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The monthly meeting was held on Monday night. "Present : His Worship the Mayor, Mr J. B. Hoy (chairman), Messrs i Walton, Dockrill, Bellringer, Brooking, Corkill, T. Avery, Car the w, Ward, and Teed. The new members — Messrs Walton (East Ward), Brooking (Central) -and Mf Teed (West Ward, re-elected) took their seats. His Worship notified the result of the election, and moved a vote of thanks to Messrs 1. Furlong, Jan., and T. Brash, the retirea members, for their services. — Mr Doekrill seconded.-Carriea. Mr W. It. Holmes, secretary of the proposed Auckland Exhibition in 1898 9, Wrote re the appointment of a local committee. - Bis Worship said he nnder stood that Messra If. King and F. P. Corkill had been appointed by the Chamber of Commerce to act as a local condmittee.— Mr Corkill said that he did tiofc know the duties, but he believed it was to act aS an advisory committee to collect exhibits.— His "Worship said he was pleased at the invitation ,to act, but he supposed the duties would devolve on his successor. Mrs Ehea wrote relative to the state of Leach-street. — The matter had been attended to. Mr Chivers wrote resigning his position as Boroiigh carter.— Dealt with by Works Committee,: Mr A. E. A. Clarke, manager of the National Bank, wrote relative to having an interview with the Sanitary Inspector. Mr W. Bayly wrote with reference to the quantity of water he used at his shop premises. He stated that ha did noi use the quantity of water that the Council credited him with. Mr H Ford, secretary of the Industrial Exhibition to be held in connection with the Wesleyan Church, wrote asking for loan of curios, etc., in possession of the Borough. — The curios will be lent provided they will bo returned in the satae state in which they were delivered over. Mr H. Goodacre applied for permission to use water for motive power at his boot factoay.— Mr Dockrill pointed out that the main would not permit of more motive connections, and said the main was at fault.— After some discussion the consideration of the subject was deferred till later on. Mr A. Hood wrote stating that he had in April last written through Mr T. K. Skinner to the Defence Departing, asking if two obsolete guns could be spared as a memento of the old citadel, Marslana Hill. The Defence Departniant replied stating that they would lend the guns provided they were taken caro of, and the cost of their transportation was paid. He now asked the Borough to be custodiann of the property. — Mr Corkill moved, That the Council w.-re

prepared to accept the charge of the guns on the understanding that the Borovjh was not put to any expense in the matter. Mr T. F. Martin, secretary of the Municipal Association, wrote that the Executivo, in view of an early meet-

ing, desired the Council to forward particulars of subjects they wished to bring forward, and reasons for the same. Correspondence was also read relative to the measures that would probably be introduced next session dealing with local government. — His Worship said the question was whether the Government intended to introduce bills dealing with local government, and if this was defi nitely decided on then it was proposed to hold the Municipal Conference. —Mr Bellringer laid there was plenty of time te consider the question of sending a delegate to the Conference when more definite information as to the proposals of the Government was known. — His Worship said that aßpecial meeting could bo convened, and thesubjecttnen dropped. Mr W. Roper, chairman of a movement, started in Christchurch, to establish a training ship in New Zealand praters, for tho purpose of training the youth of the colony in maritime pursuits, wrote with reference to the subject. — Mr Corkill said the matter was an important one, and be moved, That the Council heartily endorse the action of the Christchurch Committee.

— His Worship seconded,— Carried. Mr W. A. Collis, hon. secretary of th« Scenery Preservation Society, wrote relative to the destruction of the cliffs by action of the sea at Woolcombe Terrace. —Dealt with by tho Works Committee. Letters from tho Scenery Preservation Society and Sc. Mary's Church Vestry re debris on Maryland Hill were also dealt with by the Works Committee. Mr Samuel, Borough solicitor, wrote relative to amendment of water by laws before alterations could ba made in charges for potive power. The solicitor also wrote re transfer of reserve. Dealt with by Rsserres Committee.

