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WHOLESALE DRAPEBY' COMPANY (next Town Bridge, Bevcm-strset, Hew Plymouth.) lETAOL DiAtPEG^ ikMB ©L@TlHlO[^© kT WHOLESALE [Plo©Ei F@R (&EAPY WE herchy announce that on WEDNESDAY, Jone 23, we shall inaugarate the above-mentioned system of business in New Plymouth Seeing that such an important change of bjsiness demands more than a mere notification of the fact, especially whereby every customer is brought in close contact with the manufacturers, we would earnestly invite attention to the folio wiig details of the KISA.DY MONEY SYSTEM as will be adopted by us, Starting with the recognised fact that Ready Money is the sure basis of all successful and legitimate trading. Some months since we made arrangements with a thoroughly experienced agent for importing our Goods DIRECT from the very best English and olsher manufacturers. The first of these shipments of first-class Drapery has just conaa to h<ind, 9id are marked n PLAIN 1- IGUBE3 at a minimum of profit oa the exact landed cost. The remainder of our stock has buan equally reduced, and customers are requested to compare oar PRESENT PRICES with those formerly charge! for the same articles. We coafi (eitly assert that in every ins'ance they will compare favourably with the Colonial Wholesale Rates, and be f juad quite 35 per oent. cheaper than before, or any other Ke ail House in New Zealand. Ab the success ot oar undertaking depends almost entirely on oor carrying out th 9 READY MO^ET PRINCIPLE in its INTEGRITY, we wish it to be distinctly understood tbafc in no SINGLE INSTANCE can CREDIT bo given. Every article' MOST BE PAID FOR AT THE TIME OF PUROEASB, and we trnsfc lo the good sense of our customers to spare us the unpleasantness of refusing to DEPART from this RULENo discount or abatement off the plainly marked prices can possibly be allowei either to tha TBA.DE or the Pablic. IVo Special Sales will be lielri. it being our determination to «taiiy oiler the whole of our stock at mucii less than spasmodic *»ale Prices. The question will doubtless ba put to us :— " Can you make this System pay ?" In'reply we would remind you lliafc several of the largest Australian houses are now conducted on the REaDY MONEY BA.SH, an 1 that the same system has been introduced into New Ziainnd by several well-known firms wi(h maiked success. As one of tho first principles of domestic economy is to buy in the cheapest market, we trust to an enormously increased business to reaoup us for the very , GREAT \ REDUCTION in our prices. To the Country Settlera in particular; we look for encouragementt and hops theyjwill send tolus for.pattetns of anything and everything they requite, and compare pric . We are sure ttey will be greatly" surprised and gratified at the result, Calling attention to the details of our first Autumn and Winter Bhow, which may be had on application to the Warehouse, we now place pur future business prospects in the hands of the .purchasing public, and cordially invite them to co-operate with us by buying all their Retail Drapery and Clothing at Wholesale Prices for Ready Money only at the WHOLESALE DRAPEMICOMPAM'S ''CASH 'WAREHOUSE, IDKVON "ST-tiISKT, NEW I'XjYM.OTJa'H, Next the Town Bridge and Railway Crossing. ;_ J. W. Foote : ; : ; : manager. 967 hd tc

