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An Old Established . j AND Popular Medicmo | T>AXTER'S La;:f» Preae?ver übb boon es- \ 0 tablished ovor a qc^'ter of a ceninr,. and patronisod by all ranks of sooiety : and onjoys a buooosb unpafa fc-eld. Consumption, Coughs, Colds, BronchiW Asthma, Whoopizf Consb, Sore Tbrot.. (sad all affesnona 1 the Chsßt luid Throat Effectually Kelieved and Cured by Baxter's " - J rHSTiMONIAIti. ifrom Williom Kead, ISsq., aialpping an Oisatoms' Agent — Lyttelton, NovomDcr 28, 183rf I have used your Lang Praeervoir in my family for the lost fourteen years, therefore h<4VQ the greatest ploasuro in bearing 'test 5 .- mony to efficuoy in tne troatmeni oi oougns, ooide, hronohitia, croap, whoopiugoough, ico. have reoommended it to ve.j tn.l3a.Xl>, who hava also proved it to be a vor> palatable aad speedy cure for ehost and throtit oomplaint3. I have niiiformly found a eingk dose c± " Lung P-er - or*er " oheok a severe psroxysta of oonghing. I shall on all ,occssiona have groa: pieaßure in recommending it to sufferers, as I oonaidisr It a beou U> khsij sind. From leaao Allen, Esq., Comnnsaion Agent — Heroford-3trest, Cbristchnrob, December C, 1883.-Aft»rßevenvoarß experiencelhavegrsct . pioasuio in testifyiag to tho officacy of ' your ' ' Lung Presorver," having provod it in nsy family to bo a speciflo for coughs, colds, , h f e , • dosed inv&tiably subduing tho nasty harassing cough, and while relieving tha throat and chest, ifc doea eot like other nostrums, disorder j the aig. stives organß by induoing causes, oonstipatiGn, hoodaoho, lots of appetite, <Sco. % oau heai tily recomsaund it aB the be&fc, oheapest an - most patatabla mixture, known fo^ cougbg, colds, bronchitis, <vhcoping -cough, fee. So highly do wo edieeia it thtt we mi»ays ktse t , a apply on hsnd. B'rom W. 15. Bcott. Esq., Builder, Sea,— Paterborough-otroot, Ohristoharoh, Docembet i, 1883. — Some yearc Rgo I was reoommendod to try a bottlo of y our " Pn'.monio Elixir and Loag Preserver," tor tightness of the ohest. I did so, end from that time I have never baoii without it in the hcuao, I have found it naswcr in overy i-espeot for coughs, col is, and •ioro throat, and would strongly advise tboae that svg suffering from such oompißiute to try it. fhe Eov. J. Hytra (ox-I'resiaent of the United Methodist Free Oiiuroh) writioj— Elsr over-street, Leeds, H&rch 26. h, 1872 — 1 tiavs pleasure in testifying how rapidly and effeotußlly Baxter's Lung Preserver has acted in ailaymg ocugh and irritation of the chest in tho cast) of ray wife, who has several baou mdsr tha EerbSßity of using it during Ihe -whitor. From Dr. J. Ewart, M.K/J.S 1., &o —I am toty much opposed to patent motiicmss generally, and totali? disc»nnton_.noethe Balsams Oxyme.s, Ehiirs, tyrujjS, and other eisauationo of nuprincipled empirics ; but 1 regard your Lung Pretervcr fl-s a really goodprrparatioa, cntiro.y freo from tao^o qualities which cund-.T inott pstmt sa< dioincs danguroue, and posjasaed of (Loufl tonic £na -tiinuiatlng proporties which roadei it a treasure to those nho Buffer from the uxhausting effeota ot pulmonary disease and o^tat affections gentraily. lv cbbbb of asthma it quioUy cute short tha paroxysra. in ohronio bronchitis jr winter cough-j it ie useful 1 tho discharg? C mucus is groatiy, a< d the wheoning »nd diffioalty of brestning are greatly relievtii oy it. ia acute bronchitis it is also beneficial, and whilst it tends to check inflammation, it promces expectoration and thos relieves tfce laborious and diifioiilt b.