Petition was received from Mr A. B. Fookes and others about state of Cour-tenay-street. Dealt with by Works Committee. Letter from Recreation Board was also dealt with by Works Committee. Seven names were placed on the burgess roll in respect of changes in property. The names were :— James Hawkins, pt. sec 1438, East Ward ; Caroline Appleyard, Bee 696, Central ; A. W Hislop, sec 620 and 621, Dawson street ; A. E. Barnard, sec 99; J. Blyth, sees 2034 and 2052 ; 0. W. Sola, pt sec 3, storehouse reserve, and 924, Currio street ; C. E. Owen, sec 260, West Ward ; U.. Hammond, sec 1337, East. Mr W. H Free, Sanitary Inspector, reported :— "I have the honour to report that the military condition of the town is good. The slaughter house is clean and in good order. The number of cattle killed daring the mouth of August is as follows : — Large, 31 ; small, 15(5. Tha quantities of kerosene in town are :— ln store on the reclaimed land 169 cases ; in other shops and stores, 118. I have to report that Ching Kee bad in his shop 13 1 cases, being 7 over the number allowed. The pig styes aro clean. —Mr Corkill referred to the keeping of pigs in tho Borough. He sai3 the Inspsctor had some time ago reported on the matter, and had instanced one case that was bad. The owner of tho stye had promised to abate tho nuisance, but he h,id found he had not kept his promise. He considered it was time a by-law was i introduced to deal with the matter. — Messrs Teed and Bellriuger also spoke. Mr A. Wray, tho water-works engineer, reported on the consumption of water, | and suggested that motive powers be charged for the current year as follows : — W. Bayly, £52 ; Heuald, £36 ; News, £30 ; Sole Bros., £6 10a ; H. Movorly, £6 10s ; R.Cock, £6 10s; Honnor and Clarke, £46 16s ; G. Brown, N.Z. Stopper Co., £6 10s ; N. King, £10 16s ; Fisher & Co., £6 10s; P. R. Carthew, £14 8s; H. Brown & Co., £8 10s ;J. Hooker, £17 ; Lsshbrook, £8 10a ;— Welsh, £6 10s ; S. B. White, £6 10s ; St. Marys Church, £5; J.Paul, £6 10a: Co-operative Society, not using. Total, £281 ; prior charge, £157 : increase, £124.— Mr T. K. Skinner, Borough engineer, also reported on (he same subject.— The matter was. dealt with in tho Works Committee's report ou the advice of the solicitor re by-laws. — Air Dockrill explained the position. — Mr ' Ward also spoke — Mr Teed said tliat tho water in the South Road pipe was undrinkable for seme days.— The Town Clerk said that no complaint had been j received at the office. — Mr Dockrill had heard of one complaint. The Keserves Committee met on 31st August and reported : — That upon the Borough Solicitor reporting that all papers are in order and all rents and costs paid, consent be given to Mr Ayres transferring to Edward Francis Spray his underlease of lot 1 of section 1, Block 8, Ngairo. Tho Committee met on 2nd September and reported:— That the Town Clerk write to the Borough Surveyor asking him to prepare a plan showing the divisions of tho Town Hall and the Institute Reserve, and to tho Borough Solicitor requesting him to do what is neo<\ss ai yto vest the w hole of the reserve in the Council free from restrictions, so thai tho sime may be.'ome revenue prot'li.c.n.". rrJ :i- CymtmctfaO mot ."g.ii i <n: I lib ;'■.>/. t-rii '-.!'• ,r>.i r«M>fMt/"? .•- Tiirt >'r>-,s>ud iUc foilewisrj touiii i» f,v fr.1,.-, "BtV,-"," 1 " r*»3Jc<-!-" : T - 1 ™ *' puJo, k. 11. Demjvjey, £10 10s : leitilllt-

paddock, F. D. Holdsworth £6 12s 6d, and Sole Bros. £6. That the tender of Mr Dempsey for tho upper paddock for ono year from tho lßt OcLob<sr, 1897, bo accepted, and that no tender be accepted for the middle paddock,— Mr Teed explained the report, wh'ch was adopted. The Cemetery Conmittee met on September 2 and reported : That tho Mortuary Chapel be altered, in a^aordarce with :he plans prepared by Mr Sanderson, at an estimated " cost of £70 ; tbat a "cradle" be procured for carrying corpses to the grave from the hearse. — Mr Corkill explained the report, which was carried. The Lighting Committee met on September 10, and reported -.—That after consideration of the Gas Company b letter, we deem it advisable that a deputation should wait on the directors of the Company, and that the Town Clerk arrange a deputation consisting ot this Committee to meet them on Monday afternoon, at 3 o'clock ; that the Town Clerk write to the Auckland City Council enquiring as to the recent arrangements they have made for lighting the streets ; that the Town Clerk write to the Timaru Borough Council, asking what action they bavo taken or propose to take regarding the monopoly held by gas companies, and suggesting thatunited representations be made to Parliament,

