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An ordinary meeting of the Geraldin County Council was held yesterday. Presen —Mr C. G. Tripp (Chairman), Messrs G. B Olulee, J. Talbot, and A. Sherratt, and M: F. W. Stubba, Secretary, MnJTJTEB. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. BANGITATA BRIDGE. The Ashburton County Council baring made a peremptory demand for half the coot of the Rangitata traffic bridge extension, carried out by them, at their last meeting tbi< Council resolved to employ Messrs Marchant and Meaeon, engineers, to make a professional examination and report upon the work, Their report was now read at follows : — Tha Chairman, Geraldinc County Council. As directed by a resolution of your Council, we have tho honor t» enclose our report on the strength and condition of tho Rangitata bridge extension. We may say that evidence concerning tho mannor m which the iron piles wero driven ha 9 been collected from sovoral and trustworthy sources, and having inspected the contract plans at Ashburton, we have every confidence that the details set forth m our report represent aa nearly as possible tho true facts. Wo carefully examined tho bridge extension, and tested each span and pier by means of a travelling load of about 24 tons, tho results of which will ba found m our report. Wo have, &0., F. W. Marchant, Q. Lainq-Mbason. kerort on the rangitata bridge extension. Wrought Iron Pile Foundations. — These consist of 18 piers of 4 piles each, or 72 piles m all. The piles are 38ft long and Oin m diameter ; each being m three lengths, scarf welded together. Wo found that 13 pilos out of 72 wero broken m driving, at first weld from head of pile. None of those brokon piles wero drawn or roplacod by now ones, bo that there are 59 pilos m tho bridgo of full length, and 13 about 26ft long. Tho fracture of those 13 fiiloa took place m nine cases above tho capsill evel and m four casos bolow it. Wo believe i that the pile 3 which broke abovo capsill level were driven down to that level, whilo thoso that broke below woro drawn np a few feet abovo the lovel, and then re-driven to it. Tho condition of these four piles must bo considered very unsatisfactory. Fortunately not moro than one of them exists m any one pier, and we feel convinced that the other threo piles composing a pior must bo sound and fnlly driven, or thoy wonld not havo stood our tost aa satisfactorily aa they have done. Wo may add that no apparent necessity existed for suoh a proceeding, as thero aro at tho present timo four or five full longth extra piles still nnnscd. Inspection of the broken pilo ends shows that breakage was duo principally to unsound welding;, besides which the iron exhibits a highly crystallino and " cold-short " fracture. Wo oannot offer any dooidod opinion on tho condition of tho lower welds of piles beyond the fact that should tho wolding bo dofeotive, the tendency to fracture whilst being driven would bo considerably Ic3s m their case than m tho oaso of tho uppor wolds. Load Teat on Bridgo. — To enablo us to form a sound opinion of tho strength of tho bridge, and tho manner m whioh it has boon built, wo tested oach pier and span I>y means of a travelling load of 2-t ton 3 weight. In no case did we find any vertical movement m the iron piles composing the piors, while tho lateral vibration was Jonly that which tho soundest and strongest material would havo exhibited under tho circumstances. Though wo think that the arrangement and jointing of tho girder members might have been improved upon, still they aro of ample strength, tho deflect toa of the girders nnder :ho test load being within reasonable limitd, md without permanent sot. Abutment at North End of Bridge. — This is ropportod by tho walls of a conorete culvert previously existing at this point. Tho wing rolls and face of tho abutment have been pro;ectod by a bonldor apron, consisting of stones )f an average size of abont half a cubic foot. Thoro is no doubt this boulder apron will bo iwopt away by a very moderate stream, and vo think somo inexpensive means might bo idoptod to enablo the abutment to resist more icour than it will bo able to do with tho prelont protection. Howovor, should tho rivor ■eally set m at that point, tho only safe course ;o adopt will bo to extend tho bridgo still 'urther. Conclusion. — Aftor having very carofully ionsidered all the forces m connection with ;hiß work, and having made the necessary salculations, wo havo formed tho following sonclusiona -.