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The ordinary meeting of the Bo ough Council was held on Monday night. Press t: His Worship the Mayor (chairman), MeHsrsTeed, Corkill, Brash, Dockrill, Furlong, Cottier, and Ward.

Proposed Ballance Memor al — Mr U. T. Jones, secretary of Federated Trades Union, Wellington, forwarded circular letter asking His Worship tho Mayor and Council to assist in the proposed Ballance memor'ul, und enclosing subscription lists. —Mr Furlong wanted to know what steps were taken in concection with the proposed Atkinson memoria 1 . — His Worship said that ceitain stop» were taken, a Committeo appainted, and subscription lists opened, but thero was not a great doal of money subscribed. The money raised was forwarded to the promoters. — Mr Dockull B»id he did not see why the pre cedent established in the Atkinson movement should not be followed here. — His Worship said that the Clifton County Council had distributed the liHts received by them, — MrTEED said that he did not Fee why thomtttorfhouidbs taken up by them, as it was not their bu mess. — Mr Dockrill said that subscriptions would be voluntary on the part of friends of the deceased statesman.-- Mr Corkill said that the movementin respect of Sir Harry Atkin nson was taken up here because that gentleman was intimately conne.tsd with the place and its history, and not tint ho had been Premier of the colony. — Mr Dockrill re marked that it waa the difference of local opinion as to the location of tho memorial that killed the movement here Mr Dockrill finally moved that tho chvular relative to the proposed memorial to the late Hen John Ballance be left iv His Worship's hands to take action — Seconded by Air Fdhlokq, and carried.

Convent Property. — Correspondence was received from tne Hamilton Borough Council answering certain questions relative to rating Convent prop?rty thero. The answers were in effect that auch pro perty they rated.— His Worship said that the advice of their solicitor was that the Convent property bee was not liable to rates. The solicitor said that if any children wore taught free then the property was not rateable. — Mr Cottier asked if there were children taught free in the school — His Worship eaid there were, he believed, but in the Hamilton case such property was rateable. — Mr DocKi.ill said he understood that the section of the Act was so worded as to exempt the pi operty even if only one child was educated free — His Worship said that tho Convent authorities lad acquired a section from Mre Honeyfield recently, and, he understood, other property from Moon s estate —Mr Cobkill: No, your Worship. Tho latter prcporty was purchased by McKenna as a private speculation.— His Wokshii* said that nothing could be done this year, and tho subject dropped.

Borough Solicitor. — MrSamuol, Borough Solicitor, wrote notifying that he hal givon Mr J. Ellis, his managing clerk, power of attorney while he was away on a tour to Europe. — His WoRSHir said the question was whether tho Council was satisfiod — No mombor offered dissent.

Auctioneer's Substitute — Mr F. J. Jonea wrote statiog that on account of iil liea th he had appointed Mr A. Wright hissubsti tute — The Town Cr. Uk sii.l that the matter had been formally arrang d R-f rrcl —A letter from Air W. J. Shaw relative to the bail condition of Gover 6treet was referred to the Publicworks Committee. A eimilar letter fiom Dr. St. George in respect to Courtneystreet was also referred to the saoae Committee.

Burgess Roll. — An application to place the names of Mr and Mrs W . D. Webster on the burgess roll was received. — The Town Clerk said that the burgess rolls had been made up and signed before the application was received. — His Worship read the sections of the Act bearing on the matter, and said be could see no power to take a name off the defaulters' rate list and put it on the burgess' roll when the latter was signed. — Messrs Corkill and Ward coincided with that view — Mr Teed thought that the names could go on. — Mr Ddckrill considered the matter might bs deferred in order to allow the Town Clork time to look up previous cases. — After further discussion it was jesolvod to allow the inattor to stand over till next meeting.

