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MR. NEWTON KING'S REPORT. A# the Haymarket, on* Saturday, there was an improved demand for pigs. Slips made 8s to 163, small stores 19s xo 235, porkers 325. At the mart fowls made Is 6d to 2s Id, ducks Is 4d to 2s. Fruit sold as follows during the week : — Maridarins 5s 6d to 6s, mandarins in bad order 2s 6d to 4s, Auckland oranges 4s to«ss, apples 7s to 9s, lemons Is 6d to 4s, bananas (green) Bs. Cattle— On Friday, 19th inst., at Tariki, I held 'a clearing sale on account of Mr H. Nixon, who is leaving Taranaki. There was a very large attendance. Bidding was very keen. Tha first cow from the Homestead herd, a nice Jersey bred by Mr W. D. Webster of" New Plymouth, brought top price for the day— £23 10s. Other grade Jerseys made from £11 to £13, the average for the Homestead herd cf 22 cows being over £12. The herd from the Rugby Road farm was a good lot, but had fewer Jerseys, and consequently did not bring such high prices. They sold at from £5 to £9. A yearling peai-' gree Jersey bull made £15 10s j spring-, ing heifers £7 5s to £7 10s. On Monday, at Upper Palmer Roa-1, Mr Robert Williams' clearing sale was well attended" and everything sold at satisfactory prices. .Cows close to profit i made £6 10s to £9 ss, late calvers and aged cows £2 15s to £5 ss, store cows £lto £1 10s, bull £3, trap mares £20 and £8 10s, hack £4 10s. v At Waiwakaiho, on Tuesday, there was a good attendance, and an improved demand for young stock, all of whi n sold at ruling rates. Mr A. Neilson's dairy cows wore a nice lot and met with fair competition. We'aners made 1 yearlings 18s. to £1 6s 6d, heifers £1 Ss 6d to £3 3s 6d, store cows £1 10s to £2 2s 6d, cows in calf £2 Jss to £3 12s 6d springers £4 to £5 10s, steers £3 14s. At Tikorangi, on Wednesday, I held a clearing sale on account of Mr W. E. Loveridge. There was a good attend* ance, and good. bidding. The pigs were an exceptionally good lot, but prices were rather on the low side. The cows were a nice lot, mostly young. They were well competed for. Early calvers made £6 5s to £7, late calvers £3 5s to £5 10s, aged and store cows £1 15s *o £2^lss, bull £4, sows £2 to £3 7s 6d, boars 18s to 3ds, slips 10s to 15s, draught horses £20 to £23. At Rahotu, on Thursday, there was a fair yarding and attendance, and nearly everything was sold at the hammer. Calves made 13s 6d to £1, 18 to 18months £1 7s to £1 16s, 2-year steers £2 3s. store cows £1 to £2 15s, fat cows £4 15s. <* The sale of Mrs Hy. Gray.'s ( household furniture on Friday was largely attended and bidding was very spirited from start to finish, 'excellent prices being realised for nearly every line. MESSRS WILSON & NOLAN'S REPORT. Messrs Wilson and Nolan report for iho week ending Saturday, July 27th, as follows : — Poultry — Owing to tho wet day, not many birds were penned. Those sold realised good prices. Fruit — Local frnit is in short supply. A big shipment of Island fruit arrives to-day. • ' i Hides — We had a good sale on Wednesday, and cleared a big catalogue. Clearing sales — On Wednesday we sold a large quantity- of fnrnitnre and sundries on account of Mrs Kennington. As we Were not able to- clear everything, the balance will" be sold on Saturday at the mart. On Thursday we had a clearing sale on account of Mr J. Tippins, Fraiikley Road. Buyers were numerous, and all lots offered, were, quitted at .good prices. Cattle made the following prices: — Young cows £5 to £8, old cows £3 15s to £7, heifers £3 17s 6d to £5, yearlings 20s. A special line of Jerseys made 42s 6d, bull £5, horses £15 10s to £17, gig £12 154. On August Bth we hold a clearing sale at Tikorangi on account of Mr T. Mor> gan. , We quote: — Poultry — Hens Is 3d to 2s, roosters Is Bd, cockerels Is 6d to 2s 3d, White Leghorn pullets 3s 9d to 4s, turkeys 4s 6d io 6s 3d, ducks Is 9d, geese 2<5 6d. Fruit — Bananas 5s to Bs, apples 7s 9d. MESSRS VICKERS * STEVENS' REPORT. Messrs Vickers and Stevens report hat there was a good entry of cattle in their Inglewood Yards on Wednesday. Calves made from 16s to 18s, yearling

