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A WOMAN'S SUFFERINGS AND GRATITUDE. A Voice from Austria. "VTEAR the village of Zillingdorf , in Lower _I_\ Austria, lhea Maria Haas, an intelligent and industrioua woman, whose story of physical suffering aad final relief as related by herself, is of intercut to English women. '1 wns employed," she Bays, ' in the work of ge farmhouse. Overwork brought on sick headache, followed by a deathly faintiog and sickness of the stomaoh, until I wa? unable to retain either food or drink. I was compelled to take to my bed for several weeks Getting a lit tlo better from rest and quiet, I sought to do some work, but was soon taken with a pain in my tide, whioh in a little while seemed to spread over my whole body, and throbbed in my every limb. This was followed by a cough acd shortness of breath, until finally I could not sew, and I took to my bed for the second, and, as I thought, for the last time. My friends tola me that my time had nearly come, and tho. I could not live longer tLan when tho trees put oh their greon once more. Then I happened to get ono of the Seigel pamphlets I read it, and my dvar mother bought me a a bottle of Seigel's. Syrup, whioh I took exactly according to direotions, and 1 had not taken the whole of it before I felt a great change for the better My last illness began Jane 3rd, 1882, and continued to August 9th when I began to take the Byrqp. Very soon I conld do a little light work, 'ihe cough left me, and I waa no more troubled in bi Bathing, Now lam perfectly cured. And oh, how happy I am ! 1 cannot express g atitude enough for t-eigol's syrup. JNow I must tell you that the doctors in our district distriouted candbilla oautioning peop.e against the medioine, them at would do them ho good, and many were thereby influenced t* destroy the tieigel pamphlets; but now, whereover one Is to be found, it ia kept like a relio Tho few preserved are borrowed to road, andjl have lent mine for six miles around our - diatiiot. People have como eighteen miles to get me to buy the medicine for them, knowing that it oured me, and to be sure to get the right kind. 1 know a woman who v -8 loosing liko death, and who told them there waa no help for her, that sho had consulted several doctors, but none could hulp her, I told her of Seigei's byrup, and wrote the name down for hur ihttt she might make no mistake. She too 1 * my advice and the Syrup, and now she is in perfect health, and the people around us are amazed. The nedici>9 has made such progress ia our neighbourhood that people say they don't ■« at tbe doctor any more, but xney take tt»e Syrup. tufererß from gout who were confir ed to their bed and could hardly move a finger, have been oured by it. There is a girl iv our d :< 3.,riot who eaugut a cold by going through soi-^e water, and yi as in bed five years with oostivenesa and rheumatio painß, and had to have on attendant to watoa bor. ] Ihe 'o was not a doctor in the surrounding dit triats to if 10m her mother had not applied tote'iave her child, br; every one crossed t> ai Kes and said they could not helji her W 'i ar the little bell raag whic'i is ruog in our (.lace wten somebody is dead, we thought burel> it wbs for her, bat beigel'u feyrup and P ■i caved her life, aud now she is as bialcby as ac) 1 > y, go.s to o'iuroh, and can wor& t eam the fields. JSveryuoay was astonished when they saw her out, knowing how mauy j ears she had been ia bed Tv-day the adds her gratitude to mine to 2 Gad's msuoies aid Seigel s Syrup." Mabia. Baas. The people of .EDglacd spoakco- firming tbe a' ive. AFTER MANY YEABS. 'Whittle-le- Woods, near Chorley, " December 26tb, 1883. " Dear Sir, — Tlother Beige),B medioine soils exceeding well with us, all that try it speak highly in its favor, We had a case of a young lady that had b:en troubled many years wiih pans after eating. She tells us that the pains were entirely taken away after a few doses of your medicine. — Yours truly, " B. Peel," AFTER SEVERAL YEABS, 1 Stoke Ferry, January 9tb, 1884, "Gentlemen, — I have used soigel's Syrup for several years, and have found it a most efficac ; ons remedy for Li rer complaints and general debility and I always keep some by me, and cannot speak too highly in it* praise. — I remain yours truly, "Harriett Kiog." AFTER SIXTEEN YEA^S. '. "96, Newgate S.i:et. Worbsop, Notts, '• December 26th, 1883. "Gentl'men, — Tt ii with tho greatest of p'oaeuro