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The Taranaki Herald. PUBLISHED DAILY. SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1901.

The term for the Rev. Mr Bradbury's classes commences on August Ist. The Auckland cabmen have registered their union, and are endeavouring to obtain a reduction of hours. The Hon. Eric Lascelles, who recently died after spending many years as a travelling showman, left £49,000. Captain Edwin wired this afternoon: — Strong south to ea3t aud north-east windi; poor tides; glass fall, but rise after 12 hours from now. The Mayor, in another column, requests" the business people to close their premises at half past ten on Thnr3day next, and also that the town should oe decorated as much as possible. Colonel Davies has notified the Mayor that he and Mrs Davies will have much pleasure in being present at the reception of returned Contingenters on Thursday next. Captain JBartlett has also accepted an invitation to be present. Wo would call the attention of our readers to the notice in another column inviting canary and pigeon fanciers to attend "a meeting on Wednesday next, called for the purpo-e of forming a club. We understand the proposed club will embrace the flying pigeon fanciers as well as others. The discontented worries of a morose person may very likely shorten his days (says the Lancet), but the man who can laugh keeps his health. People become more and more burdened with the accumulations of knowledge and with the weighing responsibilities of life, but they should still spare time to laugh. Western Australia is the only important State of the federal group which is this year yielding as much gold as last. Its total for the six months is 858,1210z., being an increase of 99,9290z. The out put in Queensland, amounting to 382,576 oz., is 119,605o?:. short of the total in the first half of 1900, and the yield in New South Wales, aggregating 125,6690z., also shows a decrease in the same time of 30,6870z. The Argentinopaper3 say that England, in refusing to reopen her ports to Argen tine live stock, when it is asserted there that the last case of foot and mouth disease has disappeared, is committing a breach of international courtesy only tc be explained because Argentina is not one of the Powers, and suggest that some means should be found for retaliation and bringing tho insolent nation to her knees. — Sool 'em ! The Mayor, Mr Dockrill. has received a letter from Mr G-. F. Robinson, in reply to his telegram of sympathy. Mr Robinson expresses his gratitude for the message Mr Dockrill sent him, and adds that although the unfortunate occurrence has been a groat tr ; al to his" family and hi-n-self, " it has brought into splendid relief the kind feeling which exists towards us wherever we are known. Even here, where we are comparative strangers, people have come forward with whom we previously were unacquainted, and proferred their sympathy and assistance." The automatic lathe and screw-cutting machine, involving a large quantity of cuttings and the use of a considerable volume of oil, has, says Engineering, brought into comparatively extensive use in niachinb shops a centrifugal for tho purpose of recovering tho oil from such metal cuttings. Tn this case the only change in the ordinary centrifugal basket is the construction of a wide run round the upper edge, with a very small aperture between the top of the basket and the rim. The centrifugal force drives the oil against the rim, and from thence to the small aperture. Tho d.iaign is not new, but it is suggestive of the new development, and also of the keen competition in machinery works generally, that whereas the recovery of oil was exceptional a few years ago, one finds such oil extractors in most of the works. Says the Americnu correspondent of tho t-'ydney Moruiag Herald : -New York will soon have yet another dash of cosmopolitan colour in an orthodox Russian Church of St Nicholas. The corner-stone was laid two da) s ago with imposing ceremonies,* and the temple when completed will be characteristically Ruasian — with pendant arches of doors and windows known as "earrings," green domes with spiral ribs aud a great cross of gilt bronze, and bases of so-called " coronets," and very plentiful terracotta mouldings in green, yellow, and blue. The real causes of the Czar's popularity in America are first that his Government voluntarily gave up all American territory, and second that at the Russian Court Americana are re- j ceived without distressing requirements j in the way of dress and etiquette. Speaking of tho death of young Clegg, at Hordern's fire, to a Sydney Evening News reporter, Superintendent Webb, of the M.F.8., said :—"lt: — "It may be said that the ladders should be longer than they are at present — 80fc when fully extended. But the largest fire ladders in the world are those in New York, which are about 90ft, those in London being next— B7ft 6in. Then it has to be remembered that in New York they have 1500 firemen to work their plant ; in London they havo about 1200 ; here I have 108, all told. Our ladders would not reach the unfortunate young fellow by 30ft, and I had, regretfully, to take them down. But even had they been long enough I doubt if wo could have saved him, as the flames were shooting from the windows at such a rate that the ladders would have been burned, even had the man himself been able to pass through the heat." An Act passed by the Canadian Parliament last session to amend the law in relation to inspection of electric light is expected to increase considerably the work of the branch of the Inland Revenue Department having this inspection in charge. It is open to any consumer to have his electric light meter tested by a Government inspector, the foe, if the meter is found correct, to be paid by the consumer; if found incorrect, to bo paid by the electric light company. The fee for these interim tests is only 2s, so that' the householder who has reason to suspect that his meter ia running "fast* 1 will not hesitate on account of the cost to have it inspected. An important feature of tne new regulations is that the correction may be carried back for three months. This alsa applies to thb notifi-' cation of errors in gas meters. Canada was one of the first countries to take up the inspectioa of electric light meters in a systematic manner and carry it through on a Government department. Tho venture has bjen a great success. Holloway's Pills and Ointment. During piercing winds and excessive variations of temperature every one is more or less liable to internal and external | disease. Throat, chesfc, liver, bowels, j kidneys and skin all suffer in some degree, and may be relieved by tabbing in thiß Ointment, aided by proper dos€S of the Pills, for admiuisttring which full directions accompany each box; in truth, anyone who thoroughly masters Holloway's "instructions" will, in remedying iiaoase, exchange Iho labour of an hour Eor the profit of a lifetime. All bronjhial, pulmonary an<l throat disorders require that tho Ointment should be ;lioroughiy well rubbod upon tho s'cin iwicw.-id.iy with great regularity, cmliderable briskness,! and much porrtslcnce,* ' !

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11725, 27 July 1901, Page 2

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The Taranaki Herald. PUBLISHED DAILY. SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1901. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11725, 27 July 1901, Page 2

The Taranaki Herald. PUBLISHED DAILY. SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1901. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11725, 27 July 1901, Page 2