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SALES BY AUCTION. SALES BY AUCTION. EDUCATIONAL. FRIDAY, JULY 26. FRANK LEY ROAD. "" JOHN y°° N°' — : — ' "ARAKOEKOE." NEWTON KING THURSDAY, JULY 25. LIARDBT STREET. Candidates for all Examination* Has received instructions from Mrs Hy. tto\xt b. xrr*T*xr Thoroughly Coadto*. Gray, who is leaving New Plymouth, "yy I .L, SO N & NOLAN _ to sell by auction, without reserve, at Have rec ei V ed instructions from Mr 3. TT T _, w -^hmrrQ her Residence, Carrington Road, on Tipping, who js giving up dairying, to \/| X \ \M MUIID»M U11D » Friday July 26th, the Whole of her sell on 'the farm, AT ONE P.M., * TA XJI - # , XT ■*■ " -"" Household Failure and Effects, WITHOUT RESERVE- ACTING ORGANIST AND CHOlßconsisting of- Qf\ DAIRY COWS, to calre August MASTER, OxJ and' September, all n calf to a gx. MARY'S CHURCH, N.P., DRAWING-ROOM : V*ry superior pure-brM^ Jersey Bull. . prepared to receive Pupils for Upright Grand Piano by John 1 Jersej Bull Pure-br^ Singing, Piano, Organ, and Theory of Brinsmead and Son, nearly new, l i'^ffnSSSS^M^'7 ™ar*±- Music on and after MONDAY, June cost 100 guineas; handsome Car- 1 Half-Draught Geldmg^ 7 yea«+- fl M , Schoolroom, pet, 16 x 13 ; superior Chester- staunch. ' * field, Easy and other Chairs, - 1 Gig .and Harness. For terms, etc., please addressMirror, Music Cabinet, Whatnot, ♦ . • . MR A. M. POTTS, Steel Engravings, and other Pic- The auctioneers would draw attention ' , Care of Mrs Courtney, tures. Brass Fenders and Irons, . . Niger House, New Plymouth. Hearthrug, Bookshelves, Lamps, to this herd, which is one of the best in cB4 ! etc. ~ -•-> ! the district, -the factory test for the last DINING-ROOM: Saddlebag Suite, 9 CORNWALL -SCHOOL OF MUSIC. pieces ; Extension Dining Table, three years averaging 4.4. . ' , Bevel Mirror, Sideboard, E.P. ... ,— '"Cr -..,,•' T> E MOV A L -VTOTICE. Ware, Ornaments, Writing . Luncheon Provided.. Jj^ , J\ , Table, Plushette and Tapestry - aATV Afp rtxr -, „ . . . Curtains, Hearthrugs, Pictures, SALE AT OJNU. P.M. I\/| R. FRANCIS CORNWALL notiBooks, etc. ; Banjo, Mandolin. c °^ 3 IV± fies that in response to numerous _. ' , Ci . 1„ , • re q Uests has decided to remain in BEDROOMS t Double and Single Bed- AMUSEMENTS New Plymouth, and ias removed to steads, Mattresses, 3 Ducheso AMUSEMENTS. DEVON STREET W., four doors past Chests, superior' B-dfawer Cedar — 7 r DawSo& g t Chest M.T. Washstands; Maho^ '„" . NEW PLYMOUTH HIGH ! * ■' , . k KsSeSl^r^nte^ 8 ' ' SCHOOL. 4 Music Ta,ght_in_ali its Branches. KITCHEN AND WASHHOUSE : Kit- * . GO NGERt * '\ *" ™ chen Utensils, Table, Chairs, >A*-^! ***Tr* X - ? , ' ■ *-: ~ Crockery, Rippingell Kerosene In aid pf Football -Expenses, to be heljd ■ [ Stove, Knife-cleaner, Invalid's in WHITELEY HALL, on THURS- \ MISCELLANEOUS. Table, 2 Patent Carpet-sweepers, DAY, July 25th. Items by , leading n > Fur, Rug, Wringer, Steps, Gar- Amateurs and Gymnastic Display, and den Roller, Hose, 2 Mowers, Irene's frbni' *' "As ' VoW Lilce it-Tlhv ' Lawn-sprinkler, Garden Tools\ ?'* p upi i s ? Hf TO THOSE WHO WANT TQ Carpenter's Tools, Carpenter's L, . . „ ;." '„ n 4 . ;\; \ ECONOMISE Bench, Tennis Net, Croquet Set, f dmission : Ppstairs i/6, Downstairs t/-. ? , . Saddle and Bridle, Fowls, and ' < , J>.'w ; ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOLROOM, | \ ■gjjfV 7 Sale at 1.30 o'clock : __ New, Plymouth, { . TUESDAY, 23rd July, 1907.;; j '. A Grand Social * J^s&S\vM«27 TUESDAY, JULY 23. . In §id of fiazaar funds W ° t^t VWT O N KIN G I Young Men's Club.