steers £1 9s to £1 Us, empty heifers £1 5s to £1 10s, store cows £1 to £2 12s 6d, springers £2 15s to £6, f.m. ewes 11s 6d. . At Mrs Cantoll's sale on Friday there was a fair attendance. Hie cows made from £3 5s to £7, grey mart; £15 15s, gig £13. At Mr G. Bovett's clearing sale on Monday there was a large attendance, and everything sold well. Store cows and backward calvers made £1 5s to £3 10s, springers £4 103 to £7 17s 6d in-calf heifers £1 8s to £2 12s, calves 12s to £1 5s 6d, ewes in lamb 15s 7d, bay mare £30 ss, buggy horse and harness, £50. At Mr Hueston's sale on Tuesday there was a very large attendance. Tho cows made from £2 5s to £6 12s 6d, springing heifers £3 to £4 12s, bay mare £13 10s, grey gelding £19. At Mr A. Schrader's «ale on Thursday there wap a good attendance. Cows made from £2 5s to £10 10s, pure-bred Ayrshire bull £10, pure-bred Ayrshire heifers £10 10s, bay gelding £24 ss, three-year-old filly i £21, grey gelding £10 ss. They also report the sale of Mr D. v McKenzie's {arm of 100 acres on the Rugby Road to Mr A. B. Gamlin, and Mr A -E. Atkinson's farm of 318 acres on the Kaipi Road to Mr O'Shaunessoy, both at satisfactory prices. MESSRS,, YOUNG, HOBBS * CO.'S REPORT. On Tuesday we held our monthly sale, and were favoured with an increased catalogue. As usual the hides were in excellent condition. Some settlers' lines of hides again showed a want of care, this neglect causing a loss to consignors of 10 to 80 per cent. This heavy loss to producers would be saved if careful attention were paid to the method laid down in the pamphlet issued by us some little time ago. Wo shall be pleased to forward these useful hints to farmers, free of cost, upon application. Hides showed a further fall of id per lb. from our last sale, in imison with Australasian and English markets. Wool, sheepskins, bones, and tallow were well competed for at full recent rates. Hides — Butchers' cow made 4sd to sd, freezers' do. 4£d to 4£d, butchers' cut 4d to 4jjd, settlers' cow 4d to 4sd, cut and slippy 2|d to 3|d. Wool — Crutchings, 5d to s|d. . Sheepskins — Woolly 5s 2d to 6s, medium 3s 5d to 4s lOd, short woolled pelts 2s lOd to 3s sd, damaged pelts Is to Is 2d. ' Tallow— ln cask 25s 3d, tin 19s 3d to £ls. Bones— Dry £4 2s 6d, wet £3 10s. CATTLE SALES. Messrs. Young, Hobbs & Co. report : — At Strathmore on Monday, 22nd inst., we held our monthly sale. The yards were only moderately filled: Young steers met with ready sale. We quote : 9- to 10-month steers 30s, 2-year steers "£3, good empty heifers 355. On Tuesday, 23rd inst., we held a clearing sale on behalf of Mr. George Roots, at Rowan. The cows were a fair lot and in very good condition. There was keen competition for August and September calvers, but cows coming in later were not in demand. We quote: August calvers, £6 to £8 ss ; September do., £5 to £6; later sorts, £2 10s to £4. NEW. PLYMOUTH, July 26th. Retail Prices. — Country settlers must understand that the New Plymouth dealers sell at these prices for cash : Butchers' Meat — Beef: Sirloin, sd; prime ribs, 3d to 4d; rump steak, 6d; beef from 2d to 4d; corned beef, from 3d to 4d per lb. Mutton : Hindquarter, sd ; chops, 6d ; shoulders, sd ; necks and 'reasts, 3d per lb. Pork : Fresh, 6d per lb. Veal, 3d to 5d per lb. Sausages: Beef, ~d; pork, 6d. — These prices are for cash only; id per lb. for booking over one week. Farm and Dairy Produce — Milk, 4d per quart ; butter . lOd, factory Is per lb. ; cheese, 8d and 9d per lb. ; eggs, Is 6d per dozen; fowls, 5s per pair; ducks, 6s per pair; turkeys, ?s "eh; lard, 8d; bacon, 9d; best hams, S*d to 9d per lb. ; rashers, lOd. 'Flour, Grain, etc. — Flour (local and imported roller) 12s 9d per lOOlbs., 6s 6d per'solbs., 3s 5d per 251b5. ; wheatmeal, 3s 6d per 251 b. bag; sharps, per 2001 b. sack, 14s 6d ; bran, 6s 6d per lOOlbs. ; fowls' wheat, os per bushel; 251 b. bags oatmeal, 4s 6d ; oats, 4s ; crushed oats, 4s 3d; barley, 4s; maize, 4s 9d; beans, whole 4s 6d, crushed 4s 9d ; straw chaff, 2s ; sheaf chaff, os per sack. — These are retail prices only. Fruit — Bananas, 3d per lb. ; lemons, Is to Is 6d per dozen ; apples, 4d per lb. ;

oranges, Is and Is 6d per doz. ; walnuts, LOd per lb. ; dates, 6d per lb. ; dried figs, lOd and Is per lb. Vegetables — Onions, 2d per lb. ; cabbages, 3d each; potatoes, new, l£d per lb. ; carrots, 2d per bunch ; turnips, 2d , cucumbers. Is 6d doz. BUYING PRICES. Butter— Dairy, 8d ; factory, lOd (in bulk) ; factory rolled, lid per lb. ; dairy cheese 6d, factory 7d, per lb. ; Is 3d per doz. ; baron, 7d per lb. ;Jinins, 7t»d per lb. ; lard, 6d ; fungus, 3d per lb.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13485, 27 July 1907, Page 8

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COMMERCIAL. Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13485, 27 July 1907, Page 8

COMMERCIAL. Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13485, 27 July 1907, Page 8