Claim for Damages.— Hr J. B. Hoy, solicitor, wrote milking a claim of £IUO damages on behalf of Miss Alice Reynolds, of the Honui. Mr Roy's letter pointed out that on Saturday night, March 11, Miss Reynolds was proceeding home with her brother, whon sho tripped and fell over some woodwork obstruction near Mr G ' W. Browne's shop in Devon stieel, aud severely sprained her right ami, which not only prevented her carry iu^ out her housohold duties, but prevented her getting her living as a needlewoman. Subsequently Miss Reynolds was walking (her arm being in a sling) near Judge Rawson's old residence, when she tripped over some tree roots on the footpath ani sustained a break ottlioarmaboTetheelbow S^severe was the injury that his client was treated by Dr. 0 Carroll and sent to the hospital He said that his client had been subjected to heavy medical, etc., but he wouM modify the claim if the Council met them in a fair spirit. — His Woßsmr said that he never heard of the-matter till ho had come to the Council this evening. — Mr Cottier asked if any notice had been givon to tho Council about the accident.— Tho Town Cork said no.— Mr Cokkill said that it was unreasonoble to make a claim so long after the accident, as it debarred the Council from getting independent medical opinion on tho extent of the reported injuries. He said that thore was no doubt that some roots did stick up in the footpath near Judge Rawson's old residence, but one would have thought that tho lady having once suffored from accident would have keptaMiarp look out. — His Worship said there would be v difficulty in tho Council getting witnesses to state the actual state of tho paths at the time the reported accidoots occurred. He favored the matter bo deferred for tho solicitor's opinion. —M. Waud sail their wore him reds of "traps' übout their Mreots, and it was not reasonable to suppose that tie borough would be liable to pay for accidents that might occnr through them, such as tiipping over an ordinary projection on the footpath or a cil ar lid. — Fina^y the claim was referred to the Worka Committee to report on.

Reset va Committ.e. — A lgtter from Mr W. J. Pen", "sking tho Council to define tho position ho held with respect to a dividing fence, h ilf of which he had been charged for, on proporty on the Avenne Road, wns referred to tho Rcsorvoa Committee.

Referred to Ihallh Committee. — An account from Messrs Eijgccombo and Scnntllyn for cluanirjg pits was referred to tho Health Committee to deal with

Applied ion for Leave,— Mr EM. Smith wrote asking the Council to allow liis son to attend to his Bo ough duties while he was away in Wellington attending to his parliamentary duties. If any extra labor was icquired he added that Mr J. Niccol would do tho same at his (Mr Smith) expense — His Wonsuir fluid that he hud no objectic to Mr Smith getting leave of absence, Dut he considered that tho name of the son should be given. — Mr Wabd movod that tho application be acceded to, provided ho gives tha name o£ his son whom he delegates to do his work, und that Mr Niccol make satiutistory arrangements with the Worka Committee. — Seconded by Mr Bba^ii — V*f OORKILL said that he was of opinion tliai tho lettor should he referred back to Mr