- < M §§3K^ ! j^ &w1 vJ* &. ln \* £ ancing# Refreshments. Musical I*sms VkWMmf /^ Will sell by auction at his Waiwakaiho . . Conuneadng 8 p.». ' " \sSwf\WL j^^ Yards on TUESDAY, July 23:— Admission— Ladies i'/6. - Gents. 12/- jfr~~ ' 2gQ MIXED CATTLE. J ; A. CLAgK^ . 1 1 1%-^^ Also ,i **.(. • ft ' c339E^'E9 Vvv^K^QMHSSSiiii On account of Mr. ANDREW NEIL- TjIAREWELL piONXJEET V^^^ SON, who is giving up dairying, -I- / ' V-/' '. \* 3j|^^^feJ' ii " ' WITHOUT RESERVE, WARFHAM • > V>^fi 25 Dairy Cows, August and Sep- MR G - w - WAREHAM, , I *§9^E£MHN^ngg^£ I 1 Pedtrt "shorthorn Bull. THUR^DAY^JUL^^Sth, ! : ! ( 12.30 o'clock. Captain Mace; cSaifma^ cBU •*■'- '*- - m PEL/LEW'S gALE OF JJAIRY Jl/ . MS. D|tAUGHT / TWWI^^ I^LEAN OAXE — ■ !-: — Will be held in the CbuNCit CHAM]- V^ O -ORUNTWOOD -TISTATE. bers on THURSDAY, 25th Jiily,con^- of •*-* -" ■- mencing at 2 KD*ck>ck, . Entries close c a i^ TTT ,_ ' ■ ' _ . rrjxr attain Mo»**>Y the; 22rfd/ Town players. Jre .TrvRAPERT, piLOTHING, AND nVKR 25 YEAR^ IN CULTIVATION. rrue^ ueg t ed to UißfiT a DraughfeXard, IJ , Ky i SUBDIVIDED INTO DAIRYING and all players reqiifestt* to be , Tt/TILLINERY 1 -it>ai>iuc! punctual. '•-■»• ■ • -. , A3.M. RANGING FRO^SO 8 ™ 150 ACRES , A . W JEKKINSQ^ ; WItL COMMENCE IN BBAL i IN ETXENT. c ? 6 9 Sec - *&$ Treas, . EARNEST ! " — '"" : "' —^ 1 '' At 10 a.m. on SATURDAY, JUNE 29th IDEAL DAIRYING CONDITIONS. __ , , „,' '" i /PrW tn swlt taking GRAND CLIMATE. mHE A T #fe *\\ )T3?s YJA L; , < P " OT to Stock-taking). ■« ' *xi. t> rTT j • *v w • .-♦-,.. a >«k NOW Ig . YOUR TIME FOR Some of the Richest Land m the Wai- ► . -, tiat?patv<3 kato, level, well watered, shade shel- THURSDAY/AUGUST* 1. • £^wjq£ii will b« ter, good roads; one of tKe most ' -rrr^" ■ ■■ , I : A Teatur.o of .the Sale will be successful Co-operative, Dairy s~>\ RAND I\J"ILITA6y /^DNOERT - / r«*nTi? -* / Factories to dupply. ,ljr IVI \J „„ 1 / i^UR.-| / mABLE. "j / . In- aid of the .', A/ Z~—~ m -m/|ANDENO JAOKSON ! TARANAKIIIIFLES ORDERLY- i nte nt on scattering our large stock (in^onjuicSon with THBFiBMHBS' ' ROOif^DS, ; ■ L?GcS^^effi3 E w^ . Programme^lude, . JSStSiAISKISt^ Ztn^7rZ^JKß^ d^, New Plymouth Orchestra, - • "^ t^tTnT^aTs g will sell by Public Auction, at the Garrison Band, • flATrrpnlv Trnw 2Qrti CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Swan- Military Display by Rißes and Con- Commencing SATURDAY, JUNE 29th. son Street, Auckland, on ' "tra'l Sfchool Cadets, -■-*.-«-•-«- -w •r*'*-*~r "CIRIDAY, A UGUST QTH, Fancy Marches by Mr Lints' Pupils, \I7 PTHT j | A \i\ Wf J; ' A </ Songs by Local Vocalists, . " • -*■ -1-i -■-•-■-•-■-« TT • AT 11 A.M., Tableau^and Recitations, etc. nFVOK QTBFFT ALL THAT FINE BLOCK OF Dress Circle 2s, Downstair* I*. DEVQJV blKJ^i, DAIRYING COUNTRY, conve- Children half-pricV PTYMOUTH niently situated within 35 minutes' R. J. CLARKE, Sergt., «L, w jriiimvu . drive t)f Cambridge, an hour of Hamil- C7sgC 7sg Hon. Secretary. ton, one mile from Bruntwood Railway _ : Station and 3* miles from the Cam- ,-^ranak! POULTRY, PIGEON, W P B bridge Co-operative Dairy Company, s J^ AND CANAR y SOCIETY. ▼▼ • - 1 - • -"-^ a THE y 'PROPERTY CONTAINS 1000 an N U aT""~~ fiHOW MECHANICAL ENGINEER, ACRES, of RICH ALLUVIAL LAND, A . ' S m 820 acres of