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The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Borough Council was held last evening. MEHBEBS PBBSBNT. Councillor Jackson (who presided m the nD3enco of His Worship the Mayor), and Councillors Cullmann, Filmer, Ross, Gabites, Shepherd, Greenup, and Sherratt. HISCTBS. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. COBBESPOHDBNCB. The following correspondence was read : — From Mr F. J. Wilson, stating he was about to erect, for Mr W. Henly, a block of buildings on Beetion 161 m George street, and applying for the proper levels of the said section ; also enclosing a deposit of one guinea for came. Mored by Councillor Shepherd, seconded by Councillor Cullmann, and carried — " That Mr F. J. Wilson be informed that the Counoil hare under their consideration tKs adoption of town levels, mid that lie be invited to inspect the sumo, the tee forwarded being returned to him at present." From the Hon. Secretary of the South Cantorbury Jockey Club, asking the Mayor to grant half holidays on April 28th and 29th, on account of the Timaru race days. — Application granted. From Shand, Mason and Co., London, with Florence to the uniforms for theTimaru Fire Brigade, and advising that they had been shipped for New Zealand per Rosetta, which, left Loudon about February 20ih. From Mr Richard Turnbull, calling attenr tion to the necessity which existed for continuing the kerbing and footpath about on« ohain from George street to Cain's torrace, as the water from Cain's terrace ran over the roadway on to the existing footpath at the corner, and also to prevent vehicles running too close to his building. Further, offering to bear a proportion of the. expense to incurred. : Proposed by Councillor Shepherd, Beconded by Councillor Gabites, and carried — "That tho application of Mr B. Turnbull, for footpath, be referred to the Foreman of Works to report to the Works Committee." From Moasra H'irpjr, Harper and Scott, solicitors, OhrUtcburoh, m reply to a letter from tho Council asking that proceedings m connection with Mr lihode«' claim might be suspended, stating they were prepared to stay the action until tho Ist June. They would shortly acquaint the Council of the actual amount of damages claimed m respect of Bootion 870. In refcronco to Mr Rhodes joining the Council m the cost of the surrey, they were injtraoted to state that their client was perfectly satisfied with tho surreys already existing, and which they had every reason io believe were perfectly correct. They thought a reference to Government on Ike subject of the encroachment would tend to clear up the natter. Io reply to a request from Captain Cain, the following motion, mored by Councillor Cullmann, and seconded by Councillor Sherratf, was passed :— " That upon Captain Cain agreeing to pay half the cost of cutting tho clay from his property m Sophia street, and allowing tho earth to bo used for finishing the eastern sHe of Sophia street, the Crovordment bo reluctated to allow the prison labor for tho excavation, &o." NEW LICENSES. Applications were received from Peter Bertie for a lic?nso to enablo him to ply for hire with a four-wheeled cirriago within the Borough, mid from James Keen for a Keerm a9 driver. — Granted. QKOHQE STaEET DBAIIf. A lot tor whs read (torn Messrs Reid and Knubley, solicitors, enclosing a ceriiScnte liiven by Drs Mucintyre and Hogg, relative to the condition of the public drnin running across Grey street at a point nearly opposite Mr James Bruco's offices. Under seotion 239 of tho Municipal Corporations Act, 1876, they had to request that the Counoil would atou.ogive directions for the purifying and cleansing of the said drain to the satisfaction of Dr Maeintyro. Tho certificate went on to certify that tlu drain running undor Mr J. Bruco'sofllces and houße, mid across Grey street, was m a condition likoly to propagate disease, and endanger tho lives of Mr Bruce' • household. The cause of the defective drainage »p-

