Johnston, While, Newman, Bcctham, Wilson, Garrick, Lovostam, Brown, Poarson, Bovan. Tho original resolution was then put and carried ou tho voices. DU3INBBB OP IIOCBB. Tho Hon. Mr Stout moved that the Houso at its rising adjourn till to-morrow at twolvo o'olock. — Agreod to. SCI'FLEMBSTAnY ESTUrATES. Tho Houso went into Committee, for tho consideration of tho Supplementary Estimates. Hem : Legislative Department, £4131. — Agreed to. Item : Geological and Meteorological, £282.— Agreed to. Itom : Printing and Stationery, £300. — Agreed to. Item t Kucelloneous, £1229,

Mr Hobbs moved that tho contribution towards tho cost of a clock at Port Chalmers, £100, bo struck out. — Lost on tho voices, and the item was carried. Item : Treasury Department, Balarics of officers dispensed with, £1459. — Carried. Item: Miscellaneous (Colonial Treasurer's Department) £8142. Business was interrupted by tho 5.30 p.m. adjournment. The Ifonse resumed at 7.30 p.m. Captain Suttcr moved that tho vote of £10,000, subsidy of pound for pound on rates collected m goldQclds counties, bo reduced by £5000. Mr Pyke said he had been m tho House for fourteen sessions, and he had never heard the mining interest so vilified as it had been this session. Ho would like to know what it nil meant. I Mr W. IT. Buckland opposed tho item. |He did not see why goldlields should be treated m an exceptional manner from other ' districts. Mr Turn bull supported tho vote. Mr Seddon asked the Committee to pass I the item. Ho quoted from returns to provo . that tho goldfields wore entitled to the subsidy : asked for. I The amendment was lost by 35 to 30. j Item : District, Resident Magistrate, and j Wardens Courts, £265. j This elicited a long discussion, and was carried by 34 to 22. j Item : Prisons (salaries), £838. — Oarriod. I Item : Shorthand reporting m Supreme : Courts, £500. | Mr Pearson "moved that the item be struck out. | The Hon. Mr Stout explained that the Bill had been withdrawn on account of the late- ' ness of tho session, and tho item was put on . the Estimates to initiato tho system, but if the Judges objected to the system it would not be used. | Mr Fisher and Mr Conolly strongly objected to the item. I Mr Hislop supported tho proposal, and pointed out that one of tlio Judges wa3 already m favor of it. I Ov a division tho voting was equal : ayes 31, noes 31. Tho Chairman gave his casting vote with tho ayes, and tho item was retained. I Item : Conveyance of mails, £50 (?) for iliveet steam service. — Curried. Item : Customs Officers and Services, £ICO. — Carried. Item: Marine and Harbors, £'210. A long discussion ensued on this item. j Mr Maearthur moved that the £165 for , the removal of rocks aud bar at Mokihinui ' river be struck out. The amendment was negatived on the voices, aud the sum was passed. MESSAGES FHOSI THB COUIfCIIi. The Hon. Mr Stout moved to report progress, m order to receive messages from tho Legislative Council. — Agreed to. Tho Land Bill was received from the legislative Council with amendments. The Hon. Mr Ballanco said ho proposed to ; ask tho House to agree to some of thoamend- ' ments and to disagree with the others. He : explained the nature of tho various amendments and said that the clauses he disagreed I with were 87, 105, 106, 131, 132, 113, 133, 14i, 150A, 161, and 237a. Some of the amendments made by tho Council he considered wero decided improvements. He moved that the House do agrco with tho amendments, with certain exceptions. Mr Wakefleld, moved that the House agree with amendments m clause 87, allowing the homestead system m other parts besides Auckland, but afterwards withdrew. The Hon. Mr Bollance moved that a conference to draw up reasons for disagreeing with tho amendmcuts be appointed to consist of the Hon. Mr Stout, Mr Kolleaton, Mr Macandrew and tho mover. — Agreed to. The other amendments made by the Council were agreed to. SUrrLEMSKTAIIT ESTIMATES. Tho House went into Committee for tlio further consideration of tho Supplementary Estimates. Item : Land and Deeds Eegistry (salaries and other charges), £126.— Carried. Item : Public Schools, £250, for rent of Education Office at Dunedin. — Carried. Item : Shortland Boys' and Girls' School, £500.— Carried. Item : Payment of the late J. Sheehan's i Executors, to cover baianco of his official account at tho Bnuk at Napior, m terms of the Arbitration Award of the 12th August, , 1885, £278.-Carried. Item : Minister of Mines, £4660. Mr Sutter moved to striko out tho £1005 bonus for La Montc's goldmining process. After a long discussion the vote of £1000 wns retained by 31 to 20. Captain Suttor moved to strike out the item £2000, aids to prospecting and rewards for mineral discoveries. Tho amendment was lost by 30 to 20. Mr Turnbull moved to report progress. Ho said the House had not beon fairly treated m tho way tho Estimates had been brought down. He contended they had not been brought down cither fairly or honestly, as the gold field votes had all been decided a few nights ago, and now they wero being reintroduced. Tho motion for reporting progress was lost by 3-1 to 15. Mr Turnbull moved that tho Chairman , leave tho chnir. He complained that the . Government which ho h^d so loyally sup- . ported were acting most unfairly m the i courso thoy were pursuing with the goldfields votes. Ho eventually withdrew the amendment. •Item : Working Railways, £1,068 — i Carried. Item : Volunteers' salaries, £1 18. — Carriod. Item : Stores and magazines, £10. — Carried. Item : Miscellaneous, £854. — Carried. Item : Crown lands, miscellaneous, £48. — Carried. Mr Donald Keid moved to rcduco the item of £346, to give effect to tho recommendation of tho Waste Lands Committee, m tho case of Hubert Joseph Btidd and Mrs Oakes by £22. — Lost on the voices. Item : Survey Department, verdict and costs m tho caso of Coylo v. Queen, £2600. — Carried. Item: New Zealand State forest, £8100. — Carried. Item : Immigration Officer, Christchurch, six months, £107. — Curried. Item : Railways, £9437. — Carried on a division by 25 to 18. Progress was then reported, and tho House roso at 2 a.m.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3425, 19 September 1885, Page 3

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GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3425, 19 September 1885, Page 3

GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3425, 19 September 1885, Page 3