I ac ord my testimony as to tho effioaoy of Mother feigel's fryrop My wife who has suffered from acu c Dyspcp3ia for over Bixteen years, is no * perf ctly bolter through tho sole help of your Syrup. I hay spent pounds in medicines from doctor. — -n fact, I began to think she was incurable, until your marvellous medicine wag tried . — I remein, yours, thankfully. " Alfred Ford." THK EFFECTS HAVB BE3N WONDBBFUL, '■Ilfjrd Boad Dispintary, Dukio field, May 3rd 1884. "Dear Sir, — I am hapr>y to inform you that the s»'e of your Syrup and Fills inorea. m continually, i-everal of my customers speah of haviog derived more benefit from the use of these than from Bny other medicine, In eotne instances tho effects havo boon wonderful. — Yours very respectfully. "Pro. Edw;n Eaulwood J. 8." a 352 h w bsp SO '86 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS .^ ''u 'yT*^. "^ ro aa>n "tted by SZ w Xf y?^. thousnnds to bo rir^' ~^*(r7*^ worth a Guinea a AJ^y \\ #A Sox for bilious and /<D/ v* \ nervous disorders, /.v/y/ \^'-\ BU 9h ns wind, nnd fl'iMT>AT'"n r NT r P V'Vl pnin in the stomach, Jj \ ir±\.\. Xu\S X. I _ I aick hoiidaoho, gidrW( f||| I n IK? I dincss, fulness and ' ItM HILiLOa /£j| swellingaftermeals, VwjA .. , L /SI dizziness and drow%<Ja\ IMI s'mess, cold chills, V?s\ >*V# flushings of hent, V&*Vs^ loss oIE nppetito, xJ'koJsC^^^r shortness of brenth, IfiSrt *%£r costivenoss, scurvy, blotchosontheskin, Jffflk. disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all norvous and trornblinft sensations, Ac. The flratdoao will give roliof in 20 minntos. This is no fiction, for thoy have dono it in thousands of ensea, B voi y by fforor is earnestly invited to try ono box of f- oso Pills, and thoy will be aokuowlodged to bo \7C-.iTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all agos those Pills are invaluable, i) a fow doses of thorn carry oil all gross humours, o jn all obstructions, and bring about all that ia n {ulred. No fomnles should bo without them. T oro is no medicine to bo found to equal BEEUHAM'S PILLS for romoving any obstruction or irregularity of tho system. If taken according to tho directions givon with each box thoy will soon restore f omalea of all ages to sound ana robust ncnlcu. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, nnd nil disordors of tho livar, thoy act liko " MAGIC," nnd iv fow doses will bo found to work wonders upon tho most important organs of tho human machino. Thoy strengthen the whole muscular system, restoro tho long lost complexion, bring back tho koon edge of nppotito aud arouso into notion with tho ROSEBUD of health tho wholo physical enor«y of tho human frnmo. Thesq aro "FACTS' 1 admittod by thousands embracing all clnsscs of Booiety; and ono of tho best gunrnntoes to tho nervous and rtobilitntod is, Uoochara's Pills havo tho lnrgost salo of any patent modicuio in tho world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As a remody for Coughs in gen oral .Asthma , Difflonlty in Bronthing, Shortness of Breath, Tightnesn nnd Oppression of tho Chest, AVhoozing, &c, thoso Fills stand unrivalled; and anyono labouringunder any of tho abovo complaints need only try One Box to prove that thoy aro the best ever offorod to tho publlo for Asthmatic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness and Oppression of the Ghost. Thoy spoodily roinovo that sonso of oppresgion and difficulty of broathinK which nightly deprivo tho pationt of rest. Thoy give almost instant roliof and comfort to thoso amictod with the abovo distressing and, whon neglected, dangerous complaints. Lot any porson troubled with any of tho above complaints givo Biechah's Cough Pills a trial. Tho most violent Cough will in a ihorb UO*, bo r6movod. *■; Oauiiok.— The public aro roquostod to'Aotico that tha words " Briomu'a Pitts, St. Helons," are on the Govornmont Stamp affixed to each Box of tho Pills. If not on they are a forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the proprietor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helons, Lanciiahiro, England, in boxes at la. ljd. nnd 2a. Sd/eacb.— Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers throughout tha Colonies. Pfßj-FaU diteotions ore given with each fox,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7115, 13 July 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7115, 13 July 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7115, 13 July 1886, Page 4