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Harbor Board. or disorderly conduct, op who shall nut leave when lawfully requested by the Chairman so to do, may bo forthwith removed liy him, and shall be deemed guilty of tin offence. Any Member may of right demand the production of miv documents of the Board, applying to the question under discussion. The Hoard shall vole by show of hands. The Chairman shall, on taking the sense of the. Hoard, put fhe question, first m the iiflii'iiinfivp, tlien m the negative, nml tlic result tlieveof shall be recorded m the minutes. At every Meet ing of the Board, all motion?, whether original motions or amendments, shall be reduced into writing signed by the mover, and delivered to Die Chairman immediately on their being moved and seconded. No second or subsequent amendment, whether upon an original proposition or on an amendment, shall be taken into consideration until the previous amendment is disposed or. If an amendment be carried, the question or amendment as amended shall become itself the question ov amendment whereupon any further amendment upon any portion of the question or amendment coining after such first mentioned amendment, may be moved. If an amendment he negatived, then a second may he moved to the question to which the. first-mentioned amendment was moved, but only one amendment shall be submitted to the Board for discussion at a time. The mover of every original proposition, hut not of any amendment, shall have :i right to rcplv, immediately after which the question shall be put from'the Chair, and no Member shall he allowed to speak more than once on the same question unless permission be given to explain, or the attention of the Chair be called to a point of order. A motion duly seconded -" That this Board do now adjourn," shall be m order at any period or the Meeting, unless while any Member of the Hoard is speaking. If the motion of adjournment be carried, the business on the paper not disposed of shall stand for consideration and take precedence at the next 1 Meeting. No discussion shall he allowed on any motion for adjournment of the Board, and.if on the question being put, the motion be negatived, the subject then under consideration, or the next on the notice paper, shall be discussed, or any other thttt may be allowed precedence, before any subsequent motion for adjournment be made. No motion, the elicit of which if carried would be to rescind any motion which has already passed the Board", shall be entertained, unless notice of such motion has been given tv each Member at least se^ en days previous tc the Meeting, or unless with the iinunimouE consent of the Board, not less than six Members being present. Any Member may protest against anyresolution of the Board, and notice of intention to protest shall m every case be given forthwith on the adoption of the resolution protested against, and the protest shall specify the reasons for protesting, and shall be entered three days at least before, the next ordinary meeting of the Board, by the protesting Member, m v book to he kept for that purpose m the Secretary's olliee, and signed by such Member, and shall he nlso entered m the minutes of the. Meeting at which notice of the intention to protest shall have been given previously to the confirmation thereof; but such protect may be expunged from the minuter if declared by a majority of the Board to be not m accordunco with the truth, or m terms disrespectful to the Board. The Board may at any time resolve itself into Committee. Lai-ski) Qckstioss. If iv debute on any motion, moved and seconded, be interrupted by tho number of Members present becoming insuflieient for the transaction of business, such debate may bo resumed at the point where it was so interrupted, on motion upon notice. If a debate on any order of the day be interrupted by any iiisttllieioney of number as aforesaid happening, such order may be restored to the notice boole for a future day on motion upon notice, and then such debate shall be resumed at the point where it was so interrupted. CoiiMirrt'Ks. Committees may be appointed from time to time lit any Meeting of tho Board, for carrying into effect any of the purposes for which' the Board has been uppointcd, with such powers* and under such instructions, directions 01 limitations as shall appear to the Board expedient, nud tlrce of the Members of such Committee shall form a quorum. A motion for the appointment of any Committee shall contain tke names of the Members proposed to serve on such Committee, including tho mover. Minutes of all proceedings of Committee; shall be entered m tho Committee's minute book, and, being signed by tho Chairman ol the Committee, slmll be presented to the Board when so ordered, and both Secretary and Engineer, when practicable shall attend all Meetings of Committees. The Secretary shall convene every Commit tee on the request of tho Chairman of the Committee or of any two Members of the Committee. Petitions. No petition shall bo presented after the Board shall have proceeded to tho orders of the day. Jt shall be incumbont on every Member presenting v petition to acquaint himself with the contents thereof, and to ascertain that it docs not contain language disrespectful to the Board, and that the contents do not violate any By-Law, or any provision thereof. Kvery Member presenting a petition to tho Board shall write his name at the begiimini' thereof. b Kvery petition shall be m writing and not printed or lithographed, and shall contain the prayer of the petitioners at the end thereof, and be signed by at least one person on every skin or sheet on" which it is written. Kvery petition shall bo signed by the persons whose names are appended thereto by their names or murks, and by no one else except m eases of incapacity by sickness. No letters, affidavits, or documents shall be attached to any petition. Kvery Member presenting a petition to tho Board, shall confine himself to a statement of tho persons from whom it comes ; of the number of signatures attached to it, and of the material allegations contained m it, and to the reading of I ho prayer thereof. AITOISTMKNT3, &C, OF OMICKBS. No new appointment, to any permanent otliee, at the disposal of the Board, eliall take place until seven clear days' public notice shall have been given by advertisement m one or more newspapers" circulating m the, Province of Canterbury, inviting applications from qualified candidates for the, same. No Member of tho Board shall be received as a surety for any oilicer appointed by tho Board, or for any work to bo done for tho Board. In all cases of security being given for the faithful performance of any duty or contract, the expense of preparing such security shall be borne by tho person providing tho samo. Miscellaneous. All the plans and specifications for any public work shall be placed m the Boardroom at least seven days prior to the same being considered and ordered upon, and be open for inspection by any Member during that time. Tho Common Seal of the Board shall be kept under lock and koy, and shall romain m tho charge of tho Secretary, and shall only be attached to documents m the presence of tho Chairman, or m his absence, m tho presence of two Members of the Board. Any one or more of tho foregoing By-Laws muy bo suspended for a special purpose on motion upon notice duly given, and shall not otherwiso be suspended except by a vote of nt least six Members. If any person shall bo guilty of auy wilful offence, or misfeasance, or wilful uegligent iict of commission or omission, contrary to any provision contained m the foregoing ByLaws, he shall forfeit a sum not excoeding twenty pounds. 8-1 6180 PLEASANT POINT. MB I. L MORBIS, Storekeeper, Point, has been APPOINTED OUK AGENT, and Subscribers ■will m future please call at his Store for their Papers. Mr Mosßia' receipt will be a sufficient discharge of acoouuU paid to him on behalf of thii Office

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Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 2763, 1 August 1883, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 2763, 1 August 1883, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 2763, 1 August 1883, Page 4