rich, level, clean paddocks, * ' . ,\, . . . DEVON STRBBT, most of which are in the highest state To be neld m tne of cultivation. DRILL HALL (Opposite Melbourne Clothing Co.) 180 acres fine old Kahikatea Swamp, " v * surface-sown with English grasses and q q - q^ 1 an d Oil Engines, Typewriters, clovers. Drains encompass and inter- Sewing Machines, etc., repaired, sect. Grows abundance of rich feed, TH rj RS DAY, FRIDAY,' AND cleaned, and adjusted, summer and winter. qatttbtiav PLANTATIONS, containing many bAIUKJJAY, itr«wor«» Plinners Scissors beautiful English trees, border most of 25th, 56th, and. 27th. July, .1907. the sections, affording shade and shel- " ' T Saws » otc " sharpened ana so*. Sh ° W ° PenS m - ThUrßday * «™™^*> Locksmithing, and w\th^°arS Admission-One Shilling. *%«£ itself in regard to the Dairyings Capa- ANNUAL ART TTNION. P h roperty d has been subdivided A ! ±L ALL WORK PROMPTLY^DONE. into farms ranging from 30 to 150 acres, s^ QLD "VT uggets > VALUED AT «■*— affording an exceptional opportunity, \X J3| A TRIAL SOLIGETBD. for a man Avith small capital to secure a £jq £q £g £2 . bB6Ji Farm of first-class quality in tip-top /.'s* "J.\ liy- :„ * ' ' "■'" , ~r— -■ ' heart, on exceptionally easy terms. The rpinWa '- " One Shilling ' *£*& Property is subdivided so that existing lickets ...^^ One burning. fences may serve as boundaries to each « n *w\r ttttjv 0-+ l, lot. Purchasers can get immediate pos- f.- " -. JJIjtA>W« JUlii m*- , ' - n +tJO&L session if required, and start milking . ' ' IT _,_. i-n-tr-™ P^^^^^^iL**. at onc^. Purchaser of one section will * • • **• %J^. J(7i\ Ihrsamt °^T °* *"** ""* ** ' Box 127, New Plymouth. \^ BUILDINGS around the HOME- V ;. . / .'"' ' ""' llV *** lllfeSf* "AT^V^M^ STEAD, including Two Cottages, may _ 1181 I#l v^ I(<ce II UJ be sold for removal. HOMESTEAD PUBLIC NOTICES. S3n£rtW#C2U IVT contains 11 large room's, 2 bathrbonis, -"- — ■ 1 ? hot and cold water; ram system to BONTTHON" FREE HOLD PE- y^^^rr^^" \_ I I Garden containing rp,re old trees, or- __ t __r T- ?§§&&/ chard, walnut plantation, lawn. , T.NTENDING Shareholders are re- Z^^*»>^ * AN ATTRACTIVE RESIDENCE. >1 minded that the Subscription List GETTING READY r Bracing air, beautiful views, shooting, will CLOSE on the 27th of this m6nth, F g R EMJsUUliiJ!i»i. deer-stalking, fishing, golf, polo, and orsooner if decided by the Directors in .. rtOl , v „ snnpp»Q ADVT good hunting country (Wa^kato Hounds f h p wspe ctus which can be MOREY * S ADVT., kennelled at the Homestead). . _vf_;nprlv f _; nprl ftn ani ,i; ra tion To P Corner Jront i"age. TERMS: 10 per cent, on the fall of be obtained on applicatwn , the hammer, 10 per cent, oh possession, ■>• v ' SlUOke 5 per cent, at the end of second, .third, bnarebroker, fourth, fifth, and sixth years, balance C 713 Devon-street. at the end of the seventh year. INTE- °X n ° JR,EST at the. rate of 6^per cent, on all I A PAVIDSON has been appointed unpaid amounts. ' jOL» Agent at Moturoa for the sale of the TObaCCO. titt V ■ T \\n TIHNSFEH Herald and Budget. Papers always HILL. LA.ND IKAISbIJ^K. btainaWe 3Q QJJ cAN > T BEAT IT. f

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Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13480, 20 July 1907, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13480, 20 July 1907, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13480, 20 July 1907, Page 7