-eathing so K^nerai in those attaoV f. As a cough medicine, for pi-r-«uae ct all b[eß| 't is ticeilent, — J c fiWAET H.tiOS From Kfcv. \V. B. Marten, Siiniter— Carißti hurch, lind Augat:, 1872 — Ha-ving aaSeisd oon^idorable a .noyanco durlug tbe past two years from L.oareenoss an.l affciocion of the throat, which at tiruc-B r9.:dried publio spoaki g coniuwha*. uitfiouit anJ pp.infuis I h^ve, aince m> arrival iv this oirouii — in A.'ril ;-st — been lednood to try jour Baxter's Long Presorver, and I duem it only juat to Inform you that I nave experienced g:tsw bauefit from ite xno, being ensbiea to preach now with a degree of eaaa and comfort to w'ai.h I had been some time a stranger As yat 1 have but used three bottles, but sh^ll osrtamly reoonuuena it to all who suffer ii; a similar man . ir. You ere at liberty 10 maKt Wdat nay yea ploar,6 oi this oommnnictitior*. Frorj Key, bamtiej &ol an;, Miuißter of Dnited Mathciiat Free Ohurohea.-For the sak . of sciforing humanity I record tha following jxt. aor iaary ou?es, which hs»ve been eff sottd by yoor valuable Luas Prtuwrver: — I know c gMiiicin n in nhom consiioption hsd co fsr progressisd that his maiiont man gave us hu oase aa copelet s. Hs, ht W6Var, availed himdbif of your troatwoot, Hn<i, after toning a few bottles of yosr Lang Preserver, was cc far rsccverad ta to bo able to rescmt hia business, which he cow reguiarly follows without much Inoosvunit-nce fro^- oither pssin or weakcesi. A Cough of 77i«»ji year? naivting The rcy. writer of tho aot.vo uontinuea — A.n sged lady of my acquaintance wtfi for a> any years troubled with a chroiiic coagh so s .'Tore thai she td'iota had an hsor's qnit-t s asp. After sponuh-g marly all her enbs siioj in raedicins, .-be w&8 pi;rs>Kaded totr> /our Lung rre^orvcr, &c, whioh, under Ood s bitting, soon cu.ed btr Mr, kio'i&rd Lo&b, Treohnow, iintageJ, L'ornwall, writes to Mr. ii, welch, Cumeitord _ — I was '.cry il for a long tim wit'a a cough, to., and -iid tot average one hour's oieeo per night, but on obtaining from you a 2s 9d bottlo of Baxter's Lucg Prtsorvor, and tatint one tioßc, I slept soun .iy, not cughin;? moio tnan five minutes in t;ia night. Before I ha<l tiuiihea ths contents cl tbiß bottle tae oouyh quice iof t mo. Froru the Kditor of tho "Yorkshire Indeptniiant," Vv'cst-strofi, Leeds, Msrch 61L, IB7is — My foßjily is particularly lisbk to citest rilloctious. We hays foDtiii ; i_xtor'B Lxiu.i r.-eaerver a most oxcelieat romo.-!y 'do aighiy do we wsiccn; is that wo do not afe;» ' to bu withoat it in thu Loaae. For the la»ai fif. tuen > 0 irs uol o: ly w j own f amity, but mail} frienda to 71 horn 1 have rocouiraon-jei it havo found gimt 1-HjEdfit from it. For BroßoniiLt tnort a- <i)i«g equal to it. — j£uivalu> fOSTKH To to bad of all OhoiuiotH iud tkorekeej. era bo:tiua, le 6d, 2a 6d, Is 60, and 8s each. Wauiußttlfi Agents — J. Baxter, Chumiei, 2i Victo.-ia-iitreot, OLiriaSohiirch 2atsare P sa'iUidn k Co., S*iiißbur/, EJliadon ft. ÜB. «iia pthorne, i'rossor, & co, ; -,nd may •Ik.-, bo obtained of murohNnts ihrocghoui :ve.< (JtahkU'l. 6-^* Purchasers are lequesSod to ask for ' ! axler'd Lung hrastirvor. tiv caut.ons against w ving put olf wnh tonio ot or modiciaa which Joa.ti'b may recomoieud solu;y ou tbo ground A buying more profit. A.tlK^^'B vov. New Plymout 1 M? J X, JUitNM^TJ,Oht.ruis» '. rn^ ' v a«:..-«.* '„*» f TUT Great J.merican Medicice 11/ fiSTOS'S WIZARD OIL. Pntantor- anti Eel* Proprietor, yUANK V/P.BlOi Wl)h TOI- 8 W IZAKH C 1 Cornpoßc»a of lleulsno' Gi:uib, iialß--tnf» Ve«otnblo Oils, and Hare Alediaii.» Ilerba 1 ib gnarantULd to cure Bhsaaatißin, Goul, Nenrulgiu, Spcaius, Pi lea, Diarrhcer*, Toothache, Heudaoho, Lumb&go, Wounds, Bums, Crompß, Cholorft, Bpasras, Bore or iuflainsd fiyea, Earaoho, Contrßotod Cords or Mnsolon, Pains in tho Bido, Boro Ihroat. Are retailed by oil Ohemiata aud Storobcepcm throaghout tho Colonioa. 2100 HOWARD. — 1 will give the abo^v ! REWARD for information loading to the DETECTION and CONVICTION of any person ranking or ofiiuriug for sale, nny opnrOIU 01- CoLUSABLii iMITATIOK Ot WI-KTON'o WIZAKD OIL. Bifroi FRANK Wl BTOH, SOLP AaiUHTBJSSMjreH'WWfI, PBOSSHB ft 00,f

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7171, 15 September 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7171, 15 September 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7171, 15 September 1886, Page 4