— (1) That tho bridgo is of suffisiont strength to withstand tho heaviest travelling load ; (2) that m no caso would tho point of the shortest piles bo less than 14ft bolow tho lowest scour of tha river, which wo consider a sufficient depth ; (3) that the piers ire of sufficient strength to withstand tho lateral pressure of the swiftest and deepest flood occurring m tha rivor, oven if only two piles m each pior woro sound and of full strength. (In this conolusion allowanco has boon made for tho collection of flood rubbish round the piles.) [Signed) F. W. Makohant, A.M. Inst. C.B. G. Lainq-Meason, C.B. The report was considered very satisfactory by the members present. The Chairman sxpreased himself well satisfied with the teßt. ft was made with two wagons loaded with ihingle. They started from the north ond, rod he advised them not to take the loads aver the old bridge — he did not believo it s»fe, but he did not'bnow whether they took his advice or not. A letter was next read from Mr Moody, expressing regret that he was unable to attend the meeting. Tho writer then proDeeded : — " I beg to draw the Counoil's attention to the position of the Levels Road Board, who just now are m debt £2600 for carrying out necersary works, and are striking a rate to partly extinguish this and to koop repairs going. A County rat<j for the Bangitata bridge would be exceedingly unjust and oppressive if carried out on an equal rate orer the County, as it would cauio tho Levels distriot to flod £1700, nearly half of the whole. I therefore trust that some equal and just means of placing the burden on tho right Bhouldera will be devised, or some contribution made m the form of a subsidy to the districts lets interested thau the ridings immediately adjacent, whose ratepayers must gain an advantage considerably greater than those living 30 or 40 miles distant, to whom the benefit, if it exists at; all, roust bo infinitesimal." At the previous meeting Mr Moody gave notice of a motion to strike a general County rate of id m the £ | this notice he now asked should be allowed to lapse as far as be was concerned. A letter was read from the Council's solicitors, Messrs White and Smitbson, as to tbe power of the Council to strike other than a general rate for the purpose of raising funds to p&J for the Rangitata bridge, Tbe opinion, it wag stated m the communication, had been asked for by Mr Moody, and the Chairman expressed tome surprise that a member of tbe Council should, unauthorised, haTO obtained euoh an opinion at the cost of the Council. The solicitors explained tho bearing of the several sections of the law of rating which had »ny bearing on tbe case, and the three kind of rates, " general," " separate," am " special," oonoluding : "In short, we are of opinion that your Council can, m respeel of this work, strike a general rate and a general | rate only." In reply to a question whether any writ had yet been received from the Aihburtoa

'"YusnH, the Chairman said he had written t Hi' Ohnir.nan of that Council asking, as afavo that th> writ should bo withold until afic this meeting at any roto, seeing that utef were being taken to obtain au engineer' opinion about tho work. Mr Talbot, thought it would have boe quite unjustifiable for the Ashburton Ooun cil to go tho length of issuing writ. However, tho engineers' report bom satisfactory they must now floe about paying The accounts ought to bo examined Srat t see that they were correct and fair. A rat must bo struck, but it would take some tim to c 'licet, oiid as the Council had some none; on fixed deposit, he would suggest that tba sum be handed over m the meantime. H would move first — •• That notice bo given ii accordance with the Rating Act 18S2, that i rate of ono f ßribing m the pound on th rateable value of tho County will be Btruck a a special meeting of the Council to be held 01 Saturday, 20th October, the samo to bo i general rate for the period ending llnroh Slat 1884, and payable m ono sum on Novembe: 10th next." Mr Talbot spoke m favor o making the rate as low as possible m view o the dulneas of tho times, and a rato of om fathing ho showed would be quite sufficient They had about £1700 m hand, and ouch i rate would produco about £4ZOO, so thn after paying the Ashburton Council's clam of about £4000, and deducting expenses, thej ought to havo a balance of £IGOO. Hi showed that a very largo proportion of tin rato would be paid by tho Levels and Tumuki districts ; tho amount derivablo from eacV Riding or Road District being : — Level* £1723 ; Temuka, £SOB ; Mount Cook, £702 Geraldine, £479 j BJount Pool, £408. Thi Levels district would therefore hava to raisi nearly half the demand of the Athburtoi Council, while Temuka would p-iy nearly ai much as both Geraldino and Mount Peol tho two Ridings adjacent to the bridge He therefore thought that the