peared to bo due lo tho fact that the main drain iv Grey street was too email to receive the contents of Mr Bruoj'a drji;i during flood or heavy rain. Mr Dale, the Inspector of Nuisances, was present, and staled lie had examined I lie drain, which he found to be stopped up witli kerosene tin?, limber, and box?*, which caused a atoppage. If caro bad beon taken by Mr Bruco thero would have been no necessity for complaint. Councillor R053 movod, Counoiilor Shepherd seconded, and it was carried — " That m reply lo Messrs Reid and Knubley's letter re health ofßcer's roport concerning the state of Grey street sewer udjoining Mr Bruce's premises, Die Council arc informed that tlio Cause of asnoyance arises through the stoppage of a private itwtr raoning through Mr Bruoe's own property, and consequently the owner of such private drain i» liable for its purification ; moreover, Mr Brace has been invited to meet the Council respecting the alleged evil, but h»s hitherto neglected or declined to do so." Tho following motion, which was moved by Councillor Greenup and seconded by Councillor Filmer, was also carried : — ' That the Chairman of the Works Committee, have tho branch drain from Mr Bruce's property to the main drain m Grey street opened up, so kb to aicerlain where tho stoppage exists, and that the Chairman and a member. of the Council be present." TOWN LBVSLS. Councillor Greenup moved, Councillor Gabites seconded, and it was carrier! — " That tun Borough Solicitor be instructed to draft a notice setting forth the Council's intention to fix tho levels within the Borough. Such notice to be published as required by the Act, and that a meeting of the Council be held on the 13th June, 1881, at 3 p.m , to consider any objections there may be to tho mine." SPBCrAt VATEB BATE. Moved by Councillor Kos3, seconded by Councillor Greonup, and carried — " That for providing for the annual intcroit on the special loan of £60,000 for supplying the Borough of Timaru with water, and doing all other acts and things necessary for, or incidental to, carrying out that purpose a special rate of one shilling m the pound sterling upon" the rateable value of all rateable property within the said Borough be now made. Such special rato to be an annual recurring rate, pajable m equal portions half-yearly, on every 30th day of April and 31atday of October, from tho said 30th diy of April, 1881, aod to be levied year by yew without further proceeding by this Council until the said loan is paid off. The said rate to be paid to the Rate Collector for the said Borongh at the Town Clerk's office, Timaru, on the above named days between the hours of 11 a.ra , and 4 p m." ASHUAL OBNEBAIi BATB. On the motion of Councillor Boss, seconded by Councillor Greenup, it was resolved — "That an annual general rate of one shilling m the pound sterling on the rateable values of the properties ns appearing on the valuation roll Tor the Borough now m force be now made for the year ending 31st December, 1881 ; such rato to be payable to tho rate collector for the Borough of Tiruaru, at tl<e Town Clerk's office, Timaru, m two equal instalments of sixpence m tho pound sterling, each on the 30th day of April 1881, and the 31st day of October 1881." KOBTH STBEBT CHAHNBLLINO. Moved by Councillor Greenup, seconded by Councillor Filmer, and carried — " That the recommendation of the Clerk of Works for concrete channelling m North street, at Mr Shepherd's corner, be adopted." TEJfDEBS. The following tenders were received for the formation of afootwa? on the western sido of King street :— M. Wiggins, £18 j P. Sullivan, £11 15s; A. Stratford, £18 11s; James Forbes and Co., £16 2s 9d ; Cornelius Collins, £9 10s (accepted). For works m connection with North streat, the tenders received were : — Leadle and Stratford, £15 14s ; O. Collins and Co., £11 ; J.Forbes, £12 11b; P. Sullivan, £9 83 (acCopted). Contract No. 23, Waterworks fittings:— J. Anderson, £864 Is; McLean and Clegg, £723 5s ; J. Dank.', £679 ; Anderson and J. Morrison, £679J12b ; A. and T. Burt, £525 13s (accepted). For Contract No. 24, Waterworks :— J. Newton, £64; D. McKenzie, £58 16* ; F. For,jan. £70; J. Jones, £112 lOi ; S. Sibley, £77; D. McKcndry, £137 4s; H. Nicholls, £48 (accepted). ACCOUNTS. Accounts were passed for payment — on Waterworks account £1475 14a 3d, and on general account £75. This concluded the business, and tho Council then adjourned.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 2056, 26 April 1881, Page 2

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TIMARU BOROUGH COUNCIL. Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 2056, 26 April 1881, Page 2

TIMARU BOROUGH COUNCIL. Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 2056, 26 April 1881, Page 2