The Committee met again on September I3j and reported : — The Committee waited on the New Plymouth Gas Company and asked for a redaction Id tho price charged the Council for gas After a long and animated discussion the Committee withdrew. The Chairman subaei quently informed the Committee ibaeth© 1 Directors had made a reduction of 6cf per thousand feet, making the neti price 9k 6d por thousand feet.— «Mr Carthew arid that Mr Dockrill mentioned abont a scheme he bad for lighting, bat he was not present to give it to the Committee, [fllr Dockrill : I was not notified.] Mr Carthew, continuing, said that failing Mr Dockrill's scheme, the Committee decided to wait on the Gas Co.'a directors, tho result being stated in the report He regretted tbat th& reporters had been excluded from the interview with the Gas Co., as he considorea it was public business. H« moved the adoption of the report. — Mr Bellringer secoiided, 3nd said that the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board had been treated better than the Borough Council, although the latter were much larger consumers. The Council should get better terms than any other consumer, considering the use tho Gas Co. bad made o£ the streets and the damage done to the streets. He said that the Council should go farther and get information from other towns, as he held tins' gas question wae a monopoly. — Mr Dockrill osid he was so^ry the Council were ea denee about bis lighting scheme-— [His Worabip r You can't accuse the Council of density wbanr you have noc given any dotails of th'e 1 scheme.] — Mr DockriU said hia scheme was to have better lighting of tho streets at a less cost than at present. He was sincere in his efforts to affect better lighting st less cost with incandescent lights. — Mr Carthew said that would nofc stop the agitation, "for they wanted a less price per 1000 feet. — Mr Teed pointed out tbat a better light might be obtained, but would the price be reduced? — Mr Dockrill said he wanted his system tested as to economy. If it was not more economical then the system need not be [ adopted.- His Worship said the Council wanted better quality and a redccE'un. The Chairman of the Lighting Committee asked for a reduction to 7s 6d per thousand, and the Gas Co. directors ra1 fused, and ultimately only gave a rednotion of 6d. — Mr Biooking asked if thorn was not aome othsr way of lighting tha town. — His Worship said ther* was, but the Council wished to proceed peaceably [ with the Gas Co. If the Council had to fight for their rights, of course they wonld have to do so. His Worship (to Mr Brooking): I hope you are not a director of the Gaa Co. — Mr Brooking: Unfortunately, I am not. — Mr Ward said that no doubt the time bad come to deal with the gas question. — Tho report was thea adopted. The Works Committee met on August ] 28, and reported : That the Town Clerk obtain the opinion of the Borough solicitor on a resolution passed by the Courcil re charges for extraordinary supplies of water. The Committee mot again on September 6, and reported : That tho resignation of A . Chivers, Borough carter, be accepted, as from the 11th inst., and that the Council be recomuended to give bi n a testimonial, expressing appreciation ' of the faithful manner in which he has : attended to his duties; that applications be iavited by advertisement for tho position of Borough carter, to bo in by noon on Monday, th 6 13th inst.; that in o>>nsequenco of the opinion of tho Bn^jgh ao'ioitor, no action be taken at present re chaiges for water for motive power, :md that the Council be recommended to take ' steps to rescind and pass by-laws as advised by the solicitor; that Mrs Rhea's letter re Leach-street be referred to the surveyor; that tho request of St. Mary's Vestry and tho Scenery Preservation Society re the removal of debris from the foot of Marsland Hill be complied with; 1 that tfce Scenery Preservation Society be informed tbat the Council regrets its inability to prevent tho waves from ' making inroads on tho cliffs; that Conr-tenay-street footpath be attended to at soon as possible ; that the Committes 1 open applications for carter at 4 p.m. on ' Monday . Tha Committee met again on September 13, and reported : — The applications ' for the position of carter were opened | (21)— W. J. Prentis, W. Guinness, J. Crozier, junr., W. Arnold, C. Hampton, T. Stewart, James Jury, John Oliver, T. | H. Rusden, D. Fawcett, James Allan, ! junr., G. Brown, W. Powley, B. Fox, John Hoskin, J. H. Howell, W. Prior, ; Edward Allen, E. Shirley, G. Girling, J. : Fortune. That the following five be | recommended to the Council : — W. MoGuinness, J. Fortune, J. Oliver, T. H. Rusden, W. Prior ; with a preference for j W. Prior and J Oliver. That the Ro- | creation Grounds Board have permission to close part of Fillis-street for a period | of three or four years, and tfiat they pay an encroachment fee. That the Council be recommended to approve of the inferential meter ; and also Muirhead's ' automatic patent flush for troughs. That ' a sum not exceeding £3 be expended in , removing the debris from the foot of " Marsland Hill.— Mr Corkill caid that in ! obtaining horses for the Borough an advertisement should be inserted in the 1 local Press to that effect, and then the ' Council would bo able to have the pivk o£ 1 many animals. — Tho report was adopted, [ with an amendment that the Recreation ' Board enclose part of Fillis-street subject ] the determination by the Council. 1 The Couocil then wont into Committee ' to consider the appointment of a carter. 1 On Mr Ward's suggestion the name of | J. Hoskin was added to the recommended ' list. Prior and Oliver were left m the final ballot, and the former was appointed ' to tho position, engagement to bo , terminable on weakty notice. , PJan for Mr Joseph's building at corner . of Devon and Gover-6troets was ap- , provod. t Committee appointments were then [ made. His Worship moved, That Messrs Dockrill (East), Brooking (Cen- ; trail, and Carthew (.West), with the . Mayor be tho Works Committee. Mr , Avory seconded. Mr Corkill moved as [ an amendment, That Mr Bellringer'a i name be added, and che Mayor's ocnitted- , Mr Teed seconded. He baid that Mr : BeHringer was a practical man. — Mr [ Ward objected to tho East Ward having t two members. — Mr Carthow said tbat as • they did noi know the prospective Mayor , he would support the amendment. — Mr , AValton supported the resolution.— Mr , Bellringer said it was objectionable to , add the name of the future Mayor , whoever he may be.— His Worship : Did , you think so when you wero Mayor? — Air Beilri'iper said he held -\\'iVrx ♦h« "'''.; '" u 1 ib- |J i riii* "'i'- ■> -u'l-i" r. C.i j tot o ic' ■> ■'.'. w ufr'. ,--.'H- <ii.:,>.U •>•;' ;j.-- , u.-.u:..:;-'.^ in .. ol>>}i> w.t . ye. i^ o»». >'.r ■ OiU> j, iivl i,,;i'i '■!« .'w .n'jtutilt. — Mi UolLil'l ~i:v! euwiu'- liis Couaoil the

