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. . Sheep Hip. DIPPING SEASON, 1885. LINCOLN "SHEEP DIP," (POISONOUS). "GLYCERINE DIP" (NON-POISONOUS). Will MIX with COLD WATER, and not ' Discolor the Wool. MR HAY WABD' having had two seasons practical experience of Sheep Dipping m every part of ' New Zoaland, nnd thoroughly studied the modes of Dipping and the requirements of the different districts, wo have beeu enabled to specially adapt the above preparations to such requirements bo as to ensure satisfaction m every instance with ono dipping. THEY ARE CERTAIN KILLERS OF TICKS, their Eggs j LICE, their Ova j atid all PARASITES infebting the Skins of Sheep. The "Glycerine' Dip" is the best ever introduced for Wool Growing purposes, aa shown by Testimonials, arid the "Lincoln Dip " is the most Durable m tho Wool, and will keep the Sheep clean longer thau any other Dip has yet attained. The two Dips may bo used together m equal proportions, which will make a perfect Dip, and keep atiy ordinary flook of Sheep clean the whole season. Used together they combine highly nutritious and stimulating properties, with the lasting power of the Lincoln Dip. For very louSy and filthy longwool flocks, the Lincoln Dip alone is recommended, it boing most lasting m its effects. From Mr F. W. Hoaken (Manager for Jno.' Grigg, Esq.), Longbeach Station, Ashburton New Zealand. To Mr Hatwabd, Dunedin. July 12th, 1884. Dear Sir, — Yours to hand re reault 'of dipping. Mr Standish, I am glad to' say, is highly pleased With the ''appearanco of the sheep JDip m your " Glycerine " and " Lincoln Dip " mixed, compared with thoso dipped with Hatch's Dip, bo much so, that since ypu were here we have used your Dip for about 6000 Sheep, aud Mr Grigg would have used it for about 10,000, had your " Lincoln Dip" been obtainable. When it could not be got we used your " Glycerine Dip " mixed with Hatch's. Mr Standißh has just been examining the Sheep dipped, both with yours and your opponent's JDip, and speaks very favorably of the results. Where the " Glycerine " and " Lincoln " were used, the wool and skin of the Sheep were m by far the best condition than those dipped by Hatch. Price— 3s 6d pec Gallon, (lOlbs to Gallon), Drums free. 1000 Gallons of Liquid can be mado for £3 lOs, '1 he . under-mentioned Agents will be pleased to supply Catalogues, Price Lists, Instructions for Mixing, and any information required. - AGENTS AT TIMARU — The National Mortgage and Agency Company of New Zealand, The New Zealand Loon ond Mercantile Company,. Jonas and Bourn, Morohants. 1-6 1708 :■.. Miscellaneous. S^i R A TE F U j^— COMFORTING EPPS'S" COCOA. ; BREAKJFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural lows which govern'the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately -flavored beverago .which may aave us many heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicious. übo of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradnally built up until strong enough . to resist every tendenoy to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there iB a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."— See article m the Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold* m ilb packets by Grocers, labelled thus : — JAJMES EPPS & CO., Homceopathio Chemists /LONDON. ENGLAND. nnHE "TIMAEU; HERALD" Steam ahd Atmospheric JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT Is replete with and has one of the Largest and. Choicest Piants 6f Enumsh and Amebican' Appliances and Types for Lettterpreßs Printing m New Zealand, and executes with taate, design and deapatch every kind' of work from a card to a volume. Posters 'J-J 1 Invoices Streamers Billheads Day-bills - Comterheads Hand-billa Memo Forms J „._. . .Menu Cards Cards (business) Invitation Cards Ponrphletß Ball Programmes (vaPeriodicols riety of very choice Visiting Carda design's, with <»r Memorial Cards without pencils, &c) All our Stationery being Importod from the Home Markets, and our Printing performed by motive power, the Pricea charged are very Moderate ; only a fair percentage for profit is added, therefore they do na} oxceed Dunedin or Chriatchurch Prices. MODERATE CHARGES. - FRIENDS AT H©ME. nnHE "TIMARU HERALD MdiTTHI,Y SUMMARY, Containing all the principal News of the M on th of Colonial interest, Posted to any Address for ' " • FIVE SHILLINGS PER YEAR. Those JPersons who are m the habit of sending Newspapers to the Old Country may SAVE THEMBELVES MUOH TROUBLE and always secure its despatch m time for the English Mail, by leaving their instruotisna at thin office. . ■:-.- ■-"*•_■ .*.?*::■. "* - tuii TJifci nn iirnmn -j Established over 20 Yearß. jMipiiU ilUlilLU . DEPARTMENT Is completely furniahed with the LATEST IMPROVED TYPES ■- Aud Fust- IS it it ii ing Machinery, By Atmospheric aud Water Powers. W Extraordinary facilities for producing at the LOWEST BATES, aud ou tho shortost notioe, FINE PRINTING, In auy varioty of Style, Colour or Tint. BILLHEADS. DEAFTS.. STATEMENT HEADS. CHEQUES. : EiETTEB A NOTE HEADS. NOTES, CERTIFICATES. ■ s STEEAMEKS (lettors 21 xie m.) MENUS, .POSTEES. HANDBILLS. BALL PBOGBAMMES. CATALOGUES. BOOKWOJJBK, lu'tho Neatest Style. Estimatoß giten f or Periodl- • V :■■■>: cais ahd Magazines. At loweat Current Bates, m small or J> .'■,,'. lirge quaiititiea. * • (ifiiOCEBS* TEA PATERS, iv elaborate designs. Stereotyping for the Traae.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 3276, 27 March 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 3276, 27 March 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 3276, 27 March 1885, Page 4