»" A Wonderful Eook for Is. CONTAINING— rj a 100 Tricks and ,g^-r_?*_-I =^ — I" 7 *^? Delusions with [pgip^fg^ IIF/ik^iil 25 MarveUous &" i «4^\'t l^il' vN Tl;lCKs! lL^liri- ■ -^^1 of wh.oh pslt^-gg^ll =, C HV a r.ornmnn |- — s^gH [■ : .t-, — dE§= pc .ol cards and I The ordinary coins irm.v—^Fg] rf the realm. aier.zrr~zggg' ; M "d • All fully =-j^=— ~j-£ _ — _^^= ■ <cd. Al''o,ft^ — — —^ yi 1 liiddle?,Cbar des, I==.^-/^== ~^2 GAUfIS etc.,- r [ -"-^ANb OViiißpl 200 Tricks v.ith Co oju.lng Apparatus Ml i'lu>-t ated Bnd exolained and made simple, wth a catalogue of Fog'i h, Fr«Doh " a*d America Novetios, Games, Toys, «0., covering over 300 rag«B. and il!u9ira<3ii with 400 word blcoks. Both books mailed freo for Ib, fjACK AKD HIS <5S^ BKIDE-Mecbeni- 3vv" cal figures dance Xr^|\ to music, nnd Mjsifjjy keep perfect time, la 3d f acb, /yf{W the pair 2i Tbe \\ izabd of y& THK >OBTH"S §^\[ obaßgeabl > poc't M&^v (f caros, woidcrful ctaages with lightning rapidity, Is 2d po t free. N.B.W. stamps taktu at par, pest office o/dira or p>Et«l noics prefeued; if stamps of 'c ther colonies nra sent, 1 id "d ia tbe eh'llipi? for exchange. Take Noiice — I'o advertise our businpsa, we will, lor a short time, send the wbolp of the abate me Llpaed nrlieles to one nd> drees, post pad, for 2s 6J. AddreES all oro'eis — H. YOfIKB & Co . 401, Goorge-st., Sydne^. Look Box 4 1, aO hb i 024. —87 Kiog-bt'eat Post Office roteotod by the Boyal Letters Patent, dated OctoW 11, 1869. OR, BKiSHT'S FKQSPHODYHE IHB BAFEBX AND ONLY KKLIABLB PREPARATION OF PHOSPHORUS, MULTITUDES Oa people are hopelessly suffering from Debility, Nervous ani; Liver Complaints, Depression of Spirits, Tim* Idity, Indigestion, Lassitude, Want of Powti ice, whose oases admit of a permanent ontt by the new remedy, Dr. BRIGHT'S PHOK PHODYNB (Ozonio Oxygen), whioh at orioe allays all irritation and exoitement, imparts new energy aad lifo to the enfeebled oonstitu* tion, and rapidly cures overy stage of these Uitherto inourable and distressing maladiea. , Dr. firight's Fhosphodyne le aoknow adged by tho first medical m«n in Europe ai the most emoacious medioine hitherto dis covered for Weak and Shattered Constitutions, nervous Debility, Aversion or Incapacity for study, Indigestion, Female Complaints, FlatuloEoe, Liver Complaints, Shortness of Breath, Pains in the Head, Pimples, Impoverished Bfood, and all diseases caused by a long realpence in tropical climates for which iron, mercury, potass, fco., are given in various forms, of tin to the destruction of the patient's health. Dr. Brlght's Ph.osphodyne.~OntU the introduction of Dr Bright's Phoephodyne, Phosphorus w but soldoni prescribed aa c medioine, owii> , vo tho dii&cnlty in so prepar* Ing it that its ao >a c juld bo kept under perfoot control. It had beou used in Almond and Olive Oils, in Sulphurio Ethor, in Kcotlflod A.loohol, in Ohlo^of m, and in several advertised medioine " t in all the hitherto knOT»n methods of its»rction, certain irregu'-ir roeults h&TC beon experienced. Bnt in tue form of Dr. Bright's Phosphodyne, Us invaluable aotion on the human system is realised without any of those drawbacks whioh other modes of preparation invariably produce, Dr. Brlght's Phosphodyne fe agreeable to tho Palate and innocent in its aotiou, while retaining all its extraordinary properties, and as a speoiflo burpaasea all the knows Therapeutic agents of the present day • Dr. Bright's Phosphodyne.— lts nee enables all debilitated orgaus to perform thoir naturnl functions. Porsona suffering irom Norvono Debility, or any of tho hundred symptoms whioh this distressing disoase assumes, may rest assured of an offcotual cure by tho use of this most invaluable remedy, 3ST AtiK FOB fa BBSgHfS PHQSPKiMBE and do not bo persuaded to take any nee- . less . A posslWy d.ft* ;erpuß eobHtltHte.t

. The M L<K IS .


$m MONEY BY ADOPTS <HNITH % HIIiRHFV'^ PftfiPJl WTFiyi uSvßiiSs «x u^uwrsLi o rAftuLL $ia2tyvi. Smith & Caughets' Parcel System^ , bowjid admitted Boon to Country ■ settlers. Smith & CAUQHEt's Parcels] have for four ["years given unbounded satisfaction. Smith & Cauohet's have always aimed at combining excellence with cheapness, aud by ao doing have Becured (he confidence of the public. Smith & Oaughet study closely the wautaof their Country friends, and do their utmost to supply a Genuine Article at the lowest possible) price for cash. WHOLESALE AND EETAIL FAMILY DRA.PEBS, Queen-st2*eet, Auckland ; and Newmarket. AMERICAS WALTHAiu WATCHES, THE BEJ-U TIME-KEEPERS IN THE WORLD

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7115, 13 July 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7115, 13 July 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7115, 13 July 1886, Page 4