omission would be a riuronthe Mayor.—[Mr Oorkill : There is no slur intended ] Mr Ward said he objected to putting two members of tho East Ward on the Committee, nn6 he was surprised at his ward colleagues supporting it. — His WorBhip said tho Mayor for the time being must be in toufh with what is going on, asd the-eforo must bo on the Committee. The amendment was then put. Ayes (5), Messrs Bellringer, Brooking, Corkill, Carthew, and Teed ; Noes (5), Messrs Walton, Dookrill, Avery, Ward, and His Worship. Hia Worship gave his casting vote fcr the Noes. — Mr Corkill moved as a further amendment, That the name of Mr Bellringer be substituted for the name of Mr Dockrill. — Mr Ward : Hear, hear ; that is the straight way of putting it,.— Mr Brooking said that as Messrs Bellringor arid Dockrill liad rival improvement schemes, would it not be better for the Council to defer the appointment to the Committee till these schemes were •übmittod. — His Worship said that time •would bo lost —Mr Teed waß sorry tha matter hid taken iuch a turn — Mr Walton said it was a pity Mr Corkill did not como straight at what he wanted at once, viz., to get Mr Dockrill off the Committee, instead of trying to do it by a side wind. — Mr Corkill : I object to such an imputation. Mr Corkill continued that while giving Mr Dockrill credit for what he had done aa Chairman of the Works Committtee he was of opinion that Mr Bellringer was and shoulders above him as a practical man. His desiro was to have the two on the Oomm t tue.-MrWard: So they will work well together. — Finally Mr Corkill withdrew with the Mayor for the time being, his amendment, and the original motion was put and carried. -The other committees were then appointed : — Finance Committee same as Works Committee ; Reserves, Messrs Teed, Bellringer, and Brooking ; Institute, Messrs Ward, Walton, and Avery; Cemeteiy, Messrs Corkill, Teed, and Bellringer ; Fire Prevention. Messrs Avery, Ward, and Walton ; Health, Messrs Teed,| Walton| and Avery (Mr Corkill declined election fitatiug he wanted to give other members a chance of " the smells ") ; Library and Reading Room, Messrs Avery, Ward, Brooking, and Mayor for the time being; By-laws, Mossib Avery, Bellringer, Teed, and Mayor for the time being ; Signing Cheques, Messrs Dookrill, Gorkill, and Walton ; Lighting, Messrs Carthew, Teed, Bellringer, and the Mayer. Accounts were passed for payment. The Conncil rose,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 11023, 14 September 1897, Page 2

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BOROUGH COUNCIL. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 11023, 14 September 1897, Page 2

BOROUGH COUNCIL. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 11023, 14 September 1897, Page 2