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BLUR'S GOUT_PILLSJ ?^S GESAT S?J-3ril3H B^SMBDY GOUT, RVF.UMATHM, SDIATIOA, AND LUMBAGO. \ LiL saTirer j tVjc: th« fibova oovnpis!')--? ;1; 1 sithor of reosr.t or Ion? asanding, ars aivsßod io cro BLAIS'E G )UI icd 3GI I MATtO FILL 4. They ;mn 09 rj>l:3d apon 45 t%e moat Bill aad offootm rsmady svor offered to :h? c.nblin, and hove baen craivar. : ?alsy asod in Ainorica and Biropa many years ' ??ith the graatoai snoooss. ( Her lifajgaiy's CosrMaiHSiaaarj h'.wo auttiorissd the naraa and addvsas of "'ThoTU'i! 1 Froit, No. 29« tjsndoa, ro bfl Impressed upon tho Govornrjioit stamp afiiso- 1 to each box of the genuine raa iioine. 80M in Badar d at ia U-l. aad 3s 93 per '-•ok, xy obfeaia' 5 "> J ■- ' • or pto 09 lathaAnrf- < Ofilnnl'.i. U7^ b ft mr 7 "87 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS .>^ U -^ re a(^ m '^ed by >^^ y?V thousnnds to b /y\t^~ worth a Guinea o fjT^f/ iMi ox for bilious and ICQf v*» nenows disorders, l\t, I \*\'-\ 6UC ' I ns wind, and I / EA.TEN 1 L.I sick headncho, gidI^l n ii 1 r IS I rt mOS3 , fulness und Hi PILiUOi /P4I swelhngnftermeals, IVA _••—>• 188 tlizzinoss and drow%W\ ' its? l Blness . co '^ chills, \vs\ /S&B flushings of heat, vQvV loss oi appetite, \kVi'fcr""s^« CK^ shortness of breath, /fS»M!i' costivoness, scurvy, blotchosontheßkin, /SSv disturbed sleep, 4Sfc£» frightful dreams, and all norvjus nml trembling sonsutions, kc. Tho first (loso wiUgivorolief in 20 mmntc3. This is no Cction, for thoy havo done it in thousands of cases. Every sufferer is earnestlj-inviteil to try one box of theso Tills, nml thoy will bo acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all nges theso Pills aro invaluable, as a fow doses of thorn carry off all gro3B humours, open nil obstructions, nnd bring about all that is required. No females should be without them. Thero is no medicine to bo fonnd to equal BEEUILUI'S PILLS for removuig nny obstruction or irregularity of tho system. If taken according to tho directions given with, each box thoy will soon, restore females of all ages to sound and robust henlth. ** For a wo-ik stomach, impaired digestion, and nil disorders of the liver, thoy net like " MAGIC," und a fevv doses will bo found to work wondcis upon tho most important orctnns of tho lmmim machine. They^stiougthen tho whole miiscnlnr sjstem, restore tho long lost complexion, bring buck the koeu eilijo of nppetito nnd nrouse into notion w ith the ROriEUUD of health tho whole physical energy of tho linmim fr.imo. 'l'hesq ni-o "FACL'S" admitted by thousands embracing- nil clnsses of society; nnd one of tho best gunniiitces to tho nervous and debilitated is, Deechnm's Pills havo tho largest sale of any patent medicmo in tho world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As aiemedy for Congli3 in general, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Shortness of Drouth, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, "Wheezing, &c, thess Pills stand unrivnllcd; und anyone labouring under an3 r o£ tho above complaints noed only try One Bos to prove that they are the best ever offercl to the public for Asthmatic and Consumptive Coiifrhs, Honrsenes3 nud Oppression of the Chest. Thov spoetlily lemove that sense of oppression and chiliculty of breathing which nightly doprivo jtho pnti'pnt cf rest. They give almost m.stnnt relief nnd comfort to those afflicted with tho übovo distressing and, when neglected, dnngerous complaints. Lot nny person troubled with any of tho above complaints give BEkcirm's Couau Pills a trial. Tho most violent Cough will in a short t"-i bo rfcaioved. '~ Caltiojc — Tho public nro requested to~notice thnt the words " Beech vm's Pills, St. Helens," aro oa the Government Stamp nffUed to each Box of the Pills. If not on they ore a forgery. Prepared only nnd sold wholesale nnd retail by tho proprietor, T. Ueechnm, Chemist, St. Helens, Lancashire, England, in boxes nt ls. ljd. flnd 2s. 9d.*fench. — Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers throughout the Colonies. N.B. — Full directions are given with each box. KFATIBB'* PGUkEi. XEATINQ'S POWDER, KILLS 3UQ3 FJ.EAF, MOTHS, BEETLES. THIS POWDER ia quite harmless U ANIMAL life, but is usrivalled in deairoyi ;■ !?LaA3, BUGS, COCSEOAOaES, B'JihTLES moths in fubs, and overy'other species o; iDscct. Sportemon will find this invalunbh for destroying fltaa in their dogs, as alsladies for ihoir pet 6oib. THIS ARTICLE ha- found so aiiEAT s 3ALB that it has tomptwi others to vend fr so-called article in imitation. Tks public are OAUTIONSD that tbe tins of the jjennin • powder bear the aetograph cf THOM A "SEATING, Bold in Tihb oki/t. KEATING'3 WORSl n TABLETS. KEATnTG'3 WOEM TABLET,;) KEATENQS WOBM TABLETS KEATING'S WOBK TABLETt A. PUBKLT VEGETABLE SWEETMEAT, both ir appearance andtasto, famishing amost&ijreo abli method of administering tho only cortaii ramely for intestinal or thread wobm£ ft i 3 a perfectly safo and miL] prepsrstioc *tid is eapsoislly adapted for ohildren. .OLD IN TIHB BT ALL DKUOOIBT9. Proprietor .. THOMAS KEATTc* A SUPERLATIVE TOISIO, DIUEEnO, ANTI-DYSPEPTIG AND IKVIGOEATINQ OORDIAL. j'HJS MKDI'JINAL BEVKBAOE Is waJ rantoii not only frt-^ from avory injnriout property and inpjrodicnt. but of the best posdis>lt> qaaHiy. Ita estraordiDiiry Mcdicina' properties il? b*rave3, Uouit, <?inr©iiil«tt illtentvanll&m, JncipSesit Elrop^y, FlafuSence, Coiit* i"fxins, of-be Stomach or Bowolb, whether in Adultß or Infants. In all ordinary asset; of Obstruction in the ' Kldneya, §£iadder, A Urinary la Dyspepsia, whethe; rtoute or Ohronio; in Uuno'-ftl licbility, Sluggirh Circulation cf the Blood, Inadequute Acsiiaih tion of Food, snd Exhausted Vital Energy, ire acknowledged by the whole Modioo Faculty, sad atttfbted in their highciet written authorities. PR JIPETUAL- IK JUNCTIONS against the Sftlo of Counterfeits of Wolfe's Sshiaapps? have boon gmctcd by tne tinprorao Courts of Now tiouth Walos und Viotorift, and farther action will bo instantly taken a^altißt anyono infringing upon tb.t-. Trn.-ia righto of tfco Proprietor, I M'l.f Agrnte fy Anstraila nnd Noy/ Zopmnd-— M MO S H & O 0., ''.YDKKV AI?D MbI.II O TJJ: H * I w^Li'Lii INATHAX>! & Co.,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7171, 15 September 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7171, 15 September 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7171, 15 September 1886, Page 4