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WALTER WRIGHT Begß to notify that ho haß Removed to the Shop in Devon-sheet (lato E. L. Hu.npl.rioa & Son), where he ia offering the Balance o£ bis GOODS at Unbeurd o£ Prices— CALL AND SEE THEM. i TO LET ON LEASE, Those Centrally Situated SHOPS and SUITES of OFFICES, corner Devon and Brougham-streets. FOB' BAJDK, Half-acre Building Site, nicely laid out, Devon-Btreet West ; JQuurter-aure, well fenced, Gaine-Btreet.— Apply, "W- .A. Tli TIE IR, ■W IR, I G- IK T, DEVON -STREET. ThQ VERDICT is mm only I TJI^TIOItT OOIMCIP^.IISr"X''3 ■ o Obtainable Everywhere. ! 344 hbo Hate a [ NEWTON .KING, lag^d-lm^aa A OOTiONBEB, CATTLE, AND STOCK lIIOUICIL A. ' SALESMAN, Cottier's Criterion Hotel gJ^S-tf^^c* *****> Estate, nnd Geuaral Commißßion DBVOrt DTHJKiiT. JSt^S&vl » Agent, jr-iilYATßbaiteß^orußforFazul^ ADI?P A f T]ff P Devon Stree^^P^yaoonth. Bath Kooms. UJT ii £5* ii. JL All VJ ctt ANTED, — Ladies with refractory YV huabandß to know we are Boiling Uomuiodioas Sample Booms tor Com- DIT T Q § ÜBb °o2 Bea -.f gDDßhadeßg DDBhadeB afc coßt> F " A ' | | * ■' ~~ ~ ————— Wines, Spirits, ia., of the boat brands. „ stsnation MASS FOB SALE, Umr-dMt stable.. Sluggish tiver, &'c, T a LStiS B ,' t^^i •» WICOI Sa to ,. tthum mttny Kk iD as of eatb^tio ll'E^rg^'LSf.S'tSta! \J medioioee, do not make yon feel aQ(i coaveniontly Bituated land worße before you feel better. Tbeir c i oße to Waitara. Imtnediate poßßeßsion, WHITF t"I ART "D OTEL operation is gentle, but thorongb, and if required, either with or without Btock, I C J-J/M^ I J-J_w t.u n^ atteuded J ith dißagreea ble effects, horaes, working Iplant, &o. Apply on Oppoute the Government Buildings, each as nausea, griping pains, &o. premiseß. wttttam^m Corner of Devon and Queen Seigel'S Operating Pillsare GEO « •weeti.ttewPlymoutti. tfae be S family phyaio tb?t has ever Old Waitara Koad. WILLIAM WALKKB „. Pbopuibtob' been aiecovered. They oleanne the — bowels from all irritating aubstanceß, TH^TT/tPV V»Hsfh!M iiPflr rnHB splendid Now PromißCß which the and leave them in a healthy condition. UirfLJLJttb X M JI&tJJWUJEf X Proprietor has just had compieujd foi The best remedy extant for tbo baue irhnnißJllWl J? (PO Ltd. iu> bunuw poawM uuejiualleu auvantageE f i iTea _ confl J ipa tiou aud Blngguk WOOD, PyiW <^ CU. V v™'u ™' to f amiliea, Blrangcra, uucl commercial travel- "* UU4 UTOB ™ uo l be> c™^Z*v,wt nnnntaxn - era visiting Wew Plymouth, iroia n. coiu- Uver. 9, MABKBT STBBBT^MBLBOUBNB.. modioußness, its central position, being in tbfc These Pills prevent fevers and all 4 Upumeßß part of the towix, and its clost k iudg o f sickness, by removing all ALL kinds of Farm and g Dair { ™°" proximity to the Post and ielegxaph Office* rinißnnnils ...„„/ f' tue bowels *i. received and Bold on Uommission 1 aud otlier aoTwnmeut olnces. pwß utter twWW, results being promptly remitted. , They operate brwkly, yet mildly, with. Agencies in England, Queensland, South BATHS — Dot. Cold, and SliOWer out any pain. Australia, and Western Australia. seS B SuaUea^ tbo bead, baok, aud limbs, one or two on applioalion. ' JZT 1 " doßes of beigel'S OP eratin S Cable addreßS :" Ager," Melbourne. The Choicest of Liqueur, and Wines, and, tut Pills will break np tue cold ami Correspondents aie •peeUlly requested| to Sinest Braud* ot bpirit* and Uigarr.a«> prevent the fever. address injvM to A «■** •?«■% w , ithßa . braok ;j h wooD^ DUNN tfc 00 - |Lw; — taste, ib caused by foul maUer ,« .the STBBET,;MELBOOBNE. &• >,The Billiard Table is attended by j» Btomacb. A tew dofiea of Seigel S *• Blttlia1 " 1 Di '■ a 2sßbs6 Competent Marker. Operating Pills will cleanße the — «.„ n- n, atoinacb, remove tho bad taste, aud re'I'ARANAkI "HOTH'.T. good health. ..