Smith in order that he may state which of his sons would bo hia deputy, and to get the letter endorsed hy Mr N ccol, and that in the meantime the Works Committee have power to make temporary arrangements. — MtTeed seconded the amendment as he thought that they should have some guarantee from Mr Niccol to do the work — Mr Dockbill considered that arrangements con (1 be made to give Mr Smith the necessary leave. — Mr Brash spoke in the same strain.— Mr Gohkim» thought that some definito arrangement should be made as it was probable Mr Smith would be going homo after the session. — After further discussion the amendment was negatived and the original moti n carried. Referred.— The application of Mr D. Berry to erect a verandah 100 feet long in front of hia premises was referred to the Works Committee with power to act. Reports.— Tho Waterworks Engineer's report was read, and it was satisfactory. The Sanitary Inspector reported that the Huatoki and Mangatuku streams had been cleaned ud i.b far as Pendarves street and Morlay-streat bridges respectively, and he asked the Council to givo him power to serve notices on property holders adjacent to keep the riverß clean henceforth. - His j Worship said that the Borough solicitor" t. report was to tha effect that property holders would have to keep the 8' reams clear once the work had been initiated by the Borough. — A resolution to serve noticeß on property holders was pnssed. Public works oinmtttM — This Committee, which mot on June 9, reported, "That Brooking'a request re Mr Howell's signboard bo acceded to; thut Mr Spurge's request re a signboard be acceded to ; thai Mr Neil's reqneet re cutting a footpath in Powlerhum-streot bo acceded to ; that the chsiirmau and Mr Joe Ward soitle the question of the survey pegs in Hine street; that Leach-street from Liardet -street to G over-street bo surveyed ; that Mr Maher he relieved of all his inspectorship duties, and that all his time bo devoted to Borough works ; that Mr \V. Free be appointed inspector of exprease*, draje, nuisances, public room«, billiard rooms, dangerous good?, hawkers, drivors, etc., at a salary of £1 10s per week, and that all his time bo given to Borough works, to commences from July Ist next, or as soon as arrangements can be made; that the foreman of works be empjwered to employ boitio fit person who can take charge of tho Borough horses, drive, and attend to tho sauid; t at the plans of Mr W. Bayly's new building in Devon-street be approved of, etc., provided the verandah be asphalted." — In moving the adoption of the nport, His WotiSHir said that the proposed chunges weie th. outcome of (i discuss'on »t last meeting. The Committee had decided, after di cussion, to recommend (he changes in the staff mentioned in tho report. lie ox plained other portions of the report. — Mi Teed wanted to know if the Inspector had been paid tins extra £75 required to pay the new Inspector —His Worship said he had not, but if tin's arrangement had not been decided on the Committee would havo come down with a recommendation to employ an extra man. The present arrangement was covered b. r the estimate*. — Mr Brash thought that if another man was to be employed to fill tho vacancy created by the transfer o€ Mr Free they should not leave it in the foreman s h.indt to fill, but give tl.e matter publicity in onler to give all a chance to apply — His Worship said that tho foreman would only recommend a man to fill the va ancy. — Mr Corkill said lie was in favour of the change, as the foreman had too many duties on his hands. Ho held that the now Inspector would be able to devote more time tlan the old one to the health matters in the Borough. — The report wai slightly emended, and then adopted. — A formal resolution appointing Mr Free was then passed.

Harbor Rate. — Mr Dookrill said that ho had not heard a report from the Reserves Committee on the question of payment of harbour rates on the race course. — His Worship said that the chairman of that comm'ttee had been ill during the month. — MrCoRKiLr, said heitad been asked to apologise for Mr t-'mall 8 absence to-night

6a> ting Stone. — Mr Furlong queried an account for £22. — His WORSHIP said it was for carting stone off tho beach. — Mr Forlong : Do not the Borough carts bring stone off the beach ?—? — En Worship : They used to do so, but havo not done so for the last two years. — Mr Furlong thought the item for carting was a considerable one. — His Worship said that it was not considerable when 500 or 600 yards of metal had to be put on the streets each month.

App intmett. — Mr Teed was appointed to the Reserves and Cemetery Committees ia place of Mr Ford, resigned

registry Office: — His Worship said that a question had cropped up about the liability of rfgistry offices to pay a license. Under an Act of last session such places were liable to pay a license, ani he understood thero wore three such offices in tho town. — Tho matter was left in the handß of the Town Clerk to report on at next meeting.

Lamp Pus'. — Mr Wabd spoke about the removal to a more advantageous site opposite of tho lamp post at tho corner o Devon and Mt. E'lgecombo streets — It was decidod on Mr Teen's motion to write again to ttio Gas Company on tho question of removal.

C ossing. — Mr Brash brought up tho question of a bad crossing in Devon-street East — His Worship said it would bo soen to.

Spe ial. — It was resolved to call a specini meeting for June 26.

Accounts were passed and tho Council rose.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 9722, 13 June 1893, Page 2

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BOROUGH COUNCIL. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 9722, 13 June 1893, Page 2

BOROUGH COUNCIL. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 9722, 13 June 1893, Page 2