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For many a year did tho same mnn 8n r ep a certain Btrcet-cro33ins: in Bumpstead. Through all seasons and in all weathers, thfro he wbp, swt eping the crossing and taking such gratuities ua were giveu him. Time woro away, and he oame to bo eighty years old. He appeared nt hie post no more, A lady district visitor 100 od him up at his lodgiDgs. Wbnt a picture of squalid destitution. No fire, no focd, no friende. Wife and fnmily he had none — neTer hid. The poor old fellow was perishing of starvation, of want. Some- money was raised for his benefit and he was removed to a London Hospital. Hero he lay several weeks sinking daily. One night he was clearly very low. Near him etool one of the hospital physicians and a nurse. Seeing him clutch nt>rv»usly at his pillow, the nurse, supposing the patient desired to be raised up, put his arm beneath him to perform tbit service. In doing bo the nurse's band onme in contact with an objict which be withdrew. It was a dirty little canvas bag tied with a foilher string. As it wps laid aside the cl 1 man perceived whit had been done, lifted his skeleton frame parlially from the bed and, trembling with excitomont, eaid in a shrill whisper. "Ah my treasure, my troasuro 1 It's gone, all gono, oni I'm going too!" and sank b.ick dead. Ihe bag con'.inupd £500 in notes — tbo Bavings of his miserly life. And h?, there, dead of starvation, even more than of age Well, what o£ it ? j ou say. The wretched old mm was hotter dead than alive. Quito so, but most human events lnve a moral, a lesson, abont them, if we keep an eye out for it What, for example, can we learn from

tbe following facts?— One night abjut ten years ago a mnn who3e name we can famish, went to bed as usual, apparently in good hotltb and spirits. A few hours later he lay unconscious on the floor. In explanation ho stated that be bad been seized, suddenly, wilh a pain o£ such violence that be was compelled to ris?, — a pain in tho ch'st. After ritiag he lost hiß aensss and mink down on tho spot where ho has Btood. Hia wife aroused by the noise, struck a light and saw her husband in that situation. She afterwards declared he bad gone black in tho face, and that Lia eyes looked as if they were starting out ol bis head.

Restoratives were applied which brought him to, but ho was not as before. So quickly and unexpectedly do we rross tbe boundary line between two opposite bodily conditions. It is like stepping from tbe broad blaze of day into a daaip cavern packed with darkness. He felt weak and eioV, with a Btrange " all-gone" Bonßation throughout his whole sjstem. His month tasted badly, and was filled with a slimy sort of phlegm, his head ached, he was unable to draw a deep breath, he walked with difficulty, and went about hiabusi ness like a man who is haunted by a paralysing (I ream.

Perplexed and alarmed he consulted physicians, who prescribed for him, without, however, produoing any noticeable improvement. The strong clear-beaded man of previous years gouo — changed as by ths wand of a vicious magician into "the feeble being he now waa. liven with this dismal pri spost before him our friend travelled not on level gronni ; his path led downward ;.- bo grew worse. In December, 18:8 , he had a distinct and bad attack, gave up bueinoep, and wont to bed. There ho remained for a weary painful month — thirty days, as long as thirty years of power and occupation. The doctor eaid there was something wrong wich the stomach and bowels.

After he odes more rose from hia bed ho still suffered dreadful pain and could rest neither day cr eight. ludeed, some nights he L67tr slept a moment. So weak had he beep mo that when ha attempted a short walk' he was obliged to abandon the effort, return and go to bed. £Hb own words aro these :— " To give you an idea bow ro 'need I had become I may mention that I loat ovei three stone weight and was wasting away. 1 kept on liko this until January, 1891, when Mr Everson, of Occold, told me of a medicine called Mother Beigel's Syrup and tho good it had doae. I triod it and in three days I felt better. Cheered and encoaraged by this 1 continued to use it, with the result that 1 wholly recovered from my mjsorious malady. lam now strong aud hearty, and business is again a pleasure. Tho Syrup did me more good in a few weoks than all my ten years doctoring put together." (Signed) Albert Tborndyke, Propriotor of tho "'Grapes InD," Church Sir.- a*, Eye, Suffolk. May Ist, 1891. J

What do wo learn from this ? We learn that wbile a misorly fool like onr crpsfiingHweepir miiy starvo for money, a wise man with moro reverenca for his bodily teraplr, toaks and finds remedy for a tendency to starvation, induced by di.ease :— t*:at tbe disease was indigestion and dyspepa'a, and the remedy Mother Seigel's Byrup.