Levels dis trict should receive a subsidy from the balanci left, and something should bo given towardi the bridges m tho Temuka district. Tbe Chairman deprecated the cry that thi Rangitata bridgo benefited most those whe livod nearest to it, and asserted that tin contrary was the fact. It was thoss at a dis tsnee who had been most inconvenionced by the river being unbridged, as thoy had no means of knowing when it was passable, and, consequently, often came to it and W.TO stopped by it, while those living m the neighborhood could stay at homo till tho river wa« passable. He pointed out. that tho Council had hitherto spent about £5000, the who!o of which had been expended m the Level' »nd Temuka districts. Mr Tulbot remarked that tho monoy bad been chiefly ra ; sed m those diitricts too. Mr Clulee, who seconded the motion, said the bridge was m tho Geroldine and Mount Peel districts only, and it wiia absurd to »oy that those d str'tcts were not more benefited by it than the others, and still more absurd to say it was fair they should contribute only £SBO, and other ridings £2200. Mr Talbot considered the valuation of the several ridinga very unequal, and, therefore, from a county point of view, very uDJUBt. Temuka and the Levels were valued at nearly the same amount per acre, Geraldine not half as much, and very little more than Mount Peel or Mount Cook. The average rateable value of freehold land per acre m each riding as assessed, was — leimiln, £10 18s 4d ; Levels £8 16j j Geraldioe, £4 17s 8j 1 ; Mount Peel, £i lls lid j Mount Cook, £4 Os ljd. Tho GeralJine district was well known to be nearly all good agricultural land, and a comparison of its average assessed value with that of the Levels or Mount Cook wouH show how it wai that Goraldino could get off so lightly m tho nvilter of this bridge. Ho foresaw thai the Council would presently have to take this matter of valuation m hand, and see that it was done oqnitably throughout tho County. It was very clear that tho Geraldine Hiding was not valued high enough m comparison with the rest. Mr Talbot's motion was CBrricd unanimously, and a second was carried Oxing a special meeting, to be held on the 20th inst., to strike the rate. Tha following were also carried : — Moved by Mr Tulbot, and seconded by Mr Clulee — "That tho A«hburton County Cjhiicil be asked to accept the sum of £1500 now available for immrdialo handing over to I them, and that the balance be allowed to stand over pending the collection of tho rate now to be struck, this Council guaranteeing full liquidation on or before December 31st, 1883. Moved by Mr Sherratt, seconded by Mr Talbot — "That Mr Btubbs be appoined collector of rates at a remuneration of 5 per cent, and that ho be required to enter into a surety bond tJ the extont of £500, tho remuneration mentioned notito include preparation of rolls, advertising or cost of bond." Mr Olulee gave notice that at next meeting he would move — " Seeing that tho whole contribution of ra'.es by tho Mount Peel and Geraldine Road Districts amounts to only some £900, equal to about one-fifth, and that those districts are moro immediately interested m the Upper Rangitata traffio bridge, the sum of £1500, or as near that amount as may be available, be deducted from the totul amount collected m the County aud divided among the Temuka, Lovels and Mouut Cook Ro»d districts m proportion to the amounts contributed by them respectively, as a subsidy from this Council." The Chairman again objected to the assertion that the Geraldine and Mount Feel districts were more benefitod by the bridgo than others. The ratcpoyers m those districts, as ft matter of fact, scarcely used tbo bridge, but etockowners and dealers m the Levels district did to largely. MISCELLANEOUS. Mr Clulee was appointed Treasurer during the absonce of Mr McKerrow, and Mr Talbot was authorised to sign cheques m place of Mr McKerrow, until tho latter's return. i Mr Clulee intimated that ho should pro- > bably resign his seat on tho Councit at an | early date. ' A letter waa rear! from the Colonial Secret lary's office, m reply to anenquiry, stating that the Government huvo no money voted for tho purposo of tapping tho Wuitarakao (Washdyke) or other lagoons. ■ Account! to tbe amount of £19 5a lOd i woro passed for payment, and tho meeting . terminated.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 2818, 4 October 1883, Page 3

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GERALDINE COUNTY COUNCIL. Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 2818, 4 October 1883, Page 3

GERALDINE COUNTY COUNCIL. Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 2818, 4 October 1883, Page 3