^^^^. lAtfAJNA^i_ iIUIU,!,. { dißeaßoj partially de . RNW^ftST.NSURANCE v ail t AN PROPRIPTOfi cayed foed, causes mckness, uaaßea, U DEPARTMENT. H- JULIAN -__ PROPRIET OB aQd diarrlicea , if t be bowels are HAVING taken the above over, woulo cleansed from this impurity with a Established 1870. respectfully solicit a share ot publu dose of Seigel'S Operating fuironage, Bhall be pleased at all times to pjH s these disagreeable effects will EVERY POLICY GUARANTEED BY THE STATE. tee my old friends. fanish, aud good health will result. „ T»uum, nuu &» LQW p REM iuMS wid LARGE BONUSES. Wihes and Spirits of the Best Seigel'sj Operating Pills Brands always m Stock. prevent ill-eifeots from excesa in eat- Ths aim of this Department has beon to ** "' ,„„ __ rininb-i'n^ A nnnd Anna nt provide Life Insurance at the miuimum cost - r. m^rTr^ ««« r,^ Duwa ' Dg °* d " Dkl °c* A K OOd d ° B6 , Bt compatible with safety. It does not charge its f £ G^yD STABLING FOB HOBBBB, bedtime renders a person fit for policy-holders unnecessarily large premiums "—""" business in tbe morning. in order to enable it subsequently to attract •• OrtU TSSiSf F a * ' Tne S e Pills, being, are &n£^ 5A. rf JSS, if^SSSS x v uubfti pleasant to take. Tbe disagreeable the lowest compatible with perfect safety, ' ' "■■ r ftB * fi nnrnmnn to moat nil la ia obviated ana aro loss than the paiUolpating rates oi taste common to naosc pins is oDViatea any othw offlca doing busiuosg ln Außtra i ftßiai OHUTTLEWOBTH Bii 0 fo, M --- . — _, _, . In tpite of this fact, at the last valuation Q For Sale bY all ChemiStS. (Decembor, UW) the aaaetß of the office were AIMBKU;MBBOHANXBkIMPO»TBBB. •nrnD-o-istH and MpdiPinfi found towceed pliabilities by 'no less a ".„__„ „.._ JUrugglSl/81 auu JUeaiGine' S um than £242,000 sterling -A havh ok bam.— ■*> PTlflnrS< voeuit due to eoonomy of manageBuilderi Material and w ruwio ment and low mortality. g2£SD SSSHSIIII PROPKIBTORS I PBESENT FUNDS ovar ONE AND A HALF r"apertiwiging» ana penm MILLION POUNDS. Oil», Paints, and Oolora a Jfl \A/riit« Lirr>it«H ! AI ""T.. F. W. FRANKLAND, F.1.A., .TT,,ml' Jttt MERO AWHILE GAZETTE. n Oommi BB ion e r and Oovt. Actuary, ALBION MILL t— Fine Bone Du»t of our own mannfaatnre r^BB SUBSCBIPTION to tbi» Tsluable — " (warianted gennine, & lwJoCtl of Baniruptcie., Bilk of Sale, """"i 0 . m . , „ . _. _ Mortg»Ke« of Btock, fcc.nnß been BKDDOBD ON"R 'RnX !OF OTjARKE'H "B 4T OruKhed or WLole Oati, Obafl, from lit Jaly to OSTJC boiNEA per annum. UWIS OU& }UF Vij&ai^&ti » 4- _ T „ Inteiyting lobioriberi »re reque«ted to eend r L v v a T>BVO» AMD Qr»EN SXBBBTB. iv tbeir nawi at onev to the proprietor. jq warranted to onre all diseases andPaiD if^ B. Ii WHIBLHB, 1 in tbe Baok. Jo ixicsDX/ Ounedin Bold in Boxei, 4i, 6i, each, by all Ohemiit • tt' rVIDDT. «toO W, GOViTT nd Patent Medioine Veßdon. nTWl?tt AT (i A v Vf TPT; New Ptanontb °° l * Proprieto Jf. J. OLABKB, U±4 JN iii XL A JLi \j &JX J& I£4 Ii : APOTHBOABIfiS' HALL, JjIKOOLN, NEW PLYMOUTH AND WAIIARA. " J" HNGLAND, / \RDEBB left at ThTraranaki Hotel, Ne« I |lM^^^ll|f|^ Q BXPOBT AGENTS • \J Plymouth, or Bridge Hotel, Waitarfc, i ? j P^^Ba^^^aAaa&S* Bnrgoyno, Borbidges, and Co., Oolem»tt>str c >vill be riomptly hUended to. «2bbbu> P^^^*i *ll Xi SjT^hM!? London. — — — iffl'lf jT^^igA JSJ^ i?" 88 M^ W P> NewberyandSone,B7»NewgateHitreot,Lendo EG. AJjJUSWORTt i W^o^^^Sr^'S^^Bfffß '«ager aud Bom, Oiford'Btroet, London « And all the London Wholesale Honset, 0 O KWl* o foTTo X N T ' mE Bm ZZ* W ° RI<D - AQBNTBFOBIii ZEALAND: ■« * Ll,:?' „ " SOLD BY BAIT^TATIONEBH RfIKPIHOBNa,PBOSSB»|:OO, I Duw»DIP

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8754, 16 April 1890, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8754, 16 April 1890, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8754, 16 April 1890, Page 1