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KEATING'S POWDER. KKATFNG'S POWDER. KEATINGS POWDER. KKATING'S POWDER. KEATIIVG'S POWDISR. KKATING'S POWDIQb!. BUOS, »vLKAS v KILLS- MOTES, VMOBQDITOKS HABMLBSS TO ANIMALS. HAUftILBBS To ANIUALa. /BUGS, H'LMAtf, KILLS-^ MOTHS, BEE I L-ttS, \MOSQUITOISg, hn\ is tinnvaHi'd in uestroyiog PLBAS, j P.DGH, COi KKOAOIIIfiS, BRBTLES, 1 MOTHS IN KDRS, and every other ppocieo of insect. Bportpuien will flml tins invaluable for destr ying fleng in Ihbir dogs, and aluo la lies for (heir pet do£S. l'be PUBLIO aro CAUTIONED that packages of the genuine powder bear the apiogrnph of THOMAS KHATING ffold in Tina and Buttles only. KKATIRG'S WORM TABLETS. KEATING'S WORM TABLETS. KHATIf^G'S WORM TABLETS. A PDUELY VEGETABLE 6WKETMKAT, both in nppeanvneo and tnßtc, furnishing a most agreeable method o£ admiri'Htenrig the only certain remedy for INTESTINAL or THUKAD WORMH. It is a perfectly safe nnd mild preparation, and is especially adapted for children, Sold in Tins by all Druggists. PaOPR'EXOK, I THOMAS KEATING LONDON. a4llhmr3o r . — — A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAWTS PILLS ( -^STTj^Nw "^ ■*- re nniversally I .^vO«l/flJ?V admitted to fo« J/ \<^^ —^v^*\ worth a Guinea a Ws^S/ "*\ 15 o^fo»"Biliousand [Ob/ \lO\ Ncrv °us Disorders I si, f \ ill su * a . s n(^ an^ I /PATENT \" i inßch » sick Head - I*l PILLS. % ITOi *«■ /'*7/ and \X**\ y ' fo § Drowsinese, Cold I VCjcv y+€?M Chills, Mnehings of ! VWN^ __ "S£S?J Kent, Lo?Hof Ap. petite, ShortneSß of Breath, Costivet «Sjf ness, Scurvy and i Blotches on tho *"* SKin, Disturbed I Slco]), Triphtful Dream*, nnd all ITervous and Trembling Sensations, The first doso will giTe rolief in tvrcnty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try ona box of these Pills and they will I c acknowledged to bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For fomale* of all sgea theso Pills are invaluable, ns a few -fl»=os of them carry oil' nil humours, nnd br.iit; about ;u. Miat is required. No female should he without them. There is no Medicine to bo lound equal to Beechara's Pills for removing any obstruction or irregulßrity of tho system. If taken according to the directions given vfith each box, they will soon restora females of all ages to sound and robust health. This haß been proved by thousands vrho have tried them, and found tho benefits which ara ensured by their use. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Disorders of the Liver, they act like mngic, and a few doses will he found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen ths wholo muscular system, restore tho long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the rosobud of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These aro Fact:* testified continually by members o c nil classes of society and one of tho best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have the Largeit Sale ojr any Patent Medicine in the World. Beechara's Magic Cough Pills. As a remedy for Coughs in general, A sthma, Bronuhial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness nnd Oppression of the Ohest, Wheezing, *c, theso Pills stand unrivalled. They are tho bost ever offered to the public and will speedily remove that tense of oppression and difficulty of breathing, which nightly deprive tho patient of rest. Let any person give BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and tho most violent Cough will in a t'*-e be removed. C ' aj Preparod ouly, and aold Wholesale and Ketail, by the Proprietor, Thomas Beccham, P 1 - Helens, Lancashire, England, ia boxes in. lid. ana 2s. 9d. each. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medioist Dealers everywhere. N.B.— Full direction* wo given with each boj. Saw, TooL SteeL »and File Workst (PHILADELPHIA, P.A./.tT.B.A, OIBOULAB, VaimcAL,' Great American and One-mah CJROSB.OUT AND HAND SAW B the best in the worlds INSERTED TOOTH OIBCI4IB Hsve|been. awarded the Highest Premium! at all the World's Great Fair* Moulders* Tools, Machinists' Steel Squares, Brick and Plameritig Trowels Rules, Levels, dc.-l AUSTRALIANI AGENCY AND DEPOT I W.H.BLAKELEY(NFXT TEMPEBANOE HALL). I HJ Great American Medicine WBBTO N'S Patentee and Belt PTopri«fcor» 7&ANK WEBTOK, WBSTON'S WIZARD OIL Composed of Healing Gnmi, Balsami Vegetable Oili, and Bare Medigfeil Herbs i is guaranteed to oore Bhan. "matlsm, Gonfc, Neoragia, Sprain*, Files, Diarrhoea, Toothache, Headaohe, Lumbago, Wonnde, Barm, Cramps, Cholera, Spasma, Bore or Inflamed Jfly es, Earache, Contracted Oorde or Mußolen, Fains in the Side, Bore Throat. Are refcailbd by all Ohemiitß and Storekeeper* throughout the Oolonitts, £100 REWARD.—I will giTe the above BEWABD for information loading to the DETECTION and CONVICTION of any person making or offering for sale, any •par. oai or Gq&obabm Imitatiow of WBBTON'e WEABD Oil/, Bigoed FBANK WEHTO*. Bex* Agkni»~

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8754, 16 April 1890, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8754, 16 April 1890, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8754, 16 April 1890, Page 1