Wo havo had much pleasure in inspecting a consignmept of Boots, Shoes, and Slippers to suit tho present season direct from the English manufacturers, ex s.p. Indraraaj'O, to the order of E. Dookrill. They are now on view in his shop, next Mr Newton King's Auction Mart, and as they are of Sitpeuiok Quality and will be sold at a Low Prior they should command a Speedy Sale. We were also pleased to notice the superioiity of his Colonial Manufactured Boots, Shoes, and Slippers as proof of tho great advance made by our Colonial factories ; and from his well-known low prices they are Bure to have a largo sale, — Adyt*

Drapery nnd Now Zealand mado clothing. — Having purchased a vory large consignment of drapery aud clothing at a ridiculously low price, wo aro determined to give the public Iho full boneflt of out bargain ; in fact we aro selling nviny lines at and belo.v English cost. We would recommend all tlioso in want of cheap and good goods to givo us a call at W.D.C Warehouse, Devon- street, Now Plymouth. — J. W. Foote, Manager.— Advt.

Liver Complaints. — Dr King's Dande lien aud Quinino Liver Pills, without Mercury are a potent remedy ; remove all Li ; er and Stomach Complaints, Biliousness, Headache, Sickness, Shoulder Fains, aoartburn, lik ion, Constipation. Made anlv *t> I-ondon. Sold cvarvwWo. — Advt

HIS EXCTCLLENCYLORDGLASGOW while partaking of some refreshments during the interval at the Opera House rornarked : " Ono thing you have here hat is good Coffee." It is searcoly necessary to say his Excellency was drinking Ciiease's A.I. Coffee. Sold everywhere n 1 and 2 lb tins.

Certainly the best medicine known i» ikNDEB AND Son's EUCALYPTI EXTBAOT. Cest its eminently powerful effects iv woughs, colds, influenza — the relief is in * tantaneous. In serious cases, and acoidents of all kinds, be they wounds, burns, Bcaliings, bruises, oprains it is the safest '■3tn9dy— -no swelling, no inflammation. Like surprising offeots produced in croup diphtheria, bronchitis, inflammation of the Innga, swellings, &c. ; diarrhoea, dyeentry, diseases of the kidneys, and urinary organs' In use at hospitals and medical clinics al' over the globe ; patrouisod by His Majeet; the King of Italy ; crowned with sieda and diploma at International Exhibition Amsterdam. Tmat in this Rpprnred tide, and reject all Vntava

" For the Blood is the Life "—" — CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE ia warranted to cleanso the blood from all impurities from whatever cause arising. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, itsoffepts are marvellous. Thousands of testimonials. Sold in bottles, 2d 9d anil 11s each, by Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors evorywhero Sole Proprietors, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Duug Co., Lincoln, Engand.

IS TEA DRINKING HARMFUL ?- Most people believe so. And tho doctors say so. Then why drink so much ? Use Crease's A. I. Coffee. It aids digestion and clears tho brain Sold everywhere in lib and 21b tins.

NOT TO KNOW IS NOT TO HAVE, but once having usei Sun Baking Powder yon will never be without it, for it is the best in the market, both for purity and price. Sold everywhere.

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 9670, 12 April 1893, Page 4

Word Count

IT'S GONE, ALL GONE, AND I'M GOING TOO. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 9670, 12 April 1893, Page 4

IT'S GONE, ALL GONE, AND I'M GOING TOO. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 9670, 12 April 1893, Page 4