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r INDIGESTION Wad Liver Complaint I v CUBED BY tJSINO Ayer's SarsapariSla Mr. T. J. CLUNE, ©J "Waßtervnio, S. Australia, writes t •'Six years ago, I hail an attack of Indigestion and Liver Complaint that lasted for vroeks; I-waa unable to do any hard work, bad no appetite, food distressed me, and I Buffered much from headache. My skin was Ballow and sleep did not refresh me. I tried several remedies and consulted a doctor, without obtaining any relief; finally, one ol my customers recommended Ayer's SarsapatlUa; it helped me from the first,— ln foot, after taking six hottlea I was completely cured, and could eat anything and sleep -like a child." • Ayer's ZX Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Fair J4»de bj Dr. J.C .Ayer & Co., Lowell Jlas».,TJ.S Jt, A terrible Cough. A Terrible Cough. A Terrible Cough. •94, Commercial Road, Peokham, July 12. 11 Dear Sir, — I am a poor band at expressing my feelings, but I should like to thank you. Your Lozengi c have done wonder* in relieving my terrible cough. Since I had the operation of ' Tracheotomy 1 (the same as the late Emperor of Germany, ■nd unlike him, thank God, I am still •Uve) performed at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, no one could possibly bave had s more violent cough ; it was so bad at times that it quite exhausted me. Tlu macouH, which was very copicusand hard has been softened, and I have been able t( get rid of it without difficulty, — I am, sir yonrs truly, J. H i LL.' A Doctor's Testimony. A Doctor's lestimoDy. A Doctor's Testimony. " Roulh Park, Cardiff, South Walep, "Sept. 28, 1893. "I have, indeed, great pleasure in ad I ing my testimony io ycui escellert pre pdration of Coogh Lez.nge?, and I hav< prescribed it now for the laßt ei^ht yean m my hospitals and private practice, am found it of great benefit. I often BufE°i from Chronic Uronchiti- ; your Lozenge i: tbs only remedy which give 3me imme diate ease. Therefore I certainly anc most BtTongly recommend yonr Lozengei to th public who may Buffer from Catarrh Bronchitis, Winter Cough, or any kind oJ Pulmonary Irritation. — Yours tinly, "A. GABRIEL, M D., " L R C.P. and L.M., Edinburgh. " L.B.C.S. and L.M., Edinburgh." Use Keating's Lozenges. Use Keating's Lozenges. Use Keating's Lozenges. " It is 75 teabs aoo*' since KEATING 1 COtJGH LOZENGES were first made, anc the sale is larger than ever, becousa thej are unrivalled in the relief and cure o: Winter Congb, Asthma, and Bronchitis ooe alone gives relief. . Utterly Unrivalled. Utterly Unrivalled. Utterly Unrivalled. Ksating's Cough Lozenges, the unrivallec remedy for COUGHS, HOARSENESS and THROAT TROUBLES, are sold ii Tins, by all Chemists. m 67' A WOKBEEFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM*S PILLS too universal}? *V admitted tc ' — -QLyS^V -' "• fOr t n » Guinea f^Of- rT J \ BoxforßiliOusan- " may/ \tft\ Narvons Djgordew /•jTY Yi.l «ncbne Wind and I /EATENT l' I *!™"*. Slck Head. I«»J •T.i ■!. HI ■"*<»• Giddiness, ■HI PILLS. /Si Fulness and SweU 1-L\ r ■■•*■*»• ISI ling after Meali. %*s\ '»•»— /&[! Dirzjness ana V^sv X&/ Drowsiness, CoW \tf|{v >ftyy •CniUa.Husaiiigsof Vras*=«r->W l ir Heat,lxßsof Ap. V-o j£\vr^ petite, Bhortness - of Brealb, Costiveness, Scnrry am} fIA Blotches on the Skin, Disturbeu gjeep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, Ac. The first dose will flee relief in twenty minutes. ErßTy Bnflerer ia earnestly invited to try one . box of thces Pills and they mil te acknowledged <o be .T7ORTH A GUINEA A BOX. ffar females of .all ages these Pills are invalu•fete, M a. few doses of them carry oir all aqmoors, and bring aboire all that" is required. Ko female should be without them. There is no VedtCtne to be found e<juot' to Beechuni'n Filln for removing any obstruction or irregularity of tboisystem. If taken according to the directions given with each boz, they soon restore females <jf all ages to sound and robust health. This, has been provad by thousands who qhvq tried them, and found tha benefits which are •insured by their use. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestica, And all Disonlers of tho Livor, they act like magic, and a few doses will be found to work TTonders on the most important organs ie tli human machine. They strengthen the win* taascular system, restore tho long lost com plaxion, bring back the keen edge of appetite and aronse into action with the rosebud at health the whole of tho humar frame. These are Facts testified cominuali. by members o' all classes of society and ona t' the best guarantees to tha Nervous and Debili. tftted is, BEECHAII'S PILLS hats thiZaraeii Sale of any Patent Mtdicint in tit WorlQ Beecham's Magia Cough Pills. As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness oi Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, Wheezing, Ac, thesa Pills stand unrivallori Tb4y are tho best ever offered to the pui.Ko a*ics rrill ipoedily remove that »ense of oppression and oifSculty of breathing, which nightly deprive tho patient of rest, let any pewon give BEECHAII'S COOGH PILLS a trial, and tlie most violent Cough irfll tv t short time be remored. Pronared only, and sola WholftJais and Retail, by flsffPropnetor, Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Laocashiro, England, la boxes li. lid. and Is. 9d. each. Sold by tU 1/ruggistg nao rates'- Meflicine Bsaien •vsrywhere. ■K.B.— TolTdirectionE orb given with each tOL STBATFORD CABH, T\OOB, & -pURNITURB PAOIOBY k TIMBEB MlLiB. E. Burgess & Sons PBOPRIBTOBS. ifantifscttirefs of all kinds of dashes Doore, MunldiogSj and General Joinery. FUBNITtJRE OP ALL DERfIRIPTIONB Batter Boxee. Rotind or Square Chorus. DAtRt OTENSIIFa SPECIALITY. Venetian Blinds on shortest notice. Band and Fret Saw Work of every des jfgftPtf^i aQ d &U -kindi of Building -~ : . Material. ' ' ' -. TURNERY InTnY DEBIGN. -J^DfltaJs -comJocted on the shortest notice and in the best manner) Palls, tlat^*nd8 r .-Bparveß, Gloves, &c, kept on baud. ' ' JlSntol, Verandah, and Eavo Brackets always in atock. Orders entrusted to ue will receive prompt attention N B.— For the con vei;«nce of coHtomers, yte have arranged wiiu Mr T. H. Perm to take an agunoy for the Factory. Price litfts may be seen, orders left, and accounts paid it ois olSoo, Broadway, Stratford. «970 b

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 10353, 8 July 1895, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 10353, 8 July 1895, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 10353, 8 July 1895, Page 4